Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, December 31, 1910, Image 9

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WAYCROSS EVEN IMG HERALD Ladies' Puffs. -New line Just received,, all shades -of b » lr ......*1^0 Centemeri Ladies* Kid Gloves *1.25, *1.50 *1.75, *3.50, *4.25 Company, Pepperill Sheeting Bleached 10-4 30c 94 27c Toweling Good Heavy qualities •cl 5c, 10c, 12 1-2 and 15c -"a Broad Cloth Ladies’ Switches Length 21 inchjifc-Jpeclaf *2.00 Kneeland Shoes and Oxford ■For men, all late shapes, tans! Patent Leather, Gun Metal, Box Calf, button and lace Plum and striped, green, navy black, red, Copenhagen and blue 54 inches wide Persian Belts The late style Patent Leather Backs..... ’ UNBLEACHED SHE6JING TURKISH BATH TOWELS Unbleached, Large size*.. 10c and I3p Oxfords and Pumps.... *1.50 to *4.50 BROAD CLOTH lit plain white, 54 Inches wide pe, yard ... Sheets LADIES CLOTH BUTTON SHOES In Patent Leather, Gun Metal and Suede.... Towels! Towels! 5c, We, 136,. 15c, 25c 50c and 75c Percales. GOOO QUALITY Wood Plaids 36 inches wide, only. misses cloth top patent LEATHER 3HOES. .*1.75, *2.00, *240 For childrens dresses. Pillow Cases Hemstlched ‘45x36 .. Plain 45x36 Gingham Many new prices In Stripes. Checks and Plaids. Suitable for Childrens and I-adies. dresses and watsts RED STAR DIAPER CLOTH fleet quality 22, 85c—24, «0c—27, 98c Wool Flannel White and red . ,20c, 25c, 35c a Outing Light *n<T Hark colors/..... 10c yd BUSTER BIfOWN HOpg‘ Lidlpc. Mens and Childrens, all sizes. 4... V..4 ..’ 4 Months Guarantee. LADIES READY TO WEAR SUITS *12.50—*15.00—*18.00—*20.00—*25.00 Kabo and Amer• can Lady COR8ETS *1.00 to I Japonika Silk All colors. figured and plain Talfetta Silk 36 inch width, black and colors. 230 to 12*50 Table Qamask Splendid qualities 25c. 50c, 75c, 85c, 05c and $1.25 30c, 35c and 40c CHINA SILK All colors Special White Linen 36 Inch width LINEN NAPKIN BOOKFOLDS 12 in folds. .*140 *1.50 *2.00 *250 *340 Wool Serge Double width, medium and hea vy quality, brown, blue and black. Special..' 5< Cotton Suil Plain and atripea, checks, width 10c, Silk Petticoats Black and cdlSra . .*3.50, *4, *5, (0.50 NAPKINS Ready hemmed H. J. Benton & Company KNEELAND SHOES FOR MEN PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS Temporary Heat Quickly In the District Court of the United Golden Link 8ociety Entertain*. CLASSIFIER States for the Southwestern Division of the Southern District of Georgia Did you ever slop to think of the many ways In which a perfect oil heater Is of value? If you wsne to sleep with your win dow open in winter, you can get sufficient heat from an oil heater while you undress tt night, and then turn It off. Apply a match ln the morning, when you get out of * bed,and you have heat while you dress. . Those who have to eat an early i breakfast before the stove is radiating V heat can get Immediate warmth from 1B> an oil heater, and then turn it off. uUMHO 'The girl who practices on the piano * cold room in the morning can have warmth from an oil heater while IvHKH she plays, and then turn It off. The member of the family who JJgSSML has to walk the floor on a cold wln- —QrJB ter’s night with a restless baby can get temporary heat with in oil beater, and then turn It off. The In ho Matter of Stephen S. Ludluin, Fnnkruiit In Bankruptcy. street. The taouae wa8 prettily decor ated, and cherry open lire made bright the attractive parlor and re ception room wwhere the gueets en joyed many gamea. Mra. J. W. Seals wbo la leader ot the Society assisted In entertaining. Those wbo enjoyed Mrs. Seman’s hos pitality were: Mlases Grace Bradford, ot Waresboro; Anna Slmmona, of Dublin: Sarah Saulabiiry, Either | Deen, Eula Lang, MnTgiret Murphy. I’earl Cason. Francis Hopkins, Viola Ratliff, Letha Hardy, Beaulah 8trlck- land. Clio Strickland. Jesale Ketterer; Messrs Milton Parker, Jasper Gray, Julian Henderson, Karl Porter, Jim English, Leon Vann. Ed Jordan, Flem ing Folks, Lester Cason, Frank McRae, Dave Pope and DeWttt Deen. To the creditors , of Stephen S. Ludluin of Wuycross In the county of Warn, said District, a bankrupt: Notice Is hereby given that on the 29th day of December, J910, the said Stephen S. t.urilum was duly adjudged bn: ,f„ und that the first meeting of lila creditors will he held at Bri: in wick, Georgia, on the 14th day of January, 1911, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, at which tlmo the said cred itors may attend, prove their elalma, appoint a truatee, examine the bank- WANTED LOST—One Diamond ring. Tiffany Betting. Howard If returned to Oca Pharmacy. 