Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, December 19, 1908, Image 3
11 if! II 8 s?? " r S *' 3 ? STB Vx t fW *© *©*©*©*© + ©© * © * © + e*©**©*©*©*©*©*®©*®*©*©*®*©©*©*®*©*©*©®*©*©* a* ® THE HUMAN MIND CANNOT PERFORM ITS FUNCTIONS, WHEN THE BODY IS AFFLICTED WITH IRRITATING DI8EA8E8. THEY ARE PAINFUL AND LOATHSOME— TORTURING—ENERVATING, AND DE8TROY MENTAL AND PHY8ICAL ENERGY. ^ TETTER AND ECZEMA ARE THE M08T COMMON FORMS OF SKIN DI8EA6E8. NO ONE IS ABSOLUTE IMMUNE FROM THEIR BLIGHT. THOUSANDS ARE THUS AFFLIC- * © * © O + @ @@ 00 + 8 8 + ® + ®9 + # <•• + ® + • + ®0 4-©4-©4-©-i-©4- ®@ -|- © •{• © -J- © -J- © -S- TED. THOUSANDS HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY CURED BY YOUNG'8 TETTER AND ECZEMA REMEDY, Y0UNG8’S TETTER AND ECZEMA REMEDY HAS, FOR YEARS, PROVED ITS MARVELOUS CURATIVE POWER8. IT 18 AN EFFECTIVE AND HARMLE88 ANTISEPTIC. BOTTLE SHOULD BE IN EVERY FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST—IT IS INDESPEN8IBLE. CURES DANDRUFF AND ITCHING SCALP PERMANENTLY AND QUICK. 50c And $1.00 BOTTLE 50c And $1.00. Order From Your Local Druggist, Or From Our Laboratory Direct, MANUFACTURED BY © J. H. YOUNG, JR., Way cross, Ga. c ADVERTISE- POWER OF FORECLOSURE MENT UNDER 8ALE: Under and by virtue and power of sale, contained in a certain Instrument of writing, executed by Lewis Wrigbt a co-partnership, composed of J. B. Lewis and M. L. Wright, and doing business under the said firm name of Lewis ft Wright, dated on the 16th day of November 1907, and re corded in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court, of Ware County, Georgia, In book number 6, of mort gages, of said county, on page 109, the undersigned will sell said property, at public outcry, before the court houso doors In said county during the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash on the first Tuesday in December 1908, the following des cribed property, to wit: One mile of 35 pounds, steel rail (being 70560 feet of rail) track, to- gether with bolts, plates, fastenings, etc., used In laying same, said rail lying and belpg on the tram road of Lewis ft Wright, in the county of Ware and lt£_of Georgia, at or near the town *imore, and being the same steel rail ~and fixtures and fastenings pur chased from G. W. Deen, and moved from Astoria, in said county to the present location. For the purpose of paying principal. Interest and 10 per cent attorneys fees \ on three certain promissory notes, I aggregating the sum of $1,630.00, prim Ipal, besides interest and 10 per cent attorneys fees, each note having been executed on November 16th 1908 by said firm of Lewis ft Wright to the Bank of Waycross, as follows: One note for $300.00 becoming due on De cember 16th 1907, one note for $600.00 becoming due on January 16th 1908 and one note for $710.00 becoming due February 16th, 1908, each of said three notes stipulating Interest from date at the rate of 8 per cent per an num and 10 per cent attorney fees. The total amount due on said notes, to date of this foreclosure, Including principal, Interest and 10 per cent* attorneys fees, being $1,906.55. together with the costs of this foreclosure under power the original land lot number 120 in ten per cent, attorneys' fees, being the 8th district of said Ware county, Six Hundred, forty-eight and 35-100 Georgia, containing four and one-half j ($648.35) Dollars, together with the (4 1-2) acres, more or less, and being' costs of this foreclosure, under power the land conveyed to said D. F. Kirk- of sale given in said above described I land by H. Murphy by deed of Novem ber 20th 1904, recorded In Book "Z" folio 401, which is here referred to. The two above described parcels of land constitute a tract of nine (9) acres, more or less, In the 8th district of Ware county, Georgia. For the purpose of paying principal, Interest and ten per cent attorneys’ fees on a certain promissory note for $2,300.00 principal, besides Interest and ten per cent attorneys’ fees, said note having been executed on August 14th, 1907, to the Bank of Waycross, by F. A. Bates, and becoming due ninety days after the execution thereof, and Instrument. This October 28th, 1908. A. M. KNIGHT *nd A. P. BRANTLEY. Receivers for the Bank of Waycross. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. Whereas, E. J. Berry, administra tor on the estate of Mathias Linthi cum, deceased, represents to the court in his petition duly filed and entered of record that ho has fully adminstered said estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any they bearing Interest at the rate of eight jean, why said administrator should per cent per anum and stipulating not be discharged from his adminl- therein for the payment of ten per! stration and recelvo letters of dismis- cent attorneys’ fees provided said j sion in accordance with the statute Court of Ware County, Georgia, the undersigned will sell at public outesy, within the legal hours of-sale, before the court house door In said eounty, to the highest and, best bidder for cash on the first Tuesday In December of enle given In said Instrument Said 1908, the following described proper- nil bolte, end fixtures ere located atjtY. to-wlt: or near Glenmore In Ware county.! AH that part of original land lot Georgia, a* abore deaoribod and aamejnumber two hundred and three (t0l> note* should be collected by law. The total amount due on snid note to date of this foreclosure, including princi pal, interest and ten per cent attor neys’ fees being $2,775.67, together with the costs of this foreclosure un der power of sale given In said abovo described instrument. This October 28th, 1908. A. M. KNIGHT and A. P. BRANTLEY. Receivers for the Bank of Waycross. in such cases made and provided. This November 2nd, 1008. Warren Lott, Ordinary. 8HERIFF8 8ALE. '<5rCUA—WXftE COUNT To all whom It may concern Joseph M. Cleland having, in proper form, applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the esta te o fJohn E. Cleland, late of said county, this Is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kind of John E. Cleland to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, If any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Joseph M. Cleland on John E. Cl eland's estate. Witness, my hand and official sig nature, this 7th day of December, 1908 Warrent Lott, Ordinary. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. Will be fold .it the court house door in mid remmy, on the first Tues day in December 1908, within the leg al hoiitb of *p1© tc wit: Three maro u.uk-3 (two br.v mare mules, one ________ I about six years old and ouo about flvo Foreclosure By Advertisement Undjr years 0,(1 - aI *’° ono mouse colored _ . Power of Sale. 1 'J* f _ mT *““J* of blares running north nnd south, SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA—Ware County. Will bo sold, on the first Tuesday in January next, at public outcry at the court houso in said county, with In the legal hours of sale, to the high est bidder for cash, on undivided ono half interest in the following describ ed real estate, to wit West half of lot of land number two hundred and thirty two (232) In the 8th district of said county nnd state, containing two hundred nnd twenty (220) acres, more or less, except fifty (50) acres in Southeast corner whole lot owned by J. M. Corbett and the above described half lot Is Intend ed to Include the west half of remain der, after deducting said fifty (60) acres. Tt:e lino botween east and >st halves being designated by a line . being about fifteen hands high. Said Under and by rlrtna and power of proporty belnf leyled „„ „ the prop . .ale contained In a certain In.trnmont eft/ nf Mm Cora 0nUrIe and D . c . of writing, executed on the «th day CanB , eha#I> , Muod on tbo 7tb dBy 0| of April 1905, by W. A. Price, Inei E. J September „ 0 8. from the Superior Sharpe and B. B. Ellington to the 0 , Ware ^.ty, in favor Lewis Bank of WayeroM. and recorded In * Pattenl0a walalt tho „, d book “C- of deed., folio «M fn the c . Jra „ t - r , c office of the clerk of the Superior Thll ^ Mb day Norember 190S . D. A. WOODARD. J •> „ Sheriff. GEORGIA-WARE COUNTY. Martha Jana Jordan, haring made application for. twelve month, auty port out of the eetate of John Jordan, and appraisers duly appointed to aet apart the new having Bled w their return all persona concerned are will be delivered to the pnrchaaor at jin the 8th lend district of Ware coun-:hereby required to Show cauao before the place where the property la locat- ( ty, Georgia, situated In what I, known ^ , b# 0 f ordinary of eald eounty ad. Thla November «lh. IMS, ~ ot the ■nobor- property, ana tnoro’ wby application ehould not bo particularly de.crlbod as follows: granted. ThU the 6th day of Nor- Fronting seventy-eight and three tm bcr. 1008. tenth, (78 3-10) feet on tho weat elde A. M. KNIGHT. A. P. BRANTLEY, Receiver, for the Bank of Wnycroa, witnu ^ie co Jjt -beO Foreclosure By Advertisement Under Power of Sale. Under and by virtue and power of ■ale contained In a certain Instrument of writing executed on tho 14th day of Auguit, 1907. by F. A. Bate, and re corded In tho office of tho Clerk of the Superior Court of Ware county, Georgia, In book ot mortgage, number 6, of ,eld county on p»ge ninety, tin under,lined will sell »t public outcry within the legel hour, of «ale. before te court houte door In Hid county, le highest and be«t bidder for on the first Tuesday In Decern- MS, tho following deed bed property, to-wlt: All the following lenJ or real eetate In Ware county, Georgia, vlt: 1. The east half of lot number twelve (It) of block (110) one hun dred And twenty, betas a part of or iginal lot number one hundred and twenty In the 8th district of ulJ Ware county, Georgia, containing fonr and one-half (4 1-2) acree, more or Ion, and being the land conveyed to D. F. Kirkland by Mrs. Zollle Stuart and bnaband, Geo. R. Stpart, by deed of October 27th 189*. recorded In Book “CO” Folio 4, —alch to here rcterrej to. 2. Also the wee! half of lot of land comber twelve (It) hi Block one hun dred and.twenty (120), being part of of Eads street and running back of uniform width n distance of one hun dred and seventy (170) feet to’a tone which separatee said property from that of Johnson, Hawkins, Lowtnof and Wall. Bald property to bounded on the north by land of J. B. Lewis and Mrs. L. Johnson, on tho east by the weet sldo of End, street: on the south by Lowther, lot and on the west by the above men tioned lane. It being the purpose and Intention of the undersigned to sell all of the property described In above mentioned Instrument which ha, not been heretofore released by he Bank of Waycross or Its receive. For the purpose of paying the bal ance dne as principal, Interest and ten per cent, attorneys' fen on a certain dftcen hundred ($1,600.00) dollar promissory note, besides Interest and ten per cent attorneys' fen. Mid note baring been executed on Auguit 13th 1907 to the Bank ot WkycroH by W. A. Price, 8. E. Ellington and Inez E. Sharpe and becoming dne ninety (90) days after the Jate of execution thereof, bearing Interest at the rate of eight per cent per nnnnm from date, and stipulating therein for the payment of ten per cent attorney*' fees, provided Hid note should bo col lected by taw. The total amount dne on ntd note,to date of this foreclos ure, including principal. Interest and Warren Lott Ordinary. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY, The election of a county physician tar the year 1909, will take place at tho regular December meeting of the county Commlnloncra on Docember 2nd, 1908. All applicant* for this place ehould filo their application with the underalgned before that aato. WARREN LOTT, Ordinary and ex-offlelo, Chairman, County Commissioners. Weak Women jssa?. Ur. iShoop's Night Cure Bald property levied on ns the prop erty of the estate of Janie Murray, de ceased, to satisfy an execution laened from the Suporlor Court of said coun ty In favor of Henry Crewe against Daniel Murray, administrator of said deceased end against the undivided one-half Intorest of the said deceased In the above described property. This 2nd day ot December, 1*06. D. A. Woodard, Sheriff. GEORGIA-WARE COUNTY. Whereas, B| Birmans, administrator of estate of Mrs. Ellen Smith repres- enta to the Court In hto petition, dnly filed and entered on record, that he hu fully administered Mrs. Ellon Bmlth'e estate. This to therefore to cite all persona concerned, kindred and creditors, to show huh, If any they can, why eald odmlntotrator ehould not be discharged from hie ad ministration, nnd receive letter of dismission on the first Monday In January. 