Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, December 26, 1908, Image 6
* - - »??: v 'jypH*)**'";' "• THE WAYCROSS WEEKLY FFRALD THE PEOPLE OP BEACH WERE TERRORIZED! MARRIED IN BRUNSWICK. Mr A. It Smith, formerly of Way- | cross, was marriud In Brunswick ye* i ter Jay to Miss Maggie Harries. Tht 1 Brunswick Journal gives thp follow- ' * | ing account of the marriage, which Tbo people of Beach were terror-, » lu b « read wltb Interoet by M liul and Mlu Manila Taylor, 1 Smith', friend, here; Senator Bacon and Congressman Brantley are tellies the Democrat, what to do. And their adrlce ahould be followed.—Darien Gazette. * daughter of Mr. Leonard Taylor, was a hot and dangeronaly wounded laat night by a fans of toughs. Tbo sans, according to Information received, aode Into Beach about 9 o’clock laat night and paraded the streets, shoot "A wedding occurred at Mr,. Pine- bad', home today, which waa of In. tercit and a surprise to the young people who acted aa principal,. A. It. Smith, vice grand of Bruns- wlck Seaport Lodge 68, of Odd Pel- lag to over, direction. They then do-1 -°ws, waa the groom, and Mlaa Mag. parted, but returned a abort tlmo af- '» Harris. a young lady of Bruns- terwarda and began shooting up tno ] * ,cil - Wlu ,ho *>rldo. town again. About thl, time a crowd Mr - Smith haa been one of of young people, returning from a! Santa Clara force alnce too factory parly, were near the depot and a bul- &»• been In'operation, ami aland, let hit Mlaa Mamie Taylor In t'ao hip, vcr J r In tbo estimation of hi. tafllcUng a dangerous wounl. Sheriff Woodard waa notified and Deputy Sberfg P. M. Young went to Beach fhla morning to apprehend, If possible the guilty parties. Six warrants wero sworn out and up to noon onn of tbo suspected par tita had been placed under arrest, nr.fl Deputy Young wan hi pursuit of f!io others. From Information obtained It seems ti‘At the trouble started a few days ago when a young man was arrestes for being drunk and disorderly at Peach. Ho was placed in the cala boose. but was released by friends. He finally came up, however, for trial and the matter was about to bo. sottled aV.on it was found that ho was car- ryi:*g a concealed weapon. A warrant waa awora oat for him on this charge nad this angered the young man and bis Irlonds and It seema that they were trying to got rovonge. Deputy Bhorlff 8wcat spent yesterday In an attempt to arrost the follow, but ho beard of tho officer coming and gave him t'ao dodge. frlnfcda, but thero waa objection on the* part of tho bride's parents to the marriage. Tho young people were evidently very much In love, s and decided to tako matt/ers in their own hands. Tho Rev. Robt. Kerr, of the first Methodist church, officiated, and the wedding occurrod in Mrs. Plnebad's house at noon today. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are receiving congratulations from their friends They will make their home for the present with Mrs Plnobad.” YOUNG R008EVELT A DIPLOMAT. 8. M. TURNER APPOINTED. CoL 8. M. Turner, has been ap- tainted by Oov. Smith Solicitor of tho CUy of Quitman, bis term of offi ce to begin Jan. 1. Col. Tumor is «.r«j of the roost prominent younger fu*. mters of tho Quitman bar and the appointment falls upon worthy should er's His friends who havo already ntted his success ns a lawyer aro eongratnlatlug him u;fjn this lilgfi compliment and predict for him a future of brilliancy and usefulness.— Quitman Free Press. 8. M. Turner, Is s son of the late l H. O. Turner. Quentin Roosevelt, the president's youngest son, recently began to at tend (school In Washington. Bofore entering school ho was told at home that ho musn't let the fact that his father Is president give him any airs; that It had nothing to do with his tan-ling in achool—In short, that lie nn not to mention It at all. On tho first day tho pupils were ask- •d fo tell where tli.ey lived and w'hat their fathers did for a living. It came Quentin’s turn. "Whore do von live?" "At the Whlt,e House,” he replied after a pause. "Wht is your father’s business?” Tho admonition not to mention that his father Is president stuck In Quen tin's throat. Ho mad.e no reply at all. •Well?” Still no response. “Como, you havo to answer, you know, What does your father do?” Tho youngest Roosovelt looked tl teacher squarely la the eye and ro- plied: He’s It.” This bss been a rough old year cn very many people. Taere aeems to be a desire to get through with It and try a new deal. Before the end of 1909 the popula tion of Waycross must be Increased four or fire thousand. It Is a ground hog case and the Herald will do Ita best to assist this greatly to be de sired condition. * A man in Texas predicts that the world will come to an end in thirty days, and It worries Editor Perham. Says that If the Texas man la correct Joe Brown can’t be Governor, and that Is what he hates about It.