Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, March 07, 1908, Image 1
; ----- • • . . *. ■ - . •„ . : -•». _ ' W Waycross Weekly Herald OFFICIAL ORGAN OF WAYCROSS AND WARE COUNTY AND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS NEGROES 8USPECTED OF MUR DER OF AGED COUPLE Excitement At Highest Pitch And Crowd Or Armed Men Near Jail. Hawkinavllle, Ga., Manta 5.—Tbe two negroes arrested last night and suspected of being the murderea of Warren Hart and Mrs. Hart, an aged couple yesterday morning, have lynched. Two other negroes are held on suspicion. Excitement here Is at the highes pitch. An Immense crowd, armed to the teeth are Int he neighborhood of the teeth are In the neighborhood of pected. , The motive for the atrocious mur- tier of the old people is supposed to have been robbery, as $1,500 which the assassins overlooked has been discovered Hi the house. BLACK HAND THREATENS BIRMINGHAM CHIEF. Birmingham, Ala., March 6.—Cblet of Police Bodejer received this morn ing a letter signed “Black Hand," de manding his resignation within week on pain of death. The letter Is probably the outcome of many ar rests of Italians on the charge of re ceiving stolen goods. WAYCROSS GA SATURDAY MARCH 7 1903 NUMBER 289 CHINA-JAP RELATIONS / ARE SEVERELY STRAINED By T.l*graph t* Th, Herald. London, March 6.—The Mornlnf Post's Shanghai correspondent tele- craphi that the relations between China and Jnpan ara seriously strain- ed aa a result of the seizure of the Japanese steamer Tstsu Maru by the Chinese. The dlspaccb itates tbit Japan has declared that If the Chinese Oovern- ment penlata In Ita refusal to release the ateamahlp It will retard the refua- al aa a "CasuBellu." Toklo, March 6.—Japan la prepar ing to lend warahlpa to. Chinese wat ers to enforce their demand for toe Immediate and unconditional releaae of the ateamahlp Tatau Maru, recent ly aeised by the Chtneae on suspicion of having smuggled arms to the Chi nese revolutionists. SHOW PALLING OFF OF IMMIGRANTS. New York. March 5.—The total camber of immigrants that arrived In this country, since January let, 1908, Is placed at 29,160, or about 46 per cent, of the number that arrived during the corresponding period leal year. CHIEF AND JUqGE RECEIVE THREATENING LETTER. By Telairaph To The Herald. Cleveland, Ohio, March 6.—The en tire police force of this city and the rtcret service authorities of the post office department are united in the search for the author of the letter received by Chief of Police Mtltlken threatening with death of the chief of Judge Lendera. MANGLED BODIES OF SCHOOL VICTIMS LAID TO REST. Twenty Bodies Remain Unidentified Janitor Harter, erased With Sor row, Cannot Give Information. Clerland, Ohio, March .6.—Thin Is a day of funeralB in North Colling- wood. Sorrowing parents are follow ing to the cemeteries on e third of all the school children of the’town, where -heir mutilated bodies will be Isid to rest. Twenty 'more bodies, so mangled that It Is difficult to Identify them, still lie In the morgues. There are still many speculations, with various conclusions as to the cause of the accident and the res ponsibility for same, but tho author- ltles are no nearer the solution than t tho first day. Janitor Herter la so sorrlw strick en that he la unable to make any sat isfactory statement. Every time ne la questioned he becomes frantic and shouts like a man bereft of his sens- OVER 200 MAILED BODIES Pitiful Scenes in Morgue as Frantic Mothers Search For Bodies of Loved Ones. Cleveland, O'alo, March 5.—Several more charred corpses were brought out of the ruins of the ColHngwood school this morning, and it is now certain’ that the dead from thin terri ble holocaust wi.l reftc.: cud evui s^r- two hundred. i checked. 