Newspaper Page Text
"I have no reason whatever to
change ray statement Uut everything
points to the election of Joseph M.
Brown on June said Campaign
Manager J. R. SinUh Tuesday.”
“On the contrary!” said Marfager
Smith,'“visitors, reports and personal
letters received hero show that the
Brown movement Is gaining strength
every day and point unmistakably .to
his election by a large majority.”
Tae Brown headquarters In the
Klmhall House were filled Tuesday
morning, the visitors representing ev
ery section of the state. Manager
Smith and Mr. Brown consulted with
these callers all the forenoon, r^*!
seemed much gratified at the news
A new campaign circular, consisting
of four Iheets of the ordinary
paper size, is being sent out over the
state. It cohsists of statements from
Mr. Brown and newspaper comment.
Although nearly 500,000 Brown but
tons have been sent out. the demand
continues steadily from nil parts of
Georgia, It is stated al headquarters.
IfiiTis 7 llED PREACHER llOKE $f Till ■'
Washington, May 21.—There are
more than two dozen anti-injuncitolL
bills pending before the House commit
tee on judiciary.
/ (To the Country Counties.)
Promises of great prosperity "covered
Dixie like the Dew;”
The lack of their fulfillment has made
the country blue—
The State Executive Commute has
' split our votes in two.
an’ don’t
Forget it!
Money Is scared plum out of sight for
miles an* miles around;
Ev’ry day there’s a wreck an’ ruin an’
mills a shutting down—
Now they’d build a ten rail fence be
twixt us an’ the town.
, . — an’ doi^t -
i . , Forget it!
They’ve passed n little rulin’ which'
makes it mighty clear
Tnat the present administration haj
shoved us to the rear—
But we're going to make a holler that
all the folks can hear.
an’ don't
Forget it!
* -+ 'W j
We ain't he’rd no “Sjvlne call,” ain’t
seen no golden crown—
Taln't no us to argufy, we’re goin* to
vote for Brown
An’ return to peace and plenty-policies
that are sound.
an' don’t
Forget it!
Winder News.
Work commenced today on the gal
lows upca which Harry E. Lyle, the
murder of his wife and child, will meet
his death on next Tuesday, unless
the unexpected intervenes to furtuer
delay the execution.
The county commissioners at their
last meeting gave oulerp for the erec
tion cf the gallows, and carpenters
commenced work on It today.
The gallows will be erected inside
the Jail in tlic northeast corner. it
will be slightly ever sixteen feet hijh,
this being the distance from toe roof
of the jail to the lloor.
The nnuglng of Lyle on next Tups-
Ne(v York, May 21.—William II. Jacksonville, Kin., May
Marsh, the famous Brooklyn Inventor,*,,,. |j ro ward leads in the i
died of rabbles contracted while cnr |,,,| states Senator with a plurality ot
ing for a wounded dog. When he I about 2.000. The initial returns gave
applied ftp* treatment at the Pasteur 1 Fletcher a substantial lead, but the
Institute he wag told that his case ^ vote |j lP r i mi | precincts appears to
was hopeless. He tiled within the t have been stronger for the governor
Lanier’s vote was n great disap-
pointment to his Triends, who expe
time allotted for him by Qr.' Wheeler,
cf the institute.
Ramsey Marsh, a son cf the dead
man, Is undergoing treatment at the
Pasteur Institute, having been exposed
to the. Infection.
Antwerp, Belgium, May 21.—Seven
ty-five persons were killed and more
day will be strictly private, only cer-
, „ , , „ .. v I than a hundred Injured in a collision
tain relatives and frieudt of the cftn-J
denied man, officers and .ministers be
ing allowed ad mission.
Sheriff Woodard will, however, al
low Lyle to address the crowd on the
outside from the doorway of the Jail,
it beiug understood that Lyle especial
ly desires to make a talk to the crowd.
to hanging will occur near the
noon hour, the law giving the sheriff
the privilege of carrying out the exe
cution *)et»«t : ou*the hours of 10 a. m.
uq<1 3 p. m.
Lyle will be baptised during the
week by Rev. S)ijj*ii;_-a, the baptismal
rvice being conducted in the jail.
between passenger and freight trains
j near Contich, a small towu six utiles
east of this city today. A mistake In
signals were mnde and the trains
came together.
Sixty of the Injured are being at
tended In the- hospitals in this city and
many of them will die. Tno wreck
age caught fire and the Injured were
readied with great difficulty.
