Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, March 14, 1908, Image 6
THE.WAYCRQss WEEKLY HERALD THIS< GLORIOUS GOLDEN CLOCK FREE ter a few minutes of your time. No one who has a home to live In oan afford to mlee this truly GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. To aocure FREE of moot Important thing ouch a Clock, tool BEAUTIFUL GOLD AND GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEAR8. BEAD EVERY WORD OF THIS 6REAT OFFER To nt this btautlful Clock FREE !■ tb« almplait thin* In f bo world. All 70a have to do Is write mo a postal card and ear you want to vet It X will then send you by mall, pre paid, a carefully wrapped package of handsome portraits of George Washington, and ask you to ahow them to your neighbor* These portraits are copies of the best Finown painting of the grst President of the United gtates, and are different from and handsomer than any pic ture of the kind 700 ever Tble Is just ths pleture for ths dining-room or sit ting room. and. because the very name George Wash ington strengthens the love of home and country In old and young alike, everybody will want one of them nnd will be glad to pay for It on the liberal proposition X will authorise you to *make. You only have to collect IS In this way to make this Glorious Clock yours foraver. / TWO BEAUTIFUL EXTRA GIFTS In addition to ths Clock X bars two other lovely preeents which X will give you—two more handeome ornamsnta which anyone who lovao a pretty home will be delighted with. One of these gifts I will send to you FRBB AND PRE PAID as soon ss X recalvs tha postal card with your name en It Ths other •ML I ***• l™* Juat for being prompt In following my Instruction* C YOU TAKE NO peri! _ _ _ ra.ly In cub (or your Iroubis.' Alto, ft you pet i«yS£l l TC3 l ot ths !■> I will pay you w.ll for v_ TOU CAN'T LOSB. aCalt right down nnd writ, to BO no . - eoiurm, wueur. Fubrin^ Tun. ru« m m Ik. w I ‘L^wwg. WasUaglea m e.wpl*t. nMI or ursine tbs Olnuw *‘Jerk. *ri«k Ik. „1,iiunll,i IM tkls due act kind m Op (if yu «L» Took put your auto and address. — - • - — • «»• « win per you nanoeon or tor any other reason fall you do. 80 you sea. YOU < follows: *D. R. OSBORlfl THE HERALD FOR JOB PRINTING TKBest For • The Price Oil The— AH d our goods sold under Our Personal Guarantee. CHA SJLUM & Wines, Liquors Beers, Etc. 517-519 W. Bay Street, Jacksonville, Fla. Agent for Pobst Blue Rib‘bon Bottl'd Beer. Jung’s Cincinrati Beer. Lew.s’ 66, Sunny Brook, Early Times and Moncrief Springs Whnkey. i'CNG CI&TA CE PNONE iSS. CO Will will. ray, the folowing package j ShtTidaa Club, 6 quar;* 4 quarts, Smtuy Brook ..85.C0 ! Siurit’su Club, 12 quart* ..... 11 quarts Sunny Brook .lu.oj: Pure North Caroline Wl lth Corn.tit. -1' BOTTLED IN BOND. j Black and Blue Corn. 4 quuu ..LUv 4 quarts Mellwood ..it.;. j Kant at Cora, 4 quaru 11 quarts Mellwood* .$S3.w. Laurel Valley Corn, 4 quart* .. BOTTLED IN BONO. i Imported Scotch Whiskies, Crandt s 4 quarts Gucksnhslmsr ii.3 Clns, Port and Sherries dcltvorcd -n 12 quarts Guckenhclmer •4 bottles, as follows: GOVERNMENT BOTTLING. 1 bottles Club Blend Scotch Whit- 4 quarts Moncrief Springs .., . ,14.1k key delivered for It quarts "cuerlef Eprlugs ,. .111.0, 4 bottles Moral!Is Pares 3 Stars ALSO BOTTLEO IN BOND. Cognac H.00 4 Fives Old Crow . .tt.Of 4 bottles of Den Carlos Sherry .34.00 4 Fives Hermitage .15.90 t tuition Nierport Pert .14.00 Beth Old Goods tad Botlltd In Bond 1 bottle? HiU L Undcrwo.!a Dry Remember, all above Whiskies art U(tied In Bend vnd**r Govemoii nt*» i bcttlra Sir Robert Bursett ... .15.40 supervision. ! Kith* Cr: ••talizcfi RccK a td Ryo Fine Mended Whiskies deliver'd t* cr Peach and Honey •on all express ehsrgea*p»:d. BULK WHISKIES. Lewis 66. 4 quarts Hunter, 4 quarts. .$5.r Par Gallon Echo Spring, 4 quarts .*3.0 Olltuon Pure Bret .14.00 Cascade Tenants., 4 quarts .. /I 1 rt wis 66, Dlond HI) Blum's Monogram, 4 qts. blend cr -••ly Tttret ponrbon *.