Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 05, 1911, Image 1
hours off schedule. Can Make No Mistake Wearing a Suit Made by You can get them ah Anything You Need For Boys, OFFICIAL ORGAN OF WAYCROSS ANL WARE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION NUMBER 121 WAYCROSS, GA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1911 VOLUME XVIII ault UKirrLtu 15 me uurt NEARLY ALL SCHEDULES OFF IN WEATHER MAN FINDS LITTLE POLICE ARREST NEGRO WANTED FROM J. E. OICKINS STORES LAST AT A MEETING OF THE SOUTH- EY MABEL PAIGE AND KER COM- • RELIEF FOR SOUTH GEORGIA.' Little If any relief from cold wrath- r Is promised South Georgia tonight do roil, wan tod county for the inimlo: • Wrecks, snow statins, and delay connections, added together, gives a und f 0 , U0rr0 w. The best line of dope | p r j mug Miley at Itahira Christmas, had train service generally. ^ given Is oontlnued cold. Fair weath- was arrested here this morning by This was experienced through most er W |)| pj evail, which Is something to q Miller, of Hablra, and Police- of South Georgia today. The wrecks, j )e thankful for. I man Padgett, of the Waycross force. | The northern part of the state will Baker was in a shanty In Hoidsville, happily, were not of a serious nature, and only tied up local traffic between j no ^ jj e go cold tonight, and some let* flD( ] when confronted by the olfle Waycross and Valdosta on the Atlan tic Coast Une, and between Way- cross and Atlanta on the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic. From* the northwest no trains ar- up fn temperature is assured for made no attempt to escape. Friday. MC GRAW WANTS SENATORS DAMAGE TO THE ORANGE CROP. ( j Washington. Juu. !& Florida is in j they wanted. Three leather suit ERN COMMERCIAL CONGRESS I j 1 MARCH 8 TO 10. j ' | I.nst night sometime, .1. K. Dfokins *. —~ — j The plays chosen for the preseut Stares was robbed of about $200 worih j Washington. IX .Ian. 6.—Fregt-1 four of M |> g Mabel Paige and her of goods. . dent Taft and twe of hIs cabinet, Sec* j company', are of a line class. “A The jobbery - was discovered this! retarles Dickinson and Wilson, will j Bachelor’s Honeymoon" is one of the- morning when \|r. .J. K. Dlckins open he present at. the great meeting of | best und funniest 'comedy dramas td up his store*. of the Southern Commercial Congress [ever written and Its musical number* The thief or thieves, for t'ae.e was . in Atlanta, Alurt'n 8th, 9th and 10th. jare all tuneful, breezy and up-to-date, evidently more 'Ihan one, gained *?it- j This meeting will typify the physical At the present time, three high price trance by smashing a window iu the j recovery of the South. In an inter* rear, and thus gaining entrance to' view today G. Grosvenor Dawe, Man* priceeded to take what, aging Director, said: “Just fifty years ago the struggle between the states ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE;t the grip of frigid weather and by es was packed with various articles, wns approaching a liead.^ Consequen- rived before noon. The uearest ap-| Grafton, W. Va., Jan. 5.—John T. night the cold waYe will have swept as ' Among them, shoes, hats, shirts, silk; tly this semi-centennial meeting will proach to schedule time whs seveu | McGraw, one of the five avowed can* j f ar 80 uth as Miami, and the extreme hose, stick pins, gloves—well, In Wet \ have unusual significance. The pro- hours. The Seminole pulled In from Chicago way behind time. The Dixie Flyer Is due at 3:30 this afternoon, 6u&\| due here at 5:35 this morn- «no the Sally Limited from Chi cago and Cincfpn'fJ,. due here at 9:35 a. m„ is Krarked up-o!) the bul letin board to arrive shortly after 4 this afternoon., didates for United States senator, in j south portion of the mainland. | everything or the heat. The robbers j eeedlngs will cover three days. One a statement made public declared for! The thermometer stood at freer.