Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 17, 1911, Image 3
CARRIAGE PAINTER i ParallelgStreet. Phone 574 Carriage and Automobile Painting NEATLY? EXECUTED F. O. SMITH, >0000000000000OOOO A. B. & 4. BM “The Standard of Excellence in Passenger Service.” SCHEDULES EFFECTIV E FEBRUARY 19, 1911. ) 1:20 am 6:00 pm Lv. Brunswick Ar.* 8:10 pm 10:45 am f.oo am 6:40 pm Lv. Thalmar. Ar 7:25 pm 10:00 am am 8:00 pm Lv. Waycross Ar. 6:10 pm 8:45 am ltlOO am 9:40 pm Lv. Douglas Ar 4:35 pm 7:10 am 12:05 pm 10:45 pm Ar| Fitigerald Lv. 3:30 pm 6:05 am 8:20 am 7:15 pm Lv. Thomasville Ar. 6:50 pm 9:20 am 9:25 am 8:22 pm Lv. Moultrt a Ar. 5:33 pm 8:05 am 10:36 am 0:30 pm Lv. Tilton Ar. 4:30 pm 7:05 am 12:15 pm 10:55 pm Lv. Fitzgerald Ar. 3:25 pm 6:00 am 1:46 pm 12:16 am Lv. Cordele Lv. 2:06 pm 4:40 am 2:01 pm 12:34 am Lv. Vienna Lv. 1:38 pm 4:14 am 2:48 pm 1:23 am Lv Montezuma Lv. 12:50 pm 3:30 am 2:56 pm 1:35 am Lv. Oglethorpe Lv 12:45 pm 3:25 am 4:32 pm 2:58 am Lv. Talbott on Lv. 11:10 am 2:00 am 5:15 pm 3:40 am Ar Manchester Lv. 10:30 ain 1:20 am 5:20 pm 3-: 45 am Lv. Manchester Ar. 10:25 am 1:15 pm 5i41 pa 4:06 am Lv. Woodbury Lv. 10:04 am 12:52 am 6:24 pm 4:119 am Lv. Senoia Lv 9:09 am 11:54 pm 8:16 PD 6:40 am Ar. Atlanta Lv. 7:30 am 10:16 pm 10:45 am 3:50 am Lv. Manchester Ar. 4:30 pm 12:45 am 11:55 am 4:50 am Lv. LaGraugo Ar. 3:25 pm 11:45 pm 3:60 pm 8:45 am Lv. Talladega Ar. 11:30 am 7:45 pm 6:55 pm 11:45 am Ar. Birmingham Lv. 8:30 am 4:45 pm Pullman electric-lighted sleeping cars on night trains between Thomas- Tlllo and Atlanta, via Fitzgerald. Car (earing Atlanta ready tor occupancy at 9:00 pm. Train leaving Atlanta at 10:15 pm. gets connections from all incoming trains at Atlanta, Including the South Atlantic Limited from Cin cinnati and the Dixie Fllyer from Chicago and St. Louis. Connections at other junction points are well,adjusted and are shown in the schedule folder which can be secured from any agent of this company. Attention is called to the establishment of connections at Atlanta from train arriving at Atlanta 6:40 am., with the South Atlantic Limited leaving Atlanta at 6:45 am., for Cincinnati and Chicago, and the Dixie Flyer leaving Atlanta 7:32 am., for Chicago and St. Louis. W. H. Leahy, General Pass. Agt B. H. Fell. Asst. Gen. Pass AgL Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. A. D. Daniel, Traveling Passenger Agent V OF INDIANAP OLI8, INDIANA. Deposits With State for Guar antes of Policies, .... 63,000,000.03 Surplus to Policy Holders, 61,174,606.00 Security l n a Life Insurance Policy is the principal thing. One wants protection that protect without regard to general financial condltlons.The STATE LIFE DEP0S1T8 WITH THE STATE OF INDIANA for the benefit of all He policy holders, the entire cash value of every outstanding policy. At this time the company has on deposlc with the State, In first class securi ties, a larger amount than all other large companies combined. ITS POLICIES ARE AS SECURE AS THE BANK OF ENG- LAND. I have been with this good company seventeen years and through its agency have paid many thousands of dr'lars to beneficiaries Take no chance with your life policy but see me for “INSURANCE THAT INSURES." V.L. STANTON, Manager. WAYCR0S8, GEORGIA. OBORQIA SOUTHERN AND FLOIRDA RAIL,WAY (IsApsllrEssfs To IlfFsMs North led West. ThroughTralna In connection with' A. C. L, from Waycross via Tifton to Ifscon ■ ATLANTA, KNOXVILLE, CHAT 'ANOOGA, NASHVILLE, ST. : . LOUIS, CHICAGO, LOUISVILLE; AND CINCINNATI. ! \ Coaches and Pullman steeper* go through without change. Dining ^ Car Service. . “ TRAINS OF A, B. * A. It H, CONNECT AT CORDELB WITH l TRAINS 07 0,1 A P, RAILWAY FOR MACON ATLANTA : AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND SOUTH. FOR INFORMATION VS TO RATES, ROUTES, OR SSHEOULE8 TO ANY POINT ; NORTH OR WEST, APPLY TO ANY AGENT OP THIS COM. PANY, OR A0DRE88. C. B. Rhodes, G. P. A, MACON GA. I. W. Jamison, T. P. A, MACON GA. TRY OUR JOB WORK Expert Medical Scientists Announce Startling Results