Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, December 31, 1910, Image 8

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o^oooooooooooc ooo o<x><>ooooooooooooo oooo<xx><xxxxx>o<x>o cPkail Grand Pianos IF A PIANO DEALER SPEAKS HIS MIND HE WILL TELL YOU: “THERE’S NOTHING LIKE THE,. McPHAlL GRAND FOR BfeAUTY' OF FINISH AND BEAUTY OF TONE." ASK A DOZE& FAIR JUDGES WHAT ARE ITS CHIEF CHARACTERISTICS AND YOU WILL GET A DOZEN ANSWER8. ONE SEES BRILLIANCY, ANOTH- £R SEES RICHNES3, ANOTHER SEES PERFECTNES, ANOTHER DELICACY OF TONE, ANOTHER j THE POWER OF EXPRESSION, ANOTHER ACTION, ANOTHER THOROUGH CONSTRUCTION.’ ONE SEES NEW IDEAS) ANOTH ER OLD IDEAS IMPROVED. THE McPHAlL GRAND PIANO IS ENDOWED WITH PERSONAL ITY QUITE ITS OWN. MUSICI ANS UNDERSTAND ITS CHARM INTUITIVELY. 0 UNSUCCESSFUL. ' Tire wife of a literary- man of the !*i' ; iana school, who had taken ti;> ns a si Jo issue, w-*n toiling of i!u? poor -ucvesj she had with a brood of eleven chickens. They * med to b* 1 doing all right for a feu (’ays, ehe said, and, then, one after another, they all died In the coop. • W'ABt did you fet'd then!?’’ aske«. tire -wife of a fanner neighbor. -Feed the»n!” exclaimed the authors helpmate. didn’t .feed tlu-n:: *1 thought a healthy yomi" pnlL't iikt* ihat. should have milk enough fo: her chicks.’ IT J CARSWELL PH - j DiceEses cf Children; Diseases of Wcmen; Obstetrics. Magaa^c and Using ruc»^dl Patterns , pn, n t Are. Phone 515, Ladles! SaT * Money tzi Keep in Style by Reading McCell’s nurp rllnp, We have other makes and we are proud of ev ery Piano we handle. McPhail, Chickering, Laffargue, Bush & Lane Henry F. Miller, HainslBros., Cambridge, Regal, Brewster and others. We give easy monthly [payments if desired and take old pianos and organs in exchange at full value. C. C. Cocroft Music Co. THE USEFUL WORM. The fond mamma entered tl; ery to find out what the govern been reading to her little girl. ‘What have you learned, cl fiom Mias Johnson’s book?" s'l rjuired. with n 'smile. ‘Oh,’’ responded the darling, about caterpillars and butterflies and worms, you know.’* ‘ Ah! And do you know, now worm it is that gives mamma all her silk dresses?" "Yes, of course," replied her off spring. "It’s papa." ... tv*- l-tily !•« H T C-r Office in Southern Bldg. Phofce 53*.. nsL i tcitiM *yti b. i Etach Dr.Lewis JonathantBrrch PRACTICE LIMITED TO valuable mf"rmaiion t Eye*. Ear, Nose, Throat and Chronic on ait boms nud per- on.il nullals fair Diseases. Oc a r'-ar. icriutiNur . . Store. Residence S Lincoln street. Office Hours: 8 to 12 a. m. 2 to p. m colored people. scribe today i ccud sample copy.. will enable you to make In your . with y»*nrown liarnK clothing fur ml children which wilt be perfect i style am! fm price—none higher than 15 B F HEARN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. No. 14 Brewer Street. Pbone No. 5££ Be sure you are right, the»gc ahead ENDS WINTER'S TROUBLES. \ and let me figure on doing your tulld- trouble. The 7ro7 bitten 't'oe»"an,I ’•»*. All work guaranteed to give per- t Broad Street, A. W. LANG, AGT., Thomasville, Ga. aycrcfc, Ga. ooo6000Q<xxxxyw><> ooooooo<yYW><vxyv> ©ssssssssssssssss® Waycross Garage Automobiles Motorcycles Bicycles And Supplies. oooooooogooogogo* For wood phone 215. % I r Automobiles with Safe Drivers For Hire DAY OR NIGHT. F. Li. IVIcGEE, FARM FOR SALE. Do you want a four hundred acre, Ware county farm, conveniently local <?d to market, west of Waycross, ou the Brunswick and Western Railroad between Hasty and Satilla River. Tiin ber and wood on the land would pay for it. if marketed. 