Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, December 31, 1910, Image 1

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ers Will Seat On Jan. 1 WILL SOON BE HEARD IN WAV- CROSS. PITTSBURG MAN TAKES IN AT- STILL PROVES BIG ATTRACTION LANTA. POR PEOPLE. Sheriff and ftt Will Be Applications For Membership K«eo -Pouring In. Atlanta, On., Dee. 31.—John Aspsr. Atlanta, Ga.. Dee. 31.—Although the of PittabUTg, was In Atlanta today agricultural exhibit In the city tlchet after a trip through southern Georgia, ofico of the A. B. t A. for Ware coun* where be Investigated preparatory tojty has bees displayed since before locating his family. He stated that Christmas, the crowds that gather he had no idea 8outh Georgia was as j about the window are undlminlsbed attractive as he found It. While' Here; insise. and Interest continues in he received a letter from his home,! Ware's splendid showing, telling of about eight feet of snowj Inquifers are numerius, and many around his wood pile. “No more of Wayycroes and Ware county booklets that for me." he said. “I hare seen | are being given from the city office. . Prospective members of the Way- cross Nest Order of Owls are keeping Organiser Corthell. and assistants busy answering calls to Interview friends who wish to join the new nest. Mr. Corthell states that every mail (besides telephone calls) brings letters and postals requesting that calls be made in various parts oi the city where some one who has neon recommended resides and wants to have the matter explained. In this connection It will be remembered that those who have friends wishing to join can bring them to < the hall the day of meeting as It may be ImpoesM ble for the organisers to call upon all they have (be names of. ♦hERIfE 0.^,PITiM/ DEPUTY 8HERIFF C. A. BEfJNETT TELEPHONE ORDER8 WILL RE CEIVE CAREFUL ATTENTION. EVERY ARTICLE SENT OUT FROM OMR STORE GUARANTEED TO BE FIRST CLASS. 31 2t WILSON GROCERY CO. With the closing of buslnest today and thb Outgoing of Sheriff Wofdard, Mr. D. W. Pittman, the newly elected sheriff will take bis seat.. Mr, Pitt man will 90 doubt make an egtclcht offleer. . , Mr. Cpas, A. Bennett will be Deputy Sheriff to Mr. Pittman.' He Is a young man, and will'no coubi, make Mr. Pittman *- valuable assis tant. the present Clerk, Mr. E. J. Berry, who wax re-elected without opposition will begin the new term. Mr. Berry and needs no. further Introduction, as a Cletk and citizen of Waycro.-s and Ware county. Ha Is today, one of the best we have, both ofllclnj and other wise. Mr. J. T. Strickland, the newly elected Tax Collector. And "Jim” Is going .tr._moke a stnod bne, Edgar Herrin, wJli be Tax Receiver. John ■fr Hflrbtny-Coiruty.-Weaserer. Jeff. Murray, 1 Ctfunty Commissioner and Ansel Sweat, County Surveyor, |. All of the old officers who's term goes out with 1910, have made efb- cleet and good officers. The- out going Sheriff, Mr. Woodard hat made one of the pest sheriff's Ware county aver feddtWwVlh Me Deputy, 'Mr. Caeon/’niT'beUer-'men ev*r qualified for that office. We wlrh for them all a prosperous 1911. Fpr the,lack of cuts we cannot print s» the new county oncers. Wo would like to hate printed tha picture of "Jjm" Strickland, BuL Scruggs Pharmacy Co., can anpply your wants In Sower and vegetable seed Hoc. 30 2t SCHOOL NOTICE. Mils Bessie Wright's school will open Tuesday morning at 8:30 at her home on Alice street Pish, Chickens, Oranges, Fresh Oys ters, Trout, from lib to dlh. War cross Fish A Product Co. Phone 189. 30*2t. You Can Make No Mistake By Wearing a Suit Made by Msmbsre’ Wives of the New Order Will Have Entertainment Over 200 namea have been secured for the Order of Owls nest wblch Is to be Instituted In Waycross. Jan. 12. The organisers attribute much of their succesa to the fact that tbay have secured some of our most prom inent citizens, through the help of their wives, es the ledles ere ln|ei- (Continued on Pege 8.) Cblhnehua, Mex., Dec. 30.—Official notes today wblch seem to be conffrm- ed by developments. Indicate, that the. first sage of lie insurrection In western ; Chihuahua Is over end the second bee brgun. The government believes that the Insurrectoe fought their lest or j ganlsed battle at Pedernalea two j weeks ago and hat they have spilt trio small bands which It will tabs I months 10 subdue. The belief Is continued by the fact thut Malpaeo, the key to the railroad. Is free and that Gen. Navarro Is now Ir control of the rltnstfon all a'tug lito line. { Strause & Bros. No. 26 Howe Street For Rent The best dressed men you meet on the street are wearing them. They are the best on the market today. '■< j New Building—New Safety DeDposIt •Boxer. Those persons having boxes rented In our old building will plesse call and make -tatement and accept thla ns notice llml we can uc longer be responsible fi t tiie safely of. Ihelr de posits there. We are now In our new building lu • Pboeols. Block, where wo have All | modern and up to date conveniences— up to date safety boxes, $8.0b, 810.on and 015.00 por year. In a modern flre- proof vault. Those wishing boxes will please let us know as early In (he hew year as possible. We Invite otrr friends and customers all 10 call and Inspect our new home., Start a savings account with us for. the New Year. We pay 4 per cent Interest, compounded quarterly. Re sources nr# over 0700,000. First National Bank. Eight rooirs- -suita ble for a boarding hr use. $25 PER MONTH in a.abort time, wh expect to have .under construction a new building , t/Jsre ye will continue to dlstribpte , ui .liqe 10 Georgia and Florida and cirry complete atock for Immediate shipments. Computing gasoline tanks. Computing Kerosene tanks. Computing Cl-cese Cutters, Automatic computing scales Drug specialties, etc. We add that onr promptness and at- t-.Mlc.n tr, yom u-t n.-s will be as god as in the past and will b« able to de liver most all our product from War cross. Commissary Supply Co. Anything You Need For Boys, REAL ESTATE Insurance and Renting Agts. PHONE 268. Southern IJ.iliding. RMO 174 FOR-WOOD. The Stein- Sam W. Peck Block Co. and Co. ■ • OFFICIAL* ORGAN OF WAYCRdSS. AND WARE COUNTY AND COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION ' VOLUME XVIII WAYCROSS GA: SATURDAY saacatcaasE - DECEMBER 31 1910 \ 'V NUMBt.. 117 1 11 1 ,mm ' 0 '