Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, October 17, 1908, Image 3
7A\ WHY SUFFER LONGER? + © + ©© + 0 *! AND L0ATH80ME— © * © * © * ®© *©*©*•©*© * ®© * © * © * © * © + ©@ * © + © + © * © * © © * © * 0 * THE HUMAN MIND CANNOT PERFORM IT8 FUNCTIONS, WHEN THE BODY 18 AFFLICTED WITH IRRITATING DI8EASE8. THEY ARE PAINFUL TORTURING—ENERVATING, AND DESTROY MENTAL AND PHYSICAL ENERGY. TETTER AND ECZEMA ARE THE M08T COMMON FORM8 OF SKIN OI8EA8E8. NO ONE IS ABSOLUTE IMMUNE FROM THEIR BLIGHT. THOUSANDS ARE THUS AFFLIC- TED. THOUSANDS HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY CURED BY YOUNG'S TETTER ANB ECZEMA REMEDY, YOUNGS’S TETTER AND ECZEMA REMEDY HAS, FOR YEAR8, PROVED ITS MARVELOUS CURATIVE POWERS. IT IS AN EFFECTIVE AND HARMLESS ANTI8EPTIC. A BOTTLE 8HOULD BE IN EVERY FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST—IT 18 INDE8PEN8IBLE. CURES DANDRUFF AND ITCHING SCALP PERMANENTLY AND QUICK. ' * © * © * © * © * 1 ©+©*©*©* ©@ ©® •!•©*©•»•©•!•©•{• ©® ♦ • 4*<1+ fe + • + ©© 4* © 4* © ❖ © •}• © ©© + ©•!•©•> ©+©4* ©"** 50c And $1.00 BOTTLE- tirder From Your Local Druggist, Or From Our Laboratory Direct? 50o And $1.00. MANUFACTURED BY © /. N. YOUNG, JR., Waycross, Ga. bi ATE OF GEORGIA—Wara County, To all whom It may concern: Dan T. Cowart, a resilient of this state, having in Hue form applied to the undersigned for the guardiansl of the person and property of Blanche and James Doyle O'Hagan, minor children of Ephraim and Eulena O’Ha gan late of said county, deceased, no tice is hereby given* that this applica tion will bo heard at the next court of Ordinary for said county, on the' first Monday In November, 1908. Witness my hand and offlcial signa ture, this 24th day of September, 1908. Warren Lott, Ordinary Ware County, Georgia. ATLANTIC COAST Schedules In Effect September 7, 1908. Guo cent per mile on interstate journeys by buying ticket from agent. No. SO 0:25 p m For Savannah No. S2 10:10 a m For Savannah No. 22 7:10 p m For Savannah No. 95 6:07 a in (Dlx’ Fly) for J’vtllo No. 21 6:15 p m For Jaca'vlllo No. 89 0:10 a m For Montgomery No. 85 1:65 p m For Montgomery No. 67 10:00 P m For Montgomery No. 43 7:60 a m Tampa via Dupont No. 96 7:60 a m Ttlton and Albany No. 90 7:05 p m Tlfton and Albany No. 94 9:65 p.rn (Flyer) Macon-At.’ No. 91 10:20 a m For Brunswick No. 97 7:05 p m For Brunswick No. 68 6:45 a m For Savannah Schedules given as Information and figures are not guaranteed. T. C. WHITE, F.. M. NORTH Gen. Pas. Agt. Dlv. Pas. Agt. , Wilmington, N. C. Savannah Ga. More Alert, More Thorough and More J Fearless Than Ever. .Read In j Every English Speaking j Country. j I FIFTY CENTS ON *100. TO ASSESSED. (Special Called Term of County Com missioners, September 9th, 1908.) GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. By Warren Lott, Ordinary, W. A. Cason, D. J4. Bennett and J. F. Taylor, Commisloners of Roads and Revenues for said county, sitting tor county pur poses. . ' It Is hereby ordered that fifty cents on the 1100 on the taxable property or said county as per Digest of 1908, be, and the tame Is hereby levied,.and that the same be collected by the Tax Collector for the following pur poses, to wit: • 1. 17 Mills on the |100lo pay the legal Indebtedness, due or to become due during the year 1908 or past due. 2. 16 Cents on the $100 to bnild or repair Court House or Jail, bridges, or ferries, or other Improvements aooofd- Ing to contract 3. 15 cents on the *100 to pay Blier- Iff'e Jailers, or other officers' fees that may be legally entitled to out of the county. 4. 3 Mills on the *100 to pay Cor oner's fees that may be due them by the county for holding Inquests. 5. I cents on the |100 to pay the expenses of the county for Bailiffs at court, non-residents witnesses in criminal cases, fuel, servants hire, stationary and the like. 6. 