Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 17, 1911, Image 5
LADIES' BUTTON VELVET TOPS, PATENT LEATHER SHOES, , Special Value S2.S0 LADIES' PATENT LEATHER, CLOTH TOP The EXCHANGE BANK - - -7 - r -> f * Solicits Your Bank Account And Influence. (Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, <*¥er Best Smokers” SAFETY AND LIBERA LITY —Are ths Marked Features of Our Business. We Invite You to Try Up. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. C. fyf. Sweat, President. 7 • W. H ‘Buchanan, Cashier. SOLDIER BOV HOSE FOR CHIL DREN, SPECIAL, 2 PAIR........25c Clear laviaa Filled Cigirs. , Manufactured In WaycroM, (a, l)r 11 nniiAN cigar c«. i WAYCROSS EviNIFG HERALD OOOOOOoo $ > When Want GROCERIES 'e want 500 istome r s tor V C. C. D. itter, 25 cts. Sund. OUR LONG EXPERIENCE j In the Rea' F^tate business and, our knowl edge of REAL ESTATE values in Waycross places us i. .» position te be of valuable ser vice to iho«e who wish to buy improved or unimproved property. Call to see us. D. & 0.101T, R. 1. & 1. Co. Opposite New Depot. FIRST National Bank Cjhickens each week from Tennessee LOCAL ITEMS. AT THE Fresh Celery Every Saturday CAPITAL $200,000.00 Hay. Gr am and Cow Feed always on Land. Freak Brunswick Bread Every Day. Phone 128 “EllSE IVV” And we will deliver tke GOODS. THE The michellaneous shower given by the ladies of the First Methodist church was largely attended on yeatei-1 I day ufternoon and many were the j beautiful offering brought to adorn j their parsonage. The musical part of j the grogram consisted principally of a solo "Guide Me O. Thou Great . _ _ # hovah" sung beautifully by Mrs. How ialllfjing 300 litUlClIlQ el. and a qua: Cette. "Come Unto Me" j C K ## by .Mrs. Howel, Sinclair, Seals aud j bOilDrCtlCn Miss Kate *\V 1 Ison. The call to Christ- | *|i^11■ y ■ y ian America was artlstk-ally given by j " " the youug ladles of the Golden Link * society, with Mrs. Johnson at the or gan, and Miss Wood, in her usual gra ceful manner, as leader. W'uBe the NEW BUILDING New Safety Deposit Boxes THOSE PERSONS HAVING BOXfcS RUNTED IN OUR OLD BUILO- ING WILL PLEASE CALL AND MAK 7 STATEMENTS AND ACCEPT THIS AS NOTICE THAT WE CAN NO LONGER BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFETY OF THEIR DEPOSITS THERE. WE ARE NOW IN OUR NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA Wilson Block ♦<0^00000000000404 congregation sang "America" Mrs. James fBootli as “Liberty" took her place In the center of the platform: then to the strains of sweet music, each country, lepresented by a girl in costume knelt before America, while If You Read It, Read This Letter. Ml- o-na Is Guaranteed By G. R. Brin son A Co. New Building in the PHOENIX BLOCK "I was taken last August with a se vere stomach trouble. The doctor said it was nervous dyspepsia. • I took Miss Wood read Impresalngly their : . _ . . # , I his treatment for weeks, but did not plea. The countries represented were: China—Miss Sarah Salisbury.J ■ feel any better. I took everything I heard of. The first day of December, Brazil MIsr Grace George, Korea-' # ^ Qf MI . 0 . N . A , took them Mia. Clio Strickland, Cuba-Mfi. Jen-1 ^ a[teinoon and the nexl day and ay Verby. Iramibrant Chinaman-| haven>t had onB b|( „ f pa|n my Ml.. Pearl Cason, Immigrant Enrop- itomach a|nce the 2nd of Dccember . ean—Miss Aline Jeffers. Japan Miss J The Krip Top Invisible BIFOCAL GLASSES. for Close and distant JEEING. THESE NEW OLAS- ARE AN IMMENSE IM- OVER THE OLD LENSES. THERE IS NO DIVIDING LINE TO INTER FERE WITH YOUR VI8I0N, OR WILL THE LENSES GET CLOllDED AND COME APART. CALL AND HAVE U8 SHOW THEM TO VOU. Little & Odom, JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. THE SCREVEN BOUSE Savannah, Georgia. American Plan. THE MOST CENTRALLY LO CATED HOTEL IN SAVAN NAH. FOR BOTH THE COMMER CIAL MAN AND THE MER CHANT, ENTIRELY REMODELED. ALL THE LATEST IMPROVE MENTS. ES IN ALL ROOMS. Forest City Hotel Co. G’. Jaeckel. Manage. well now, and sleep good."