Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, July 11, 1908, Image 4
THE WAYCROSS WEEKLY HERALD THE BEAUTY OF A COSTUME RETURNES WHEN CLEANED BY FRENCH SYSTEM DRY AND STEAM CLEANING WE CLEAN THE DAINTIES GARMENTS WITHOUT INJURV.. -to THE MOST DELICATE FABRICS. ELEGANT LACES, HANDSOMi OPERA COATS, THE MOST ELABORATE ROBES AND GOWNS, FURS, FEATHERS, LIN GERIE AND ALL WEARING APPAREL, CLEANING UNDER SUPERVISION OF AN EXPERT. VUHYGBQSS HOP & PRESSING CUB r 25 PENDLETON ST. AGENTS LARGEST DRY CLEANING PLANT IN THE SOUTH ARE YOU STILL FAYING RENT IF SO WE ARE 8URPRI8EO! WV ar<* th»» old reliable, the pioneers In loaning Home Money. We have been In business for »ix years in this state, and have loaned hundreds of tnousands of dollars all over the South. \y« will funds;! ANYBODY the money ut 5 per cent Interest to buy outright or to buy a lot and build on It, or lift a mortgage; and you re pay us montidy payments which, ISnisVUISG THE INTEREST, art less than you tire now paying for rent. And In ten years you own the property free and clear. Write TODAY for in formation about our NEW LOAN CON TRACT. M. L. BYCK, DISTRICT AGENT STANDARD REAL ESTATE LOAN COMPANY Room 404 Is Grinds 0ff.es Building MANY TERRIBLE"CATASTROPHES ARE REPORTED. 8t. Petersburg. July 9.—Twentv men were killed and forty Injured -o the collapse this morning of a build in* In course of construction. Constantinople^ July 9.-I6 U re- ' GOOD ALREADY ACCOMPLISHED ported that a thousand Inhabitants of j The Brown platform favoring ow ,bc valleys of the Yespfl and frma.u 'a*-*, dulck pension payments her- rivers in Asia Minor have been ter schools, and -good times for r ! everybody, sounds good but it will an, jrk. “Talk is cheap tut It takes CROP CONDITIONS. Washington, July 9.—The agricul tural J'-rartment reported grain con- dltions as follows: Spring wheat 89 4 per cent; Winter wheat 80.6 per cent: corn 82.8 per cent. Acreage 100,996,000. drowned In a flood. The town Tokata was completely wiped out. Cologne, July 9.—The new bridge which has been la course of erection for many years over the Rhine, col lapsed this morning. .Many work men were killed. Details of the ca tastrophe are lacking. Odessa, Russia. July 9.—Rioting, bloodshed and a merciless slaughter of people by Cossacks broke out at Tabriz today. The food famine was the cause of the outbreak. Mobs of starving people, begging food, gather ed on the streets. The soldiers, ap parently believing It was a revolution ary demonstration, charged upou them. Many women and children were slain along with the men. All Is not harmony among the Demo crats at Denver. They'll get together after the convention Is over. .J The Bryan tumult at the Denv.-r convention broke all records yestefc- t seems to be the man. money to buy land"—quick penslo.n, good schools and good roads mean hlg.i taxes. The good things mention ed above, and 'ow taxes, have ne\er walked down the road together, and never will.—Washington (Ga.,) Star “The good things mentioned’’ In the Joe Brown platform, “and low taxes.” did walk Town the road together" when Terrell was Governor. It was never contended, however, that the Joe Brown administration to come next year could slugle-hande.l ami alone restore prosperity; but just as the Hoke Smith administration helped to pull down, so the Joe Brown administration will help to build up. Much good has already been accom plished by the vote of the people i.i ’ifest'jrlng confidence.—Macon Tele graph. ( day When It comes to making a big noise at a convention the Democrats can hold thedr own with all the other fac tions and go a few chips better. .j. Ileat prostrates the nerve6.In the sum mer one needs a tonic to ofT-set the customary hot weather Nerve and Strength depression. You will feel better within 48 hours after beginning to take such a remedy as Dr. Shoop’s Re.*to ath . Its prompt uctlon In res toring the weauened nerves Is surprls- Of course you won’t got entire ly strong in « few days, hut each day mlly feel the improvement BE8T THE WORLD AFFORDS. “It gives me unbound pleasure to recommend Bucklln’s Arnica Salve." says J. W. JinKJns, of Chapel Hid N. C. “I am con vinca i Us the best salve the world afforl3. ’t Jr-.