Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 10, 1911, Image 7
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD THE HONDURAN REBELS HOLD I8LAND OF RUATAN. Washington, I>. C„ Jan. 9. The Island of Runtan, off (In* coast of Honduras, is held by the Honduran revolutionist*, according to cnble ad vice* received at the State Depart- i went last night from American Con-! sul Dawson at Pureto Cortez. Thej United States gunboat Tacoma Is In- j vest (gating the matter. j He says that the Governor at Puerto Cortez reports quiet Inf.no In- j teller and that no revolutionary uc-j tivity exists In that netghborV.ooJ. The Hornet is reported to be at. Ruatan, •according to information i sent to the department J>y American J Minister McCreary. . per . f]TyYT^' ! "iSs tooth (jLj / j L f .Why pay $1.00 to have your tooth extracted < when you can have It done for 50c and without pain. , | All other work done at very reasonable o-.vu _ charges. Everything guaranteed^ DR. DANIEL The Dentist Folks’ Block Telephone 600 Private Chapel Day or Night and Morgue MARVIL & O’QUINN Formerly Lott, Fain & Co* FUNERAL DIRECTORS . AND EMBALMERS W. i, HINSON & Co. Undertakers and Embalmers. ’Phone* 91 and 153. ANDREW B ESTES ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room 27, Southern Hotel Building. Waycrosa, Ga. QQMEZ GOVERNMENT i nere onowa ae a uoc IS VERY STRONG IN CUBA • !Iavan|, Jan. J>. As the so.-ond | * AND year of Cuba's Independence draWH to J Qqq^I Hatchet ITl EVGrV Ho a clos«> it finds the administration of: ** Gen. Gomez apparently more firmly j THERE IS HARDLY A’DAY THEY AREN’T NEEDED, entrenched hv^power than it haa been 1 at any tin,6 ,in,e the termination oil WE HAVE A * E AN0 HATCHET HANDLES TOO. Th the provisional government o. (tor. DEPEN0 UP0N ' HANDLES MADE P OR SERVICE. NOT Mafcoon on Jan. S. 1909. -BARGAINS.' PARK PLACE WILSON BENNETT & LAMBDIN ATTORNEYS. AND COUNSELORS AT LAW High cass Subdivis ion for white peope ony, on easj r terms, closeto A..C. L. Shops. DEEN & BURNET ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. LA GRANDE BLOG. ROOM 308 REMEMBER: Havo v(»u purchased your winter Bull? If not Sam Heller will sell you < ue and Jt'f you wear Just by pay Ing a little at'time of purchase. t( PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Southern Hotel Building, Up-3talr*. PHONE 1C. heap tools are a waste of time and .ouey. and cheap handles arc even orse; they may causo -i serious oe i’-W-nL or break right when you need T J CARSWELL o. ml d Diseases of Children; Disease! of Women; Obstetrics. « Residence lfcf, Plant Are. Phone 51S Office in Southern Bldg. Phone 528. S. S. LUDLUM. M. D. W. D. Morion, Agt Practice Limited to t*v EYE, EAR, NOSE AND TKHOAT. ■Office Koom M'4 I«aCjrande Hotel* HOURS 10 A. M. TO 2 1P. M N. Harley Hardware Co. 44 PlariP A~ve. * ' Phone 186 ieitibern Dr. Lewis Jonathan Brrch PRACTICE LIMITED TO Eye*. Ear, Nose, Throat and Chronic Diseases. Store. Residence 8 Lincoln street. Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m. 2 to 5 p. ni colored people. J. M. MARKED Attorney-*. <. Office In OO’iii wa .. •; | If It is a Sweater you want yon I have no excuse these cold days. For it can be’had just by bringing a little* l money to Sam Heller’s, 47 Albany ; avenue. If ELKINS’ SON WILL BE SENATOR FOR TWO DAYS. Charleston, W. Va., Jan. 9.—Davis Klklns. son of the lute United States Senator Stephen H. Hlkins, will he tho successor to the vacancy caused by the death of his father for the few days that will elapse pending the eloction of a senator by the-legisla ture. Governor W. K. Olusseock made an nouncement last ulght of Ills Intention to make the temporary appointment. With half of the members o fthe l egislature already bore and four of the candidates for the Democratic nominations for tho senatorohjps main tuiulng open headquarters, many, ru j mors of combinations wore afloat In j political rlrcles last night • [ VV. G/i»£TT CONTRACT -X ANO BUILDSR Residence 48 Margaret 8L. PHONE 103. B F HEARN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. No. 14 Brewer Street. Phone No. 6S3 Be sure you are right, then go ahead and lot me figure on doing your build ing. All work guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction, j Eest of referem** furnished . If required. LOOK FOR THE BEE HIVE. On the package when you buy Fol ey's Hondy and Tar for tough* anil colds. None genuine without Uw Doe Hive. Remember the name, Fo» ley's Honey and Tur und reject any substitute. Geiu Pharmacy. G. R. LOVELACE DENTIST Office iu Redding Block. Over 8tai Clothing Store- OVER 60 YEANS* U EXPERIENCE J. B. BAGLEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office In 8-ithern Building. OFFICE HOURS 9-11 A. M. 3-4 P. M. 7-8 P. M. W. R. THOMAS* M. D. PHY8ICIAN SURGEON. Office In LsGrande Building. Room 324.. Over Postoffiee. 