Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 02, 1911, Image 1

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j OFFICIAL ORGAN OF WAYCROSS ANb WARE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION WAYCROSS, GA;, MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1911 NUMBER 118 JLUME XVIII IEH SHERIFF 10VATI0N AT THE MAJESTIC L l SAFETY DEPOSIT* 30XES. ■ ccrscns having boxes rented old building will please call 1 make statements and accept this Retire »ibut we can .'ic longer be =ible the eafety of their de- there. w in our new building in Block, where we have all | rn and up to date conveniences— • date safety boxes. $5.00, $10.00 |$15.00 per year, in a modern fire- vault. Those wishing boxes | please call and make their selec- SIX ARRESTS, ONE FOR MURDER, $5-00 V.MLL BE GIVEN AWAY SAT IS THE RECORD. ; URDAY MATINEE. Sheriff Pittman and his deputy, C. A. Bennett, did not enjoy a quiet New Year’ yeserday. Six arrests were made before the day pased five for misdemeanor and one for murder. All parties involved are negroes. The one arrested for murder was brought In from Hinson's sill, where he was charged with giving another a drink of whiskey containing poison. to citll and inspect ovr nei Hart a savings Now Year. Wo pS\ I p customers - new home. Hh us for per cent impounded quarterly. Re- rly $700,000. First National Bank. J. Cooper, Pres. B. W. Bellinger, Cashier. BEGINS SECOND TERM, "denre. R. I., Jan. 2.—Aram J. took th* 1 oath of office as )r of Rhode Island for the time today. With him the elected State officers aasuraed authority. inauguration was conducted p usual ceremonies in the e of both houses of the gener- ttly. \ Michigan Executive Takes Office. Lansing, Mich., Jan. 2.—Simplicity formed the keynote of the ceremonies today attending the inauguration of Chase K. Osborn cs governor of Michigan. All military pomp and, os tentation were lacking and even the customary public reception was dis persed with, in accordance with the wishes of the new executive. The inauguration exercises were held on the steps of the capitol and were witnessed by a large crowd. The principal features of the programme were the invocation by the Rev. J. A. Kennedy, the administering of the oath of office by the chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the inaugural address of the new governor. ! BOt,itm »;g this afternoon and con j UnulUg every matinee until Saturday, j the Majestic will give away a dupli cate ticket with a number, this number , will be deposied in a box and some j one will draw one from the box on next Saturday Matinee, and the per- j sop holding the lucky number will be ' given $5.00 in gold. This only applies j to the matinee performances nnd no duplicate* will be given away at night. In addition to the regular moving picture .reels the Majestic will give vaudeville on Saturday Matinee, the usual matinee prices will prevail. 5 &. 1.0 cents. Remember this Innovation begins today, and only applies to Mati nee performances. Vaudeville every night this week. FOR SOUTH' GEORGIA TODAY: TAKEN BY- Drop of Twenty-five or Forty Degrees Predicted Within Next 24 Hours. Cold i 1 coming RECEPTION AT THE WHITE HOUSE A drop of from 25 to 40 degrees predicted in a special warning to the Uourd of Trade from Allan where the notice was received early U day froiii Whshtlu <•. '| ^li^ l- entir- • •.in.n.k.vl for as tltwj general appearance of the element:' t would indicate warm weather aud j rain. Just how or wwhy the col J j Washington. D. C., an. 2.—The birth ; wave slipped In is not known, nnd so, 0 f the New Year was celebrated in (attempt is made to locate a reason j the* nation: capitol toduy with all the (for its existence.* Enow in many por- • brilliance which the custom of many j ions of Georgia is predicted also, but j y^ars has attached to the observance , there is hardly any possibility o( the] df the day. Public interest as here- PRINCESS ALICE LOSES HER FINE GOWN. Don’t meet Rouble half way, wait till he comes then kick him off the platform. New York, Jan. 1.-—Express Com pany detectives are scouring New York for a due to the whereabouts of a gown which Mrs. Nicholas Long- worth expected to wear at President Taft’s New Year Reception Monday afternoon. Mrs. Longworth came to New York from Washington recently, and was measured by her dressmakers. Inquiry Indicates that the gown was stolen from a wngon during the holi day rush. No Mistake By Wearing a Suit Made by Co. ' men you meet on the street >n the market today. du can get them at: H. C. Seaman Any tiling You Need For Boys. mow referring to Waycioss. The change predicted is scheduled to take place not later than tonight. tofore centered !u the President’s re ceptlon at the White House. Althougn not as largely attended as in somo Under the circumstances it might, not j previous years, the function was most he a bad idea to but of your water and j successful in every respect, inasmuch save troubles along this line omorrow I as it furnished the only opportunity of the year for several thousand visitors AS THE FIRST DEMOCRATIC GOV. OF NEW YORK INI MANY YEARS. to greet the President nnd Mrs. Taft and see the interior of the always Interesting old mansion. The function began at 11 a. m., and continued untjl well along in the af ternoon. The first greetings of the day were extended to the President nnd Mrs. Tatt by the Vice President, members of the Cabinet and their ladies.. Then followed the diplomatic, representatives- accredited to the Uni ted States, In the prescribed attire of Albany, N. Y.. .Inn. !i-John A. Itlx, j ,hplr respect^ro-courts. The lino wan the first Democratic governor of Sew.'