-'l a felon on my thumb, and U never falls to heal every sore, burn or wound to which it is applied.” 25c at all durg stores. THE BOARD OF TRADE OF JACKSONVILLE WRITES STANTON The following letter folly explains ieself: Jacksonville. Fla., July 7. 1998. Hon V. L. Stanton, Waycross, Ga. Dear Sir: I beg to acknowledge receipt of your lettter of the 2nd In3t., and am plear ed to note you will he able to avail yourself cf the opportunity of address ing this Organizatln upon the subject of extension of the A.. 3. & A.. Rail way to Jacksonville. I shall look for ward with Interest to another letter from you fixing a date. I note you prefer to have the meeting so as to have the delegates leave her on the 7:30 p. m. train. I will have the meeting arranged for the after noon. We have also sent an Invitation to be present on this occasion, to the Hon. J. G. Knapp. Mayor of Fitzgerald I have communicated the contents of your letter to Mr Brobston and we await with Interest further com munication from you. Very truly, H. H. RICHARDSON, Secretary Bees Laxative Cough Syrup for young and old Is prompt relief for coughs, croup, hoarseness, whooping cough. Gently Laxative. Guaranteed Cherokee Pahrmacy. MRS. C. A. FLEMING WAS BURIED THIS MORNING. Savannah. Ga., July 9.—The funeral of Mrs. Charles A. Fleming, who died on Tuesday afternoon took place this morning from the First Presbyterian church. The services were conducted by Rev. James Y. Fair, pastor of the j Independent Presbyterian church to which Mrs. Fleming belonged. De ceased was a native of Augusta but moved to Savannah over 20 years ago. She was formerly..Miss Wylds, of Ail guiita. Her father was one of the who built the Georgia R. R. . . . . . ..... I t j . J. J. JU *4. A * 4. * * * + 4 That UriMl. IlfJless, spiritless, feeling I'atlon, bllllousness and malaria. + .J. * * * 4. * * * * * * * r * 4- -I- ** * -J- * * * T V ’ wU1 qulcklJ . , k . liart when using the I nil druggists. ... JUST EXACTLY RIGHT. - “I have used Dr. King’s New Life Pills for several years and find them just exactly right,’ says Mr. A. A. Felton, of Harrlsvllle, ' N. V. New Life Pills relieve without the least liscomfort. Best remedy for consti- 25c LIFE INSURANCE And NATIONAL BANK CIRCULATION A Nstlonnl Bank nolo 1“ absolutely safe because It Is occult'd by n deposit of bond! with ilio government A State Lite insurance Policy Is equally ni sitfe as n National Bank note, because ovoi*y one ol Its Policies Is secured by a de- po.lt of lls entire value wilt the State under whoso laws it operates No holder of a National Bank Dote or a State l.lfo Insurance Policy bus lost or ever will loose anything on either because the rigid deposit law to which both are subject, renders such loss an absolute impossibility. Attorney General Hart, of (ieorgla snld recently: “That no man cuuld afford to trifle with his Life Insurance.” In taking lu.urance therefore, keep your eye on SECURITY. The Stale Lite lnsuraare Company of Indianapolis, Ind., De- poslts lls reserve ANNUALLY with the Stnto. It raised this de posit on the flrst of last January from Four Million To Five Mil lions Elgh Hundred Thousand Dollars. ASSETS 1909 ”> IE.353.74d. f ASSETS 1907 $6,674,752. SURPLUS TO POLICY HOLDERS 1900 $679,625.. SURPLUS TO POLICY HOLDERS 1907 $707,402'.. FOR INSURANCE “THAT INSURES" V. L. STANTON. MGR. STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO. Waycross Ga. _ Restorative. Dr. Shoop’t Restorative will sharpen a falling appetite; it aids digestion; It will strengthen the weak ened Kidneys and Heart by simply re- bulhiingthe womout nervffi that'hese organs depend upon. Test It a few days and be convinced. Sold by all dealrs. Just for a guess tho Herald pre dicts that It will be Bryan and Gray. A good train, -f- An exchange suggests that a lazy man Is no worse than a dead man. Either is had compauy. r-+——— The llostou lire yesto ’day cost the insurance ’companies 11,590,000. lt v | was a