Newspaper Page Text
notify .’offender*
hand at once to ailjuit queatlon of
rfcovary af toola and waa al«o In
structed to draft an ordinance re'an-
latlng pawnahopa..
Total ... ......I3.437.J4
Cr. by Treaaitera Receipt .43,437.44
> Very respectfully,
J, W. Strickland, Clerk.
Examined and approved thin Jan.
20, 1911,
C. M. Sweat, Chairman.
And flames of Vila burning bouse Is
pretty discouraging to the uninsured
man. But It's a matter ot Inconven
ience only and not loss to tbo man
with^ i ' ’ r
News has Just been received In the
city of 'the sudden of Mu". T. J.
Knight of Stetson, On. Mr Knight
waa brother of Mr. .1. s. Knight nnd
Mrs. F. B. Trent of our city. He w«|
a prominent landholder of Stetson
and highly respected und esteemed
by all who knew him.
Which are you: Which would yon
lather he If Are should come ytmr
way? Of course, there's only one an
swer. So let us write you the policy
today. There’s no telling what may
|iappen before tomorrow.
PITV Dllfllf V 10 “ udlt , *’ oroll|!l,l) ' ,lli! clt 7* hooks,
III I f QUy|\|| for 1909.1910.
Col. B. O. Parks suggested that
—■ — books of Board of Education Suould
I Mayor Cox In a foroeful manner.he Included. But Council avld*^
' explained bis position and views a!oa» j thought that that- was not la tbetr
these lines, and flnaBy on motion wag'jurisdiction an* took no detlob on
W authorlied to employ an dtfcleai man Col, parks' suggestion. •
incil Held Very Busy
Session Last Night
Report of Chairman of The Financial Condition of
Finance Com., C. M. Sweat j The City of IVaycross
' City Council held a very »eri-,J City Council unanimously voted to j Report of VV. H. Buchanan, City
donate to Board of Trade $600, Includ-1 Treasurer, Fourth Quarter 1910:
ing the $100 allready given. Same j GENERAL FUND.
to be paid monthly. And another j Vouchers herewith $28,137.97
muc'iily discussed question was sol ! Balance on band 3,829.28
ved to the satisfaction of all. |
Sidewalk Pavement*. j $31,907
The vexed question of sidewalks, i Balance on hand last report $ 3,698,
looks nearer to satisfactory solution j Received H. P. Brewer ... .26.276.72
than ever before.- Mr. L. J. Cooper | Received J. W. Colley 1,801.26
Mr. Jirs. 8. C. Houck, who some j asserted in the discussion and gave | Received from J. W. Strick-
years since donated to city a piece . interesting* suggestions from his al- j land
|eession last night, iprotracting
usiness into ihe early morning
si The Councsll room was crowd-
rfth Interested citizens and the
Various debates, etc., were followed
^ h * park Cuestion.
L. Sweat appeared before
presenting the Interests of
rf land at corner of Screven avenue
and Boulevard, for n public park. The
provisions being that city should Im
prove same, etc. The donors claim
that the city is not carrying out their
Uermanlc experience. A special com-1
mittee consisting of Alderman Sin- j
clalr, Moore, and Brewer were’ap-l INTEREST FUND,
pointed to take the matter In hand , Interest on bonds $5,123.78
and present a practical plan, financial
, rhare of the bargain, and-Judge Sweat j and otherwise to go into immediate
urteously notified effect.
Received from Gen. Fund
on their behalf
the city that they must do better and City Tax Assessor,
at once, or^ land will revert to them. Mr. W. W. Sharpe resigned his ap-
State Industrial Home. pointment as City Tax Assessor last
Rev. J. 6. Harris was present in night and Council accepted same, but
Interest of Georgia Industrial Home deferred action in selection of a suc-|^*°teg on hand $37,252.95
rnd secured from city a donation of cessor for the present. |Cash on hand ....'. 985.44
WATER WORKS FUND. j Financial statement of Ihe city cf
Voucher* herewith $3,316.65 j Wayeross for 1910. Including Turn*.
Balance on hand 1.855.93 j day, Jan. 10, 1910,* the day our years
work closed:
$5,172.58 RESOURCES.
Balance on hand last report $1,922.64'Cash in bank, general nnd
Received fom J. W. Strick- water work fund $ 2,708.04 j
Exchange Bank of Wayeross
Hank of Wayeross
(Deposits In above)
Balance on hand Ge
Balance on hand
Fund 985.44
Balance on hand School Fund 3,529.15
Balance on hand Waterworks 1,855.93
Uncollected taxes for 1910 ..ll.9S2.ra,
Amount due for street nnd |
side walk paving 2,284.16 |
Amount due for water ..672.00 j
ayeross $7,222.63 j Due by City of Douglas 525.00 J
2.977.17 . Due for cemetery lots 775.75 j
! Due from Receivers Hank of
; Wayeross 2»977.I7|
$10,199.80 ' due by B. D. Finn 75.00 j
Fund .$3,S29.2S | Cafch in Sinking Fund 985.44
Sinking | Secured and Unsecured notes
in Sinking Fund 38,558.39
Car Factory Bonds due City 70,000.00
Note due Mrs. Younglove $ 7,000.00
Interest on Younglove note ..560.00
Amount, due school fund for
1910 2,806.91
ihie Exchange Bank for b«v-
,rowed money 5,000.00
Amount due Sinking Fund ..6,000.00
Bonds outstanding against
( ’ity 275,000.00
Cheeks outstanding 325.86
The Case of A Dog,
Mr. H. I). Reed appeared before
Council, asking that the city pay $50
for the death of a female Collier dog,
the property of Mr. C. E. Paine, al
leged, to have been illegally shot by
Chief 'of Police. Council declined to
recognize their liability and sugges
ted that the remedy would lie in a .
xult again.! Chief McDonald ccnter ° r 8 ° n1e a “ i,,ln * bant,ir on j Voucher, herewith
Placards and Po.tera On Light Pole. gr,y W ,e p “ rCiia, t and lota of BalanCe °" ha '” 1
Chief of Police waa reqne.ted toi brllMant h,, ' mor ,clnCH,n,cd a,ounU '
$5,590.46 | *
January 13th, 1911.
