Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 25, 1911, Image 5
,..v WAYCR03S EVENING HERALD ooooooooooooooooo | 600 Doz. Eggs —Going At— 25 cts. Per Dozen. PERSONAL III LOCAL C. C. D. Butter The Be* on Earth At 25 cts. POUND. At The I WILSON GROCERYCO The Leading Grocery House. « . WIL80N BLOCK, t ' PHONE 128. ♦040000000000040# RESOLUTIONS ON DEATH OF R. PACE. Resolutions of respect on the death oi R. R. Pace by Waycross Ix>dge No. 369. B. P. O. Elks. Whereas, Death has again invaded our home and our Brother Pace has teen called to a Heavenly home, leav ing his brothers in sorrow and grief. Therefore be it. Resolved, that this lodge has heard Ith a most profound sorrow of the death of our brother; but we bow in cubmission to Him in whose govern ment all things work together for I good to those who love Him. Resolved, That in his death this lodge has lost a valuable member, his I energy and zeal endeared him to us I all. T. H. BLIZZARD’S Meat Market, Plant Ave. 108 Phone 242 Beef and Pork NATIVE AND WESTERN. SMOKED PORK, 8AU8AGE, FRE8H SAUSAGE, FRANKFORT, F0WL8, SKINNED HAMS, BREAKFA8T BA CON, DRIED BEEP, BOLOGNE SAU SAGE, BUTTER, EGGS, CREAM CHEE8E, 8ALT MACKERAL, FRE8H f*|8H AND 0Y8TER8. Resolved, That to his family this lodge extends its most heartfelt syin pathy In their sad bereavement. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the lodge, published In the local press and that a copy be sent to the family of our deceased brother. R. P. Izlar, J. M. Cox, C. C. Buchanan, Jr„ —Committee. 7. H. Blizzard, 108 PLANT AVENUE. Victory camp no. 477 WOODMEN OP THE WORLD Meets every Saturday night at 7:30 o'clock at Masonic Hall. All Wood men are cordially Invited to attend. J. M. Allison. Cost-Cord. J. A. Masters, Clerk. ‘ FERTILIZER INSPECTION. Parties In the counties of Appling, Wayne, Ware or Pierce countlea who hare fertilizers they would like to tare Inspected can have the same looked after by dropping me a card at Waycrosa and directing me when to come. 24 6t A. P. Pcrham, Sr. Inapector. tr FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. Reed and Gilmore Streets. Osgood P. Cook, Preacher In Charge. Services tomorrow at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Preaching morning and evening by the pastor. Sunday School at 3:30 p. m. The windows have been put lu the Annex and the Sunday school rooms are nom complete, giving the church a modern and model equipment for up-to-date work. The pastor Is the teacher of a class of sixty young men who will be organ* Ized into a Baraca class tomorrow afternoon. Epwrth League meeting, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting. Thursday, 7:30 p. AT THE ’ MAJESTIC Thur., Fri. and Sat. The Great Fredericks. Sovereigns of magic and marvelous Il.uslons. Artistic and Sensational —AND— THE DIXIE AIRDOME =£.- Alive Vernice A pretty singing and dancing Soubrete ALL OF THEIR TRICKS ARE NEW Prices: Mainee 5c and 10c Night 10c and 15c CLASSIFIED WANT ADS WANTED WANTED FOR U. 8 ARMY—Able* bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United Sta tes, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For informa tion apply to Recruiting officer, South- Building, Waycross, Ga.; 13 West York street Savannah Ga.; 108 West For syth street Jacksonville, Fla.; Market street Charleston, 8. C.; or 113 South Blaine street, Fitzgerald, Jan. 7 tt PROGRAM: STRONG BILL— (SPECIAL Tomorrow 8ATURDAY) At 3:30 a childrens matineoe will be given at which a prize will be giv en each child and two specially hand some prizes—One for a girl and one for a boy Holding tho lucky tickets. WHEN YOUR MONEY 15 IN A rational IT’S SAFE L. H. BARNHILL, Local AgenL Woycroia, Ga. 108 Plant At*. MACHINE ON EXHIBITION. Tomatoes! Tomatoes! TOMATOES! GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE RICH, CHEAP ENOUGH FOR THE POOR, REGARDLESS OF THE 8EASON. JUST RECEIVED 40 CRATES, PRI CES REDUCED FOR SALE 50c to 35c Per Basket FOR 8ALE—Errs! Thoroughbred, Plymouth Rock nnd S. C. Rhode In land Reds, ll.no for US. Address: Box 451, Waycrosa, Ga. 13 tf FOR 8ALE—Two dcslrablo lots on Folks street. Apply to Mr. H Sweat. 