right smart blaze. Get my “Book No. 4 For Women." It will give weak women many valu able sugestions of relief—and w.ta strictly confidential medical advice Is entirely free. Simply write Dr. Saoco Racine, \VU. This book No. 4 tells all about Dr. Shoop’s Night Cure and ho*'' these soothing, healing, antlsej.. tic suppositories con be successfully applied to correct these weakness*. Write for the book. The Night Cure is sold by all dealers. T.ie function of the kidnej’s Is to strain out the Impurities of the blood which Is constantly passing through them. Foley's Kidney Remedy nias** the kidney’s healthy. They wi.. strain out ail waste matter from tue blood. Take Foley’* Kidney Reme dy and it will make you well. Union and Central Pharmacy. CITATION. Georgia;—Ware County. To all whom It may concern: — W. J. Carswell, bavins in propel form applied to me tor permanent let ters of administration on the estate of B. J. Smith, late of said count} this Is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of B. .1 Smith, to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause If any they can, why per manent administration should not be granted to W. J. Carswell, on B. J. Smith’s estate.Wltness my hand and official signature this 10th day of July 1908. * % WARREN LOTT, Ordinary. Trade Maas* DC0IGN3 COFVfMOMTJ AC. Anfon* sonding a (krtrh anil dMcrtpltnn may aSSpssHSsKswia ••nt frv*. oW«t ■stenry for ••nninnit p*« CttfoU Uk«*n thruuih Nunn A to. IfMrtoi $$*fc*. without cWffe, lu tho Scientific American, SBSiS Pinnies for tho kidneys 30 days trial $l.oo. Uuuranted. Pinuies act direct ly on the hlneys and bring relief In the flrst dose to backache, weak back, l"mq back, rheumatic paius, idney and bladder trouble. They purify blood and Invigorate the entire system Cherokee Pnhi tpacy. Says the Philadelphia Ledger: The chances are against a Bryan victory, but they are not to be despised. If you are a democrat make up you mind to vote for Bryan for president, will be the choice of the party. PtUburg banker* have ordered that all of their clerks and minor official* be measured by the Berttllton ayatem and photographed for ,t gallery of record*. So many' PltUburg bank employe* have gone wrong of late that tne banker* deem It necessary to have • ayatem of Identification provided tor the defectives. The making ot new countie* teems Co be without end. Six more are pro* posed.,This simply mean* six more •eta of polIUbtana to have jobs and be fed out of the public crib. A lit tle local vanity la a costly luxury und er such conditions. Georgia ht* enough countie* now. There la no The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. For coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. No opiate*. Non-alcoholic. Good for every body. Sold everywhere. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR la la a Yellow package. Refuse substitute* Prepared only by Peley A Company. Chios**, ' UNION PHARMACY. CENTRAL PHARMACY. Uncle Sam at the close of the 0*c j year, finds himself in a worse hoi) financially than he has been In many years. N His shortage is about $60,000.000. Only twice since the sixties hat le been so hard up. This will be recall ed many times during the campaign. H. Hitchcock was chosen chair man of the National Republican Com mittee at a meeting held yesterday at Hot Springs. -Jr Fine cnnteloupes are selling in Atnericus at one cent aa.’h. We would like to buy one—just one this morning. That is the size of our pile. WAR AGAINST CONSUMPTION. - ' All nations art endeavoring to check the ravages of consumption, the ’white plague,’ that claims so many victims each year. Foley’s Honey & Tar cures coushs and Colds perfectly and you ate in no danger of consumption. Do not risk your health by taking some unknown preppration when Fol ey's Honey and Tar is safe and cer tain In results. Union and Central Pharmacy. Weak Women vmwnssasisf 3 ^ Shoop • Restorative, the Constitutional. — j fonnsr-Dr. Shoop’s Night Cura—tea topical mucous membrane suppository remedy, whilo Dr. ■boopsjuitoretire Is wholly an lntenuTtreat- tnent. The Restore tire reaches throughout the ***“ The Night Cure", as its name Implies, doe work while you sleep. It soothes sore and Inf fd mucous surfaces, heals local weaknesses rtes. while the Restorative, eases nervous Dr. tShoop’s Night Cure “ALL DEALERS* "Look at the doughnut, not hole" says Judge. And Lie Washington Herald remarks: “Still, If you eat the doughnut, the hole i the only part you may be sure will r give you a pain.” BURNED TO DEATH AT SPARTA. Sparta, Ga., July 8.