*.00 Clam's Uoocgrea Settled in load ’”Mto Mills Bourbon .13.4C 4 quarts .*1? ' fin* Hill 100 proof .15.6) It quarts Monogram V ’ *• t und ef Flovere. Blend • MO.' Blum's Sylven Glen. 4 qiaitt, . TT.t c-ea llrlnr Tonnes,eo •M.00 I Ilium's Sylvan Glen, C quarts .. .*»* * r luffla, Malt .15.50 Ilium*. Sylvan Glen, 1 quarts Canadian Whit, Ryo 55.00 Blum'. Sylvan Glen, It quarts . .HOP ■TeetwooE Rya 12.00 ...iseoient of sal* of real estate ■■ Bank of WsycroM. Jesse Thompson, et. al., vs. Bask of Waycrosf, et. al. Injunction and Re- cclrcr, la Ware Superior Court, April term. 1808. Under and by virtue of an order \ granted In above stated case by Hon. J V. Whipple, Judge Superior Courts CcrdeJe Judicial Circuit, on February 13. l»C3,ytaklnf and exercising Juris diction therein, the undersigned A. M. Knight, Receiver In said caae, will during the next thirty days, receive Lida and offer* for the purchase for cash or for one fourth cash and the balance in equal Installment* on three fix and nine months time, with Inter est at 8 per cent per annum, of all and alngular the real estate of the said Bank of Waycross, in part* or parcels and aa a whole, a acheduJo of which Is aa follows: (a) All and singular all the poper- ty conveyed by Geo. It. Youmans to the Bank of Waycrosso by deed dated ti:e 14th day of February 1303 and re corded in Book “W" folio 473 Clerk's efflee Ware Superior Court, except ing such parts thereof as have been heretofore sold and conveyed by the Bank of Waycross, a list of which now remaining unsold and owned by Lho Bank of Waycross being as fol- .-ws: In the 8th District of Ware county, Georgia. All of lot No. 9 on the South side cf Satllla River, being about 450 acret j nr.re or less. ! Lot No. 38 In Sth District Ware Cf unty, Georgia. 1 Deed from Admlnlstatrlx of T. T. . Thigpen to all of said lot. There has I ! been sold C5 acres in the Southeast J corner to \\\ B. Thigpen. No title j found- in T. T. Thigpen to said lot ex ! ccpt a deed from J. P. Williams & Co. ; fer 65 acres and a deed from N. R. McDaniel to T. T. Tnl?pon 1 j acres in the Northeasc corner. This j has not boea sold and if it was tho rroperty of Thigpen It Is owned by * ho Bank of Waycross. j AT of lot No. 57 excapt that part "cum of C5x’s creek, now owned by 1 ’. It. Thigpen, the exception contain- about 20 acres, more cr lcs3. Lot No. 58 In 8 th District, Ware ccuhty, Georgia. Ninety acres, more or less, of said !ct bounded cn the North and West by original land lines and on the Couth and East by Cox’s creek. (b) All and slnglar all the proper .ty conveyed by, Peter Likely to the Bank of Waycrosa on the 1st day of December, 1899, as shown by a deed w^ilch Is recorded In Book “S” folios 622 to 624, Clerk’s office Ware 8uper- ltr Court, excepting such parts there of as have been heretofpre sold to various parties by the Dank of Way- croks, there yet remaining, held and owned by the Bank of Waycross of • aid tract of land about sixty acres, ta which deed reference U hereby undo and as well to the several .deeds made by tho Bank ef Waycross to .itj'.cua purchasers conveying a part cf said irig!nal tract for the purpose of ascertaining the exact acreage held and owned by Up Bank of Waycross. (c) Also elt’aty-two ($2) acres of lot of land No. 87 in the 8th District less, to the corner of that portion ot no Southern Hotel Block now occu led by the Waycross Post Office, and hat portion cf the lands of L. John- on purchased of tho Mayer and Coun ?J1 of the City of Waycross and form erly used os a lane; thence 8outh, parallel with Lott street at the corner 3f the store occupied by H. C. Sea .nan; thence East along the Northern margin of Elizabeth street ninety (90) feet to the place of beginning. In cluding all the fnrniture and fixture* of every character owned by the said L. Johnson in the Southern Hotel and in the Waycross Post Office on the 20th