Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, December 31, 1910, Image 4

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"* WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD I PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Dtvtae serrlea and . prarichlog at 11 a. and \ p. m.. by the paator. Sabb;Ub School at 9:46 a. m. Tomorrow beclna a saw rear, Let Personal WOMEN—Sell guaranteed hose. 70 '<er cent profit Make $10 daily. Poll or part time. Beginners Investigate. Strong Knit, Bax $020, Went PhUadel- Phta. • tf . t , « t 1* 1 1* # 1t 8Urfllc «*- Halls Cntarrh Cure is not, ’ your cold in one day. If they fail Z yBJTJSS , 1 1 ngf o ruuntry for years and It a regular * you can have your money back—ZOC X srj^JLiySagftjLtt X beat blood puridera. acting dlreatly THE SEALS PHARMACY ^ combination of tre two ingredients la I * THE IE x ALL stork 4 what produces inch wonderful results *«>*£*<**&*&*<»*&IP curing Catfrrh. Send fee tesjlnao- AT THE ip Marshall Comedy Duo Usual Prises Will PreVaU 19 and 15 Cents. na all begin right At 11 t. m- the paator will preach on "Tba Paltlc Vision of UWV At night “The Value of Oood Resolution..*' The 1 I'Quatette will give aoSe good aelee- tlona. The public da Anted to wor •hip with ua. Beau free and a warm church. SEASMAUE Groceries We now hare la atock Ralston Whole Wheat Flour Ralston Breakfaat Food, Haekera Oatmeal In barrela and packages, Heckers Buckwheat Bolf-rising. lo barrela. Cream of Wheat, Shredded Wheat Biscuits, New Georgia Syrup, and lota of other good thtage too aumenme to mention. Our prlcea are reasonable end our good* first-class. We guarantee to sere yon money. Mr. Mathew Carawell le now with na permanently and will be pteaaed to sae his friends snd terre their ' wants. MAY’S MULL and FEED STORE. PHONE NO. 3. Listen, everybody!! Bring the last receipt we fire you and get your Xmas present They are beautiful Indeed. Sam Heller. tf FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. The pastor. Rev. A. M. Bennett, will preach at both the services to morrow. At the morning service be will speak on the work of the New Year, and hope* to see all the mem bership present. Start the New Tear right to -being present at the Lords House. Sunday School a $:45 a. tn. B. Y. P. U., both senior snd Junior at S p. m. Sunbeam meeting. 3 p. m. Everybody cordially invited to all (be services. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. Osgood P. Cook, the new pastor of First Methodist Cburcb. has arrived and will preach at both morniug and evening services tomorrow, full at tendance of the membership of the Church Is requested to welcome the the new pastor. Any strangers is* the city will be most cordially wel comed at these service a. 24tbs FIRST CLASS FLOUR ONLY 75 CENTS, AT 31 2t WILSON GROCERY CO, THE MAN WHO ENJOYS DRIVING WILL SURELY ENJOY ORIVING WITH ONE OF OUR RIGS. THE KINO THAT GIVE PLEASURE TO THE ORIVER, NEAT NOBBY AND UP TO OATE, FURNISHED WITH OR WITHOUT ORIVERS. THAT YOU WILL BE PLEASED WITH OUP SERVICE, GOES WITHOUT *ay:ng. McGregor Mayo Boarding, Livery end Sales Stables. Tebeau Si Way cross, Qa. PHONE NO. 03. PERSONALS FROM BLACKSHEAR TIMES. Mr. and Mrs. Downer Dim mock ot Valdosta, and Judge Warren Lott, of Woycrosa. spent Monday in Black shear the guests of Mr. J. M. Purdom and family Misses Mary Lee Williams and Clvde Lott, of Waycross, were tbe guests of Dr. W. P. Williams snd family last .Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Agathen and little daughter and Mrs. Joe Lott and little daughter, of Waycross. spent Monday here the giiestn of Mr. and Mts. J. O. Ward. Misses Ellen Speigle and Dorothy Folks, of Waycross, spent a day or t^o here this week visiting Miss I*!i« Summerall. C A D V DOWNEY M VETEN ARIAN Albany Avenus Waycross. Qa. Oay and Night Plan, 598. Foley Kidney Pills ere tonic in ac- lion, quick In results, and restore the natural action ot the kidneys end bladder. They correct Irregularities. Rem Pharmacy. VOU MUST READ THIS l r YOU WANT THE BENEFIT. J. w. Greer, Oreeawood. La., tuff end with a aerate ease ot lumbato. -The pains wdre so Intense I was forced to hypodermic Injections tor relief. These ettacks started with a gala la the small of my back which gradually became fairly paralyalng. My attention was attracted to Foley*, Kidney Remedy and I nm glad to say after using this wonderful medicine I am no longer bothered in any way by my old enemy lumbago.