Respectfully submitted,
City Job Printing. i Payment on Elks Note Deane- W. H. Buchanan,
Bids far job printing for city were! ted, shown on last report ....320.00 j City Treasurer,
not considered. But on motion of; * J Approved: C. M. Sweat,
Alderman Sinclair, the matter of per- { $38,058.31 j , Chairman Finance Committee,
priuting was left to Chairman of each -Notes on hand last.repprt ..$37,142*95 Note:—Dividend of $546.98, receiv-
Committee to secure the work done ; Cash on hand last report 952.31 j ed from Bank of Wayeross, and de-
when needed to best advantage of Interest received on notes ... .463.13 j posited in the^ Exchange Bank of
Showing Net Indebtedness $165,140.16
This docs not include real Estate
Mules, Wagons, Furniture, Fixtures,
etc., owned by the city. I have no
way of ascertaining the value of the
same on account of the inefficiency
of our hooks as none of the property
Is listed. This statement might vary
a few hundred dollars, as some of
these amounts are obtained from
memory and not from book record.
John M. Cox, Mayor.
The Mule Question
Alderman C. W. Parker was t'he
-1 Wayeross.
But he held his own successfully and
that R? would be strictly enforce^ and g0t ^ u,t M much fun
that placards must be. removed at
onc^ or eases docketed,
rd Trade Donation.
.. .$5,627.46
j... 3,529.15
' , ' . $9,156.61*
Balance on hand last report $1,278.35
Received from E. A. Pound . ,7,878.2tV
Wayeross, Ga., Jan. 9, 1911.
Hon. Mr. C. M. Sweat, Chairman of
the Finance Committee:
Dear Sir:
I herewith band you report of the
city mj$rchal for the 4th quarter or
ioi'or ■ “ -.. .x,.*.-
Tax Executions ,$1$3.51
Paving • • $537.50
Fines and Forfeits $740.00
Street Tax $148.00
Impounding Fees $145.25
Fertilizer 50.00
Total $1,804.26
Cr. by Treasure* receipt ..$1,804.20
John W. Colley. City Marshal
Examined r.nd approved, This Jan.
20. 1011. , 7
C. M. 8weat, Chairman.
Mr. C. M. Sweat, Chalrmnn, Finance
Committee, City of Wayeross.
Dear Sir:
1 beg to submit herewith this my
report for the fourth quarter of the
year 1910, ending January 15th, 1911,
to wit:
Collected Special License Tax $454.50
Collected Advalorem . .Tax $25,822.22.
A representative body of property
holders were present at City Coppell
last night to protest against the pro
posed wooden Hour on platform to he
put in transfer shed of new Express
office. The claim waa made that the
orlgfhaf ’ plAn’'Sttefl'" for a concrete
sanitary floor, and that the present
plan, would mean unsanitary condi
tions, unsightly, unclehn, and not In
character with the important business
buildings arptmd. It was also point
ed out t£pt the use of that shed or
•platform for handling Ash, vegeta
bles, etc., right In the hea.rt of the
At the the Board of Trade this af
ternoon. the governors of the organi
zation are meeting. Col. Bankston, ot
Abbeville, and D. G. Zelgler, In
charge of engineering work of the pro.
posed ^Atlantic, Wayeross, anflNortb*
ern, are here and will appear at the
governors meeting In connection with
the work. Other matters will come
before ‘ the governors, the most im
portant. of which will be the visit of
the agricultural train or college spe
cial |^eb. 14.— This day will be fea
tured in this section, and every effort
possible made to attract a crowd to
city, would be a grave nuslance and ■ , ' t . ; ..
Wayeross for the lectures the experts
menace to the health of the city. Af
ter mtfeb discussion a motion of Al
derman Dunn and- Brewer, It was re
ferred to Police and Fire Committee
to take Immediate action upon.
Total $26,276.72
Cr. By Treasurer! receipt ..$26,276.72
Respectfully submitted.
H. P. Brewer. Tax Collector.
Examined and approved, this Jan.
20, 1911.
C. M. Sweat, Cairman.
Mr. C. M. Sweat, Chairman, Finance
Committee, City of Wayeross.
Dear Sir:
1 I hand you herewith report of the
Clerk of Council for the 4th quarter
Collected for water Rent ....$,3,249.94
Collected for general fund ....$187.50
accompanying the train
while here.
RuSn tonight, followed by a cold
spell, which starts in the north and
—— j central section of Georgia tonight, Is
A very strong delegation wore the weajther dopa given but from
present from various city unions nna ; Washington today. This Is taken as
the Central Labor Council, requesting an Indication that this section,will at
Council to pnss an ordinance to reg- least get a portion of the basty weath*
ulate pawnshops and to compel them cr served the west and east In large
to file with Chief of Police, each day,' doses this week.
a list of the articlee pawned, etc. UBJJ ^ ,
The point being made that If this; t
was not enforced, the pawnshops
would soon become a place for dis-j
posing of stolen goods. I
Also delegation requested instruc-M
lions from Council, as to the recov
ery of certain tools alleged to have 1
been Itolen, which had been pledged, j |
and wore now In hands of pawnshops.
City Attorney took the matter in
A. M. Knight
and Son