1 aiariu was sounded it could not be had gained such headway when the He Is grief stricken over hla own loss. His children, which were four in number, are Ml among the dead. Herter said this morning that three The searchers have no- as yet pen-1 little girls wore some trinket of Jewel- All Inquiry will be made to deter mine why an alarm waa not turned In before the lire had gained such headway. BILL OFFERED TO REDUCE CONGREEBMEN-E MILEAGE. By Telegraph W The Herald. Washington, March T.~-Representa tive Crumpacker of Indiana today In. traduced a hill to reduce the mileage of Congressmen from 20 cents to e cents a mile. HALL MAY ALEO RUN. Atlanta. March, 5.—Report comae from Macon to the effect that e num ber of friends of Hon. Joe Hill Hail have written him from vtrloun sec tions of the state urging him to make the race for Governor, nod that he now hee the matter under bonelder- etlon. A well-anow citizen of Macon, who wee here today eeld he knew It to be e feet that Mr. Hell ie seriously thinking of the matter, end express- er the belief that there .wee e poniblli- ty of Mr. Hall's flvlnk the matter favorable consideration. aluminum books FOR BLIND PEOPLE. London, March 6.—The aluminum hooks for the blind now being printed In Edinburgh ere of thin sbeete em bossed In the usual way. They ere REFUSED TO GRANT CHARTER UNLES IT IE CHANGE.!. Savannah, Qa., March 5.—Hon. W. G. Charlton, Judge of the Superior Court, refuted to grant e charter to the Southern Fruit Juice Company un til It had changed its application some what. The company wanted e charter among other iblnga for the purpoae nt making cider. The Judge decldeo that there Is cider and cider only be fore he grants thee barter he had the lawyer inaert the word "non intoxicat ing” before the word Cider. With the alteration be decided that the con- corn could do buaineai In a prohibition state. etrated into all parts ol the base- merit of tho burned school building, but expeot to this afternoon. Streams of heartbroken women and men went through the morgues t-tls morning, looking carefully at the charred little bodies, shaking their heads and passing on. Immediately after aa Inspection which failed to result In the finding of the bodies of a son or daughter, the women would Join the throng in front of the ruins and await the finding of other bodies. A conference Is now being held be tween Deputy Fire Marshall Mrome- kned, the President of the Board of Education and Fred Herter, Janitor ot the school. This conference, which la a preliminary to the formal Inquiry to be begnn, la n subject of great speculation. Officials are reti cent as to the nature- or the confer ence. that there was lire In the basement. He says he wus not told In time to prevent Its spreading. At noon over sixty bodies remain •n the morgues to be Identified, and It la possible that many of them will go In one grave. The majority of -.hem are boys, a* In moat cases tr.v •ttie girls wore some rlnket of Jewel- •y by which they were readily recog nised. Governor Harris has Instructed the proper authorities to make completf investigation. The people of North Colllngwood are unwilling to believe that there was not some good reason for the great and sudden terror which des troyed all order among tho children and exacted aueh an awful^toll In the NEGRO FOUND GUILTY SHNTENCEDl DEATH NEAL RYAL8 TRIED FOR ASSAULT AT BAXLEY Will Be Hanked March 31, Returned To Brunswick Jail. 3y Telegraph To The Herald Haxlty, Ga., March 7.—Neal Ilyals, 4 .tegra on trial charged with assault upon Mrs. Lizzie Overstreet last Sep tember, was tais morn in k found gull and .was sentenced to hang oi March 31. HyaU waa immediately returned to Brunswick Jail where he has been he!d for safekeeping. During the trl* a! here armed mobs were constantly organising and reorganizing, and only the watchful alertness or the author ities prevented a lynching. lives of the little tote. The children, it la Mid, were aufl* .dentil' schooled li the Art drill to Janitor Herter discovered the Are eecapt- if they aaw halt a chance to ’ and turned In an alarm, but the Are