In ono coach every occupant was
killed outright. Many of the Injun
who were take* to the hospital hu
.duce died.
ed the labor union s' support.
Gilchrist nud Stockton for governor
must g:i to a second primary. Their
c< ntest Is very close and Stockton will
probably lead by a small majority.
Stockton Is the champion of prohl
l it ion. and the liquor question will be
he lending ls^tie.
Paris, May 21.—Paris has heard that
the French Christian Democratic
movement, known as the “Sillon,” Is
to be condemned by the Pope, who has
already forbidden a similar movement
in Italjr. The originator of it, M. Marc
gagnler, an ardent Roman Catholic, is
expected to submit to the papal decis
ion. The "Sillon” originated for the
discussion of the social question.
The Memphis Commercial Appeal
fling* out-a few fine thoughts in the
following, but like the seed in Lie
parable, most cf it will probably fall
upon thlstes or on stony ground. How
ever, it b worth reading none the
“If the church should lose its In
fluence, H will b_* bocauce too many
preachers are i;i:l!acd to meddle In
temporal air vl.HI terry has demon
stratei nu'i a.; r.itr: C3:is!uilve!>
thru the f.r.t l-Y.t ike clerical is not i
hole some ln.*u:nc3 in politics.
8ucb 'nflucnceTs getd -for neither the
church uor ue*sta.o. Wo hav i read
the history cf 3pn!n, of Fra ice, of
Italy, of England, of Germany and cf
the Netherlands to no purpose ,if wo
Mnnot dissever therein this pregnant
fact. The Catholic church has never
been so powerful and £0 fiourshing
as it is today, and the reason is that
It has turned Its face away from poli
“That the preacher should never
cease to advocate morality, tempt*:-
uncc and charity in the pulpit and
takes a hand in the election of local
officers, when he meddles In politic*,
and draws the circle ef the ch:.
around him In so doln?, he is strik
ing the deadliest blow at the cause of
religion. When an invalid calls In a
physician ho doesn't, want a sermon.
When a man employs an attorney he
Wauts a lawyer to talk to him about
his case and not to givo him a dis
course on the tariff. Just as certainly
dots he look to his minister to ex
pound gospel and net go about trying
to elect a police court judge or a
county registrar.
" If preacher#* should continue to
meddle in politics and try to run the
government they will invariably
arouse opposition.
Visitor at the Capital—"Is the go
ernor In?"
Howard* Thompson—“Bess, do gi
ner ain’t been seen since Joe Brow
writ dat fust cyard."—Nashville He
The Charleston Courier says: Doubt
less Joe Brown would mane ft \cry
<ood governor. Wo cannot recall Just
now anything that‘Mr. Smith has done
that has been r.f any I ,-;:eflt to Lie
lygtcriul prosperity o' t :c -jtiitc.
t Nabcdy !« surprised ot Lem Drought-
lea’s sermon in Atlanta Tuesday. Every
I bed;/ has known all along that he wa:
for Smith# because ho nan said r/\
Hla abuse of Savannah and her peopb
in bis’a speech will make
many votes for Jco Brown.
"Why has capital ail left the stale?’"
r.rkcd n gentleman fr:m the c'.unlr,
today, who wanted to btrruw £»>. )
that he dldrv’t get—ta I ::y a rr.u’.o.
Just got skesred of Ho!a and his rail
rocil corn mission. That's a”.
Hen. E. T. Wniir.niB, in his receut
j speech to the Brown Club at Cul.i-
j bert, said that Mr. Smith had been
j criticising Joe Brown’s locks bui tnat
j his own face looked like the tenth.*
piece to a book cf I.amentai.«;n>..
Perhaps Mr.’ Smith Is Retting sorry
for some thing.
Dr. Broughton had better quit poli
tics, come to Waycroas, Inaugural
revival meeting and get a X6vi r;
subscribers to that defunct paper.
Among the campaiin documrnir be
ing circulated In the Interest of the
candidacy- cf Gov. S:n!l . Is ono ad
dressed to the "whit*? voters of
hooks county,” In which they arc
urged to read the of fine ban-
qit t of the Cosmopolitan club In Now
York, “where white girls and women
.tied side by side with negro men
and women."
While the dissemination cf this clr-
uitar U nauseating In Itself, wok
.hero nothing further, yet when tho
same circular adempts to connect t:
banquet referred to and the Candida-
ey of Mon. Jos. M. Brown for Govern
or of Georgia, Its circulators deserve
the burning contempt of falrtninded
men everywhere.