—This communi ty was Inexpressibly shocked last night at the accidental burning to (death of Mrs. Frank G. Thomas, one ot the most prominent and beloved ladle* of this city. Mrs. Thomas was in her kitchen engaged in household duties and for some purpose had a lighted piece or paper. She threw It down and put her foot on it thinking to extinguish It. She failed to do this and the burn ing paper set fire to her dress and in a minute shq was enveloped In flames. Her husband reached her wit blanket and made every effort to smother the flames. Her two daugi erB joined their father In the franth: attempt to save her, being all badly burned in the effort, but when they lmd succeeded in putting out the fire It had burned so much of her person as to make all medical aid of no ava'd and she died in a few hours after tho tragedy. She leaves a husband and nine chil dren, W. W. Thomas, the editor of tho Ishmnelite, being her oldest son. She was n sister of Messrs. R. H. and Si 1- ney Lewis. EXTENSION OF THE STATE ROAD Atlanta, Ga., July 8.—The Alexander bill to extend the State road to the sea occupied the house again today. FOR SALE. By Bank of Waycross Receive:*. Southen Hotel Block. Jej«e Thomp- et al, vs. Bank of Waycross, et al. in Ware Superior Court, April Term, 1908. Under order of the court In above stated matter, the undersigned re ceivers will, up to eleven o’clock a.m.. July 14 1908, receive private bids for the sale, for cash, ot what is known as the Southern Hotel Block, Includ ing bank, hotel and iiostoffice fixtures and personalty. Said block covers an area of 87 1-2x200 feet with a street frontage of 375 feet. The above described Southern Hotel block is the most centrally located business block In the City of Way- cioss. It Is a two-story brick bulking, has 33 office rooms on second floor and 10 store rooms on ground floor. Rentel, per year under present leases between six and seven thousand dol lars, most of the leases expire in about two years. If present leases were out between nine and ten thousand dollars could now’ be realized from the rents on said property. Tho property contains the present Iiostoffice, is within one block of where the new, ou^ hundred thousand dol lar postofflee is'soon to be built. It is opposite and within twenty yards of the Union Passenger Depot, where about forty passenger trains pass dally. ^Waycross has a pouplatlon of about 15,000; and on accoffnt of the $2,Oort,- Atlantic Coaat Lind Shops whlc'n are Just completed, ami of ot.ier great Industries whlc’n are soon to be gin operation here, it Is conceded that the population will reach 20,000 with in the next ttoo years. A. M. KNIGHT, and A. P. BRANTLEY. Receivers for the Bank of Waycross. Waycross, Georgia. June 27th, 19<»$. Mrs. J.’s patience was very tnach tried by a servant who bad the habit of standing around with her month open. One day aa the maid waited upon the table her month was open, use In reducing them to the peanut aa usual, and her mistress said: •fire to make places tor men yearn- yenro- "Mary, your mouth la opes." mg tor political offices.—Americas Re "Tnaaam," replied Mary; m l apeoe carder. •*' w * • ♦ ^ 1C Congressman Brantley has gone to Louisville to deliver an address be fore the Kentucky bar association, That means the Blue Grass lawye s a treat In store for them.-Bruni* wick News. * The parents who rear their son* In idleness are doing them an speakable harm. Every boy la entit led to know by actual experience what hard manuel labor meatfs. and to get the blosslngs that come* frou toughened muscles and a tanned akin. ,|. .