6 cents on the 8100 to pay Jurors a per diem compensation, 7. 9 cents on the 8100 to pay ex'- penscs Incurred In supporting the poor of the county, end as otherwise prescribed by the political code of 1895. 3. 1 cent on the 8100 to pay other lawful charge against the county, vis; Donations to Georgia Industrial home etc. Making In the aggregate the sum of FIFTY cents on the 8100 on the tax able property of said county, tor county purposes for the year '08, which when added to the Btato Assesment of fifty cents on the 8100. will make the sum of 81-00 on the 8100 for State and County tax for the year 1008. WARREN LOTT, Ordinary. W. A. CASON, ‘ D. H. BENNETT, * J. F. TAYLOR. Fitzgerald Cordele Vienna . • Montezuma Oglethorpe Talbottou Manchester hr Atlanta Lv LaGrauge Kuunoke Talladega A President of the United Statca I will be elected this year. Who is he) and who is the man whom he will { beat? Nobody yet kuuwa. but the Thrico-a-Weck edition of the New York World will tell you ovtry step and every detail of what promises to be a campaign of the most absorbing m terest. It may not tell you what you hope, but it will tell you what is. Th** Thrice-a-Week World long ago estab lished a character for impartiality and fearlessness in the publication of newt- and this it will maintain. If you wa.it the news as it really is subscribe to the Thrice-a-Week edition of the New York World, which comes to you every other day except Sunday, and is thus practically a dally at th« price of a weekly. THE TRICE-A-WEBK WORLD'S regular subscription prfco *s onlv $1.00 per year, and this pays for 156 papers We offer this unequalled nowspaper and the WEEKLY HERALD together 3:38 a m 7:60 am °> mt for $1.25 9:48 a m 9:00 a m* The regular Subscription prlco ol 11:00 a m 10:30 a m the two paper* I* 82.00. * ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM A ATLAN TIC RAILROAD. Schedules in effect Sav'cmbor 6th, 1908, W(ith Opening uf Birmingham Liao.) Westbound. Lv Brunswick 6:30 a n 6:00 p in Waycross, 8:15 a m 7:55 :> m Douglas, 9:55 a m 9:25 P m ThoinasvlUe 7:30 a m 6:45 n ra Moultrie, Tlfton, 12:35 p m 11:45 a m 12:54 p m 12:04 a m 1:45 p m 12:55 a m 1:55 p m 1:15 a m 3:20. p m 2:47 a m 4:03 p m 3:40 a m 7:65 a m 7:45 p m 6:45 p m 4:60 a m 0:48 p m 6:60 p m 8:66 a m Ar'iuiwlngnum Unton Station 18:00 noon Eastbonnd, Lv Blramvnmn Union Six. 4:30 p m Talladega 7:30 p m Ltnvllle 8:08 p m Roanoke 8:45 a m 10:38 p m Lagrange 9:45 a m 11:86 p m Atlanta 7:45 a m 8:80 p m Talbotton 13:18 p m 1:31 a m Oglethorpe 3:00 p m 3:80 a m Montesuma 3:05 p m 8:61 a m Vienna 8:64 pm 3:68 a m Cordate 3:18 p m 4:18 a m| Ar Fitxgerald 4:80 p m 6:85 a m Tlfton 6:40 p m 7:00 p m Moultrie 6:48 p m 8:10 a m Thomaavtlle 8:00 pm 8:20 am: Douglas 6:40 pm 6:50 a mj Waycross 7:18 p m 1:36 a m Brunswick 9:16 p.m 10:80 a m Pullman Drawing Roam Weapon on Night Trains Bstwten Atlanta and Thomaavtlle, Ga, “VHE standard of excellence IN PAEtENGER SERVICE.” j. R. ROWLAND W. H. LEAHY Traffic Mgr. Gen. Pas. Agt. Atlanta, da. Atlanta, Oa. J. P. MAYS, Ticket, Agt. Wayoots, Ga. n Weak Women Dr. i$hoop*s Night Cure eh-T^Tale. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. WUl be sold at the court house door In said county, on the first Tues day in November 1808, within the legal hour* of sale to wlL Three mare mules (two hay mare mules, ono about six yean old and one about five yean old, also one mouse colored mule about alx yean old) each mule being about fifteen hands high. Said prop- Fnltht agent Sam Wright, of the erty being levied on as the property A. C. L.. reports business picking op of Mra. 