In commenting on this circular the
taron Telegraph says:
This political circular, strange to
say, was gotten out in Lie hopo of
arousing race* prejudice in Georgia, for
use in a Democratic primary in this
Think of Social equality being un
issue among Georgia Democrats! The
mere suigestlon Is . n insult to Geor
But horo I-. ’.be r.r.pll-d charge by
At tl.c hi a. m of Hi
Atlanta, (la.,
. A. Nuttuttll;
lid educator, w
21—The Rev. Dr.
It mutters not,
* a candidate for
Governor cn the prihibltlon ticket
two years ago but who withdrew be
fore the primary, has Issued a strong
statement criticising Governor Smith
and defending Joseph M. Brown. Dr.
Nunnaily waformerly president of
tjie LnGinnro Female Colloxe, but Is
now t ie head cf the Itaj t'.st College in
Florid i. The educator’s statement
U3 written by bItself Is as follow’
"In Whoss Hand.] Is Phohibltion Safe?
“Some Georgia friends have asked
me about the issues of the campaign
aud the candidate '. They know that
ly fifty years—since 1S60—1
od utifiiiichlngly for prohibi
tion. B (ore convention* and confer-
[ ettcer.iiu i.iisocla.lojis ami churches, in
academies nud college, on the plat
form i.i.ii In the open air—everywhere
ami at nil time.*, consistently and eon-
tlunlly. I save ceased not to urge and
speak and pray for prohibition. Now
that wo at last have state wide pro-
nutod preacher " hu '* yo
ducat Ion. Yo
yi.nni friend*
ill no?d a busi-
ill save a hard
er race to run than cither of these
men, and unles3 a you are* prepared for
it, you are going to Ion.- out in tho
end. Just as one of these men will on
Juno 4.
Don’t lose time and money by work
ing for small salaries, but qualify for
larger success. A small investment
now and a few weeks of solid study
in our Bchool, will put you hi Hue for
promotion and your bank accouut will
Increnso rapidly. • •
We are offering one-of the greatest
Inducement!; of the age, and every am
bitious young man and woman should
take advantage of same. Listen, a
life scholarship for a full course ot
bookkeeping and shorthand, including
the kindred subjects, for only $50.
Cun you afford to miss this groat op-
portunity, when you need the educa
tion, nnd tho business world demands
it of you?
Come, while this great opportunity
llLitlon in Georgia, I aiu asked if the Is before you. Address,
t.ue are fa
for Jcc
by noaro
That Ji
bo apt to turn against that parlicut*
church. These short-righted roinliter
are borrowing trouble fer religion, an .*
the effects of their agitation will not
be confined to themselves. It w!;
reach other rain Intern who a.e a:
Tali opposition | tepdinrr strictly to their mission. I
will be as unreasoning as was that j n)Pn 3ro neglecting the church it l
of The Terror. All the traditions of j -probably because they do not get
the Republic are against clerical rule, therein what they have a right to ex-
T^e most regrettable part about it is
that when men find that a particular
church condemns thalr innocent pteos-
pect, namely, the preaching oj the
gospel. Every minister la a citizen
circumr In
reading the
ii you veto
'.i,; endorsed
i tv r the
. .r : »ncial
1 in spirit if
aju-'tlng r.c-
0/ c3Uij. ; persons In O r-
^.’r. v.l l be at; ’ by this clriula/
rxcapt to arouse t..e disgust i t
cfrculatcrs of R in a while primary. (
Joe Blown needs no defense against *
(his infamy. It l£ loaded with its own j
antidote. There is but onq possible
explanation for it, and that is, that
(hose who put out this circular have
hern impressed with Rubs Arnold’s
declaration that the Brown supporters
are “durned fools,” and they aro pro
ceeding upon the theory that there
arc lots of teem in Brooks county, and
ometbing must be done to scaro
:kem with the cry of “nigger” ”ho-
'la! equality”—In a Democratic pri
• : !* cr.fe In the hands.rf Mr. Hone
smith ? *F,. ’ • • JF 5 *
“No, not unlcr .’a hands arc lied,
ills iwKfketH aewei , his mod!it sealed
and his feet sp!:.. : down with forty-
penny nails. You ask mo wny, am
how do I come to this conclusion?
Because helms no fixed principles and
no well-settled policies. His record
shows that he has been on nil sides
of every political question for Hie past
twenty years. Given the OPPORTUN
ITY and the INDUCEMENT ho will
ke any side of the question.”
