Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 24, 1911, Image 1

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Atlanta, Ga.. Jan., 24.— S. a. McLen
don, who waa fired from the atato
railroad commission' by Governor
Hoke Smith hasn't yet forgiven Mr,
Smith for that act. Mr. McLendon
hRs Juat Issued a lengthy atatemem
•n which he declare* that Hoke Sniltj.
while governor, with Fuller Callaway
ns railroad commlaaioner, when both.
Mr. T. p. Byrd wbr crushed this The city council met In a called
morning a^5:30 In the yarda of the meeting laat night, Mayor J. M. Cox
Coast Line: Mr. Byrd waa making a stated that the. meeting waa called
connection 'of two Pullman core, the for the purpose of. paaaing a resolu-
coiipllng was hard to make an .I he lion authorising the Mayor to botrow
waa between the coaches when anoth- $15,000 as needed for file year 1011.
er coach was being put on nt the oth- As the present city council Intend (he states were (urge-stockholders In
er ciid, he not knowing of this being making many Improvements this n- j certain mills at Manchester, made n
done. T mount Is evidently needed. (contract with the president of the A.
Mr, Hyttl had Ills right color hone J. ,H. & A., to give the same rate to
broken, ole rib broken, and crashed Water Piping, for Gilchrist Park. Mnncheser, a local station, as Atlanta
, In the faje and other places. While J Through the efforts of Alderman C. enjoyed.
It IS pot Considered that Mr. ilyrd la A. LeC'onnt, chairman of the Water- Mr. McLendon la the attorney foe
seriously hurt, there Is some danger works Committee, In securing a very certain business people at Eastman,
of him being Injured Intcrnnlly. low bid from the General Pipe and Ga„ and has filed a petition with the
—i— ■ . - - | Poundary Qo„ of Atlanta, for about railroad commission asking that East-
NaTIONAl DEMOCRATS ' 6.900 feet of pipe to bp delivered ns J man be given a lower freight rate.
WILL HOLD CONFERENCE soon aa possible. This pipe will be It Is In fills connection that he has
■j —— uted to extend Ike water main from brought up the matter of the alleged
Washington, Jan.' 24. In prepara, the corner of Brunei and Howe street Manchester reduction.
Hon for 'I he national political cam-' out into Gilchrist Park. This will —-
p'algn of 1912 a call has been Issued give every section of file park city
—.... mum cDiuiM
The ..following Is an extract worn
a note recently received from Hon.
\Vyn. G; Brantley, and explalps Itself:
‘ ' Washington, 'ft C„ Jan. 21, 1911.
Judge A.'P. Fer'nam, Waycroas, Ga.
-The Treasury
'fr Dr. J. p. Wilson, editor of “The Nut
v Pj'S" “f* tmd secretary of the Natlon-
.‘ *1 Nut Growers' Association, will taik
J Informally at the general membership
meeting of the Board of Trade to
morrow night on the pecan Industry,
its needs and prospects in this sec
tion. Dr. Wilson was In Waycroas
today, and-accepted the Invitation ex
tended to-attend the Board of aTradcj
meeting. *
lit-view of thd fact that many citi
zens of * Waycroas, rand many who
have rioved here or who have'inves
ted near here with plans of moving
later, are directly Interested * in pe
can culture, the talk by Dr. Wilson
will he of unusiml Interest: Dr. Wil
son fs an expel t in bis; lino, and fur-
dikes bulletins for the-Unlted States
iDepsjjlfpiit of Agriculture on pecans.
Theupnard of Trade members are urg
ed to atend the meeting, as well ns
other citizens who arS Interested. To
visitors a cordial Invitation Is also
Dear Judge Perham:
-Department under date of the 19th.
advises me that "The per-
spectlve tor the post offlee building
i,at Waycroas, Georgia, will be com-
j pleted and forwarded to yon on or
about March 1st." Isend this along
as Information.
i - _ ... the new bookie!, most of them new
views In and around Waycroas, and
by today s express the cuts were de-
* llvered, prepaid In every way.
“Clad In the roughest and plainest < Those familiar with booklet work
clothing, wearing a.large black Blonch | wnl appreciate what a gift of fills
lmt, and heavily bewhlskcred, a fam- ‘
ous baritone singer traveling nboul
the country. Incognito, with "Wander
er" and “Friend", aa the only means
by which he identifies himself, has
been In Atlanta for the past three
days singing In the moving ploture
theatres, and this morning goes to
Macon."—Atlanta Constitution.
The "Wanderer” Is In Waycross for
the Week and will he heard at tha
Alrdome each evening. -
lien; in fct.'liy, •-[> booklets.
arc vety line onca, and will - ^1 l$e board of direcltita of the Na-, water and Is
erlalty in lmlng a belter j tlomt' Democratic league of clubs for | ons time,
ir Waycross and Ware conn- « conft'.ence to be held In Indlauapoiia (
April 12 and 13. The conference waa Alderman Parker Wants A Building
- called at the request of the presidents j Inspector.
jROWDS GATHER TO °* T »rlous state leaguea of Dem- Alderman C. W. Parker wants the
SEE HYPNOTIC SUBJECT ocratlc clubs, that such a meeting be 0 (n CB of Building Inspector created
and wants him to have authority to
Inane permits before any building can
be started. This Is to eliminate the
building of small shacks of tin and
r.uit/gnted Iran and various other ma
terial, as well as stopping repairs or
adding new additions to wopden and
tin structures In the fire limit.
