Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 08, 1911, Image 6
“The Standard ol Excellence In Passenger Service. SCHEDULES EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1S, 1910. Northbound; Southbound: t;*0 am 0:00 pm I,v. Brunswick Ar. 8:10 pm 10:45 am 8:00 am 0:40 pm Lr. Thalmai: Ar 7:25 pm 10:00 am 0:10 am 6:00 pm Lv. Waycrosa Ar. 6:10 pm 8:,45 am 11:00 am 9:40 pm Lv. Douglas Ar 4:35 pm 7:10 am U:05 pm 10:46 pm Ar| Fltzgera o Lv. 3:30 pm 6:05 am 8:20 am 7:16 pm Lv. Thomas /ille Ar. 6:50 pm 9:20 am r.u am 8:22 pm L*. . Mouttrf- Ar. 5:32 pm 8:05 am 10:25 am 9:30 pm Lt. Tlfton Ar. 4:30 pm 7:05 am 12:16 pm JO: 55 am Lr. Fitzgerald At. 3:25 pm 6:00 am 1:40 pm 12:16 am Lv. Cordele Lv. 2:05 pm 4:40 am 2:01 pm 12:34 am Lv. Vienna Lv. 1:38 pm 4:14 am 2:48 pm 1:23 am Lv Monte/u:na Lv. 12:50 pm 3:30 am 3:00 pm 1:35 am Lv. Oglethorpe Lv 12:45 pm 3:25 am 4:28 ptu 2:58 ’am Lv. Talbotton Lv. 11:16 am 2:00 pm 0:05 pm 3:40 am Ar. Manchester Lv. 10:40 am 1:20 am 6:10 pm 3:45 am Lv. Munches er Ar. 10:35 am 1:15 am 6:28 pm 4:06 a in Lv. Woodbu y Lv. 10:14 am 12:52 am 6:19 pm 4:59 am Lv. Senola Lv. 9:20 am 11:64 pm 7:55 pm 6:40 am Ar. Atlanta l.r 7:45 am 10:15 pm 10:45 am 3:46 am Lv. Manchester Ar. 4:30 pm 12:15 am 11:55 am 4:45 am Lv. ftoGrange Ar. 3:25 pm 11:45 pm 3:50 pm 8:40 am Lv. Talladei* Ar. 11:35 am 7:50 pm 6:50 pm 11:45 am Ar. Birmingham Lv. 8:30 am 4:45 pm Telephone 5uu * Private CLape. D*y or Night tod Mcrgu. MARVIL & O’QUINN formerly Lett, Faio ft Go. funeral directors AND EMBALMER8 W. L. HINSON & Co. Undertakers and Embalmers. 'Phenes fl and 153. ANDREW B ESTES ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room Z7, Southern Hotel Building, Waycrosa, Ga. WILSON NSETT St LAMBDA*- TTOkNivg :•«» AT LAW Pullman electric-lighted sleeping care on night trains between Thornes- fllle and Atlanta, via Fitzgerald. Car leaving Atlanta ready for occupancy Mt 9:00 pm, Train leaving Atlanta at 30; IS pm. gets connections from ol) Incoming trains at Atlanta, Including the South Atlantic Limited from Cin cinnati and the pixie Fllyer from Chicago and St. touts. Connections at other junction points are well adjusted and are shown in the schedule folder which can be secured from any agent of this company. Attention is called to the establishment of connections at Atlanta from train arriving at Atlanta ft:40 am., with the South Atlantic Limited leaving Atlanta at (1:45 am., for Cincinnati and Chicago, and the Dixie Flyer leaving Atlanta 7:32 am., for Chicago and St. Louis. W. H. Ideally, General Pass. Agt. K. H. Fell, A«st. Gen. Pass Agt Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. A. D. Daniel. Traveling Passenger Agent. Try a "Want Ad. WE TEACH YOU SHORTHAND AND ALL NECESSARY BRAN- E8. WE TEACH YOU TO AUDIT BCOKS. WE TEACH YOU TO MAKE ABSTRACT OF LAND TITLES. WE PREPARE YOU FOR THE CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINA TIONS. WE HAVE ARRANGEMENTS MADE TO GIVE YOU THE EXAMINATION HERE UNDER THE CHARGE OF THE GOVERNMENT If you can’t attend personally wo have an excellent mail courve that fully prepares j on in any of these departments. CALL OR WRITE: South Ga. Business College CORDELE, GEORGIA. DEEN & BURNET ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. LA GRANDE BLDG. «?OOM 303 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Southern Hotel Building* Up-Stairs. PHONE 12. S. S. LUDLUM. M. D. Practice Limited to tne EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. tithe* ItiHim .>24 toGrsnd*. Hotel- Building——— HOUHP 10 A. M. TO 2 P. M. J. M. MARKED Fsitorn'j . Office L >%>•>/» j.. w. (..