Dr. Nunnlly’s letter Is quiet lenghty
and very interesting as he gives Hoke’s
record very fully and emphatically,
lie closes with tho following para
MENT! He waits their coming m he
has done on ail previous cccnsluis. Ii
you put prohibition In his charge, tic
l oth hands, sew his pockets, seal him
up nnd spike him to tho platform with
.• i. d to kee,. OPt.if'* UNITY and IN-
LUCEMENT far away from him.
“You ask me will the3o Interests to
i.afe l#i tho nands of Joe Bru».’:i. To
tho record: When has he ever shown
tne white feather? vWhen did nc e/ei
swerve from principle? What induce
ment ever made him abandon a sane
«.;»-! conservative policy? Rooted and
grounded these twenty years and more
he stands four square to all men nnd
to all Issues.
U. F. Zelgler, Principal,
Ns tv Yuk, Muy 21.—Mrs. Evelyn
■* p 2aw, uo It Is stated by friends today,
III pnlobly withdraw her suit for
Mr. F. II. Bozenmnn, of Hawklns-
vllle writing to a Hoke Smith frleml
at Macon says:
If Brown is nominated, capital aiyf
labor, tho people nnd thqs railroadu
will get together sooner and thereby
restore confidence sooner. If Smith
Is nominated, while tho rabuko he Ik
sure to receive, will make film more*
conservative, I bellevo, yet If no should
decide It Is an endorsement of his
IKillcy of reducing railroad freights
four million dollars a year, and It Is
done, I bellevo It will bunkrupt all ot
them, nnd thereby depress matters
mere (bap they ore now.
But wo will still live, nnd If ho Ib
nominated I will vote in the election
for him, but It will be -:ueh u bad dish
of crow for mo that I think I will pass.
Now boys about that crow! You-
know you pinned cropo on us and*
made us oat the toughest kind of crow
rcr two weeks when Ertill wus de
feated year beforo last. Now If Brown
is elected on the 4th of Juno and there
Is a poslblllty—quite a pojlbillty that
such may bo the case, why wo are
going to servo you a pot of Brunswick
stew that will make your hair curl.
That’s tho kind of a hair pin we are.
A Georgian who now resides In
Chattanooga, and who naturally takes
much Interest In politics In the state
nulm&.#t cf her marriage so in J *»»» complied figures taken from nom-
d.o event of Justice Mooschauser de- «?rous straw ballots all over the state
t ides here husband Is Insane, she will • al:c * that “Little Joe” Is twice a*
be appointed to commit on his jffcr- »* r °n8 «« Oov. Hoke Smith. Here are
R onal estate. | the figures os wore published In the
Daniel O'Reilly, counsel for the the ^ cw<: Brown, 18,291; 8m!th, 8,279.
young man, neither denies or affirms
the report.
It Is said that the cearon for the
withdrawal of the suit Is tho dlesat-
Icfnctlon of Mrs. Thaw with the pres
ent olowance she receives. Si*e
and !« entitled to hU political opinions, to comply with the block signal
. orei 1,101 to depriTe thcm ot w ? but the dtlsen and Urn preacher and other lawa for the protection of the
*r MAD THK WANT ADS. » ot ““ ,r O'" 0 ” 1 U6 «“-. •* »bcaH b. kept qum
OF PAS8ENGERS STOPPED. I dependent upon the whims of her hus
band. SiictiM she be appointed to
administer on bis estate the positions
will be reversed.
It Is learned today that Thaw*i ex
treme nervousness while on the wit
ness stand last Saturday waa due to
Washington, May 21.—The maiming
and killing of railroad passengers has
been checked, temporarily at least, by
the strict enforcement of penalties
A. . mult of the Duane... unit.
Into which James IL Gray, chief own
er of Vnc Atlanta Journal baa been
forced by the suspension cf Inman anil
Co., It la rumored that Mr. F. L. See
ly owner of tha Georgian, may secure*
control of tho Journal also. Nearly
all ot tho sham of the Journal are
hypo.hoc.teJ In New York for colla-
oral for note, now dhe. The report lei
Gut Mr. Dooly bis imoptldn oo • ma
jority ot tho (took and Ik hopiaf to*
ftet tb.t be hod consumed tone coaaolM.te the Georfftn mid. Jour-
quantities of Scottish whiskey. taj.—America. Recorder.