day of October, 1906, which rea» state and personal property wa3 con veyed by the said L. Johnson to (he Bank of Waycross on said date, the deed o! conveyance being recorded In book ”Y” folio 553, Clerk’s office A’aro Superior Court. Said bids end offers to bo In writ ing and to be mailed for delivered to the undersigned^ at Waycross, Ga., and the same to be* subject to acceptance and apprlval and to confirmation by the Court. This February 21, 1908. N A. M. KNIGHT, Receiver Bank of Waycross. f GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. To all whom It may Concern: Mra. Virginia Fain, having In pro per form applied to me for permanent Letters of Administration on the esta te of E. W. Fain, late of said county, notice is hereby givenachat said appli cation will be heard at he regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in April, 1908. Witness my band and official signa ture, this 11th day of March 190S. Warren Lott, Ordinary. FLOAT ON DOWN THE RIVER Senola Enterprise-Gazette. A prominent drummer was in our office a few days since and was. dis tressingly blue over the dull time* ot the past few months. He said: confidence Is once, more restored and business resumed as It was two years ago I’ll never again fight the corpora tions and other things that are the making of this country, and there are thousamb of other people In the same boat with me.” Float eti down the river son, yu did not believe us. TWO DAY8 OLD BABY FOUND IN A BASKET. Savannah, Ga., March 11.—C&pt J. P. Sayers of the 3alvatlon Army has the smallest and youngest baby In his nursery that has been there since he had been taking In waifs and father less children to care for them. The last comer Is ony about two days old. The little one was found ln*a basket near the Barnard street school cn Monday afternoon when but a few hours old apparently. It was In a basket and was well protected from the weather with a shawl. Plenty cf clothes had been provided for It. The little cue is thriving In its new home. COL. R. L. COLDINQ WILL PROBABLY BE CANDIDATE. MSN IN JAIL SUPPOSED TO ; BE SAFE ROBBERS. Savannah, Ga., March 11.—There are two men In Jail here suposed to be those who robbed the safe of the central Railway ct Pooler. They give their names as William Ferris and Peter Nell and deny their guilt. Among the evidence against them 1* the fact that a note book carried by one of them had a tom page in It and the piece of paper corresponding to this torn pcrtlcn was found In Peeler the day after the robbery. Savannah, Ga., March 12.—Col. Rob ert* L. Coldlng It Is expected will make his announcement as a candidate for Solicitor-General of the Eastern Judi cial circuit within the next twelve hours. He la said to be preparing hi* announcement now. He will make a 4th candidate for the place. Two can didates for Sheriff of Chatham county announced yestcr.day. They were Ccpt. T. F. Screven, the present In- cuuibc.it and Jud$c Michael Naugatln, a Justice of tho peace for the past 26 years. Ke has commissioners sign ed by every governor from Colquitt to Tcrrell v MISS HARDEE’8 DEATH CAU8ED GRIEF IN 8AVANNAH Savannah, Ga., March 12.—The news In Savannah yesterday of the tragic death of Miss Elizabeth Hardee who was killed by an insane companion in Boston created the geratest Interest and excitement among her friends and relatives in this city. Hr. W. P. Hardee the father of the young lady was for many hours iu Ignorance of th« manner of his daughters death. He received a telegram during the morning saying she was dead but no particulars were given. The remains will be brought to Savannah for In terment. Mias Hardee was a woman of wide acquaintance In Savannah and was a very brilliant and competent teacher. She liad not been In Savan nah a great deal In recent years only coming home during the summer months to visit her father and brother Mr. Cosmo P, Hardee. On one of these occasions Miss Sarah Weed the lady who took Miss-; Hardee’s life came her e with her and met many of the friends of the latter. She was of a very pleasant disposition and those who met her while In Savannah re member her very cordially. Miss Har dee was a born educator and her work as a teacher was of a very high order. Several Savannah* girls attended her school until recently when there came reports to the city of a disagreement between herself anc Miss Weed. She elegraphed to Savannah that hese re ports were unfounded. AMERICAN FEDERATION OF MUSICIANS. New York, March 12.