—Da rien Gazette. The compliment paid to Major Joa. B. Cummings, of Augusta, by Presi dent Roosevelt In placing this dis tinguished Georgian on the Cblcama- uga National Park Commission, is a tiers,erved one, and reflects much credit on the astuteness of our Presi dent. * THE THRICE*A-7FEEK WORLi. IN THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN YEAR More A'ert, More Thorough and Moro Fearless Than Cvsr. .Read In Every Eng'isn Speaking Country. ‘ 4L P. Perham;Sir.; 'Real Estate Agent There is a big demand in all lines of work for young men of honesty and integrity, who are not too nice to take hold of the smutty end of the chunk when occasion demands. Tae trouble with most of tho young crop of boys Is that no matter what posi tion they may be filling, they soon get the Idea that they are better toan their Jobs. *— Tho odltor of one of our exchanges says he contemplates having to en large his paper. He Is going to com mence pffntlng In the pap.et each week fte names of his fellow towns men who get “shoes” by Express.— Ex. The goods that comes to Waycross in packages about tho size and shape of a shoe box Is not ail shoes. * Thomas Carr 127MAIN STREET, Jacks’onvill r - • Florida. Congressman Brantley and Senator Bacon havo both given the world strong and wise Democratic doctrine in open letters in answer to the Sav annah Press’s question as to what Democracy should do. Both oppose with great eloquence tho organization of a southern Democratic party, but plead that too South rise and control tho Democratic party of the nation. And dera am our sentiments.—Vidal- la Advance. -* Prepaid Price List GOOD* IN BOND (EVEN YEAR! OLD. Ortaoii nr • (Ik bond) .. Maryland (In bond) .. Old McBryi'.- (In bond) .. Sunny Brook (In bond( Lowl, G6 live Echo Spring* Rye I. W. Harper tipper Ton Bavin Valley (S year, old) Skerbrook Old Rya ........ Bello of tb, Co,it Imported Holland Gin Tom Gin Rhlmnll Gin Imperial Ron Gin BRANDIES • Apple and I'ouch Brandy v RUM •• Felton's Old New England . Felton'. Stall, Stamp 4 8 .11 Qte. Qts. Qts. ..$5.00 $9.50 $14.$0 .. 5.00 9.50 14.00 .. 6.00 •ISO 14.00 .. 5.00 9.50 14.00 dd $.60 *« 10.66 .. 6.00 14.61 .. 5.00 P.50 14.00 .. 5.00 HI 14.0$ .. 5.00 9.50 14.00 .. 6.60 7.76 11.50 .. 4.01 7.76 11.50 3.00 6.76 6.51 ... 2.75 5.25 7.75 . 2.50 4.71 7.00 ’..$3.00 $5.75 $8.50 .. 2.76 6.25 7.75 .. 2.5$ 4.76 7.00 I ..15.00 $9.50 14.00 . 4.00 7.75 11.50 . 3.00 5.75 8.50 . 3.00 5.75 8.50 . 2.76 6.25 7.75 . 2.50 4.75 7.00 » * « .$4.00 $7.73 $11.50 . 3.00 4.75 8.50 , 2.50 4:75 7.00 . 2.60 4.76 7.00 ..$3.00 $6.75 $3.60 .. 2.50 4.75 7.00 .$4.00 $7.76 $11.50 . 3.00 6.75 8.50 Hero la a whole sermon In a few line,. Tho Atchlion Gbbo aaya; ‘‘You must havo observed the popularity of tho good workman. Ho get, every dollar of sallary that tho bualneaa will warrant. And when there la a chanto In tho buelnesa he la the man who la Invited to take an Interest.” Re a good workman. Don't be sail,fled with being a slouch, and saying tack Is against you. Luck chases too good workman to do him favors. + President of the United State Will be elected this year. Who la ho and who Is the men whom he will beat? Nobody yet knows, but the Thrlco-a-Week edition of the New York World will tell you every step erery detail of what promise, to he a campaign of the moat absorbing in lereet. It may not toll yeu what yon hope, but It will tell you what la. Tho Thrlce o-Weck WoilJ long ago estab lished a character for Impartiality and fearlessness In the publication of newr and this It will maintain. If you want the new. as it really Is subscribe In the Thrlee-a-Week edition of the Now York World, which cornea to you every other day except Sunday, and Is thus practically a dally at the price af a weekly. THE TRICE-A-WEEK WORLD'S regular subscription prlco la only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 156 papers We Oder this unequalled newspaper and the WEEKLY HERALD together "■■* oi year for $1.25 The regular alubscrlptlon price of t!.e two papere is $:.no. Plant Wood's Garden Seeds POM SUPERIOR VEGE TABLES ft FLOWERS. Our business, both lu Garden and Farm Seeds, la one of the largest in this country, a result due to tha tact that <-) Quality Is always our first consideration. a We are headquarters for Grata and Clover Seeds, Seed Oats, Seed Potatoes, Cow Peas, SoJa Beans and other Form Sosds. 