15 tf FIRST CALL GET8 THEM AT 25c. REMEMBER WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF FRESH VEGETA. BLES AND FRUITS, SPECIALTY. ALWAYS 8AVE MONEY BY CALL- ING PHONE 522, GOODS DELIVER. ED BEFORE PHONE IS RANG OFF. UNDER D GOVERNMENT, SUPERVISION Cornilht 1909, br c. E. Zlmmera** Co.-No. 37N BESIDES THE FACT That A REPRESENTA TIVE of the UNITED STAES GOVERNMENT Goes over our notes and securities twice each year, and In addition t* the surplus fund and undivided proms which stand between our deposi tors and any possibility of loss, there la OUR CAPITAL STOCK $200,000.00 STOCKHOLDER’S LIABILITY $200,000.00 TOTAL SECURITY TO BEPOSITORS IN THI8 BANK $400,000.00 Here Is the real atrength of a hank and upon this Item and Its rati* of deposits, we Invite comparison with any other bank In this section. First National Bank OF WAYCROSS Waycross. Georgia Junior Epworth 3:30 p. m. League, Friday, I can but think that tho world would bo better and brighter if our teach ers would dwell on the duty of hap piness as well as the happiness of duty; for we ought to be as bright and genial as we can, if only because to be cheerful ourselves is a most effectual contribution to the happiness of others.—Sir John Lubbock. CASTOR IA for In&nti nnd Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of r* Fussy Package Its green and let me tell you, Its fussy too. We have been trying for n long time to get somethin? real nice In the candy line, something thet would ippeal to the most fas tidious and we have at lait found It in thli FUSSY PACKAGE It coets more then othere, but the beet U none too good when we ore dealing In SWEETS. A box of WHITMAN’S Inaures a pleaaant eve ning. i /: r.\ Central Pharmacy. Young-Kobertsou Drug Co., Prop. WANTED—First class milch i must be gentle, and fresh in milk. Mrs. W. W. Sharpe, 46 Gilmore street. 18 tf. N. A. Joseph, NO. 52 AND84 PLANT AVENUE. FOR SALE—Eggs, Thoroughbred, Plymouth Rock and S. C., Rhode Is- lend Reds, $1.00 for 15. Also day old chickens. Address Box 454 Way- cross. 20 13t NOTICE. THE LADIE8 OF WAYCROSS ARE INVITED TO MISS EDDIE PAR- NELL’S OPENING OF SPRING AND 8UMMER HATS, TUE8DAY AND WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2STH AN!) 29TH, 1011. WAYCROSS MARBLE COMPANY 51 ALBANY AVE...PHONE— APPRECIATES THE BUSINESS GIVEN, AND IF YOU NEED HIGH GRADE MARBLE OR GRANITE MONUMENTS, CALL, OR WRITE OR PHONE US AND ONE OF THE FIRM WILL SEE YOU AND GIVE YOUR INTERE8T HI8 PERSONAL ATTENTION. THE BEST MATERIAL. THE BEST WORK. THE BEST PRICE. J M Clark, General Manager. FOR 8ALE—Two beautiful homes located on Carswell street, three lo cated on McDonald street, one locat ed on Mary street, three located on Elizabeth street, one located on Jane street; all have large lots; will sell for small cash payment down and balance to suit purchaser. Rainwater Brothers, Phone 470, Vlrdle Hotel Building. . 22 it FOR RENT—Two large offices, lo cated close In to post office, on first floor; with all conveniences. Rain* water Brothers, phone 470, Vlrdle Ho tel building. 22 4t YOUNG LADY WANT8 POSITION —As general office assistant, record c’crl: or stenographer; had several years experience. Address: "R” Waycross, Ga., Herald office. 23 3t FARM HAND WANTED—At Saints Rest Farm. Apply to May’s Mill & Feed Store, or Frank Armstrong on Farm. 23 6t FOR 8ALE—Parsley for garnishing or seasoning, 49 Romshart st. 23 3t WANTED—Regular meal boarders; I am setting a good table, Mrs. W. K. Goodyear, 18 Brunei street. 24 6t FOR 8ALE—I have a good horse and buggy for sale. A bargain. Rich ard Scruggs. 24 tf FOR 8ALE—Good horse and buggy pnd harness -cheap. Call or write 14 Thomas street. 25 2t. FOR RENT—Newly furnished rooms at 22 Gilmore street. 25 tf FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms, with or without board, 37 Gilmore street. 25 3t ONE HUNDRED FAT HENS AT HARDY BROS. 25 It Ladles Summer Vests, special val- >, 10c and 12 l-2c. 25 2t. Humphreys £ Williamson. • jK rk.:'