—The Ameri can Federation of Musicians is re ported to be in fine healthy condition 1 has consented to remain over. Us membership la now approximately 40,000 and new unions are being formed at various points. JUDGE R. B. RU88ELL TO ATTEND MEETING. Savannah, Ga., March 12.—Tho au tomobile races will not be the only attraction In Savannah March ISta, on that date Judge Richard B. Rus sell of the Circuit court of Appeals will be here for the purpose of at tending a meeting of the Royal Ar canum. He is the head of that order. The Judge Is comin? down to be pres ent at the banquet of the Hibernian Society on the night of the 17th and AMERICAN COMPANY HAS LEASED BRITISH CON3ES3ION. Los Angelez, March 11.—A Los An geles company has leased a British fishing consesslon, and. is starting operation on the coast of Lower Call-* tories at Ensenada and at Quentin torle m at Ensenada and at an Quentin, 125 miles farther sout!i, and a small 'forco of workmen U already on the ground. A can-making factory ha3 been arranged for. The consesslon, which runs until June, 1917, gives the right to take all kinds of fish, Includ ing pearl fishlng( for territory not al ready given) on both cost* of the pen- .Tonsilitis is swelling and infkjmmal^.w. . the glands al the side of the throat! •Sloeavs Liniment I DIAMOND PRODUCTION ■IN D FOR FSUCC L(«T Insula, and th, exclusive right or Wire county. Georfia, bounded as and operate factories and to export follows: North and West by a ditch trash, UrltJ and preserved fish, and lands formerly named by T. W. 5 Cole, South by original lend line and ' land owned by T. H. King, on the 1 East by. original land line and lands ( WILL BE RESTRICTED, formerly owned by T. T. Thigpen, now owned by tho Bank of Waycross, ( Capo Town March 11.—Last year aid land being In t.te Southeast c:r--tke pnnlue.lcn of dlatuondj In South ncr of said lot ot land, tho same being j Ariel amounted, ronsbly to 10.000,000 lescrlbed In a deed made by W. H. I pcttr.d sterling In value, of which De ::mj to the Bank of Waycross on the Beers contributed S.OCO.OOO, the- 14th day of October, 1S0T. and recorded j Premier S,000,000. Jagerfoateln 1,000.- .n tcclc "A" folio J55, Clerk's office 000, and enndry other productions 1,- are superior Court. 000,000. The estimate of w-hat can be (d) All tho following described placed tor the current year <W0S) operty, situated la the City ef Way-'without Hording the mrrket a oss. Ware county, Georgia, and • loutly affecting rrlcas la about 5,000,- own aa the Southern Hotel Block OCO In value. It Is evident, therefore, d described aa follows: Ccmmeno- - that the production will have to be re g a: tba Northeast comer of Lott[ striated to comply with the lessened IkoubWe'of'Hiefhroflf the swelling and gives instant relief, far Croup. Quincy SoreThroaf, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pain in Chest or, Lungs this liniment is unsui Sloans Liniment is indispensable when travelling because it is penetrating, warming, sooihing, healing and antiseptic. * Price 29t,50t6H00 < Dr.EoH S.SIoon, Boaten. Moat, Georgia School fif Technology nmini nn scioutsim Atsem to ucn f COUNTY Dl CZCMIA ^met nH.-£zj e^cftoay. rsassss SgffiR’SWffiress WMfatirto, etc. rsc >Hutnte< cstalofn.Morcitu Mirtr: K.C-. MATHESCN, A.H., U.D., twtid.ut. , stricteil In the best Interests of all I ■ ■ >£