Newspaper Page Text
in many wavs by the Official
Into Supervisor. of Census for The vnluo of the official census iv
fveutir Georgia District, make* turns for Wnycroas Is lucalculnble.
dogy for publishing I ho fol- The figures made public yesterday will
[Personal letter from Mr. E.' stahd for ten years, and Investors nil
ifirand, Director bt Census. We t 0 vci-‘ the world will guide themselves
jksed to receive the Directors j Uy what the 1810 figures tell them In
j. hut In this cohummlratlnn, j reiltrd to sice. Woycross Is fortunate
re to say that the efficiency of, In per growth, hut does hot lutend to
^specially Els chief clerk, has | C ( the 1010 figures remain n high re- do. wit lithe .conduct ot I isirii. The next census returns will
Jus taking In this district, Its | ( pow nu oven bettor growth.
f nndt CDrfectdess, nnd while j j Uf t whut It means to have the
|ahd congratulates the writer,stamp 0 f the United States bn your
la nsslstar^jj ; sthtements of alee Is something that
clerks, | stenographer., ruumcralofsi ai^ottlsers appreciate. Waycross will
hoard <if 'trade of IVaycrpsn one-find 'how coinand the attention of people
all foryheir valuable help. This Is who 'heretofore parsed her up us a
Shi'Pjjtjinde letter: . * small hamlet Trade pepls will turn
.Mr. AWxhmlor . P. Ih'r lmin, Hr., th|hwittentloii to a city that more than
Supervisor of Census. Bventli District, ionlrtcs Is site In ten years. The la-
Waycross, da. crease alone will cause others to movo
Dear, Sir:—The official coudt ^if j j, frp „„ cue assumption that what!
yojr district has been completed add | other, do t h*y can do.
The announcement from. Washing
ton today of Waycross' 1910 census
figures gave almost general autltfac
tion in Waycross, although a few arm
somewhat disappointed. The Impre*-
s'nn was yiut ugh th ■ Immense ne'r
shops trJ mills tb.,'. Waycross squir
ed since iho last • .Hsus Waycroa*
would go over the mark.
However, It I believer that the enum
ntlon was ss complete ns possible
and everyone Is proud of the hand
some increase over 1900. Wayoroe ie
now In hor thirty-sixth year, and has
practically Just started her pace.
Tbo Increase of 8,506 people In Way-
cross Is almost tho population the
whole of Ware county had only' k-
•holt time before the Inst census. The
growth tine hecu such ms to cans th*
city limits to exond further than ever
before, and has ben uccompanled by
many Improvemens extensive In. char
' Wayci pis and-Athens are regarded aa Two, winners are announced In the
close rivals for sixth pldce* Inrtbe Board of Trade census contest for 1910
'itandlng 'of cities* In Georgia accord- The are Stacy Brsjly and H. D.
lag td 1910 census figures. Sweat Their gueesea'were 14,500. The
Athens was considerably ahead of population of Waycrose la 14,485,
Waycross In 1900, but the Increase ' Between 14,000 and 15,000 a msjorl-
since then, as shown by the report’ Mr of the esttnintee sent in were placed
bn the count/ in which Athens Is lo-j A f « w ' were as low as 10,000 had lo
cated, was* not as great as In Ware ®°- and several went as high as 20,-
If the increase was mostly in the conn- 0°°- The two names given sent In
ly-dlstricts,.Waycross tops Athens by guesses the same day. consequntly the
a few hundred, and stands stxb In eash offered to the correct or nearest
Georgia In point of else.. If the Increa- correct guceser Is divided,
be was mostly. In Athene, Waycross.
takes seventh place. ' _ sain illinil
^Tbal only cities known to bead Way- L A IIJ A Mil 1AI ■ U Hfl *
StMSf: CMmbu,.
I possible la its publicity work. The
- feet that Ur Buckcy Will spend much
. of his time In, i be sections from which
i Ware hopes to get hundreds of sett-
i levs menus that the advantages and op
. portunltls of Ware will be presented
personally by Mr. Buckey- ■
The newly- appointed lunnlgratluttj 5»e Tti-|ttlrn thanks this
agent wau’ln, Wayaroes'tbday to get
Information from tho-Board ofTrade
and to meet realty agbnts. Ho bad:
never been here before, and was favor
able Impressed with everything he saw
j Mr. Buckcy complimented WaycJoss,
ion her wbnderfnl growth /since 1900,
l and said lie felt that he would have
I something to do with giving Ware u
larger Increase in another 10 years
through his work In the west and ons|.