30 acres has been in cultivation. Public road passes through It. Well watered. Fulmoor creek is Its eastern boundary. Owner wants to sell for division. Go and .se* It will bear Inspection. # Call on or write Simon W. Hitch, Waycross, Ware County. Ga. 26 1m W Phone 35, 20 Pendleton St. WAYCROSS GEORGIA. m |Uf !»Sa*JK»tK{»atb538!»S}|«Ka53l«f!3«»l»l3ll5KlK* Drug Store Comforts There aro :r my things for your convenience and comfort at our Dru e Ftote. Ice Caps. Rath Brushes,- Frongts. Chamois Hot Water Bags. Toflet .NecsMltUs, Face Lotions. £u- perior Cold Cream. If here ever there i* anything you want from a drug ■tore telephone us and yon will secure the best of service and quality. Cherokee Pharmacy PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS PHONE ISO GEORGIA—WARE} COU.VF*. Not lee is hereby given that the un dersign havev applied to the ordinary of said county for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of Mrs. Millie Jeffords, deceased, for the pur pose of paying the debts and distri bution. V Said application will b« heard at*the regular term of court of ordinary of said county to be held on the first Monday in January, 1911. • This 5th day of Qec. 1910. H. J. Jeffords, ' Administrator of the Estate of Mr*, j Millie Jeffords, deceased. TRV THE WANT ADS ■» FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS. Our Cabbage Plants are now ready for shipment at the following prices: COO for $1.00, In lots of 1,000 to 4,00(1 at $1.50 per 1.000, in lots of 5,000 to 9,000 at $1.26 per 1,000, in lots of 10,000 or over at $1.00 per 1,000 plants V O. B. this pjialce. On account of unfavorable weather conditions, the supply of cabbage plants Is short and wo advise you to send in your order nice. ' We Guarantee count and good order delivery. Remember we do not advertise or sell "Cheap" Cab bage plants, t’siey will not give satis faction. The plants that we sell art- grown from seed which has been care fully selected and improved for the past forty three years, the very bes: wc can produce. Yours very truly. Win. C. Greaty Co. D»c. 28 2m Yonges Island, S. C LITTLE WILLIE KNEW. »Little Willie, the son of a German- oun woman, was playing one day with the girl next door, when the latter exclaimed: "Don’t you hear your mother call ing you? That’s t’iiree times she’s done It. Aren’t you going In?" "Not yet." responded Willie, Imper turbably. "Won’t she whip you?" demanded tao little girl, awed. « "Naw,” exclaimed Willie, In disgust. "She ain’t going to whtp nobody. She’s got company. So when I go in she’ll just say: "The poor little man has been so deaf since he’s had the measles!" ed hands and lips, chil blah s, cold sores, red and rowxh skins, print- this. Pair such troubles liy be fore Bucklen’a Arnica Salve. A trial convlnc'-s. Greyest healer of Burns, Boih. Piles. Cuts. Sores. Eczema and Sprains. Only 25c at All Druggists. feet satisfaction. Best of reference)* furnished If required. mass PLOOR FINISH Natural and Colored made to stand hard usage, constant walking, scuffing, the tramping of children. Kyanlsw will stand all this—end more. W. R. THOMAS, M. D. PHYSICIAN SURGEON. Office In LaGrande Building. Room 324. Over Postoffic*. Hours: 9 to 11 a.m.; 2 to 4 and 7 and 8 p. m. VICTORY CAMP NO. 477 ] WOODMEN OF THE WORLD ' Meets every Saturday night at 7:30 | o’clock at .Masonic Hall. All Wood men are cordially' Invited .to attend. J. M. Allison, Cosh-Cord. J. A. Masters, Clerk. KranUe U Tearproof, beelproof. i pot proof. Tour money back ii doesn’t do aU wo claim. WATT HARDWARE COMPANY, Waycross. Ga. Vftoinufkv. viw.in«n-.Mi, SdCBfA'S JSEiM. hanrtrn»*;. v-*U ] meow. rir. ’>a:iimi «*C wtt .*• u.fum. 1 f.. a lour f r'OHl Ly*Ji r«w»<i#aJ«r». Atlantic Coast I^ine Schedule. 