Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, December 31, 1910, Image 11

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J V : V . - \ A-* WAYCROSS EVENING?HERALD SHERIFF’S SALE GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. \\ ill be sold before the court house of said county, between the legal ..... of sale, one the first Tuesday iu iniia ry, 19tl to the highest bidder for sl . the following described proper- o-wlt: o . al tract or parcel of land in p City of Waycross, Ware county, , orc ia, in that section of said cl a* New Waycross, beginning : k intersection of Cue north bound- v lines of Kollock street with the |) boundary line of Sepbenvon street : ..Miiing r ence east at right angles s epher— on street. 95 feet, more . ss. o an alley; thence, north said alley, and at right angles •; ..lock street. 70 feet, thence west, ; I with Kollock street, 03 fee:., • or less, to Stephenson street, c south along Stephenson street, et. more or less, to the point of .aing. Levied on as the proper Mrs. Willie Parker to satisfy ecution in favor of B. Bernstein i - i against Sweat, McDonald & r. C. M. Sweat. F. B. McDonald, ) Mrs. Willie Parker, Issued front) city Court of Waycross. j Decentmher 3*0,1910. ! D. A. Woodard, Sheriff. Application for Charter. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. . ....j about the State of Georgia, as the holders of the majority of the To the Superior Court or said County, i l ' lot ‘ k ,uay determlne u P° n - Tlie petition of Edwin c. Cox. Geo-' C ' deBlr ® ‘ hat * a « l tor ' rge a. Sims, and rial::, E. Pilcherj pom,,on " nre thc P 0 *" und respectfully shows: ! a; " horl, - v to alld “"7 on lls 1 That tUfr desire for them,elve,. I tuslnM “ above 8,a,<d »" lu their ssoclates, successors and I brunches and departments as enutn- signs, to he constituted a body cor-* porate under the name and style of} “SOUTHERN FINANCE COMPANY** I or persoual property, money, fran chises. choses in action, property j rights, or other consideration satis- stockhold- to borrow and lend money, and crated-'above; to contract and be con tracted with; to receive In payment for its capital stock, either common ofr .he tern, of twenty years with 1° r Inferred, kr for any bond, or olh- the privilege of .enewal a. the explr-! er '»*“«• a "- v rpal atlon of said time as provided by law. 2. The object of said coporatlon Is pecuniary gain to its stockholders. * -r, - . . , , ' factory to Its directors •>- The particular business propos-! ed to be carried on by said corpora- j tc give and take security for same; | to execute promissory notes, bonds, j debentures, bills of exchange, or oth er evidence of debt, and to secure same by mortgage .pledge, deed of trust, secrulty deed, or otherwise, as thc directors may deem expeil.nl and proper; and to have,any an.I all oth- I or powers, rights, or privlhjes neces- bdtvlde, plat and , , .. I -ary or desirable for carry.ng on the MIA—WARE COUNTY. irder Court Unary of said County. : *i.*e sold at public out cry on 'irst Tuesday iu January, 1913, Court Ht/use in Said County, en the usuul hors of sale the ing real estate: Forty-five (43) more or less of lot of land nura- Seventy-six (76) in the 8th Dis- •f said county, bounded, to-wlt: e North by original land Hue. on )ut*n by Carswell’s lands, on the '»y lands of D. W. Sweat, on tlie by A. B. & A. Railroad, ouo ituated on the South side of tho described land excepted for ii purposes. Also Twenty (20) more or Jess of lot of land num- Seventy-six (76), in the Sth Die* it of said County, bounded as fol- v.-; On the -North by lands of A. Britt, on the South by lands of J. Wideman, on the East by A. B. & ntullroad. on the West by lands of lius A. James. The sale will continue from day to j between the same hours until all said property, is sold. Terms cash, is 3th day of December, 1910. Julius A. James, dminlstrator of the Estate of W. T. OTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. tato of Georgia, Ware County. Notice is hereby given to all credl- ■s of the estate of Alexander Se«- a. late of said County, deceased, ender in an account of their dc- nds to us within the time prescribed law a.'operly made out; and. all sons Indebted to said deceased are •eby requested to make Immediate mnt to the undersigned. ’his 16th day hf December, 1910. lex K. Sessoms and John G. Sessoms, tutors of til lust will and testa- t of Alexander Scssoms, deceased. Cw > .101A—WARE COUNTY. virtue Oi an order of the Court Ordinary of raid County. Will be sold ar public out cry on First Tuesday in January, 1911, the Court House In Said County, ween the usuul hors of sale the Howlng real estate, to-wlt: Fifty 0) acres of lot of land number Fifty line (59) ,ln the Sth District of Ware unty, Georgia, bounded to-wlt: unded on the West by lands of ieorge W. Deen, on the North by anda of George Howell, on the East lands'of W. M. Acock and George ; Deen, said lam! *s more particular ly described as Ijelng the'land that M. J. Thrift died, ceased, and Possess rd of, and known as her home Place. Tie sale will continue from day to day between th esame hours, until all the said property Is sold. Terms cash. This the 5th day of December, 1910. E. B. Sundy. Administrator of the Estate of Mrs. jThrtft . j j.iie lion is: CD To acquire, by purchase, lease or otherwise, any and all kinds of I al and personal property, including I Improved and unimproved real estate! and wild lands wherever situated, and i !. hold, s- ll, mortgage and en- * same. j To su I improve lands aqd real estate for pur poses of sale or otherwise, to con- - struct, erect and operate thereon, I buildings, machinery and appliances, roadways or tramways; to develop and maintain, nonstruct ami, operate artesian wells and pumping plants, together with irrigation and drainage canals and ditches, and to furnish water for agricultural, domestic and ether purposes; to lay out, develop, Improve and promote, towns, cities, fat ms, farm settlements auu colonies, and commercial, agricultural, manu facturing and other enterprises; t«. carry on thc business of farming or planting, and to improve, develop and operate fruit and agricultural lands; to raise, produce, buy, sell, ex change and deal In trees, plants, shrubs .reals and all'kinds of fruit, nursery, vegetable and farm products; to buy. sell, lease, and hold timber, timber lands, tracts and rights; to ma'ntnin and operate sawmills, and to buy and sell lumber and other wood products, as well as to manufac ture same, including shingles, laths, staves, boxes, crate-, baskets, and generally to deal In lumber and tiw- hfr poducts; to manufacture, buy, seli aud deal in rosin, turpentine and other naval stores; to conduct a gen eral real estate business and to buy and sell lands either upon Its own ac count, or as agent or broker for oth ers and to charge commissions for same; to conduct a commlsary or commissaries, and to buy, sell and deal generally In good, wares and merchandise of all kinds. (c) To conduct Its business as above stated in all itg branches, and to have one or more business offices, end without restriction to Improve, manage, operate, buy sell, lease or otherwise dispose of any other prop erty. r* e.i cr personal, In any of the Mutes, territories, districts or colonial possessions of the United States and in foreign countries, as may from time to time become convenient ami neees- (4) The capital stock of said cor poration shall bo One Hundred Thous and (ftOO.OQO.Ooi Dollars, divided in to five hundred (50o) shares of com mon stock of the par value' of $100.00 per share, and Five Hundred (500) shares of preferred stock of thc sum. par value; but petitioners desire, tin*, sabl corporations shall have the right to Increase said capital stock, either common or preferred or both, to anv amount not xece°ding Five Hundred Thousand ($500,000.00) Dollars, cams to be done from time to time whenev er the holders of the majority of the f'oek may so determine. The rights of Hu. holders of tin* preferred stock >uuil be *vr forth an*! determine.! ly the bj-Iaws to be adopted by the Com pany, at Its organization meeting, and such parts of said by-laws as relate to the rlghs of preferred stockholders shall not thereafter be altered, amen ded or rescinded without the consent of all of the stockholders of the pre ferred stock, then outstanding. 5. The crindpal place of business of said corporation shall be id thc city of Waycrose, County and State r.fcresald: but petitioner* desire that said corporation shall have the right to transact business elsewhere, and to establish branch offices or a business of said company of any of j tiie .kinds of same, us aforesaid, and j ueccynnllkbing the objecU uiul purpos* j es of said corporation, as if they j were specially enumerated herein, i the foregoing- eiiumeratu n not beihg j held to limit or restrict, in any man- j ner, the powers of thi* Company to j which it is otherwise entitled; nnd j to have all the other rights, powers,, privligrs and immunities common ana incident to corporations generally un der tho law. WHEREFORE, petitioners pray that an order be granted Incorporat ing them in accordance with the fore going; and they will ever pray. etc. .