'Cora Guthrie and D. C. Car- Plant Wood's Garden Seeds FOR SUPERIOR VICE. TABLES fc FLOWERS. Our business, both In Garden and Farm Seeds, Is one of the largest la this country, • teault doe to the foot that S Quality is always oiirJj first consideration, q We etc headquarters for I One* and Clover Seeds. Boed Oats, Good Potatoes, Cow Pevv. Sojs Beans and otb/.r Panr mlchael, to satlfy a mortgage execu- Mon, Issued on tbe 7th day of Sep- ember 1908, from the Superior Court it Ware county, In favor of Lewie A Patterson against tbs said Mrs. Cora luthrle and D. C. Carmichael. This he Sts Jay of October 1108. D. A. Woodard, Sheriff. SEEDS aycross Furniture Co. Warren L. Hinson Gen. Mgr. Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares, flattings, Stoves, Ranges Etc. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Main Stores 21, 21 1-2, 23 & 23 1-2 Pencleton Street. WHOLESALE WARE HOUSES REMSHARTAND PARKER ST. Phonographs, Records And Supplies. w. G-f L- W'NSO'K & UNS> ERTC2K1LRS, W. L. HINSON, Licensed Emb: liners. Chapel & Sample Rooms 22 Pendleton Street. D. J. HICKS, ‘Plumes 413 191 MORTGAGE SALE. GEORGIA—WARS COUNTY. Will be sold, on the first Tuesday In Ov lobar, 1908, at tbe Court House in si Id county, wltbln tbe local hours tf sale, to tbe blshest blder, for cash, the following property, to wit: Ona certain logging sklddcr now at th* plant of the Wayerosi Cypres r Company, In Ware county, Georgia, made by th* J. F. Byers Machinary Company, Ravenna, Ohio; also a car- tain locomotive In th* possession of and being used by Bailey Manufactur ing Company, In Waycross, Georgia, which has painted on the tender there of the words: "Ensign Manufacturing Company,” also that tract of land ooa- veyed by deed on May 4th, 1907, from A Sessoms, J.| 8. Bailey and O. O. I'.'ker to Ensign Manufacturing Com pany; recorded In Book “Y" page 681, more particularly described as follows. Beginning at northeast corner of lot of lend No. tot In the Eight Dunne: ssrkas ^ Were county, Georgia, and running hms*>. along north Une of said lot 33 chains J west; thence sooth 88 chains at right angle* to the north boundary of said lot; thence east 38 ehxlns at right IscHwAS nngles to east boundary-of (aid lot; thenoe north to point of bsgtolng, said SHERIFFS SALE, real estate being pert ol lot or land GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. Number 800, to the District aforesaid. The skldder aforesaid Is !n the posse* slon of Wayerass Cypress Company and the locomotive In possession of Bailey Manufacturing Company, at Waycross, Georgia. , Stld property levied on as th* property of the Ensign Manufacturing Company, to satisfy an oxecutlon leaned from the City Court of Waycross la favor of Charles 1 Haden against said Ensign Manufac turing Company, and transferred by said C. J. Haden to the Third National Bank of Atlanta, Georgia. This tth day of September, 1908. D. A. Wcodarl. Sheriff. A RECIPE FOR SANITY. An you wonted In a fight? Laugh It off. Ar* yoo cheated of your rigbtf Laugh It off. Don't make tragedies of trines, Don't shoot butterflies with rifles— Laugh It off. Does your work get Into kinks! . Laugh tt off. - Will be sold on the first Tuesday In November next, at public outcry at the Court house In said county, within tbo legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, to which the following la a fuU and com plete description: Three bed room suits, 13 chairs, 8 mattresses, 1 cook ing stove and fixtures, 4 tables, 3 boxes and contents, 1 sewing 3 bed springs, 1 bundle bed clothing and g pillow*. Said property levied on as the prop erty of Mrs. J. F. Frasier, to satisfy an execution Issued from the City Court of Waycross, held In and for said county. In favor of Wilson Gro cery Company, against stld Mra, J. F. Frailer; said property being In poe ts Ion of Martin Storage Co. This the 6th day of October, 1998. D. A. Woodard, Sheriff: Are you near all aorta of bHuki? Laugh H off. If It'a sanity you're after There I* no recipe like laugh!**— Laugh It off. L4r Heny Batterfe*]