Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 09, 1911, Image 7
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD OVER 00 YEAHO* t£CXPCK!CNG£ :• J!?satp4*r(! wnw-.n , flji MtSHidwr. f, Sb*. CO V a** w*»Sih IS A SERIOUS MATTER WITH US ■ -AN APPtfECIATION. i L. McConnell, Cathorinc. 8t„ El- nilra, N. Y„ writes: “I wish to oxprew my nifpmintlnn of the (treat good I derived from Foley'. Kidney Keraedy wlilcli I used for u bad caae of Kid i ney trouble. Five bottles did ti» work, moat effectively and proved to me beyopd a doubt It la the moat r» liable Iddliev medicine I bare ever token.” Ootii Pbarmaoy. WOOD! WOODI WOOD! Wood, any length, at Tfcomae Dros, DEATH IN ROARING FIRE y not result from tbe 'work of Are- ta liuVoften severe burns are cans- that make a qiileT'need for Duck 's Arnica Salve, the quickest, aur- cure for burns, wounds, bruises. Is. sores. It subdues Inflantutlon. kills pnin. It soothes und heals, ves off skin eruptions, ulcers nr ;s. Only 25c at All Druggists. AND WE GO ON THE PRINCIPAL THAT IT IS WORSE THAN OISHONEEST TO SUBSTITUTE OR U8E IMPURE OR ADULTERATED DRUGS. THIS MEANS THAT YOU WILL NOT GET THE RESULT INTENDED ,AND THE MONEY PAIO BOTH THE DRUGGIST AND THE DOCTOR 18 WORSE T HAN WASTEp. YOU CAN ALWAYS DEPEND UPON RESULTS WHEN yOU BRING A PRES CRIPTION TO US. ASK YOUR DOCTOR. FOR LAGRIPPE COUGHS AND STUFFY COLDS. Tako Foley's Honey and Tar. II gives quirk relief and expels the cold, from your system. It: contains no opiates, Is safe and sure. Clem Phan tascy,• *111111 . C. PAYNE, DRUGGIST, Open Day and Night The Greea and Silver Package GEORGIA SOUTHERN AND FL.OIRDA RAIL,WAY Thm Popular Roofs TsdllFMhfi Wsrtt dsd West. Through Jralna la connection with A. 0. U, from Waycross via Tifton to Mecca ATLANTA, KNOXVILLE, CHAT .pLGA. NASHVILLE, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, LOUISVILLE, AND'CINCINNATI. Coaches and Pullman sleepers (0 through without change. Dining Car Service. TRAINS OF A, B. * A. R. It, CONNECT AT COROELE WITH TRAINS OFG.L A F, RAILWAY FOB MACON ATLANTA AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND SOUTH. FOR INFORMATION AS TO RATES, ROUTES, OR SCHEDULES TO ANV POINT NORTH OR' weST, APPLY TO ANY AGENT OF THIS COM PANY. OR ADDRESS. C. B. Rhodes, G. P. A, • I, W. Jamison, T. P. A. MACON GA. MACON OA. The package that has caused more talk and pleased more people than anything ever produced hy in their sixty-eight years'experience: A FUSSY PACKAGE for FASTIDIOUS FOLKS Contains all ckacolstci. Not a cream centre intiwlot. Selected Chocolate CoveraJ Nougat, Nut MoLssss Ckius, Almond., Filbert*, Brasil Nuti, Double Walnut,. Proprietors CENTRAL PHARMACY per tooth K Why pay $1.00 to have your tooth extract’d ‘ when you can have it done for 50c and without pain. .) All other work done at very reasonable charges. Everything guaranteedJJ DR. DANIEL The Dentist , Folks* Block PARK PLACE j High cass Subdivis t ion for white peope ony, on easy terms, close to A.C.L. Shops. W. ID. Morton, Agt. Southern! Hotel Blog Telephone 500 private Chapel Day or Night and Morgue MARVIL & O’QUINN Formerly Lott, Fain & Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. ROOM 50. 4 W. L. HINSON & Co. Undertakers and ' Embalmers. •Phone* Of and 163. ANDREW B ESTES ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' Room 27, Southern Hotel Building, ay cross, Qa. WILSON BENNETT & LAMBDiN ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW DEEN & BURNET ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE LA GRANDE BLOG. ROOM 303 . PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Southern Hotel Building, Up-Stairs. PHONE 12. j s. S. LUDLUM. M. D. I Practice Limited to tb» I EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THKOAT. ] —Office Room 524 LaGrande Hotel— Building HOURS 10 A. M. TO 2 P. M • J. M. MARKED * Attorneywi Office fu Court **ou» WA • * utOSP ' W. .». GamETT CONTRACT.*)# AND BUILDER Residence 48 Margaret SL. PHONE 103. G. R. LOVELACE DENTIST Ottlce ia Redding Block. Over Btai Clothing Store. J. B. BAGLEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office In Souther Building. OFFICE HOURS 9-11 A. M. 3-4 P. M. 7-8 P. M. A. FLEMING, M. D. Office over GEM PHARMACY. In Southern Building. Residence 68 Tebeau. Office Phon% 08. Residence phone 440. ~C. L. REDDING, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Up stairfi Redding Block. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. - JOHN J. MOORE, , LAWYER, \ Collections and Criminal Law a Specialty. Office Reed Bulldlns, up tlxlra over Central Pharmacy. .Waycroaa, Ox. Krone 655 JOHN S. WALKER TTORNEY U COUNSELLOR at LAW Office up stairs Southern Hits!. WAYGROS8. GEORGIA BYCK ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 11 kinda of Electrical Work and BnpvUa. . ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 20 Lou Street Phone 290 tool. O. Parke Barry D. Reed PARKS & REED ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Soathcrr Hotel EulMInff. Vi • . • GEORGIA C Ay DOWNEY- M D V . VETENARIAN 15 'Albany Avanua Waycroaa, Ok Day and Night Phona 698. Why la it you did not do aa your neighbor, boy of 8»m Heller? tf RING 174 FOR WOOD. 1m. "• FOLEYS KnWEYPlttS tMEEfHE KtRMfnAM* IldjIAOr* WILL BRANTLEY 1 Be IN SENATORIAL FlUHTf The following,!* from the Adel *\ - eWB of recent date: “Well grounded rumors from' At lanta state that Congressman William U Brantley of the Eleventh district may become a candidate for United States.senator. His friends have long Insisted that he was tile right man for the place if he would consent to make the race; and the Atlanta re ports are taken to indicate that sonic one has talked about the mutter with the congressman. “Mr. Brantley might get a. better South Georgia vote than any other man proposed for the place. Tho fact that South Georgia Is spilt Into Smith and Brown factions Is given as one reason why Congressman Brant-. ley might 2 poll the 'heavier vote. Sen-j ntor Terrell is popular alike with j Brown and Smith men. but might not J get the,vote in the southern counties j Mr. Brantjey would, should he become j o candidate/ Just what the Eleventh' i district congressman will do has net j been found out, as he has made no i statement." Have you purchased your wlntur i suit? If not Sam Heller will sell i you i ne, and h t you wear Just by pay-1 Ing a little at time of purchase tf j T J CARSWELL PH - c •• «• c. J Diseases of Children; Diseases of ^ Women: Obstetrics. Residence 1GG Plant Ave, Phone 515. Office in Southern Bid?. Phone 62S. There Should Be a Good Axe AND A Good Hatchet in Every Household. THERE IS HARDLY A DAY TH EY AREN'T NEEOEO. WE HAVE AXE AND HATCHET HANDLES TOO, THAT YOU CAN DEPEND UPON, HANOLSS MADE FOR SERVICE, NOT TO SELL AS ''BARGAIN3.'' ' REMEMBER: Cheap tools money, ami worse; they t htens, oy hi them most are a waste of time and cheap handies are even may cause a serious uc- fjik right when you need Dr.Lewis Jonathan Brrch PRACTICE LIMITED TO Eye*, Ear, Note, Throat and Chronic Diseases. Store. Residence 8 Lincoln street. Office Hours: 8 to III a. m. 2 to 5 p. m colored people. B F HEARN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. So. 14 Brewer Streot. Phone No. 583 Be sure you are right, then gc ahead and let me figure on doing your tend ing. All work guaranteed to give ;,er* feet satisfaction. Best of references furnished If required. P. N. Harley Hardware Co. 44 Plant Ave. Phone 186 RAILWAY OFFICIALS j If |t Is a Sweater you wont goo TO TOUR THE SOUTH, j have no excuse these cold day*. For It can bo had ju«t by bringing a little Chicago, ill., Jnri. 7.—Moro than j money to Sam Heller's, 47 Albany 100 prominent officials, representing avenue. tf many of the principal linos of the • .. United States and Canada, left Chi cago on a special train today for an W. R. THOMAS, M. D. PHYSICIAN SURGEON. Office In LaGrahde Building. Room 324. » Over Postofflce Hours: 9 to 11 a m.; 2 to 4 and 7 , and H p. to. VICTORY pAMP NO. 477 * WOODMEN OF THF WORLD Meets every Saturday i;i t at 7:30 ’clock at Mnvonlo Hall. All Wood- len are cordially Invited to attend. .?. M. Allison. Cost.-Cord. J. A. Mn«te»*«, Clerk. extensive tour of the South. The ob jective point of tho tour Is Tnpipa, Flu., who:i* tho railroad men will take part in the annual convention of tho National Association of Rail way Agents. ROYALTY AWAITS THE STORK. Rome, Jnn. Tho royal family has made no preparations-to colehruto tho U8th birthday nmilverBory of Queen Helena tomorrow, though the peoplo throughout the kingdom will observe the day ns usual with much popular rejoicing. Thu King and Queen are «P' ' -J f winter quietly at the Huh Inal, where a visit from the stork 1h exported In tbe early spring- LOOK FOR THE BEE HIVE. Ou the packuge when you bur Fol* Honey and Tar for coughs and colds. None ' genuine without Bee Hive. Remember tho name, Ft* ley’a Honey and Tar and reject any substitute. Gem Pharmacy.