Obtained By Senpine. New York:—Thousands are taking advantage of the generous offer made by The Woodworth Co., 1101 Broad way, New York City, requesting an experimental package ot Senpino, the great discovery for Asthma, Hay Fe ver, Bronchitis, and Catarrh, which io mailed free of charge to all who write for It. it is curing thousands of the most stubborn cases. It makes no difference how lone you have been suffering or how severe the, cHmatlc conditions are where you live. Sen- pine will cure you. If you have experimented with oth er treatments and have failed to flna a euro do not be discctiraged but send for u trial of this wonderful truly merltous remedy which Is scientific compound discovered by a Professor of Vienna University, and is being recommended by thoq^.nds. Sat tf. FOR SALE. One red plush bed lounge. One leather covered bed lounge. One leather covered couch. One leather coveredpatent rocker One leather covered arm chair. One leather covered settee. One Iron bedstead , spring and mattress. One walnut, single bedstead. Two oak extension dining tables, dining chairs, rockers, dressers and other furnishings. J. I. Waite, t 6t. 22 Brewer street FARM FOR 8ALE. Do you want a four hundred acre, Ware county farm, conveniently locat ed to market west of Waycross, on the Brunswick and Western Railroad between Hasty and Satfila River. Tim her and wood on the land would pay for it, If marketed. SO acres has been ln cultivation. Public road passes through it. Well watered. . Fulmoor creek Is Its eastern boundary. Owner wants to sell for division. Go and see It will bear Inspection. Call on or write Simon W. Hitch, Waycross, Ware County, Ga. 26 im aojj pojrcui •Adoo ioj ©jtiyft *»ppog ©jcp -uorcog jo sooud osju ‘inaX ©tp uj tpuoui vpvs jirejd o| spooj oj an udqeuuojui Aprntj goai3 iC|i|*uoui *„p3p3d<5 panes; 4013 i.pooM* ) -on ‘sjiunwa ‘pass WUH £ > ‘woo iijjBH ‘tmmjMos ‘sossfl «{«s ‘r»a *«D •pws uo)|og ‘moo poos spaas aaAojo posnug ■spaas uirej ||o u; isaq atp 30] sjaysnbpsat] are •spaas mrej 30VH9-H91B S.dOOM THE PACIFFIC MONTHLY’S SPEC IAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER. The Paclfflc Monthly, of Portland, Ore., Is a.beautifully illustrated month ly magazine which gives full Informs* lion about the resources and opportu nities ot the country lying West of the Rockies ItiMls about the Gov ernment Reclamation Projects, free Government land and tells about tbs districts adapted to fruit raising, dairy ing, poultry raising, etc. It baa splen did stories by Jack London and other noted authors. The price la $1.60 a year* but to In troduce it we will send six months for fifty cents. This offer must be accept ed on or before February 1, 1911. Send your name and address accom panled by fifty cents ln stamps and learn all about Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and California. Address: The Paclfflc Monthly, Por* and. Oregon jsmtf State of Georgia, County of Ware: The Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for the County of Ware in* vite bids for the construction and erection of a modern jail and Jnilors home, the building thereof to be con structed either of brick or reinforced concrete, according to the plans and speeifieations now on file ln the ofil ces of aid Commissioners. The terms of payment to ho made ns follows: One half (1-2) of the contract price to bo puld as the progresses, the remaining one half (1-2) to he paid twelve (12) months from the completion and acceptance of same, and tho deferred payment to bear Interest at the rate of six per centtum per annum. A certified check for Twenty Five Collars ($25) will bo required to be made payable to and deposited with F. J. Berry, Clerk of the Commls- sioners, from nil prospective bidders who obtain a copy of the plans and speeifieations, the same to he Tolurn- •ed upon tho return of the plans and specifications. A certified check made payable to 1C. J. Berry, the Clerk of said Commls sioners for Twenty Five Hundred Dol lars ($2,500.00) must accompany each