2 to 4 and 7 Honrs: J) to 11 n.tu.; and 8 p. m. A. FLEMING, M. D. Office over GEM ^PHARMACY. In Southern Building. Residence 68 Teoeau. Office Pbon* 08. Residence phone 440. VICTORY CAMP NO. 477 WOODMEN OF TH’ WORLD Meets every Saturday ni ; t at 7:30 ’clock nt Masonic Hall. ' All Wood- ,en are cordially invited to attend. J. M. Allison, Cost.-Oord. J. A. Masters, Cl«rk r ARKAN3A5 LEGISLATURE OPENb I > -• - A.rk., .i-ui. D.— 1 The hi- (mihij .pension of the Arkansas log- IslatuVc, which Is expected to lake ac tion o:i many mutters of Shite Im portance, was opened at tlie Capitol here today. No United Stales ue'ha- tor is to ho elected this winter, but consideration und action on irrison riform. the completion of tho State! Capitol Building, prohibition and other j Important question* promise to result in a busy session. !t» 8 C. L. REDDING, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ’ Up stairs Redding Block. WAYCROSS. GEORGIA. IS A SERIOUS MATTER WITH US j FOLEY'3 KIDNEY REMEDY —AM AODRPCI, DEATH IN.ROARING FIRE May not result'from the work of fire bugs Uqt often severe burns are caus ed that make a qulrtt'need for Buck- Ion’s Atnlea Salve, the quickest, sur est cure for burns, wounds, bruises, boils, sores. It subdues Inflninatlon. It kills pain. It soothes and heals. Drives off skin eruptions, ulcers or piles. Only 25c at*All Druggists. oTSA^D we go on the p rincipal that it is W0R8E THAN OISHONEEST TO SUBSTITUTE OR USE IMPURE OR ADULTERATED DRUGS. THIS MEANS THAT YOU WILL NOT GET THE rfESULT INTENDED AND THE MONEY PAID BOTH THE DRUGGIST AND THE DOCTOR 18 WORSE T HAN WASTED. YOU CAn ALWAYS DEPEND UPON RESULTS WHEN YOU BRING A PRES CRIPTION TO US. ASK YQUR DOCTOR. JOHN J. MOORE, LAWYER. Collections and Criminal Law « Specialty. Office Reed Bnlldlni, up ,. tulre rnr Central Pharmacy. Waroroti, Ga. Fuone 656 JOHN S. WALKER TTORNEY Jl COUNSELLOR at LAW Office up stairs Sout;.«rn H»tel. -WAYiJROSS. GEORGIA. J. C. PAYNE, DRUGGIST, Open Day and Nights BYCK ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO II klndrot Electrical , Work and Supplier ALL WORK GUARANTEED, to Lott 8treeL Phone tM OM44O44O**«O*«e4«0«4444O«««M4«4<4*«444«444«4O«44* 1 OEORQIA SOUTHERN | AND FL.OIRDA RAILWAY '] nmFmimlar Kmmtrn Tm MU Pmhrt* North Aid hit«. Icnj. O. Parke Berry D. Reed PARKS A REED ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ’ ’ Southern Hotel Building, w* > JEOROIA Tkc package that has caused more talk and pleased more people than anytking ever produced by in tkeir sixty-eight years' experience: A FUSSY PACKAGE for FASTIDIOUS FOLKS CoatanualleLocolatci. Not a emm centre in tie lot. Selected CloeoIateCoreruJ Noudet, Nat Molewc, Cbipe. Almond.. Filbert,. Bwil Nth, Double WeLato. MtrAmellow,. Pecan,. Herd Noudet, Mnleieee BUekj. Amererenee. AlaioaJ Rock. Nut Britie, Caramel,, Fumy Nut BneUct,. Blouom, of SoliJ Cbocolate. we have Fussy Packages fresh, by express, prqm the makers ThroughTralna la connection with 1 A C. L. from Wapcroea da Tilton to Macoa ATLANTA, KNOXVILLE, CHAT A..OOOA, NASHVILLE. BT. LOUIS, CHICAGO, LOUISVILLE, AND CINCINNATL Coaches and Pullman sleepers to through without Chance. Dining Car Service. - * TRAINS OP A, S. A A. A R. CONNECT AT COROELE WITH TRAINS OF G. S. tf, RAILWAY FOR MACON AEMANTA AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND SOUTH. W V fOR INFORMATION \» TO RATES, ROUTES, OR SCHEDULES TO ANV POINT NORTH OR WEST, APPLY TO ANV AOENT OP THIS COM PANY. OR ADDRESS. C. B. Rhodes, G. P. A, I, W. Jamison, T, P. A. MACON GA. MACON GA. C A DOWNEY- M D V VETENARIAN II Albany Avenue Waycrose, On Day and Night Phons 69*. Why la it . you did hot do at your neighbor, buy of Earn Kclltr? tf FOLEYS HDSEYPHIS iiiiiii StwaVli) J X^i) (S *^M T1