™" b - v *" e **" " r ** •Hp'‘»nntlc Volk has had In years, was Immsura. j HohgelmulWr, the An,- ted at noon today. j The ceremonies In the capital were j extremely - simple nnd occupied lesa [ than half an hour, The programme | Included (be address of welcome by Governor Write to his successor, and the response of the latter. Among the visitors who witnessed the ceremonies was a large delegation of Tammany Hall men. The Inaugu ration was preceded by a parade of various companies and commnndt of the national guard of New York 1 _ . ... „ , . . . .. elate justices of the Sdpreme Court Troop B of title city tarnrabed the . ■ baaeador from Austria-Hungary. Other who attracted attention In the brilliant nsscmhlage were llnrtrn Rosen the Itiisslan Ambassador; Count Von Rcrnstorlf, the German Ambassador; Baron Uchlda, the Japanese Ambassa dor; M. Jusaerand, the French Am baasador; Senor de la Barra, the Mexican Ambaasador; Vlacount d’Alte the minister ffom Portugal, and Mr. Arcaemena, the minister from Puna- Ohlef Justice White and the asso- personal escort of the new governor. WAYCROSS BUSINESS COLLEGE BEGINS WINTER SESSION TOMORROW. The Waycroaa Business Collage of Vnent, repreaentlng the Important bu- this city, will open ita doork In the morning for the bcglDnlng of :the Winter Session. During the year, 1910, n large number of young people tvns prepared fit thla notable Institu tion to accept poaltlona of reeponalbll- Ity and truat. The school closed for the Chrlatmns holidays with a very large enrollment, nnd several new atudenta are expected to reach the city today and tomorrow. Puplle entgr tbit college an,any time during the year, as they pare no vacation during the aummer. ■> The President of the school, Prof, R. F. Zelgler, has recelred many let ten from bnslheaa men who employ graduates of the Way cross Business College, and these letter* are filled with something about the thorough ness of thselr Instructions and the efficiency of their graduates. Every ambitious young person In this city should make arrangements at once to enter this College. You will come In contact with yotnfg people from dlf ferent states, and will get the vary beat 'training possible to he had In a business College. \ 24tbs FIRST CLASS FLOUR ONLY 75 CENTS, AT 31 2t WILSON GROCERY CO. of the United States led the entire Judiciary present, after which cams Senators and Raprcaentatlrea In Con gress. The Army, the. Navy and the Marin* Corps, alto were well repre sented. The official* of the Govern reaut of the various departments, were followed by representatives of patriotic societies and the members of the Oldent Inhabitants’ Association of the District of Columbia. Shortly alter one o'doch the general, public, represented by hundred, of m'pn, wo men and children who bad stood pa tiently for hours In long quest* wind ing up to the entrance of the executive mansion, was admitted to fhe pres ence of the President and party. As In former.years the reception was held In the Blue Room, which had been tastefully though not elab orately decorated for the occasion. The full Marine Band was stationed at the lobby and played almost con tinuously during the three hours of the reception. AWAY AT HOME LATE SUNDAY NIGHT. , W'aycross baa nothing to complain of Ita treatment during the year. 1910. And we hope that the New Year will be even better and more pprosperou* for us all titan the one Juat passed. ATTENTION ENGINEERS. All Engineers that can do so are requested to meet tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock, at B. of J>. E. Hall. O. W. Barnes. Lucius G. Jenkins has made h;a Inst run. After an illness of nearly three months he died last night at 11:30 o'clock at his home. No. 1 Brunei street. That lie was critically 111 was known only to a fojv friends, but for several weeks IiIb condition was such that little hope was entertained for hid recovery. Three weeks ago he was taken to an, Atlanta sanitarium In' hopes that something could he done to Improve his condition, Physlclnnt) advised an operation, hut were un certain as to the outcome. Saturday It was deemed best to bring Mr. Jen kins home. He' arrived Sunday Morning, accompanied by his wife nnd other relatives. Mr. Jenkins was 53 years old, and originally of Madison. Fla. Ho has been a resident of Waycroaa. for 31 yeara, and was connected with rail road work all the time. As an engi neer he was well and Favorably known In all of South Georgia, where hts runs had been. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias and a mem- bgr of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. The deceased Is survived* by hlg wife nnd five children, Mrs. W. P. Sims, Miss Msuda Jenkins, and three sons, Lucius, Orville aud Powell. He Is lilsn survived by his parents, Capt and Mrs. T. u. Jenkins of Valdosta; three sisters, Mrs. H. B.' I'owell, Mrs. R. A, Peeples, Jr., and Mrs. H. W. Dexter, all of Valdosta; four brothers, H. B. Jenkins, W. A. Jenkins and J. H, Jenkins of Vnldostn and W. 8. Jenkins of Alton,'Fla. The funeral will be conducted from the residence fomorrow afternoon Rev. W. H. Scruggs and Rev. .J B. Thrasher will conduct the service. The following gentlemen are requested to act at pallbearers and meet at the Marvll A <) Quinn undertaking parlor* at 3:30 tomorrow afternoon: H. B. Lee, E.‘B. Thayer, F. D. Howard, J. E. Peek, W. D. Goodrich a nd A. tL Campbell. , NOTICE. Tho ladle* of the 0. 1. A., are re quested to meet tomorrow gfternoon at tho lodgo room for the purpose of uttendlng the funeral f Mr. L. 0. Jen kins. No. 26 Howe Street For Rent Eight rooms- -suita ble for a boarding house. $25 PER MONTH. A. M, ,Kniglit and Son !, REAL ESTATE @ Insurance and Renting Agtt. jg PHONE 266. ’ & Southern lkilMlng. jn