bid, before tho same will be connla- ered, and to all unsuHcccssful bidders, the same will ho returned. Tho check of tho successful bidder will be re tained by the Commissioners until such bidder has mado a good and sufficient bond with approved aeevri- ty, guaranteeing the completion ot the contract In the terms of his bid. Upon his failure to comply with this requirement as to giving bond within ten days after the awarding of the contract, the same will bo forfeited to the county. Bids will bo received up to noon of April 20th, 1911, at which time tho same will be opened and considered by said Commlslsoners, with the right reserved to reject auy and fiV bids. It is contemplated that, this (.or- tiact will exceed the sum of Fite Thousand Dollars, and notlco Is given ln accordance with the i/ovlsloni ot tho law in such cases nude and jro vldod. A’] bids should bo addressed to 29. J Berry, Clerk of the Commissioners of Road and Revenues of V/are Coun ty, with the words "Bids for const) ue. t/on of Jail" writtun on the margin of the envelope. This March 3rd, 10U. B. H. Thomas, Chairman. J. F. Tayljr. D. J. MUlir. J. J. Murray. Commissioners of Roads nod Aevenuos for Ware Ootrji'/» Georgia. 8 4t Atlantic Coast Line Schedule. DEPARTURES, l or Jump and Sat annuli For wood ubont» 216. 2.) Id VICTORY CAMP NO. 477 WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet, every Snturdi.y uljftit at 7:36 o'clock ot Masonic Hall, All -Wood- iven aro cordially invited to attend. J. M. Allison, Coat.-Cord. J. A. Masters, Clork. NOTICE TAX PAVER. Specific tax and Corporation Taxes aro now due and can be paid by making a visit to my office In th« court bouse. J. T. Strickland, Tax Col. DEATH IN ROARING FIRE May not reault from the wore of fir. ban bat often severe burns sre caus ed that make a quick need for Buck- lea's Arnica Sslre, the quickest, sm elt curs for burns, wounds, braises, bolls, sores. It subdues Indentation. It kills pain. It soothes end beels. Drives off skin eruptions, ulcers or piles. Only !5o et All Druggists. EEDS -. /> i *,t * * d >. VP / . i>rtPttfin Tvbuu*. itfrj (ORtn/Afi ARRIVALS AT WAYCR088. From 8avanuah tain 189 6:60 am Train 186 12:60 pm Train 21 5:65 pm Train 57 10; 00pm .‘’rim Montgomery Truin 58 6:16 am Train 180 6:46 pm From Ualubridgo «fc ThomasvlHe Train 182 ..9:60 am From Alban/ Train 93 4:55 pm Train 91 9:56 am Train 97 6:00 pm From Chicago and Nortwest t. C. Special (via Albany)....4:65 am Dixie Flyor (via Tifton)....6:35 am South Atlantic Limited 6;36 am From Brunswick Train 96 ..7:40 am Train 90 6:00 pra ‘tom .Jacksonville Train 22 6:65 pm Tralu 32 10:15 pm Train 94 10:25 pm Train 92 10:45 pm From Tampa, High Springs via Du pont Train 42 7:26 pm^ Train 58 „:u5 am Train 182 % 10:00 am l'raiu 180 7:30 pm Train 29 ... * 6:10 prn- For Montgomery Train 189 6:10 am Train 57 10:25 pm For Hulnbrldge and Thomasviile. Train 185 1:00 pm For Albany Train 92 10:50 pin Train 96 7;60 am Train 90 6:10 pm For Chicago aud Northwest I. C. Special (via Albany).^ 10:50 pm Dixie Flyer (via Tifton) ....10:30 pm South Atlantic Limited.. ..10:20 pm For Brunswick Train 91 10:05 am Train 97 .......... ..........6:10 pm For Jacksonville Train 95 {Dixie Flyer 5:40 am Train 93 6:00 am Train 33 .... .... ..........6:40 am rain 21 6:15 pm For Tampa, High Springs Train 43 8:00 am For through Schedule*, Pullman reaervatlona, etc., Call On E. M. North, A. O. P. A. R. B. Pollard, Ticket Agent. Savannah ,Ga. Waycross. Ga. Why pay $1.00 to have your tooth extracted! | when you can have it done for 50c and without pain. All other work done at very reasonable charges. Everything guaranteed!] DR. DANIEL\ The Dentist Folks’ Block Try A Want Ad. The Lady Is Never Afraid WHEN SHE IB RIDING IN ONE OP OUR CARRIAGES. THAT IS SHE NEEDN'T BE. FOR ^OUR CARRI AGES, LIGHT AND GRACEFUL AS THEY ARE, ARE AS STRONG AS CARRIAGES CAN BE MADE. BETTER GET ONE TO HITCH TO THAT LIVELY HORSE OP YOURS. HE CANNOT BRAKE IT NO,MAT- TER WHAT TRICKS HE PLAYS. j ! JONES BUGGY CO. Wayoross, Georgia V