Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 24, 1911, Image 2

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Published By
A. P. Psrham, Sr.
A. P. Perham, Jr.
Editors and Proprietors.
Miss Carrie Perham,
Personal, 8oclety and Local.
The Waycross Herald founded In
1885. The Daily Herald founded In
1892 by A. P. Perham, Sr.
Buslnus Office 25
Editorial Offle 2G
Residence 268.
Every Afternoon Except Sunday.
Office No. 8 Jane Street.
Month • I
Months 11.25
Months $2.50
Year $5.00
All obituary notices, cards of thanks,
resolutions arid notices of entertain*
ments, wh*ro charges are made, will
be charged at advertising rates of G
cents a line.
Subscribers to The Herald that do
not receive the paper promptly nnd
early will please rlng up the Circula
tion Manager and report the trouble
to him, as this tbo only moans that
we can assure you prompt and early
Official Organ of the United States
Court of the Southern District of
; The Herald most cordially endors
es the “Cleanlng-Up Week” move
ment. Not because we think Way-
j cross is a dirty city, or needs clean-
! ln& anymore than any other town,
| hut because we recognize that It Is
a sane, sensible Idea, a practical and
a wise preventative of disease. la
I this section oi our sL,»3 .it is well
| known to all that much of the sick-
I ness we have, Is the result of unsai-
itary conditions, combined with hot
summer weather, ull trash and filth
r.etflecter, will accumulate files and
odors that materially detract from
the health of a city. Hence any move
ment to “clean-up” will have our
hearty co-operation In any way pos
sible. The Herald hopes und belie
that ail our people will co-operate
this matter, especially the ladies,
their hearty co-operation will mean
the success of the movement and
feel sure if they go to work, that the
men will fall in line. The work done
by the ladies In some cities along
this line is wonderful.
And Waycross can always go any
other place one better If she she will
A healthy city Is always prosperous
and that reminds us, while the peas
are cooling, “LET PROSPERITY
PROSPER”—Our motto
WAYCR09G, GA. f MAR^H 24, 1911.
J>o your Easter shopping early.
Mr. liohson bus also adjourned.
Mississippi is
trying to float
say: "Give the children Castoria”. has. Not only do these physicians
Healthy fa rents know ihls remedy of say they use Castoria in their own
old, for they took It themselves as families, hut they prescribe It for
children. It was more than thirty their patients. First of all it is a
years ago that Castoria made a place vegetable preparation which assimil-
for Itself in the household. It bore ates the food and regulates the atom-
the signature of Charles H. Fletsber ach and bowels. After eating comes
then, as It does today. The signature sleeping, and Castoria looks out for
is Its guarantee, which Is accepted In that too. It allays feverishness and
thousands of homes where there are prevents loss of sleep, and this ab-
children. ' tclufely without the use of opium
other baneful narcotic.
Much Is printed nowadays about morphine
big families. Dr. William J. McCrann, ^
. _ . . , .. . it # I Medical journals are reluctant to
of Omaha, Neb., Is the father of one
, .. . . . 4 ! discuss proprietary medicines. Hall's
ol these much-read-about families.
. .. i-A .... . ' Journal of Health, however, «a^s
“As the father of thirteen children 1
l “Our duty is to expose danger and re-
icord the means of advancing health.
The army is playing war nnd Mr.
Taft is playing golf.
Mr. Roosevelt Is also conducting
maneuvers in the south.
There seems to he no discount on
El Paso, Texas, as a filibuster hatch-
In rushing into the Mexican game
let Unclu Sam remember the trials
of an umpire.
Senator Roles Penrose looks like
cm “old guard" reuinuut. Nearly all
that is left.
It Is all quiet along the Potomac
but a trifle frotly along the Rio
Colonel Hryan has stopped running
for president In order to devote
time more sedulously to scolding the
Mayor Cox, Governor Drown and
Jim Sinclair are all of one mind or
tills “Cleaning-Up Day" proposition
They-ve all got together, the Hoke
Smith's and the Joe Brown's on
platform for the common good.
It Is probable that week that Dr.
is Folks will ho seen driving a wag
on and Jim Sinclulr loading it, while
the presidents of both clubs superin
tend tho job nnd see It done right.
Its Mils pluck we have of pulling to
gether for the common good when
the need demands it, that makes
Waycross grow. If necessary
newspaper men will wield tho browns
o.* anything rise lu-oecsarv to help
(he good work ulong. Lets clean up
cur city and join hands In a deter
mined fight on the three “F's", Filth,
l ever and Flies.
What :
lure p!ac
latest wai
11 nickel.
boon for the motion pie-
*. Just Imagine all the
views that will ho soeu for
Somethin* significant in the action
of Champ Clark In going over lo Phil
adelphia right on the eve of the re
mark that he would like to sleep for
two weeks.