20 2* WANTED—Salesman to hand^ on line of Trunks and Bags on commis sion basis, as a side proposition. Out fit consists ot smal) package of pho tographs. state territory covered, also give references. Petersburg Trav eling Goods Co., Petersburg, Vo. 29!t RFECTIQ Is Invaluable In its capacity of quickly giving beet. Apply * mediately at work, It will bura tor nlnalisun without ri smokeless and odorlsu. It baa a damper top and a cool ba always show* tbo amount of oil In tba font. It baa an aefwsw*tle-lockI*E Home sprtader wick from being turned blth enough la (mote, and la nay i back so that Ihs wick can be cleaned In oa Instant. The burner body or gallery cannot bccomn wedged, i unscrewed for rewlcklng. Finished,, in Japan or nickel, M FOR SALE—Sewing Machine fbr •sin; Singer mnke; In good condllUBk very cheap. Appljr to 1* Brunei atrent Quick. tl tt . _ , numucr ro put on nnoiner comesi. In Compliment To Mias Knapp and Mist Arnold A® 4 h>a m>de arrangement* to put ,, .--.-i . one on a little Inter. Mrs. Amelia Heldt entertained a ■ number of the younger set last even- ingib compliment to her nieces. Miss CARD OF THANKS. Knapp and Mhffi~Srnold of Thomas- vllle. A delightful evening wax spent WE TAKE-THIS OPPORTUNITY Among the guests were Mines Kate TO THANK OUR FRIENDS AND Lyonn. Kate Lewia. Florie OriOn. Ln- THE PUBLIC FOR THE PATRON- die Rippard, Anna Morrison, Florence AGE GIVEN US IN THE PAST, AND Andrews. Magdalene Izlar. Annie Pet WE CAN ASSURE YOU THAT OUR Powell. Lncile Sutton. Juanita Bennett ENDEAVORS FOR tail SHALL BE Addle Belle Lowther. Sadie Dyerlle. TO DESERVE YOUR CONTINU- Viola Ratliff. Fay McGee. Kathleen EO PATRONAGE; AL80 TO EX- Chandler and Ettlenne Goddard; and PRESS OUR APPRECIATION -OP, •w. M. Williams. Kontz Bennett, Ed-’AND TO THANK OUR MANY CUS- uln Murphy. Harold Hardy, Walker T0MER8 FOR THE LARGE AND Sharpe. Walter Stanton, Herbert Lew- ‘ VERY SATISFACTORY BU8INES8 In. Hugh Gilchrist, Wilburn Sharkel- DURING THE PAST YEAR. WITH BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. WE ARE, YOURS VERY TRULY, THE WILSON GROCERY CO. BY W. M. WILSON, MOR. WILSON BLOCK. WAYCROSS, OA. PERSONAL. * We wilt pay yon ten ceuta each f jr new names and addresses of arestrar photographers. Carver. Box 504, Wa terloo, Iowa. tt service has been given by any paper In this city, and apeak* well for the Herald, In keeping up with the times. then I always kep a bottle of Foley'u Honey and Tar In the bouse. Accept no substitutes. Gem Pharmacy. FOR. RENT—A convenient flat; a rooms, 37 Hicks street 31 3t CUTTS TO BE BOOMED FOR SALE—My entire stock coa- rlatlng of groceries, dry good* and Sx lures, all for sale at cost and store for rent. Come quick. Giles F, Lew is, Hebardvllle. 2» 2t LOST—Black Stetson Hat exchang ed through mistake at Aid Domb Theater last night. Varty having three will please leave It at Herald office and get their hat. 31 It Beglnnlog today and continuing, every Saturday the Waycroaa Evening llcrald will have a new feature. We u’l! cifauguratc a a pattern aervlce. SIX HUNDRED POUNDS C. C. BUTTER JUST RECEIVED, GOING AT 25c POUND, AT 31 2t WILSON GROCERY CO, , WANTED—Several small act* of books to keep by ao experienced Rqpjt- kceper. Address "Bookkeeper car* Herald offles. 3w WANTED—AJ, once, room and board or comfortable room by young business woman. Best' references. Address Box 431, City. » It fDI£Y5K0)N£YPnZS CORSETS KNITTEO CORBET COVERS 25e and 4So WHITE ALL-WOOL SERGE 44 inches wide, only ....95c Dimity 36 Inch width. ., ,10c yd