In view of the fact that small pox
le prevalent throughout this entire
lection 1 deem it necessary that every
man woman and child In Waycroas
should be. vaccinated' at once. The
city will be glad to furnish vaccine
points to those applying for same.
John M. Cox, Mayor.
A1 day today a hypnotic aubject
has been asleep In the windows of
the Honfe Furrjturo Company, on
Plant avenue, and this has attracted
taken over to the Alrdomeon. .r.Nfior
great crowds. This subject will he
taken over to the Alrdome tonight
Our shoe department is one of the
best to be found. When you ncen
shoes take a look. We think we can
please you. , .
!4 2t. J. W. Adams & Co.
New York, Jan. 24.—Ilavld Graham
Phillips, the author, waa shot and
probably fatally, wounded In front or
the Prlncqton club, 131 Hast Twenty-
first street yesterday afternoon by a
strange man, who afterword turned
thoWfiipon upon himself nnd fired
pec shot, killing himself.
Mr. Phillips nt the time was on his
way Into the Princeton club,.where he
lives. 1 He was laCetTto'BellWliO fltJU *’,t J“ 1
The man who did the shooting was
poorly dressed. No motive could be
ndvauccd for the attack, except that
tin- assailant of Mr. Phillips was In- '
Mr. Phillips wss only it few steps' *
away from lue entrance to tbo club
when the stranger npp'raachad him
One shot wse fired '
Slrcer Sweeping Get Quite A Discus
A Idd was received for the street- ,
•weeping, last year Mr. Dcen paid 550
for this fertilizer and wRnted sami
this~y#or. 'rills' ciused some*dlbdilk-
lon, nnd If Was finally decided to
advertise for bids for the street
sweeping. This stuff has to be haul- .
cd from the dnniplng place every two '■
dr three days and this In Itself M)
quite nn expense. (
her fepulut!on,TU.Aaail-i)^Jit-Jntcre^t
'fo all who are Interested Jn‘ the state’*
financial and material advancement to
know that more nnd more of the
pr-nnium. money for this heave in*
*• ran e ic liolng Kept M home', In ot»-
er word*, that the people are begin
ning to prefer to Invest their money,
for insurance is an investment, with
reputable companies in the south than
to send It to the north.
This.change In Georgia is to a con
siderable extent, brought about by the
/act that ttS strict insurance law* of
Georgia assure safety, particularly
when combined with the legul reserve
principal which has been adopted by
the chief ion them companies.
For a long time, statistics show
that Georgia, which stands tenth in
population of all states In the tijilo*,
stands eleventh in the amount of
premiums paid on life Insurance. Fur*
ther figures show that the premiums
are being paid in larger and larger
degree to southern companies, thus
keeping the money “at home." For
instance, the State Mutual Life In
surance company, of Rome, Georgia,
which stands flrnt in size, nnd rapid
ity of growth among companies of Its
class has mado wonderful strides. It
is an old line legal leservo company.
Recent figures show that $350,000,000
of new life Insurance, was written in
the south during 1900. Of this 43
active southern companies wrote $&!,-
000,000, and the Georgia State Mu
tual wrote over 10 per ce/it of the
entire amount written by all the
southern companies.
The total premiums paid by south*
ern people for llfo insurance In 1900
amounted to $67,000,000, while the
total to southern companion was $&*
750,000, and over 17 per cent of the
latter amount went to tho company
Yon Can Make No Mistake
By Wearing a Suit Made by
King's Daughters Get Donation.
City council donated $75 per month
for 1911 to tile Kings Daughters Hos
pital, making It the same as last
year. , This Is a worthy Inatftnllon
and needs all the bedp they, can get.
nnd opened fire,
nnd Ihe bullet lodged near the heart.
As Mr. Phillips fell to file sidewalk
the man shot himself In the head and
died In a short time. -Dr, Fuller, who
was called, said thero was small hope
for the recovery of Mr. Phillips.
U. D. C. Gets $140.
The Daughters of the Confederacy
also came In fir a share of the donat
ing, and for a worthy cause. The
mayor and nlderincn had promised to
give this organization what they
needed to pay for the monument erec
ted In Phonelx Park to the memory of
our Confederate dead.- This amount
also came In for a'share of tbo donat-
by the council. » :
Ladles and gentlemans sweaters to
close cheep.
24 2t. J. W. Adams A Co.
Sirause & Bros.
The best dressed men you meet on the
are wearing them.'
They are the best on the market today.
You can get them at
by fl;e will not bring grief nnd ruin
to /our home if you have had the
forethought to secure one of ouc
The cost for ample protection, to
guarantee -you against Joss in event
of such a catastrophe, is very small.
If you wish to know more about our
reliable companies, a postal will-
br/ng our representative to your
(Hoard of Trade Set vice./
Rain tonight and probably Wedne*
day; Warmer In the southeast por
tion of Georgia. That’s the SubstHnce
ot the forecast for this section, and
is backed up by actual conditions. It
U betfared that tho worst of the rafu
I* yet to come, and that until.thr
toaking Is received the temperature
will 'stay ubovo the freezing point.
Afterwards a cold spell fs In order, in
fact, is understood to bo well en
route at this time. The coal onJ
wood dealers stand a better showing
now than they have for the past two
weeks, and merchants will p •> : *abl)
hold up on hh1«w of summer good*.
toys clothing.
2i 2t.
The Stein-
Sam W. Peck
- Block Co.
and Co.