1 uf niiure Repairing and Upholstering We are still doing buiness at the same old stand, 22 Draw er* Street near the Court House. We will repair—clean up and revarntsh your old furniture, and make it qew—We also do all kinds of upholstering—re- pair (rank,, suit am, tie. AU oar work It strictly cart when nulihed—No work dellr- ered without the money—Work left la tho ship thirty dtyt af ter u |, finished win hstrs stor- tn ehsrcts added and wOl ho liable to be sold for charges J, I. Wiiie S Sm. T»f>« 2*4 a Brewer fit. RAWLINGS’ CASE JANUARY 11TH. a final hearing, at least for the time being,will be given on the pe titions for commutation for the Raw- ’.ihFS’ boys. Jesse. Milton and Leonard an January 11th. Attorney John t’ooper, of Mat-on. who. made tho hard and uuccesafti fight to nave-the hoys from the gillow; Is now working with the same persls ency to secure a pardon for th*»m, n' ’casty commutation to present uervico. The ^-ommisslon was practically ready to pass on tho applications dur- Inp December, hut Mr. Cooper asked fo« a postponement in order to fetrnr- further data to lie presented. The 'ontlnuancc was granted t’;.cn to Jsuuary 11th. Under present condition* it is doubt ful If the Rawlings’ stand very niue! chstnee for cither commtite.tlon or parole. SAVED FROM AWFUL DEATH. How an appalling calamity in hi: 'airily was prevented la told by A. D McDonald, of Fayetteville. N. C.. R. F D. No. 8. "My alster had coosumn tlon," he writes, "she was very tb!r and pale, had no appetite and aeeme^ to grow weaker every day, at all rem- >dlea failed, till Dr. King’s New Dla •overy was tried, and so completed cured her, that she has not been tron Sled with a cough since. Its the best medicine I ever saw or heard of.* -*or coughs, colds, lagrippe. asthma, croup, hemorrhage, all bronrtifcal trotv tlcf. If has no equal, 60c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by All Drug gist*. v ~ y - - - ARRIVALS at waycross^- Frnui ssvauuah rnlD 185 5:50 am Train 186 12:50 pm Train 21 5:55 pm Tram 57 10:00pm /n., Montgomery Train 58 5:15 am Train 180 5:45 pm Prom RalDKrMK. A Thom I.Vine rain 184- . S:ro am DEPARTURE For Jesup ash Savannah Train 5Si .....5:56 am Train 185 ..10:00 am Train 180 ....7:30 pa Train if 6:10 pa For Montgomery Train 189 6:10 am Train 57 10:25 pm For Batnbrtdf* and Tnomaartlla.. -•urn. j Train 189 .. ...; 6:10 am Train 93 4:55 pm! , 0 i Albany r.ln hi »:55 am |Traln 92 10:50 pa rain #7 6:00 pmlTraln 06 ......7:50 From Chleuiui and Nort««>t , C. Special (via Albany)... .4:55 am iTraln 90 ...6:10 pm For Chicago and Northweit Dixie Flyer (via Tilton)... .5:35 am 1 1. C. Special (via Albany) 10:60 pm South Atlantic Limited 6:36 am Dlx,c F1 l' er < vla Tilton) ....10:30 pm Front Brunswick ’South Atlantic Limited.. ..10:20 pm Train 96 7:40 am f For Brunswick ruin 90 5:55 pm -nn» t.i.k.naetlla Train 22 5:65 Dm* .Train 91 10:06 an I Train 97 6:10 pm For Jackaonvllla i Train 95 (Dixie Flyer 5:40 am Train 32 ...; 10:15 pm j Train 94 10:26 pnt! Tr, * ,n 33 ...6:00 an Train 92 • HH5 pm| Trnln33 •••• .6:40 am From .Tam,*. Hieh Snrimrs vlrf On I r » ln 2: 6:16 r “ poet j Pnr TAtupa. High RprlpK** Vain 42/... 7:2R pra Tmlo 43 *;00 •»' For through Schedut&s. Pullman F e $ervaflons. etc.. Call Cn E. M North. A. G. P. A. R. B. Pollard. Tit'vet Agent ^uvanosh Jla WosT^r****!* Ga THE State Life Insurance Company OR INDIANAP CLIS. INDIANA. Oaoo.its with State for Guar ante, of Policies, .... 5S.DOO.000^0 Surpluo (o Policy Holders ,1.174.6062)0 Security Iq u Life Insurance Policy is the principal thing. One wants protection that proiects without regard m general ’financial K.mllMons.The STATE LIFE DEPOSITS WITf) THE STATE OF INDIANA for the benefit of all Its policy, holdert, the entire ..„*h value ol every outstanding policy. At (bis, rime the company bus on deport with the State. In first class tteeuri.'’ ties. S larger amount than all other large companies combined. ITS POLICIES ARE AS SECURE AS THE BANK OF ENG- LAND. I have been with (hfs good company seventeen years and throjfh It a agency have paid many thousands ol debars to bepaficltrlaa Take u 0 chance with Tour Ills policy, but see me lot “INSURANCE THAT INSURES." V. L. STANTON, Manager. WAYCROSS. GEORGIA.