Newspaper Page Text
Waycross Evening Herald.
Judge J. C. McDonald presided' over
a short session of City Court tills
morning and dealt out justice to four
*negroe hoboes, who pleaded guilty
and will each contribute three months
work to the improvement of the roads
cf Ware county.
.^Jini Ferguson also pleaded guilty
to breach of state prohibition law and
rec ived a sentence of $100 or twelve
months on gang.
Now Lets Pull For |MANY KILLED
“The Civic League’
Atlanta, Feb. 1.—The famous case
of the Rawlings boys is to be re-open- j
ed soon. The state prison commis-J Qu Janunry 27 l wrote a carJ pr0 .
sion has. ordered Attorney John R. j pounding certain questions to Alder-
Cooper, of Macon, to appear before j man c w Parker and on the 09th
that body February 7th to consider , j wrote another card withdrawing the
the case further, and it Is bellevdd j questions giving my reasons for do- t j,e e areJ
from this fact that a point in favor! j ng go -p 0 tkege car d a 1 signed “Tax- • H j go Cfl}ie >
of the pardon has been scored. paypr *. At this Juncture Mayor Cox
About five month, ago Mr. Cooper j butts In and In order to keep up the; T , le advftlllaKl , B of ollr
flr.t appeared before the board to ar-1 flln nanles , lle as , ile al „|, or of • (own |n a, llatUm and cl|lllate Bhmlll ,
gue for the boys pardon. It wa ** i the above mentioned curds to which ; make „ g *t| le
postponed, and action has been de- J charge J plead Ruilty Mayor Cox says jg out j, o„ rg | a
1 he Rawlings boys 1 j ie j g 8 „ r p r j Be d that I should
A city, like a person, to be healthy
must be clean. This Is a fact no one
will dispute. Much of the sickness
In our otherwise healthy city, is the
result of* unsanitary and dirty sur
roundings. And small pox of which
everal eases in the city;
of typhoid are sustained
and nourished by tilth.
of their members, but
Civic League is open to
hoth male and female,
in this league or what «’
ery citizen
hope that
’ it is call
ed, will he enrolled a great general
membership. The invitation for the
meeting on Friday i sto all the pub
lic, and everyone who Is interested
in a cleaner, healthier ami move beau
tiful city Ih asked to come to tiiar
meeting. They will hear plans dls-
healthiest place iu < cussed and suggestions made as to
. . all „„ _ „ - —o— -lave had that | Lie work to me undertaken. Ami
ferred until now. I he Rawlings boys u h ., t « 1P Jr s.trnriHn-i that 1 ■hmitd '
, , , | tn ‘ 1 ,,e 1 surprise.! that I stiouta re , )Utat | on an d must seek to maintain , everyone will he welcomed to come
are in the penitentiary under convic- j un , p a t conclusions from, hearsays j t j j nto (he j e ue
tlon for complicity in the murder of • w p Iollt invosiicatlinr the truth In . . . *■
v ’ , , , ,n ' fis “R an,, h ,,ie tn,,n - 10 ■ The Ctorgiann and the Hoard of; The city, like a body, must he
the Carter children, for whicli their r<l „i v ,i,i r 1 i u *ir anv th««t a > . . «
,repi> to this 1 o<g to say that a te jq rade aftVe the credit for sta ting j clean to he healthy and a clean. heal-
the movement, hut the organizations ; fay city is going a long way towards
are naturally confused in the number j being, ‘‘A City Beautiful."
father and the negro, Alf More, were 1 putablte citizen of Waycross
hanged. It was one of the most no- j heard the Treasurers report read sta-
torious criminal cases in t;,e history j tcd (Q me tl]at -they- ha J borrowed
| $6,000.00 of the sinking fund, In order
of the south.
January 1 shows lots of house-
moving and changing around in the
Soi^hern building. A. M. Knight and
Son have moved to their commodiou.1
new office No. 2 Plant avenue. Judge
A. B. Estes will occupy the offices
they vacate. Dr. T. J. Carswell has
moved to Walker building and will
opeupy offices with Dr. J. L. Walker.