— Francis Hopkln., Mexico-Glady, .let-1 Mra M E R . F . D . 2> Av0CU| fers. Africa—Fannie Knight, American N Y Negro-Mi.. Emma K. Cannon. Am-j M ,^. NA iurely , he beat prescrip . erican Indlan-MIs. Alma Hardy. Mill j t|o ^ (or indlgeltlon ever wrlt ten. child—Ruth Dunn, City districts— an Brown. It relieves after dinner distress, , belching of gas, foul breath, heartburn A. Liberty arose and made her Plea ; and , tomacb rallery in flve mln . to tbe ctowwd, all the representd coun utea trie, knelt with arm. outstretched, j u j, guaranteed t0 permane „,i y making a pretty tablaux. The co.tum-j ea were good and each girl did her cure Indlgeatlon, acute or chronic, or, part well. Sdrely every one caught a back any dl.eaae of the stomach, or mono/ MI-O-NA stomach tablet, are .old Foreign Mission Societies are doing. | by Q R Brln8on & Co and laadlnA Mr. Cook, the new minister, thanked L,,,, everywbere at 60 cent , a the ladle, for their thoughtfulines.,' ]arge box Ttl> , sampIe , free on r0 . and In an Impressive manner .P0ke| queal from Booth ., Ml0 . na . Bu(ta , 0> of the work that he hope, to do in . Jan . 2(J Feb 7 Waycross. After the benediction, do- * llghtful refreshment, were reeved by} NOTICE, the refreshment committee. - Mrs. W. W. Sharpe. Mrs. I .con Wilson, and Mrs. H. Murphy W00D1 W00D1 WOOOI Wood, any length, at Thomas Bros. WEEK OF PRAYER AT PRE8BVTERIAN CHURCH. Will the mothers of the children of the Confederacy, ptfease see that their children meet' at the Central School house Thursday morning, January 19, at 9:30 o'clock to form a body and at end the exercises In celebration of Lee's and Jackson'* birthdays to be I,-.Id In the auditorium at 10 o'clock 11 m. Beginning last, night a week pf'., 2 tt Sm-»a. r V. D. C. prayer la being observed at the Pics-! ■ byterlan Church. Tho service was ! well attended last evening and the , public generally It cordially Invited to * "For years I suffered jinspeaksble OLD 80L0IER TOTUREO. torture from indigestion, tonsti nation attend the aervlces each evening at apd „ vpr lroub | e ... wrota A K- smith. 7:30. a war veteran at Erie, Pa., “but Dr. I King's New Life Pills flxed me all right. They’re simply great.” Try TROUT, SEA BASS, MULLET, them for any stomach, liver or kld- ETC. PHONE 189 ney trouble. Only 25c at All Drug. Kilts. WHERE WE HAVE ALL MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE CONVENIENCES -UP-TO-DATE SAFETY BOXES, $3.00, $10.00 AND $15.00 PER YEAR. IN A MODERN FIRE PROOF VAULT. THOSE W SHINQ BOXES WILL PLEASE CALL AND MAKE THEIR SELECTIONS. ‘ WE INVITE OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS ALL TO CALL AND INSPECT OUR NEW HOME. START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH US FOR THE NEW YEAR. WE PAY 42 INTEREST COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY. RESOURCES NEARLY $700,000 L. J. COOPER, President. J W. BELL.NGER, Cashier. i ooooooooooooooooo cx>oooo OOOOOO CxXXX>000000 SPECIALS H. J. BENTON & CO. Remnants! Remnant! LAROE COUNTER FULL, SUIT ABLE FOR WAISTS, SKIRTS AND CHILDRENS DRESSES; WOOL REMNANTS, GINGHAMS AND SUIT INQ8.'' CUT PRICES ON LADIES COAT SUITS, COATS, AND CHILDRENS COATS. New Line Percales PLAIN, STRIPES, CHECKS, 3< IN. lOcand 12&c Yd. DEMITY. WHITE, 30 IN. WIDE, SPECIAL IQ CTS. WHITE LINEN 38 IN. WIDE, SPECIAL, 23 CENTS. INDIAN HEAD WHITE, 30 IN.^yyriOJE, , IO CTS. TURKISH BATH TOWELS, LARGE SIZE, 10c. 13c and 25 kneeland Shoes AND OXFORDS FOR MEN. A NEW SNAPPY LINE OXFORDS JUST RE CEIVED, PATENT LEATHER, OUN- METAL, TAN AND VICI. 3.50 and 4.00 BUTTON SHOES. 2.50 and 3.50 LADIES’ CLOTH TOP. SUEDE AND OUN- METAL, S3.SO CHILDRENS’ SHOES. EXCELLENT VALUES, 75c. 98c, $1.25, SIJO BUSTER BROWN HOSE FOR LA DIES, MEN AND CHILDREN,, ,20c BENTQMS - 'V ( L ;■ \