do ao. •• ’’ NEW TRIAL REFUSED FOR HARRY E. LYIE SUPREME COURT F-: ■ JUDGES AF FIRM LOWER COURT. Lyla’i Attorney to Apply to Prioon Commission For Commutation of •antonco. A telegram this afternoon from At lanta announces that the Supreme Court cf Georgia has affirmed the ver dict in Ware County Superior Court n the case of Harry B. Lyle, convict- J of the rounler of tala wife. This will mean the hanging of Lyle cn a date to be eet later by- Judge T. A. Parker, unices the Governor or prison commission Intervenes. Judze L. J. Sweat and John T. My- wa EDWARDS IR RACE TO WINJE SAYS. HE AND MR. qVERSTREE TO MAKE NHOT CAMPAIGN Overstreet Claim, That.* Edwaid Pramlsad Not To Bo Candidate For Second Term. MEETING BOARD DIRECTORS CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE. Savannah, Ga. March 6.—At a- meeting of the Board of Director! of the Chambers of Commerce yesterday afternoon the great Are In the school near Cleveland, O., waa discussed end It was decided to hold an Investiga tion In Savannah to see that all tin- schools here are safe from such s calamity. Fire drills are held In the HARRY E. LYLE Who Will Likely . Hang For the Mur der of Hla Wife and Child. era. attorney* for Lyle, had pefttloned I he Supreme Court to grant a new trial to the defendant on elieged Ir- easter to read than paper books, do public schools of Savannah twice a not soil, and are parctlcally In- month and Supt. Ashmore says thercirc^ilsrlttcs In me trial of the cr.se destructible. Their expenstveness Is could not be such a 'horror here as ie.-c, cad this petition waa refused their drawback. occurred In Ohio. I after having been considered for Savannah, Ga., March 6.—Hon. Charlea O. Edward* and Hon. B. O. Jverstreat, Candidates for Congreaa ■rom the Flrat District, and the Rod leabery and Grigg* of thli accuon it Georgia. They have hardly begun their campaign ao far as public opetk- ing la concerned, but they have been st It even so early as to attract at- entlon. Mr. Overstreet alleged that, Mr. Edwards could not run fori Con- grass this time because he bed prom ised when given the nomination be fore that he would not make the race a second time. Mr. Edwards, he eaye, tried to make a deal with him by which he was to he made Solicitor of the City Court of Savannah and ask ed Mr. Overstreet to support him for that place. When asked as to th* truthfuUnes* of these assertions Mr. Edwards sold be will anewer tee chargee before the people. He said such men as Overstreet are' pros perity busters and are ot no use In Congrees. He le perfectly well eatle- fied with the present Job he eaye, and expects the people to send him bock to congress. "I am la the race to win," e states "and will carry at Ieats tea f tV.e twelve counties in tirr*district" Mr. Edwards returned to Washington ant night. CONSIDERABLE ATTENTION GIVEN BREWING CROPS. Washington, March (--Consider, able attention Is being given by the United States Department of Agrlcul ture to the development of brewing eropa—particularly barley and hops. In this It la following the leed or many European countries, notably Sweden, Germany, Denmark, and France, which ere aiding scieaUets lo purauo Investlgatlone and conduct eaperl- meuti looking to the Improvement of crape end yeast used for beer, anJ sleo to eradicating diseases affect ing grapes and other frnlte uaed In Win* production or the manufacture of spirits. BANK PRESIDENT COMMITTED SUICIDE IN DETROIT. By Telegraph t* Herald. Detroit, Mich., March g.—Elmer T. Hance, president ol the Union Trust Company and one of Detroit'*-most prominent buelnes* men, oommltied suicide loet night by shootlns him eelf In th* mouth. PULLMAN CO. WILL NOT SELL LIUUOR. — i PRESENT STOCK OF BEVERAGES TO BE CLOSED OUT Hereafter No Intoxicants Will Be Served From Any Of The Com- panyla Cere. Chicago, March 6.