(Signed) Wilson, Bennett & l.ambdin, Attorneys for Petitioners. Filed in office this December Third, 1910. ' (Signed) E. ,T. Berry, Cierk Superior Court. I hereby certify that the above Is a true copy of the charter. (Signed) E. J. Berry, Cierk Superior .Court. ■ 'Time’s Flight Turned Backward** SAGE AND SULPHUR. Made Her Look Twenty Years Younger READ MRS. HERRICK’S SWORN STATEMENT State of New York County of Monroe Rochester N. Y. Nancy A. Herrick, l>cing duly sworn, deposes and says: When I was a girl, I had a head of heavy, long, dark brown hair which was the envy of my schoolmates, and which attracted the atten tion and remarks of strangers. As 1 grew older, my hair com menced to come out, just a little at first, but gradually more and more, and that began to turn gray. 1 was induced by thc many good reports I had heard of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy to try a bottle. My hair was quite thin and gray when I began using Sage and Sulphur, aud you can imagine my satis faction w! ■ ' • ’ ;> it was fast coming back to its natural condition, being thicker, darker and more glossy than it had been for a long tjtne. I continued to use Sage and Sulphur, aud my hajr is now as heavy, dark and smooth as when I was a girl oi sixteen. It is now four years since 1 commenced using Sage ar.d Sulphur, Uiul my hair is still in splendid condition. Sworn to be/or* me Ikit IjI\ ■) day of July, tgai ' Letters of Administration GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. To all whom It may concern: A. A. Walden having fn proper form applied to me for Permanent Let ter* of Adndnlstration on the estate of N. F. Arnold, Into of said county, this is to city nil nnd singular the cre ditors and next of kin of N. F. Ar nold, to be an appear at mmy office wlthlu the time allowed by law’, and show cause, if any they can, why per manent administration should not be granted to A. A. Walden, on said estate. Witness my hand and official stgnaure, this 5th day of December, 1910. B. H. Thomas, Ordinary. Preserve Your Youth and Beauty by Using m W Y E T H *s ■saGE : SUI.PHum HAIR R E M E D V It Is Pure. Safe And Reliable It Is Not Sticky, Oily Or Greasy I! 1? A n EJefiant, Refreshing Dressing It Makes The Hair Soft And Glossy It Quickly Removes Dandruff It Restores Faded And Gray Hair To Natural Color It Stops Hair Falling And Makes The Hair Grow It Will Make You Look Years Younger PRICE 50c. and $1 V A BOTTLE GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. Will be *old on the first Tuesday In January, 1911, at the court house In said county, within the legal hours of sale, to tho highest bidder for cash, he following described property, to- vlt: One but headed row, color white with red head mark; one but headed heifer yearling, color browi^. with white face, marked; one but headed . color brown; one but headed yearling, color brown; one black nnd bite spotted heifer yearling marked * but beaded bull with red face, me marked. Yearling marked crop and splits In one ear and. swallow- fork In the other ear; al^o ono 1 horse wagon. The above described personal prop erty levied on as the property of A. B. Fisher to satisfy an execution Is- sued from the City‘Court of Wayrross In favor of J. D. Herrin. This December 9th,* 1910. , (Hlgned) D. A. Woodard, Sheriff City Court of Waycross. In the District court of the United States for the southwestern Div ision of tire Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of F. L. Page, Bankrupt In Bankruptcy. In .pursuance of an order granted by the court, In the above stated mat ter, on November 29th. 1910, there will cfes In any other place, either within' be aohl before the court house door, WYETH CHEMICAL COMPANY 74 Cortlandt St. < NEW YORK, N. Y. For Sale and Reoommended by CHEROKEE PHARMACY- AT ALL DRUGGISTS 11 Yonr Druggist Docs Not Keep It, Send Us The Price In Stamps, And We WIU Send Von A Large Bottle, Express Prepaid. * lor bactache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities. Foley Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Befcuo substitutes. FOR SALE