1009. Given under my band and official signature this 30, day of Nor, 1008. Warren Lott, Orldanry. 8tate of Georgia—County of Ware. To tho Superior Court of Hid County: The petition ot D Lott and O. Lott, each of eald state and county, respect, fully shows: First—That petltlonere, their asso ciates .successors and assigns, desire to form, be created and made a cor poration and body politic, under the laws of tho State of Georgia, for the full term of Twenty (20) years with the privilege of renewal In accordance with tho law, undor the name and style of "D. ft O. Lott Real Estate and Insuranco Company." Second—Tho chief offico of said corporation ahnll bo at Waycross, Ware County, Georgia, but petitioners ask Hint said corporation shall have authority to establish and havo such branch offices and places of business elsewhere In tho stato of Georgia nnd In other states of tho United Statos us nin y ho desirable. Third—The object and purposo of said corporation Is pecuniary gain and profit to Its stockholders. Koutrh—Tho amount of capital stock employed by snld corporation, actually paid, In shall bo tweoly-flve Thousand (126,000.00) Dollars, dlvldod Into shnres of Ono Hundred (1100.00) Dollars each; but petitioners doslre tho privilege to said corporation of Increasing tho amount of said capital stock at any time and from time to tlmo, by two-thirds (2-3) voto of the, then existing stock, to any sum not exceeding Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand (1260,000.00) Dollars. Fifth—That said corporation shall havo tho power to mako by-laws for the conduct and regulation of Its busi ness and the right to fix the number and character of Ita officers and dir ectors. with tho reapectlva duties, powers and Itobllltlea of oach, and power to authorise any ono person to hold not more than ono ot lta offices, oxoapt that the office of Secretary and Treasurer, If It to so desired, be Sited by one and tho enme person. Sixth—'Tbit Hid corporation shall have power to oontract, sne, be sued, borrow and lend money nnd to secure the payment of same by mortgage, deed of trust and bill of Hie, or other lion ooverlng any or all of Its property. Seventh—Tost Hid corporation may bo authorised to reoolve and ac cept real estate, timber righto and loans, or any other property, real or personal, which ho bo nsod In Ita bnalnoH, at Its fair and Juat value, In payment of- stock subscribed. Eighth—The particular bualnou which aald corporation proposes toj GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. Will be sold at tho court house I) said county, on the first Tuesday tr January next, with In the legal 'court of aale the following property to wlta Ono Frick Engine, and Lombard boiler 60 Horse Power, Ono lot of pip tag, 4 lumber trucks, one lot shafting) pulltes, track Iron, one flywheel, one fan. , | Said property levied on oa the prop etry of A. 8. ft J. A. Morton, to satis fy an oxeeutlon In favor of T. H. Mop -n Docember 2nd, 1908. D. A. Woodard, ( Sheriff, j SHERIFF SALE. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. W Will bo eold at tho court house ffooff In said county on tho first Tuesday la January 1909, within the legal hours of sale, lola of land numbers 12 and 13 In block number 22 of tho Deall wood Subdivision In Waycross, Woro county, Ooorgln, each of said Iota fronting 49 1*2 foot on the oast side of Arnold street and oxtondlng casv wardly therefrom of uniform width • distance of 87 1*2 feet to an alley 10 feet wide, said land levied on as the property of W. D. Morton to satlsfj; an execution Issued on tho 26th day| of June, 1908, from tho Justlco Court of tho 1231 District G. M., hi Hid county, In favor of C. D. Cartes igalnat said W. D. Morton. I Levy made and notice given of same and returned to mb by C. E. Cason, constable, as required by law. , This December 11, 1008. it D. A. Woodard, t Sheriff. K GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. To all whom It may concern: J. McClellan haring, In form, applied to mo for permanent letters of administration on the estate of N. J. McClellan, late of said countyv this to to cite all and singular (Be creditor* and next of kin of N. J. Mc Clellan to be and appear at my offtae within the time allowed by law, and show huso. If any they can, why pair mauent administration should not be granted to T. J. McClellan on N. I. McClellan's estate. Witness, my hand and official sip nature, this 4tb day of December, 1908. Warren Lott, Ordinary. carry on and conduct. Is, (a) To purchase, hold, acquire and own land and real estate of any and every kind, nnd to sell tho same, nnd to act as agent for other persons or corporations, doing a similar business CITATION. George W. Deen having made appll- Htlon to require titles to bo execut- ed to him to certain land described,to that tor which petitioners uk to in a bond for title thereto attached be Incorporated; purporting to be signed by Warren (b) To purchase, hold, own and Lott, tote of uld county, deceased, the sell timber and timber righto, wood said application alleging that the land J nnd other property for utlltoatton In hu been duly paid for, all parties It* business; concerned are hereby notified that uld application will be heard before the Court of Ordinary for said county on the first Monday In January. 1909. This 27th day of November, 1908. * Warren Lott, Ordinary. (o) To Improve lta real estate In any way deemed desirable, to erect and rent bouses, lease nnd handle tho same for profit; (d) To do a general lifo, fire, ac cident or other Insurance business; (e) To buy, sell, lease and operate Mwsmllls and ■binge mills, and manu facture lumber, shinties, cross ties and any other products which can bo made from the timbers owned by said GEORGIA—'WARE COUNTY. WUI be sold at the court house In uhl county on the first Tuesday In January next, within tbs leg* Ibonrs of mIo the following property to wit; 'corporation; One holier nnd engine, ono lot of | (f) To construct, own, lease and scrap Iron. Levied on at tho proper- j operate turpentine atllto, nnd mnnn- ty nf Gray ft Farrto, to ntlsfy an ex- facture naval »tores; ecutlon Issued by W. J. Mullls, Taxi (g) To construct, equip and oper- follector for stato and oiunty tax (or the year 1907. Thla Decombor trd, 1908. t D. A. Woodard, rmve®&s at* tram road* to bo nsod In eonneo- tlon with Ita bualneu; (b) To acquire and own, buy and Mil, or tone, nil machinery and per sonal property of any and every port to be used In the conduct of Its busi ness; (I) To conduct and carry on a general trading and mercantile boat- ness or any other bnslnesa that map be necessary or useful as an adjunot to Its said business. Ninth—Wherefore, petitioners pray to be mad* a body corporate undor ' tbe name and stylo aforesaid, <ntitled to all tbe right, privileges and im munities necessary, privileges end Iro ns* corporations, whether specially prayed for or not, Including the paw-, or to sue and be mod, to have and use a common seal and to be subject to nil tbt privileges and ltobUIttoa given by the laws of Geoigta to cor porations chartered by tho Superior Court of said State. Respectfully submitted. -1 MYERS ft PARKS. Attorneys for Petldonero. OBORGIA—WARE COUNTY. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing to n true and correct copy of the orlglnel petition for IncorpovM Uon of "D ft O. Lott Real Estate and Insurance Company" of file In tho Superior court of Ware county, Geor gia. This the 6th day of December 1902, E. J. BERRY, Clerk, Superior Court, W. C-, Ga. a£S