- Oem Phar macy. ■ Mrs. Eugene Downer DImmock left for Valdosta this morning after a visit of some days here FANCY PATENT PLOl)IT>^ 24th SACKS, AT 31 2t WILSON GROCERY CO. Miss Annie Simmons of Dahlia ar rived this morning and is thn attract ive guest of Mis* Ester Deen. Miss Edith Hildreth of Live Oak, Fla., who has been the truest of MUs Mery Deen left this morning. Col. Wm. G. Brantley passed through the city this morning cn route to Brunswick from.BInckshcnr. Mis, Grace Bradford of Wares boro will eiitertaln a number of friends at .her home at Wareaboro this evening. A number of young people from Way- cross will go out At tbe Trinity Methodist tomorrow morning Rev. J. B. Thrasher will preach after which tbe newly elected officers of Trinity Epworth League will be Installed at the evening hour Rev. Whitley Laogston will preach. Mrs. J. C. McDonald left last night for Asheville, N. C.. where her broto cr, Mr. Hilliard, Is thought to be dytw Mr. Hilliard has been ill for Mire months and his death Is not unespec led. >—*- >7 V i f Waycross' High School students who* haven't purchased school penants. dp, so at once, 30 2L Scruggs Pharmacy Co. Mr. and - Mrs. J. K. Wadley will entertain a little dinner party this evening In honor of Dr. and Mrs, Thomas Merrill Grace of Ne#. York. Dr. and Mrs. Grace are returning frofii their wedding trip through Flor ida. Rev. O. T. Cook, paator of the Flrat Methodist church, will reach Waycross this afternoon and fill hit pulpit at bo*h services tomorrow. The public is cordially Invited to come out and ;er.r him. Every member of ^ the hurch is especially urged to start, the new year right by being in their place and heariug their new psirtor.? We will pay you ten cents each for • now names and addressee or amateur j photographers. Carver, Bos 504. Wa- j ierloo. lews. tf Nice fun, capes, costa, coatsutts. and men’s suits at 47 Albany avenue. Quite a variety of skirts valuing from *5.00 to $16.30. tf Let us explain to you what Optometrist stands for. An Optometrist Is ono that understands and practise "Re fraction of the Eye", without the uae of drugs, also, the making, luting and repairing your spectacles or eyeglasses. My work gives satisfaction. T. A. W. Elmgren, OPTOMETRIST. 4" Gilmore Street The Herald, beginning today will publish each Saturday a beautiful em broidery pattern. These patterns are very popular and The Herald take* pleasure In giving its readers this service. These patterns have proven es penally popular with ladles. This week , we give a pretty center piece and belt or border pattern In the Wallachlan work, which is very easy to Ufa* deservedly popular. From Now Until Jan. 1, We are Going lo SELL. FOR CASH Any piece of our immense stock of Furniture, Carpels, Malting, Rugs, Art Squares, Stoves and Sundries, at prices never before known in Waycross. We have just received an up-to-date line of goods and we are going to SELL regardless of pofit. Our Loss Will Be Your Gain! During the month of December we guarantee to SELL you CHEAPER tthan any house in South Geor gia, if you need anything at all in opr line. This Is The Golden Opportunity! ' DON’T FORGET THIS SALE! We Will Also Sell You on Payments And Give You Easy Terms. HOME FURNITURE CO. Phone 49 40 Plan* Ave. HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S “Big Clearance Sale” One lot Men's Colored Laundry and Negligee Shirts. Regular Price 50c to $1.00 Clearance Price 25c. CARRIAGE PAINTER l 15 Parallel Street. . Phone 574 ; Carriage and Automobile Painting NEATLY EXECUTED F. O. SMITH, ONLY fIRET CLAM CARRIAGE FAINTER IN TOWN, Jf BOOiMgliBBgS^^ Rev. Whitley Langston. Presiding Elder will preach at Washington Avenue Methodist church at 11 a. m. tomorrow and hold the drat quarter!, conference for that charge. Just af ter the preaching service. He win also preach al Trinity at night Tho public I. most cordially Invited to attend all of these services. Have yon seen Sam Heller’s ad? It's an Installment dry goods homo, tf One Table of Ladies’, Children and Men’s Win ter Underwear. Regular price 25c. Clearance Sale 15c. Extra Large Size Union Linen Huck Towels. Clearance Sale 12J£c Small lot of Large Size Cotton Comforts. Clearance Sale $1 -OO BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL SHOES. Bad Colds! Seals Cold Tablets will break up ♦ your cold in one day. If they fail t'- you Can have your money hack—2Sc CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED I nlals free, with LOCAL APLICATIONS, as they 3 - CHENEY t CO.. Props, cannot reach the seat of {he disease. So | d hy Druggists ortce W?** 0 ’ °' | Catarrh la a blood or constitution., | Take Halt . ^mlly PIU. for coustl- patlon. THE SEALS PHARMACY THE IKXALLSTORK jEo^wood.phoni m,;m SO US