‘vaaETT contract * and buildup P**’ l dencc 48 MargareV 8t. phone roa G. R. LOVELACE DENTIST the* tu Heading Block. Qv«r 8te Clothing Store J. B. BAGLEY, M. D. *»M«ai$iAN AND SURGEON, Off'ce in Southern Building OFFICE HOUR* *-11 A. M. M P. M. 7 8 P. M. A. FLEMING. M. D. Office over GEM PHARMACY. ^ In Southern Building. Beslrieuc* *>*. Tebetu. Office Phoo* Ob. Rtmidence phone 440. cTl. REDDING, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Dp .talre R.rtdlu, Block. WAYCHOSS. RKCRQU. IF A PIANO DEALER HIS MIND HE WILL TELL YOU: “THERE'S NOTHING LIKE McPHAIL GRAND FOR BEAUTY OF FINISH AND BEAUTY OF TONE- ASK A DOZEN FAIR JUDGES WHAT ARE ITS CHIEF CHARACTERISTICS AND YOU WILL GET A DOZEN ANSWERS. ONE 8EES BRILLIANCY, ANOTH ER SEES RICHNE8S, ANOTHER SEES PERFECTNES, ANOTHER DELICACY OF TONE, ANOTHER THE POWER OF EXPRESSION, ANOTHER ACTION, ANOTHER THOROUGH CONSTRUCTION. ONE SEES NEW IDEAS, ANOTH ER OLD IDEAS IMPROVED. THE McPHAIL GRAND PIANO IS ENDOWED WITH PERSONAL ITY QUITE ITS OWN. MUSICI ANS UNDERSTAND ITS CHARM INTUITIVELY. We have other makes and we are proud of ev- j£ ery Piano we handle. I McPhail, Chickering , Laffargue, Bush & Lane' l Henry F. Miller, Hains Bros., Cambridge, Regal, | Brewster and others. We give easy monthly ^payments if desired and take old pianos and organs in exchange at full value. C. C. Cocroft Music Co. Broad Street, Thomasvilie, Ga. ■ <>00000000000<X>000 0<><><>0<><XX><X><><X>0<><> OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. B F HEARN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. So. 14 Brewer Street. Phone No. 553 Be sure you are right, then sc ahead and let me figure on doing your build ing. All work guaranteed to girt per- feet satisfaction. Best of references furnished if required. GO The L. Norman Located at Hoboken, Ga. FOR SALE lit 30 Acre Tracts. Office at Hoboken Chicago Office 135 Adam St. JOHN J. MOORE, u/*evl«, > uitc-tuioitp «iu CriiMUMi tow k Bp'tr-s.ty. Office Heed Building, up, .. «u>r» ever t>»ir»! pharmacy. . ' Wavcroas ox F*i*»n«i 565 JOHNS. WALKER TTOKNEY U COUNSELLOR at LAW Office up stairs gcut'.ern WAYuRQSS. GEORGIA BYCK ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO <i k<(iuv of kitfcrrtcaJ * Work sml Supplie ALL WORK GUARANTEED, to Lott Street. Phone 299 W. R. THOMAS, M. D. PHYSICIAN SURGEON. Office In LaGrsnde Building. Room 324. Over Poetoffice. Hours: 9 to 11 a.m.; 2 to 4 and 7 and fc p. ro. VICTORY CAMP NO. 477 WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meets every Saturday night at 7:30 o'clock at Masonic Hall. All Wood- men are cordially invited to attend. J. M. Allison, Cost.-Cord. .1. A. Mane**. Clerk. For either a.Mue >: twuL* koine} disorders, for aunoy xa\ ■mw.'i nary Irregularities. **kt» .‘Mv*.n«*v Pills. An honest anq edi* cine for kidney and otajdei iisor- dors. Gem Pharmacy. «cnj. U. Parks .Harry D. Heed PARKS & REED ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Scuthan* Hotel Building. ’ tl COROTS Try A WantAd. T J CARSWELL o- m. d. Diseases of Children; Diseases of Women; Obstetrics. Residence 16* Plsnt Ate. Phone SIS Office In Southern Bldg. Phone 628. PERSONAL. We will pay you ten cei^te each for, new names and addressed of amateur j photographers. Carver, Bex 504, Wa terloo, Iowa. tf' Dr. Lewis Jonathan Bi-rcb PRACTICE LIMITED TO Eye*. Ear. Nok, Threat and Chronic DICCitM. Residence in Plant Avenue. OIBoe Raddlnt Bulldlns. OBee Honrs: ft to IS a. 89. S to S p. a. colored people. f U'W.-rJECrjig SHADE TREES FOR SALE. 5,000 Oak and Maple hade trees tot •ale. will art them out and warrant hrlr living. Hrlo, Sl.no each. careful- y «ei out. Orders Mlldt-d. R. W. Lewis. Id ad, St n* 1a»on»h, ' N HOWS THIS? P. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, have' known _ J. Cheney for the lest 15 yean, and bellere him perfectly honorable In all bualneaa transactions and A uanclally able to carry out any oh llgallons made by hie arm. Welding, Ktnnan A Marvin, We offer One Hundred Dollara Re ward for any cate of Catarrh that can- not ha cured by HalTe Catarrh Cura Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Inter- natty, acting directly upon the blond' and mucous surface* of the cyttem.1 Tattlmonlhlu, cent free. Price 15c per bottle. Bold by all Druggiat*. Taka Hall’s Family PUIa tor coo«U-j Wholesale DregggMs Toledo, 0.| Atlantic Coast Line Offers Magnificent Train Service<ind Convenient Schedules to all points ^ For Schedule Information and Literature see your agent or write to, W. J. Craig, P. T. M„ T. C. White, G. P. A. Wilmington, N. C. Wilmington, N. C. E. M. North, As&. G. P. A., Savannah. PARK PLACE*} High cass Subdivis ion for white peopc