Says an exchange: “Our uml.i o’>
Jectlon to women suffrage is that
when the mistress and the cook have
a ballot there will he nobody to get
dinner 021 election day."
We publish the following from tho
Fitzgerald Enterprise of yesterday,
for tho benefit of those interested in
the progress of aviation:
“They flew yesterday.
“Not very high to be sure, nor any
great distance out they flew.
Avlatof Frod Ellis got his Curtiss
biplane together, nnd tested It out
“The new motor was not working
satisfactorily nnd tho aviator was n
Mi tie timid, did not deem It w’orth
while to take the chances until the
new engine is working perfectly.
“He has a splendid new bl-plano
that will fly anywhere, nnd a Dleriot
monoplane fine and new that
gel Into the flying before tho week
"The flights yesterday were only
fMV hundred feet at the furthest,
but it is evident that they will do
high-flying and plenty of It in Fitzger
ald this week, and if necessary, next
w eek.
“Mr. Berger nnd his aviators are
having a number of troubles to wres
tle with, nmon.{ them :» very impa
tient public. We are disposed to give
I certainly know something about
your ftreat medicine and aside from :
my own family experience I have, In
j my years of practice, found Castoria
a popular and efficient remedy in al
most every home.”
Charles H. Fletcher has received
hundreds of such letters from prom
inent physicians who have the same
esteem for Castoria that Dr. McCrann
The day for poisoning innocent chil
dren through greed or igorance ought
to end. To our knowledge Castoria
1b a remedy which produces compos
ure and health by regulating the sys
tem, not by stupefying it, and our
readers are entitled to the Informa
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tlie
Exkct Copy of Wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
SeereUry of the Inferior J th * m ful1 "Wortunlty nnd patiently
r.walt for what we believe will bo
successful* aviation.”
uc&rs large spectacles nnd n very
thoughtful look. Round to he an Im-
ptovement over Rnltlnger.
It l* hard to pee how Luther Bur-
hi nk could Improve on strawberry,
nr he promises, unless he makes two
grew where only one grew before.
If Senator Bailey of Texas reads
the newspaper the unanimity '
which they congratulate the country
on hla resignation may serve as
hint to him to resign again, and for
Abe Uucfg of Francisco et las;
tiwda himself- In prison. What ’ a
change It will prove to n man who
foi yearn jrtm the political boss of
• great city, practically the dictator
of Its affairs, and rolllug In the
wealth be exacted frotnhls poait
And what a warning hla
doct6r BILLS.
Physician* Give Free Advice By
Which Parents May Profit.
It s a matter of general Interest
lust now how one’s physical condl-
♦ on can he got into shape to best
receive the benefits of the summer
season. Especially Is this true of
the children. They have become run
down by a winter of unnatrual man
ner of living because of ill-consider
ed food and much time spent Indoors.
Opting conies with Its sunshine, its
f.i-li vecowble* and all else Invigor
ating, but tne children are tn^no con-
•Mien to receive nature's remedies.
Many parents call in the family
ih)tdcian. Many other parents take
.tovantage of what the physician told
them when he waa first called in con
stitution. All food family physicians
’OT the old fashioned heavy,
^^Jcumbersome, drudgery kind
that makes your arms ache
and your back tired and have driv
ed many a boy from the farm, but
the light, strong, sharp, steel kind
that make gardening the pleasure
it should be.
T HERE is usually a good garden where
there are good garden tools. Buy
them NOW and get the full use of them
this season.
P. N. Harley Hardware Co.
44 Plant’Ave. Phone 184
After March tenth, 1911, this company will sell Incandescent
Electric Lamps at cost to us, which Is as follows, upon the ertura
of the old lamps: ,
... . 15c each
25c each
OEM (Metalizod Filament) LAMPS:
> . n CA ,
20c each
30c etch
MAZDA (Tungsten) LAMPS:
60c each
65c each
if Cinfllt rf “
90c each
80 Candle Power. 100 Watt
11.20 etch
We recommend the use of the “GEM" to replace the common
carbon lamp, as it is more economical In the consumption of cur
rent and more efficient In the production of light, without being
as fragile as the MAZDA or Tungsten Lamp.
The Ware County
Light and Power
A. Fine Line of
Just In At
Watt Hardware Co.
'ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo
Why waste time In getting up at
right to heat the childrens milk?
Get an ’
It irlll keep the milk warm for 24
hours. No extra time lost It Is a
great big convenience to have bandy.
PHONE NO. 150.
Cherokee Pharmacy
Waycross, Georgia
Wheelwright aid Blacksmith,' *
Horseshoeing A Specialty.
Next to Wilson Liundry, justiin rcarjof
Singleton iFurniture'Company. , ft ■
Satisfaction Guaranteed."