Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 10, 1911, Image 5
\ WAVCR03SEVENJNG HERALD List Your Country and City Property WITH US We Arc Having Demands For Both HE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. : We want 500 : custome r s tor our C. C. D. \ Butter f 25 cts. [pound. : Chickens each week from Tennessee Fresh Celery Every Saturday Hay, Grain and Cow Feed always on hand. Fresh Brunswick Bread Every Day. Phone 128 And we will deliver the GOODS. THU National Bank Quite a ripple of excitement was • cteatcd this morning by the passing of an airship over the city. The Her ald received a number of {otophone messages asking about it. It was seen about half past nine o’clock by a number people who said that they had watched it for some time. It has since been learned that It was sent up in Waycross and that “Uncje Char lie’* superintended the job. MEW BUILDING New Safety Deposit Boxes Monday, Tuesday and W'ednesway IU HE WfllHCLIlF ' ANQ JACK USHER If* HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE 3KETCH, SINGING AND DANCING. WARREN E. LONG fn old time darkey singing and danc ing act. . % ORIGINAL BUFFALO BILL SHOW Complete In tn/jving pictures for Monday «nd Tuesday night. I’ricia for Monday and Tuesday 15c THOSE PERSONS HAVING BOXES RUN f EO IN OUR OLD BUILD ING WILL PLEASE CALL AND MAK * STATEMENTS AND ACCEPT THIS AS NOTICE THAT WE CAN NO LONGER BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFETY OF THF.IR DEPOSITS THERE. WE ARE NOW IN OUR lI.o annual mdffttng of the Ex change Dank Is in session (ills after noon and they show quite r!ial statement for the i business. A .4 per dividend has been declared and a*e being mailed out to storkl New Building in the PHOENIX BLOCK i a substan- past years >nt semi-annual l checks cholde»s WHfeRE WE HAVE ALL MODERN A^D UP-TO-DATE CONVENIENCES —UP-TO-DAXE SAFETY BOXES, $ LCO. $10X0 AND $15.00 PER YEAR. A MODERN FIRE-PROOF VAUL~. THOSE W»&HING BOXES WILL PLEASE CALL AND MAKE THEIR SELECTIONS. WE INVITE OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS ALL 70 CALL AND •A BACHELOR’S HONEYMOON. t “A Bachelor's Honey ?nted by the Mabel Paige NO CAUSE TO DOUBT. A Statement of Facts Backed by a Strong Guarantee. . We guarantee immediate and im»s- itive relief to nil sufferers from con stipation. In every rase where dur remedy falls to do this we will supply It free. That’s a frank statement of facts, and we want you to substantiate moon. theater la , as Miss er than she has opinion of Way- cross theater-goers. She Is an exeel- lent actress, and added considerably to her popularity in Waycross by lust night’s performance. Her specialties are all good, and pleased. C. K. Wil liams and Ed laiwrence were unua- INSPECT OUR NEW HOME. START A SAVINGS ACCOUN' WITH US FOR THE NEW YEAR. >asuns. COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY. RESOURCES NEARLY $700,000 J W. BELL.NGER./chisr. L. J. COOPER, Pretldent. Savannah, Georgia. American Plan. Rexall Orderlies are a gentle, ef fective, dependable and safe bowel regulator, strengthenef and tonic, that are eaten like candy. They re establish nature's functions In a quiet easy way. They do not cause any In convenience, griping or nuusca. They axe 'so pleasant to take, and work so easily, that they may be taken by any ono at any time. They thoroughly tone up the whole system to healthy activity. They have a most benefic ial action u|K)it the liver. Rexuli Orderlies are tins-urpnssnldd mu] ideal for the use of children, old folks and delicate persons. We can not too highly recommend them to all sufferers from any farm of constipa tion and 'its attendant evils. That’s why we bark our faith In them with cur promise of money hack If they do not give entire satisfaction. Two dis cs: 12 tablets II) cents and J!f* tablets 25 cents. Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Waycross Only at our store,—The Rexall Store, /fhe Seals Pharmacy. THE MOST CENTRALLY LO CATED HOTEL IN SAVAN NAH. 'r^JLBGTH THE COMMER- *SKl MAN AND THE MER CHANT. ENTIRELY REMODELED. ever they go. The show was ly a laugh froih start to finish. ALL THE LATEST IMPROVE MENTS. TELEPHONES IN ALL ROOMS. Forest City Hotel-Co. Ladies Coats, Coat Suits and Skirts child;«zns’ goats EARLY IN THE YEAR 1911, THE HERALD WILL ISSUE IT’S WEEK-" LY EDITION AS IN THE PAST. OUR WEEKLY WILL BE TWELVE PAGES AND WILL BE SENT TO EVERY FAMILY IN WARE COUNTY AND TO HUNDREDS IN NEIGHBOR- ING COUNTIES. OUR JOB DEPARTMENT WILL ALSO BE REOPENED AND VERY MUCH IMPROVED. NEW MACHIN-j ERY WILL BE ADDED AND A LARGE STOCK OF STATIONARY WILL BE CARRIED. THESE FEATURES WILL IN NO WAY INTERFERE WITH OUR DAI- LY EDITION, WHIcA WILL ALSO, BE GREATLY IMPROVED. OUR FRIENDS WILL PLEASE TAKE DUE NOTICE OF THIS STATEMENT AND BE READY WITH THE PRICE OF A YEARS SUBSCRIPTION. G. Jaeckel, Manage. PEPSICOLA MAf$ftS you EAT BETTE*. BETTER. SLEEP BETTER, L00'< BET TER. Red Keen Ginger Ale, THE BEST BY TEST. PEPS! COLA BOTLFNG WORKS. O. L. KEEN, Proprietor. PHONE 337. H. J. BENTON & CO BOSTON POULTRY 3HOW OPENS Boston. Mass.. Jan. 10.—Mole than seven thousand specimens ot fancy- bred poultry and pet Hock, valued approximately at $100,000, were plac ed on view in' Mechanics’ Building today at the opening or the annual exhibition of the Boston Poultry As sociation. The exhibits come from nearly everj^ part of the United Slat es. together with a large entry from Canada and England. Ladies’Tailored GOAT SLITS Browns, Npvy, Blacks, Gasset, Ladies Long COATS $8.00 $15.00 $10.30 Green. Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and “PHaten’s Best Smok er s.” Clear aavrn Filled Cigirs. HUnuf.ctu-ed In'w.yeroM, Ci, By i PITTMAN CIGAR CO. Ladies’s PetHeoals All Color8, Satin, Heatherbloom and Silk 50c, 75,c 90c, 1.50,1.98,* 4.00, 5.00, 6.50 LADIES Solicits Your Bank Account And Influence. CHILDREN'S COATS. SEE LARE OIS PLAY IN SHOW Wl NDOWS. SPECIAL REOUCTI0N8 IN EVERY COAT, $3.39, $3.98, $3.49, $3.98, $e.9S FIRST CLASS IBAKERY ■REAR, CAKES aid PIES RUH EVERY DAY PHONE 72 WayorotW Bakery 96 B«UeV*tre*i. ACCURACY AND PROMPTNESS!' SAFETY AND LIBERALITY ] —Are the Marked Features of Our Business. ( We Invite You to Try Us. < SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. J C. Sweat, President. „ . I W. H Buchanan, Cashier, j 10-plece beautiful flowered Serpen tine Crepe, 20c. 9 2t Humphrey. A WUllanuon.