- Aa rapidly as possible the Pullman company will dispose of Ita present etoca of Intox- cuttng beverages. Thereafter UeitO will be served In the company's cars throughout tlio United Staten. It !» expected that this can be made ef fective by the later part or thla mouth In New England and the middle sta tes. This Is the result of local option and aiato prohibition and to escape annoying perplexities by these laws. Officials of the compnay say, also, that for several year* there has been n tendency upon their part toward a discontinuance of the aale ot UquST as the result has been at times for passengers to become unruly and ob noxious owing to too free Indulgence. There has been a growing opinion that It has been unprofitable to serve liquor owing to many passenger* re fusing to patronise buffet care on this account. CHINESE VICEROY RESIGNED BECAUSE OP DISAPPROVAL. Pekin, China, March 6.—The Vice- roy If Canton haa resigned owelng to hla Government's disapproval ot Ms course in the aelsure of the Jap anese steamship Tatsu Maru. Thla Is taken to Indicate that the Jispute between Calnn and Japan baa reached a most serious stage. China has determined not to accede to Jap an's demands for Indemnity and the release of a number of men eelted with th* Tateu Mark. Two newapaper* ot Toklo urgea Japan not to aulfer any Inst of dignity by receding from the position of com promising demands,, while Jnpsn has made no attempt pi lore*. Tno con- elusion can have only one outcome China's refusal lo accede to the Jap- ones* demands. BLACK HAND" STILL THREATENS OFFICIALS. Bjr Telegraph To Th* HtraM Birmingham, Ala, March 7.—A oo> tin bearing a "Black Hand” Inscrip tion was found by Cordher. Harris when-he reached hla office this morn ing. V Sheriff Higdon also learned of ag^ conspiracy to poison th* drinking wa ter used in the eherir* office. These Incidents following ao close the threatening tetter received yes terday by the chief of police, ho* caused much alarm lo official circles. u year by the couth The attorneys for I.yle announce that the prison commission pt Geor gia will be appealed to with a view of'getting g commutation ot Lyle's sentence to life imprisonment. ABCCCNOING TREASURER TO BE BROUGHT BACK GARY WAS ELECTRO ON FIFTEENTH BALLOT. By Telegraph To Th* Herald Columbia, 8. C, March 7.—Frank R. Gary of Abbeville wae elected on the fifteenth ballot by th* general *•- aembly In Joint sesslonlo the' United States Senate to succeed the late Sen ator Lattlmer. Bay your Garden Seed from V Bros. W* sorry all Mods of reliable seeds. tf <1. w. ROCKEFELLER WILL NOT BUY AUGUSTA PROPERTY. By Telegraph to Harald. Auguste, as., March 6.—It can be nuthoritlvely denied that John D.' Rockefeller purchased property here and Intends building a number of home*. While Mr. Rockefeller he* declined to see reporter*, hut hla agents have admitted that than has been no question of a transfer. JAPANESE TOWN WAS DESTROYED BY FIRE. 8ffvar.nah, Ga., March 6.—Probabi; tomorrow or Sunday an officer wll. leave Savannah to bring back from Telegraph to Herald. X J'lscy. W. O. Thompson, tho ah- Toklo, Japan, March 6.—A fire this sc n • Treasurer of the Palmer morning at NaJo Say, a town near Hardware Company. Thompson has Toklo, destroyed four hundred houses been arrested there end j requisition causing a loss' of two and a half mil- papers have been asked for. An offi- n on dollars, cer will go from Savannah for him.I . , Thompson was a church leader and a North Carolina Seed Peanuts, Seed man of prominence In,Savannah tor com. Many varieties, many years. He has left with the jj j, w Hardy Bros. Palmer Hardware Company a writ- (.-li acknowledgment that he is 912.0U short In bis account* and it Is'said Mj shortage will go to 929,000. He used to draw Lie money .of the Arm out of one bank and pu: It In anoth- j»-ay? Don't they vote tie voters er to his own credit. I Ex. The woman suffragists have been making their hnnal plea before a congressional committee. - Why are these women so bent on voting any-