BY OEM PHARMACY. nt Waycross. Ware coun y. Georgia, apart a twelve Montha Support for) A. C. Orlffln and W. II. Lea. adnuttr on the first Tuesday In January 1911, [ the family of W. G. Bradley deceased I Istrator upon tho ostato of Mrs. Mary to the highest bidder for cash, sub-1 ha\i..lJ their return, all persons Griffin, deceased, late of said county, Ject to the confirmation by thc court, concerned are hereby cited and re- j having filed tholr petition for do* following described property to ] quire A to show cauao In the Court of j chnrge, this Is to cito all persons con- Ordlnnry of said County on the first; corned to show cause against tho wit; One half undivided inter tract fir par* <■! of land known ns the | "Pagi! & Crawley" subdivision of that portion of the City of Waycross,.Ware county, Georgip. known as "New Way s’*, a plat of aaid division being of record in the office the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county In Book f Plats "A", page 7. and being more particularly described as follows One acre, more or less, Tronting 202 feet on No*!)U street, 210 feet on Mays street, 207 feet on Wudloy street and 192 fe<*t on Bird street. Howe ver the said land will be sold subject to a bond for. title, dated Sep (ember sth. 19M', held by Cleveland f Johnson, of Ware county, Georgia (omlitionpd upon the payment of $200. end upon which there has been paid the sum of $65.00, covering lots 7 and s In said subdivision, tho aamebclng in rhr* Northwest corner thereof and frotnlng 90 /c<*t on Bird street, the said two lots be'ng about ono fourth part of the entire subdivision. The sucecMfql bidder will be re quired to deposit 10 per cent of the entire amount of his bid, as an eviden ce of good faith. The balance of the purchase money to bo paid me upon the confirmation of the said -sale by thc court. Dated this the 5th day of December 1910. John 8. Walker, Trustee. In all that] lilondny In January next why the ap-j granting of such discharge, at tho reg- plication for mid twelve months tup- til nr term of tho court of vrdluarr tor port should not he granted. This December Gtb, 1910. ». H, Thomas, Ordinary. a ild county to l>c hold on the First Monday In January, 1911, Tills 7th day of November, 1910. B. II. Thomas, Ordinary. Application for Yoaro Support, GEORGIA—WARECOUNTY. Tho Appraisers appointed to sot State of Georgia, County cf Ware. To nil Whom It May Concern; G. I*. Washington, a resident of this state, having in due form applied to the undersigned for gunrdinnship of tho property of Phoeby Galnus, a lu natic, notice is hereby given that snta application will bo heard at tho next Court of Ordinary for said County, on tho find Monday In January, 19(1. Witness my hand and official signa ture, this the 5th day of Decomhor, 1910, B. II. Thomas, Ordinary, Ware County. LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY- 8. T. Wright as administrator of ths estate of W. A. Price, deceased, hav ing applied for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of said Price tor the purpono of paying the debts of said estate, and for distribution, no tice is hereby given that said appll catirih will ho beard by me at the re gular term -of Court of Ordinary ol salrl county, to be held on (he first Monday In January, 1911. This December 5tb, 19U. B. H. Thomas, Ordinary. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. To all whom it may concern: Henry W. Wilson having lu proper form applied to me for Permanent Letters of Administration on the es tate of John E. Wilson, late or said .county, this Is to clto all and singular the creditors and next of kin of John E. Wilson to bo and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, nnd show cause. If any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Henry W. Wilson on said estato. Witness my hand and .official signa ture, this 5th day of December, 1910. B. H. Thomas, Ordinary. PETITION FOR DISCHARGE. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. BANKS ON SURE THINGS NOW. "I'll never be without Dr. King's New Life Pills again," writes A. Bchlngeck, 647 Elm Street. Untfaie, N, Y. "They cured me of chronic con stipation when all others failed.” Un- equaled for Biliousness, Jnundfe, In digestion. Headache, Chills, Malaria and Debility. 25c at All Druggists. Eggs gone down at Hardy Bros., to 35c a dox. They are guaranteed freeb. tf rOtEYSKromi^' RING 174 FOR WOOO. • •• v »'-t- - - „<1% V." .