Dr. W. M. Taylor, dentist, will occupy Charleston, 8. C-j Feb. 2.
offices vacated by Dr. Carswell Prof. E. A. Pound, Waycross, Ga.
The office of the Bell Telephone Co., Missed connections, cannot possibly
and the Long Distance Station have arrive on time.
been moved to the new office of A.:
M. Knight and Son, 2 Plant avenue. >
The genial manager, Mr. W. S. Henly,
seems well pleased with* the new .lo
cation. ;
Reno B. Welbourn.
For Cabbage Plants j
♦*£ N * A. P. Perham. Sr.
To all persons that are due City Tax
for 1910. Must call at my office am
settle at once. Or levy will he made.
This February % 1911.
2 7t. J. W. Colley. City Marshal
that the controversy may not drag
I beg to ask Mayor Cox to answer a
few questions, viz; 1
Why is it that the expected an
nual financial report has not fceofl
published for the' information of tax
State how much the city owes and
to whom indebted.
Have you not though early in the
i year passed a resolution, authorizing
the city to borrow $15,000.00
State why it is necessary to borrow
money so early in the year of 1911
Now Mr. Mayor don't butt In on other
people but stick to your job.
J. L|. Walker.
Notice To Our New
I New York. Feb. 2.—A cargo of dy-
| namile in transit from a freight car
to flic hold of a lighter moored at
1 Pier No. 7, Comm uni paw, N. J.. let
. Ko shortly after noon, 150 yards south'
j of the Joj-gey City terminal of the
j Central Railroad of New Jersey, and
I in the widespread ruin tiiat followed
, seven men are known to Have been
’ killed, seven more are missing, hun-
J dreds were wounded and varying re-
| ports leave from tlfteen to twenty
i more unaccounted for.
| Thirty seems to he a conservative
estimate of the dead, and property
1 damage will hardly fall below $750,-
; 000.
j The cause of the explosion is varl-
Arid Old Subscribers °' w]y niir,tiuted i ° ih ® «*
! We ask you to be a3 patient as pos- j telligent boys delivering the paper and
‘slble with us at this tljne. We are as soon ns the routes are rearranged
placing the new subscribers on the! will if necessary put on more boys, ho
See bJg window of new Embroid
eries and Laces.
Humphreys & Williamson.
To Close at
Worth From
$4, OO to $6.00
I C. Seaman
route lists uk fast as possible and are
endeavoring to adjust the various rout
es, so that we can intelligently and
successfully cover ^ompily every-
part of the city. We have now 12 In-
that we can reach you us early as pos
sible. A vast number of Herald's go
out each day and we are adding very
tapidly to our lists.
The Circulation Manager.
More Trouble For
“Blind Tiger Keeper’
Jas Ferguson and Pallace f
the two negroes charged with a un
iting i' Blind Tigers" and heavily
fined in Mayor's court yesterday were
again arrested, this time by C. A. Ben
nett, deputy sheriff and are now in
jail awaiting actiou of City and
Superior courts. The way of trans
gressor is hard, and it is an evident
proposition that Ware county will not
stand for or permit the illicit trading.
Milwaukee, WIs., Feb. 1.—Flags
were displayed on public buildings
yesterday in obseivunee of the city's
slxty-flfih birthday anniversary. With
a population of about 10,000 persons,
Milwaukee was ineprporated on Jnn.
.71, 1846. The last census gives her
a population of nearly .775,000.
Young Men’s Christian Association.
The Y. M. C. A., atiieletlc quintet!-
will have their practice at, the secre
tary's home tomorrow night at 7
ni. This quintette is quite an inter
esting one of musical character, com
posed of five young men that are not
only god singers, hut are all first
class atheletes. They can play
basket ball, base ball, etc like profes
slonals, their names are Will Wilson,
Alec Lowthe.-, Jerome Crawley, Clint
Hewitt and Ben Norvell.