* J must have been well acquainted with | whole division of the meeting will be the eleclon of United States senators I | ng point at Jacksonville, while in the I the store, as it was dark inside and j styled "Kxternul Views of the South." by direct vote of the pepople, for a i northwestern portion pf the state the j a*' mutches- were used, unless they | The group of speakers is of national primary law, for economy in state and j mercury fell from 13 to 14 degrees j had a dar.k-lnpiern, for they did not! weight. Secretary of Agriculture Wil- disturb anythingexcept wrat they son: George W. Perkins; Kdwurd National affairs and for the ussiimp- below freezing.- Great damage to tlon by the national government of. orange crop Is believed to have such part of the Virginia debt as the] suited. supreme conrt of tile United States j eou'd use. | Hines, President of the National Luiu- Mr Dickius places the stolen articles j her Manufacturers Association; Sum- A special train was made up here | decides srall he apportioned to the this morning to make the Coast Line j state of West Virginia. connections at Jesup. This was be* J — cause regular, train No. 182 was; TEXAS FIELD TRIALS, blocked by the freight wreck near; Taylor, Texas, Jan..5.—'The annual Valdosta. The eastern service was j Held trials of the Texas Hreeders’ only two hours behind. The A. B.! Club began today on the Si lies much, & A., traips are being detoured above mm this city. The programme of Manchester because of freight wreck'si tk'* meet extends over two days, with and are running from three, to fourteen | the Derbj^stake aijd the alj-uge stuke i the pprindpal* events. INAUGURATION IN NEW HAMPSHIRE. Concord. N. if., Jan. 5. Robert P. Pass was today inaugurated as gov ernor of New Hampshire. At\ the same time the other State officers- elect took the oath of office. The address of Governor Hass was devot ed wliwolly to matters of Slate Inter est.. ^nria-j* ’ i mi' =»r- -r nr l|M — atM * rih ■* IIIIBIB |" ' ins near as can be asco:tallied, at i about $200 or over, hut the robbers i got more than that. The cash reg- ! ister which contained a few dollars • was not disturbed at all. I A hack door was open early in the night, and was closed by ono of the I policemen. Inasmuch ns one of the j lnrge tour windows was open tills ' morning, It Is possible that the bur- i glars were in the store when the door , was locked. The supposition Is that one of the party climbed tluouvh tho Hirali window, and then opened the buck door, the key being on the in* sfde. uc] Mcllohcrta of Pittsburg and Ar thur M. Huiris of N. W. Harris and Company of lloston. , The first night will he devoted to the stihjejct of "The Solid South of Business.'* spoken to by one business leader from each state; the second night to "Mailing tho New South Un derstood," closing with a speech by Colonel Roosevelt on "The South’s Obligation in Statesmanship and in Business Fndeavor”; tho third night to "The South's Higher Thought." The speakers tluit night will he Wil liam CJ. MrAdoo, l)r. K A. Alderman {(invited). Governor Woodtow Wilson companies ure playing It on the road' as a one piece attraction and It has neveu been resented at popular prices* except by the larger and more preten tious city stock companies who can afford to produce th^ latest and best on the market. ‘"llie game, the second night's play. Is' fresh from the pen of the author and the celebrated metropllltan man ager, Mr. William A. Brady, has .re served the acting rights for all thw larger cities. It Is absolutely, entirely new. and Miss Paige regards It as the best play In which «he has ever appeared anywhere. Miss Paige and her company will appear at Parker Theatre next Mon day und Tuesday, presenting "A Bach dor's Honeymoon" on Monday, and "The Game" on Tuesday. Popular , prices, 25c. .50c and 75c, will rule and seats an* on sale at Scruggs Phap-, ujacy. . -4. • f Several clues have been obtained. | Secretary or Wn rDIcklnson. The and arrests are posdhle In a short final speech of file meeting will he l»y President Taft, his subject being "A Greater Nation Through a Greater South.*' The Stein- Sam W. Peck Block Co. and Co. SMART SET COMPHNY HERE SATURDAY REPORTED rftAT HONDURAN REBELS 8URROUNO CAPITO*. New Orleans, Jan. 5.