8 Wood’s Descriptive Catalogue 1# thd! l.-M tout l (*' MUtie-HlrffO-l CRtalnf'-ioi. An iv REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COM MISSION, A SQUARE DEAL AND NO SPECULATING ON YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE The old Joe Lott home No. Plant Avenue, now belonging to James F. Creel, one of the most comfortable homes in the city, Lights, Water, Well, Large Barn, Fine Location, Near Schools. Complete In every respect Apply soon for I intend to sell this property. Also beautiful new nine room house belonging to Mrs. R. B. Ballard. Just built In Central Park, a complete home in a desireable section. Large lot not far from business center of the city And necessary outbuildings. THE BEST LIVERY BU8INE88 IN the city tor sale or trade tor city prop erty. Good horses, vehicles, etc. etc. A money making proposition, in per feet running order. Apply quick and I wftl put you on to something good. • WA NTT.D—For a customer * building lot as near the business. pon> tion of the city as possible, to cost nst more than $300. Give me dlscriptlon of lot and location. Also the 8weat farm, 4 miles from the city containing 160 acres, lying on and near the river. Fine for truck farming and stock raising. Also two fine lots in Owens Bottle- vards, Block 4, No’s. 11 and 12 one a corner lot, 60x100 feet on Owens steret and Rosvelt Avenue. Liveral terms. K * t v »rn C mjw. ChL*Ir/:tj tr.*.;, IfCdcUiiXitiCfcl. Sv:Uu,r--it. T, ». WOOD k m s, K533&S1, - bnii.r, i, NOT THE SAME. PEEACH AND HCNEY PROM *1.50 TO *3X0 GAL. SHERRY WINE PROM $1.25 TO $5X0 GAL. BLACKBERRY CORDIAL SI-2» TO $5X0 GAL. PORT WINE PROM lUS TO *1X0 GALLON. GARRETT’S SCUPPERNONQ, 60 CENTS QUART. SWEET CATAWBA WINE $1X5 TO *2.50 GAL. I do not pay expse-t chargee on good* under $2.50 per gallon. I handle everything pertaining to the (taxor butlncta. ard if there are any good* you want tr * r, ! t “ U»L «*nd me your order and 1 will forward -n« to jo a promptly. AR good, guaranteed -inflcr the Pury Food ael Dregs Act - ■ > ENGLI8H AS SHE IS UTTERED. From Ltpplncott’s. ' What le the cabbage?” Inquired the departing patron, who wished ter go to the tallway station from the hotel. 1 “What’s the what?” exdalmed the clerk, loitng hls clutch on the perfect English he usually banded over the counter. •’What’s the cabbage?’ I said”. I know yon ild, but I do not quite get your meaning.” “Ob you don’t? You know wbat cabbage is, don’t you?” guess I’ve seen enough of it to know. I used to live In the suburbs of Chicago.” “Well, what Is It from here to the depot?” *’! suppose It is Just wbat it U er< rywhere else; that Is, a vegetable dVskem—Whero’s the rich heiress you’re engaged to? Tellum—You see that lovely girl in pink at the other side of the room? Askem—Yes; say, old man, what a superb— Tellum—Well, it Isn’t she. It’s that grand old ruin In yellow sitting next to her.—"Tit-BItx." FOR 8ALE—One of the finest farms In Brooks county. It contains acres and Is located 2 1-2 miles from Pavo, a railroad station, ^400 acres of this farm are In cultivation, 12 plows being opjerated, 268 acres of timbered land. Eight good tenant bosses, a very comfortable and convenient dwell ing with 9 rooms, large fine house and big barn, stables and wagon houses, etc, flno water,. AL80 a farm of 300 acres, 3 1-2 mile from Pavo, 200 acres In cultivation, six plows run on this place, nice residence, four tenant houses, large barn, wagon and buggy house, cow house, a large number of fruit trees and everything to make a model farm. The above two Incompletely described farms are among tho vey best in the “banner” farming county of Georgia— Brooks. The land on both places is a dark gray gravelly soil with red clay sub soil and will grow anything pro duced in the south. Both places well stocked and the stock is also for sale. This property will pay 20 per cent on Investment. Correspondence In regard to these magnificent properties soli cited. 