Newspaper Page Text
Editor Evening Herald:
' Kindly allow me apace in your col
umns to ciMually review the card
which appeared In your paper yester-
'day, signed by Dr. Walker.
| The Doctor admits owing the clty
174.00 for Street Paving, he also ad
mits owing the city Sinking Fund
' three notes amounting to $5,553.41 to- j
•'gel’aer with three other gentlemen.!
He does not admit the same is unse. j
’ cured, but states the notes are signed
by one as maker, and the other two :
as endorsers, and does not show tbat j (
any collateral has been put up against
these notes. If this means
ty" -Webster has
The sale of portion of the estate
of Wacren Lott, deceased, created
This wonderful chorus is a music
portrayal of a Journey up the Tyrol-
1 esce Mountains. The journey Is com-
’* menced far before dawn of day. The,
1 humming musical sounds of the winds
' through the nantow crevice lu the ice
’ Intermingled with the low soft
1 “poom”, “poom”, sound of the falling.
snow from the high icicles to the
1 j deep abysses below. The pealing of,
1 the convent bell calling the monks to
’ their early duties, and the sudden np-
' pearance of the morning sunbeam*
brightly stealing down the mountain
all make up the opening movement.
The Second Scene—God’s hand re-.
vealed In the*wondrous dawn of day. j
The Third Scene—The Tyrolesee
| song and dance. j
| The Fourth Scene—The Storm. J
The Fifth Scene—The rush back
ward with the Swiss song dance and,
yojlel. j
This is but one feature of the en
tertainment at Parker Theater, Sat
urday, matinee and night It is a
treat Wayoidss people ‘don't want to
miss. Many cities larger than Way-
cross cannot get this attraction. Re
member also—it is a benefit for Bunn-
Bell Institute.
City Council will meet tonight in
thesr regular monthly';session; and
besides the regular ~.ihinutes,\ l&d..'fi
nancial report will be read for the
year 1910.
Other matters of interest to the city
will be brought' up before the Honor-
nblo Mayor and 'Council and a well
attended session Is expected.
: tainly made an \
! error in defining the word,
j I disagreo with the Gentleman when >'
! he says this is private business. I
contend that it is the city's business,
and every citizen of \yaycross has a
jrifcht to km-* Ltout all the transac
tions. Doctor, all money borrowed
from tbe Sinking Fund, when- paid
1 goes back in the Sinking Fund. You
! overlook the fact ‘that your notes
will be two years old on tbe 26th of
this month, and you have had use of
one years interest which at the rate
of 8 per cent per annum on $5,553,41
is $444.27-thereby keeping us from re-
loaning this $444,27 at 8. per cent and
earning for the Sinking Fund an ad
ditional sum of $35.54.
Doctor I will admit that you are a
splendid financier when it comes to
taking care of your personal inte est.
No Doctor had you paid in $74.00 due
for Nwtfgit would not have preven
ted theresolution being parsed au
thorizing me to borrow $16,000.00, but
if the sum you are due Tor other
street paving which is About three
years old, *hnd T purposely failed to
mention in my previous letter, to
gether with that I did mention had
been paid in, the city would have had
the use of It toward defraying the ex
penses of the Government, but as It
has hot been paid in, you have had
the use of It, v another strong point In
favor-of your personal financial abil
You seem to be terribly worried
Doctor about that $15,000 which the
city authorized me to borrow which
haa not been borrowed, and will not
be until the funds are actually need
ed. 1 would like to Impress upon you
tbe fact that this money when bor
rowed wIU be used fbr actual expens
es in defraying expenses connected
with tbe dty, I therefore think It
would^h# wise for you to give up the
idea that any of this money will be
placed in the Sinking Fund to be
7.—Thisjnoruing at'
daylight tlie second agricultural train!
ever put “wheels in this state start-!
cd from Athens for Its tour of Geor-'
gla. The start was made under the
most unfavorable auspices, and the
previous arranged itinerary, embrac
ing 114 counties and over 100 towns '
and cities, will be carried out as per 1
Mr.Sallsbury was one of the pio
neers of Wayoross, having lived here
31 years and was among tbe first to
settle in Waycross.
The firm of W. L. Hinson & Co.,
have charge of tbe funeral direction;
and the following are the pall bear
ers: H. J. Benton, R. L. Singleton,
V. L. Stanton, G. R. Youmans, G. R.
Lovelace, E. H. CYawley.
Philadelphia, Feb. 7.—The western
blizzard made Its appearance in Penn
sylvania last night and today,, the
storm reached to the eastern border
of the state before 10 o'clock. 8now
We have the Valentines, a beautiful
assortment'at—Reddings. 7 5t
is falling and the indications are that
It will be heavy. Transportation lines
had been warned and are prepared
to meet conditions should the storm
become seven e. Snow is failing in
New Jersey and Deieware.
Handsome Gold and Silver numerals
by experts. Last week here. Leave all
Order at Dteklns, LaGrande ft&Terj'^
Black.' • «*3t.
ft r nrnm c the ° ext * ew dftyf> * pr ° m,nent
tl H I U I till LL i men c0DS,(Icr the “Ituatlon wry oritl-
J . cal, though not hopeless. Much de*
j pends on conditions In future, Thera
(Special to the Herald) have been , n pMt
year. mild, open*
Washington, D. C., Feb. 7.-Quft j anuar;a like tble one, .ucceeded by
mnn city population In the thirteenth a Kebruary wltbout lca , and n0 , reat
centue li 3,815, the .twelfth c.n.iu ,| aniage wa , done , 0 orchard.^. Tho
five, the city 2.381, eleventh cCTJmi m0 .t dangtvmn period for the fruit
! - 888, crop In thia belt I. conceded to be
E. Dana Durand, Director. | , he (en da> .„ Ma „. h . Y ot
“ i these me, whose Inieresle ere at
oniirnnnno IgrrT .ctpke do not conceal tlie fact tha» tho
uOlLnIiDKu illttl |weather are Msg watched
H nninn nr Tnunr wl,h anx * ou * Interest, and a general
BUAKll 111 Influt '*''" 18 0f d 'f"** 1118 "neaaliicss 8® r '
. — j vadee thle section, an^,. Indeed, tho
Tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o’clock entire elate, from which laid year the-
tho governors of the Board of Trade J- tnurvolonu crop ylelddd . over 6,000
will hold their regular February meet- j carloads, as ehown by offlelal record,,
lug. Partlee Interested In tho pro- Vet fruit !• often eaved, In spite of
poacd Atlantic, Wuycroau and North- rough weather, and ih'la good fortune
ern Railroad will attend, and an In-j may be hoped for. -
terestlng meeting Is nnsured. - " ''
Von also seem td bo power
fully upset nbout our financial con
dition,’ ovc, looking the fact’ that the
coat of etrect paving and Improre-
rnents laat year waa nearly If not
quite as much ae tho name waa fug
previous - two years. You nlao over
look the fact that we put on aeveral
extra Policemen which,the public de
manded. You again overlook the
Worth From
$4 00 to $6.00
And flames of his bwnfng house Ib»
pretty discouraging (o the uninsured!
man. But It’s a matter of inconven
ience only and not loss to the man.
Which are you? Which would yon*
rather be if fire should come your
way? Of course, there's only one an-
swiv. So let iih write you the policy
today. There's no teOing wtat may
hapj»en in-fore tomorrow.
- >. • / Jr * A -V' * ~
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