A. M. Knight and Son, moved , to
day and now occupy their commod
ious and elegant new office at No. 2
Plant nve. The interior of the office
is decorated In green und gold and
th» pictures are all matched in golden
oak and present a ve y businesslike
appearance. Mr. Arthur Knight, Jr.,
is receiving the congratulations of
his 1 lends in the judgement no hss
displayed In the convenient general
arrangements. The Bell Telephone
Station and Long Distance phones
aro aho located in same office. Mr.
W/ S. Henly the genial manager is
delighted wjth the location. We wish
both firm and corpJration much pros
perity In their new home.
The special committee appointed by
the grand Jury us a board for equal
izing the taxes of Ware county is now
in session. The hoard consists of:
T. J. McClellan, Chairman; R. J. La-
r.’er, Secretary; S. T. Wright, Way-
cross; N. L. Gillls, Hick Icy; J. M. L*.
Taylor, Heach; Ed Griffin, Braganxa;
B. M. James, Manor; James Her. In,
Millwood. The work of the commit
tee is of great Importance to our cm-
inunfty as an equitable change in
Va’uatlon of some of the property in
our county, will mean an Increase in
our revenue and a fslrer* distribution
of the boards of taxation.
case of dynamite und to a boiler ex
plosion on a boat. The direct cause
probably never will he known.
8even Men Disappear.
The New Jersey Central terminal*
was wrecked; three ferryboats in the
slips were torn and splintered; lower
Manhattan, across the river, was
shaken from the street level to the
top of Ibe Singer tower; severe dam
age wa$ done in Brooklyn and Statetf
Island; and to the {migrant detention
station on Ellis Island; the shock
was felt a Amltyvllle, L. I„ thlrty-flve-
mll* s distant, and In New Jersey, at
Long Branch forty-five miles away.
The damage is so widely scattered-
that it is impossible yet to more
thun roughly estimate It, but In Man
hattan alone It is placed at $100,000;
on Ellis Island at from $10,000 to $2b,«
000, and in all, $750,000 appears to be
a fair estimate.
The lighter receiving the dynamite,
the Katherine W., owned by James
Healing of Jersey City, vanished ut
terly with her crew of seven men, In
cluding the master, Edward Traver..
Alongside was the lighter Whistler,,
which was so badly shattered that
►ho sank with her crew of two, while
the Swedish steel Imrkcutlne Ingrid
was stripped and the lives of two-
deck hands snuffed out. Fragments*
of one man's head were found swing
ing high on a tangled piece of rope.
We personally guarantee our show
at the Majestic this week. If you
don't like It get your money back.
See our ad In another column.
20 3t. Brewer ft Phelun.
In regard to the cow quqstion In
our city fear Is being expressed thkt
the cows will be seriously damaged
or Injured in the attempt they are
dally making to climb the Confeder
ate monument In our park. They ev
idently think that beautiful monument
lr. Imposing on tlu Ir space that cus
tom has given for their use.
SHdet), I.a., Feb. 1.--William Coo
ley, s negro, charged With cjimlnally
assaulting an eight year old daugh
ter of Henry Miller, s wealthy plan
ter, was taken from a deputy sheriff
list night and lynched. The negro | friend* will stand by us and ' new
admitted kit guilt I friends will appreciate our efforts.
The Herald 1b not “Official” very
much Just now. Hut we cover the tet-
rltory Just the same. We are trying
to give you the news promptly and ac
curately and just as much of it ai we
possibly ran. We don't want to he
“Yellow" but to conservatively repres
ent facts as they look to us and oc
cur around us. This is our business
and we expect to keep It u^. Old
St. 1.0111s, Mo., Feb. 1.—In compll
ante with the dying wishes of Joel
BraumUler ,tho wealthy bachelor, who
died last week at Maryville, Mo., bl*
ashes were consigned to the winds
front the middle of Eads' bridge yee>
And flames of Ills burning house Is*
pretty discouraging to the uninsured
man. But it's a matter of Inrouven-
o:.'.j and not losii to the man
Which are you? Which would you
rather he if tire should come your
? Of course, there's only one 'an
swer. So let us write you the policy
today. There's no telling wljnt may
happen before tomorrow. \
A. M. Knight
id So
n -