1 20 acre farm, 1-2 miles northwest of city. All under cultivation, 5 room dwelling and out houses. Don’t let the other fellow get this place. Beat him to the tank and buy It today. 322 acres 1-2 mile east of city limits. 100 acres under cultivation, about 76 bearing pecan trees on property and the kind not under cultivation heavily timbered. This desirable property will not re main unsold very long. Strike while the Iron Is hot Fcr Sale, Beautiful brick resl«» - In Owens’ Boulevards, nine rooms, all complete, desirable location, terms liberal. Also, 158 feet front on corner of Plant avenue and Albany Avenue, just across the street from W. M. Wilson’s grocery store. And within 100 yards of the court houee. This plot of ground contains about 1-2 acre and Is suited tor stores or residences. This is the only open space on Plant Arena* from the English Block to the Mot ion tesldenco. -This property has Just been placed on the market. See me about it. Also 100 of the best lots In River- Ido Park. vVTTl i 'M;' : Ship Um Your > • VJ LIBERAL INSPECTION monVT RETURNS The doparttaf patroa lnterrutpe.1 with vlolcncp "Aw, tar," he protested, ‘‘you ought to bp plowed under, or fertltlxed, or •omethta'|. Cabfiaae le eeb fare, ain't IL Thomas Can* IB MAIN STREET JACKSONVILLE FLA. AN ANIMAL STUDY. When the train stopped at the lit tle Southern station the Northern tourist anuntured out on the platform', relatea the Argonaut. There w.re the usual number of sunbonnetej wo men, tali' “crackera" and stray -dogs. Under a acrub oak stood a lean ani mal with ecrosgy bristles. The tonrlit was Interested. “What do you call that?" ho quer ied of a lanky native. -That he a haw*," elucidated the other. "Rhaxohack hawg." "That »r -Teas, foal'* «0.“ "Well, what In tarnation U he do th! rubbles asatast that tree?" ' -He's atroptdns himself ulster. Jest etropptas himself, and It yon ask- any more t^ollah questions around here well pull you 09 the train." And 'the tourlat wisely withdrew. Write tor Circulars. American Tie & Timber Co S. K. Breton, Gen. Mgr. BRUNSWICK, GA. FOR 3ALE—One hundred acres of land at Lulaton, Go., about ten acres under fence and being cultivated, good frame dwelling with four rooms and (operate kitchen and dining room. School and church In J00 yards of houae.' Only short distance to depot and po.tpfljce, A splendid place for •ny' one wanting good' farm on which trucking, atO|Ck-rstalng, etc., could 'bo carried on. Land bounds on right-of- way of B A W„ Railroad and then the tract Ilea Immedately. north of rail road. . Healthy section. Good neigh borhood,' etc., Will exchange this property for resldenpo In .-Waycross. A. P. Perham, Sr. IF YOU ARB IN TH- MARKET SEE ME. FOR SALE—Four room cottage on Fnrallel street, sewerage and water. A nice home, building new and in good ordor. Two blocks from Court House. I will sell this property cheap. Apply quick before the advance prices com*. 30 ACRE8—20 acres cleared and tin der wire fence, email dwelling on place 10 a-rex woodland adjoining. 1 i-2 miles north of courthouse, Sunnp Side; Good neighborhood, high dry land with good drainage. Pice $1,750. Cash or on time with 8 per cent Intereetl FOR SALE—One house and one and a half acres of lan-1 adjoining, on But ler street '• <" FOR SALE—Two houses and oil vacant lot on Brawar street, also on* house and two vacant lot* on b; street Iberel terms. _ :-s. FOR A BARGAIN IN REAL ESTATE A. P. PERHAM, SR., REAL ESTATE. ITEISflWNm OF L. L. L. IS A DOSE . OUSNESS, HEIATUf , and sll the ills coming from a neglected LIVER. CONSTIPATION Is one of the curie* of dviltaation and tha many injurioo* noetrume taken for relief only help tbo trouble. Yl jM*^gj»aftj*«t^»«Mee«the».Nmtmiriem t hmtMreralita .t-***™_«-«!«>» PAXATtVX txara «» th. time* UMAR, TATURGIUlETBRtlGCO. TIMS BA* MMOKSTRATX; *,s cUtatteafr? ff* £%Te8txa.*i KXCBLMGK BLCQO FU!*l- “ Fisa th-t It Is tl: vrtdcat btood BteciclA* c f tt* •-*, *.po$n$ to art a*bei» b*ea«m It imMj tmV H trntmto on* m. Setterer’i Excelsior Blood PnriSer tsi r. w. MtTTxna room caarakt JafKsewvfns, rWMa