— the remedy that does. “Dr. King’s New Discovery la the remedy that does the healing other* promise but fall to perform," lays Mra. E. R. Pierson, of Auburn Centre. Pa. "It la curing me of throat and lung trouble of long standing, that other treatments relieved only tempo rarily. New Discovery U doing me eo much good that I feel confident its continued use tor a reasonable length ot time win restore me to perfect health.'* This renowned cough ana cold remedy and throat and lung heal er lasold at all druggists. She and 91 Trial bottle tree. fi Brunswick Is to entertain the Ala bama press Association this raorth. We guarantee that the Alabama buy*, will go home well pleased. »I- - ■ fear those Brunswick resell tions suggesting what the Denver convention should do, got lost in the shuffle and will not appear in the deni. »I»— — The Chronicle undestands that a visit oL the Emperor and Empress of Russia to England ha* been arrang ed and that they will be the king's guests off the Isle of Wight during the Cowes yachting week. - . Johnson for flrst plnco anJ Bryan for second says the Waycrosa Herald so say we and may It win.—Thomas- rllle T.-B. That It the ticket we would prefer but we will all be for Bryan after tho convention acts. —: <■ The Rome Tribune la quit# sure that John Temple Graves knows more about Georgia watermelons than he does about Georgia politics John Temple, by the way, la vary much like a Georgia watermelon; green outside sweat, ludoua aRd glortona last Jr, with nothing more substantial thta water and a tendency to give one the An ^change voices the general sentiment of everybody except the Snvunnah chamber of commerce and Dr. Broughton’s whiskey-soaked fel low citlpens when It sajs that there Is no use working up a sentiment against prohibition la this State. The thing to do s to give tho meeasuro a fair and square trial for three years and by that time It will have demon strated either its worth or Its useless ness. * A great deal depends upon what tho Democratic national convention shall do at Denver this week ns to whether the Democratic party shall suffer an- other defeat at the hands of the Ue- puhllcans. If Bryan be nominated and a strong platform, satisfactory to elect presidents, be adopted, the par ty will win- If some other man be nominated and a platform adopted suitable only to the Eastern corpora tions, the Republicans will have aa- other walk-over—Dublin Courier-Dis patch. * This woman says that sick women should not fail to try Lydia E. Pinkbam’s Vegetable Compound aa she did. Mrs. A. Gregory, of 2355 Lawrence Bt, Denver, CoL, writes to Mrs. Pinlrhnm* “ I was practically an Invalid for six r irs. on account of female troubles underwent an operation by the doctor's advice, bnt In a few months I was worse than before. A friend ad vised Lydia E. Ptnlcham'a Vegstable Compound and It restored me to perfect health, inch aa I have not enjoyed In Thomaardio ^tSTtSSS-8^ pains, and periodic palns,should not fail The A. B. k A., wants to go to Jacksonville. And If that bunch cf hustlers gets after anything it looUi good enough to be true Times-Enterprise. An Oklahoma farmer ha. invenUJ and fastened on a cow’s back aa Compound." electric Contrapttoa. the electricity, FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN, being generated by a dynamo attach- “ — — ™- 1 - ed to a cow's tall. TbU machine mllke the cow. strains the milk and hangs np the pail and atralner. A small photograph accompanies tho outfit and eays "So!" when the e-;» moves. If the kicks, a hinged -arr-: catches the milk stool and lams -her over the heed with - It—DeEuawc Breene. * * We want one of tnoea nuhioee fc, * a u»e the lady we board with loo. ., her religion tramline she tries- >a . For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- ham’a Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been tna standard remedy for female ill*, mad has positively cored thoiuandaof women who have been troubled with iy!ia MSorneiRM Why don’t you try It? Mra. Plnkhaa barites eOI alek Women to write her for edrtee. 2 8££**IS£iSEES..*