-That Gen. Luis Duron, commanding 2,000 Hondu ran and Nicaraguan revolutionists, On Hie ills'll! of Satin’day, Jaiiuur, j KM , donlnf In on ToKUcIgnlpn, the 7 nt the Paiker Thonire, Burton ttnil J,u.pltol of Hondurna, ’umi would at WI»w»U'» doted "Smart Set” Gom-, -tipt «, take the city, le the newn Strause & Bros. The best dressed men you meet on the street are wearing them. They are the best on the market today. pany will present "George Washington Bullion," a clean and up-to-date mus ical comedy In three aids, Salem Tutt Whitney, an artist qapable ns he Is resourceful, is the chief com edian. He has a part that Is sold to- St his talents In an appropriate mapner. The supporting cast with Its forty select people and larged singing cho rus on the‘road. Includes J. Homer Tutt ond Daisy Peters Martin, prima donna, two performers who sre at tractions In themselves. The production in Its entirety smacks of careful and deliberate prrpamtlon, nothing laving hern over looked even lo the minutest detail. Plenty of song lilts, lively entrance brought by the Scandsnavlan steainci Karen, which arrived here yesterday afternoon from Ceiba on the Belize route. Gen. Manuel Bonilla, former Presi dent of Honduras and leader’ of the administration against the Davila ad ministration, Is aboard the gunboat Hornet, with forty Americana, most of them former United States navy gun ners and army regulars, according to the story the Karen brings/ The JlornetlH to attack the coast owns and snhdue them, while Gen. Dnron attacks Tegucigalpa end Gen. Lee Christmas fjweeps lh$o the capital from another direction, j The Hornet, It Is said, picked iip the American*!, who were massed an music, side splitting situations and the Guatemalan frontier, on h£r re* ensembles are distributed during the action of the comedy. The offering 'further contains many original fea- j tures combining on the whole an en- I tertninment that needs make the (roost exacting lover of all that Is ex Icellcnt’ln theatricals sit up nnd take notice. ALDRIpH NOW THE GOVERNOR. Lincoln,' NebrJan. Himple cere- monies marked the Inauguration of turn fi'om Cape Graciak, and Is proba bly In action against coast towns at this time. Officers of the Karen say President Davila has no real gunners and only native soldiers, and cannot hope to hold out against the revolutionists. COLONEL R0O8EVELT TO SPEAK AT BANQUET. New York. Jan. 5. Former Presi dent Roosevelt will 1m the chhff speak MAY LOOSE COUNTY JOBS. Atlanta, Gn., .Ian. 5.—Oov. Brown has under .consideration the question of declaring vacant the offices of tax . receiver und fax collector in thirty’, Georgia counties because they failed to file their bonds by January 1, as the law requires. The list of delin quents was reported to hint by the . Comptroller General, and Includes tax collectors und tax reoelyera In Bryan,. • Caindeu, Jenkins, Lowndes, McIntoMh^ , itltchd! . Pierce, Screven, Sumter* , Telfair. Wuynye, the tax receiver In . Burke and the tax collector In Liberty* , besides othcis in the northern section of the state. , It. rests with the .Governor whether to declare the offices vacant for failure to file bonds, and It la said In - the , event the surety companies should refuse to waive the date, or to con- . sent to the bonds being (lied as of , be would ha., no other nt- ternaUwe. The governor bee the, met- . Ur under consideration. '.Chenier H. Aldrich ne governor ot j er.^n the nonual banquet nt Hie I’erl- Xetynnkn today. There wh» even leee j odlcal • Publl.heiV Aenorintlan of roi'ioHllly In the change of oilier j America, to be glgen tomorrow night State olllcera. A public reception naeJet the Weldorf-Aetorla. The oib‘r held at'the Slate Houee. but the enn- speakers will Include Ropreeentnllve tomary Inaugural ball^wne omitted out Champ Clnrk, Francis J. Honey of or defference to the wishes of the Sen Francisco nnd Bishop Williams new governor. {of Detroit. ■JS '■ • —* -- • " X-tl 3.“-- V-' AFTER' C o fireman haa done his best and st out. Is then too late to consider ahout n policy of fire Insurance. Foe your protection yon shonld INSURE IN OUR COMPANY . I . today. The cost-tor adequate Insur. ftnee to warrant you against financial foes will not be great. Why not gyt our rates sod gnan) your Inlereafft before It Is loo IftteT A. M. Kmgkt ]■ ' •' A • ' ' i and Son r'i* • ~ S» s as 4 v£L:rT/