Many people
thought'Rome and Albany wonld top
WaycrosB. Rome has a few over 12/
. 000, aqil Albany not much over 8,000,
Griffin, Brunswick, Dublin, and Val
dosta are cities yet to be heard from, j
hut Wayn-ors- is not in any danger
from them. b •
The Vnldostu people have been
clearly passetl In point of growth, rfs rl
well as Iliuhxwlck. ,
a Fair and wurrn tonight, with tnoieas
ling cloudiness and probably rain Sun
day afternoon or night.
That'S all the weather man sees lor
Waycross lu his line. It docs not
sound particularly objectionable at
first glance, but these showers ore
more often that) not followed by a
j spoil oT cold that is mil at all seansmi-
Noininatlon, election and Insmllallo
of officers Monday Jan. nth nt 7:20 P.
in. Smoker afterwards. All members
lie sure and come
Sherod Collins , fj. (I. Finn
Secty. - Councilor.
'1 2'-'
We desire tif*thsnk onr friends of
i Woycross who' were so kind to us
dnrlng^he llltiess and death of our
little dcjiRiitej^Kvelyn.^
Mr. and jifri. H. Jplner.
terminated. It Is possible, however,
that matters may arise which wilt
necessitate seme .little cofespondeiice
Tbo Majestic Theater has succeedoj
lousing the pofmlar motion pictures'
■ I.— --I..1.—,-.i ist-wui- mil Stni.i
)n he sonny somjjj.
• ” NIGHT.
West, un'd Pawnee Bill's Ftp- least
j Shows, and will place.-them an oxlil-
tlnn lit tbolr cosy theater on Penllw-
ton street, Next Monday and Tuesday
January oh and 10th.
These pictures are the finest that
have ever been made by picture mnnu-
fartlirrrs: they are In throe reels cloar
and distinct, and It takes about one
hour’ and a half to allow hem. Thoy
nto an exact repprodueiiffn of each
and.every act of the Great Wild West
shoqs. after 'it enters tho areas, and
are the only atiborltted pictures rtf
those shows.
In order that everybody may have an
opportunity of sselng these pictures,
fie Management has decided to place
them on ciblbiton st three o’cloel/p.
in., on Monday and Tuesday nnd will
give continuous performances until
t«n-t!ilr*y o'clock snch night. Aceonj-
papylng the pictures Is s lecturer who
explains fully each nnd every act, and
celobrlty who Is connected' with the
•hows. The price of Admission will
be tl cents for children and IS cents
tor adults, and It* will positively, he
your lost opportunity of seeing the But
falo BUI Wild West show, In any farm
In Waycross. Buffalo Bill’s show-dlv
Folvlng after this eqspn. j
• desire at this time to congratulate
you upon tlio successful conduct of
your duties ss supervisor nf census,
these duties. have been, performed to
the'satisfaction of (bis Office und to
your credit. Your work, was arduous
'and difficult, and the iresulte clearly
show the wisdom of your selection ns
I desire also m thank you for tbn
courteous and willing manner In
which you linvo responded to ull re
quests unif Instructions from this Of'
I believe that whan the rcsulte of
your war k pro fully known to the
people of your--dletrlct you will re
ceive their very general approval.
Va:y respectfully, ' »
E. Dana Duran,
, The officers for the ensiling term
were Inetallci} by District: Deputy A.
It. Ilood. y
The following officers wore Install-
Dims. E. Cason. C. C.
K. B. Dorsey, V. C. , .
I-. J. Htirc'n, Prelate. "
Jerome Utliwley, M. at A.
T. 11. Miller K. of K. and B. and if.
Yon Can Make No Mistal
, i ■ ■ ■ •
By Wearing a Suit Made by
Strause,j& Bros.
The best dressed men you meet on the street
are wearing them. c
They are the best on the market today.'
Washington, D.’ C.,' Jan., tl. Jout’e
Oiorglq’s wonderful growth din ing the
last decade as sbowwn when announce
ment was made of the population by
counties le/fnrthcr shown today In
the announcement of the population of
four of the larger of thfe smaller cites
of the state Tire great growth of
Waycross, while that city had claimed
phenomenal progress, lias not discount
ed the surprise,that the real figurha
for 1010, whlehare 14.485 produce^
Langford and Jsanctte Again.
the fireman has done Ids best and
lost out, la then too late to consider
about a policy of lire Insurance. Far
your protection you should J'\
You can get them at:
today. The co*t for ailcqiuilf; innur-
ance to warrant you against financial
loss will not he great.
Why not get our rate* on«l guard
your inirrentH before It Is too late?
Wo havd„#>jne Abe Pineapple*.
:t. Hardy Jims.
The Stein-
—^— :—-«—
Sam W. Peck
. - Stock Co.
d. vL_ l
and Co.
1911 .