Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 11, 1911, Image 8
SUNDAY CLOSING or POST OFFICE At the request of a good and relia ble citizen of Way cross, we publish the following, which treats of the Sunday opening of ihe postofllce: Kdlt.tr of The Herald: Dear Sir:—It appears that the movement for the closing of the pest- office on Sundays has assumed such propositions that It is Jlkely to he put Into operation. It is reported In Mondays Herald that many of the clergymen made it a special topic fbr a J»alin Sunday sermon. In view of the agitation front the pulpit it might not he amiss to stop and Inquire if ' there is nor another side to the ques tion. It may fairly he assumed that the post office was created for the purpose of conveying and delivering mail matter from one pernon to an ©‘her and It doesn’t anywhere appear that It Is the province, or in the power ol any class of persons to restrict that duty. If a majority of the people of tl is city can deny me the right of getting my mall on one duy yf the vrek, they can with equal right deny ne that right on any day. The infit sive of a moral issue into this move ment has caused tome otherwise fair minded people to lose sight of a very Important phase of the question. 'That Is that they have no more right tj deprive ine of my Sunday mall, than they have to deprive other citi zens of theirs. Which comes to thb. The proposal Is to close the carriers window und leave open the boxes. 8<i since I am not a hog renter, but de pend on carrier service, I must wult till Monday, while those who rent boxes can get their mall.Just as be fore. If this Isn’t } class legislation. 1 full to know the meaning of that term. It is no answer to say that I shouldn’t get nnd read mall on Sun day. for that Is the business of only one man In Wnycross and he Is the writer. It may be unfortunate that these fourteen men have to work on Sunday, but so do a great many oth er men. The needs of present day society demand *lt, moralize all you will. I am a subscriber to the Suvanna.i Morning Nows. They’publish a Sun day edition, for which I have paid my money, lly what right does anyone say that 1 must wait till Monday to get It. while other men are getting theirs out of their boxes. In paren thesis. 1 will say. I always have It read before church time. If the post office service Is to lie cut out. why lot be honest nnd conslstnut and cut it out for all. In Savannah, It Is said, now renters of boxes tuny get their mall by paying ten cents. Just to as sure the clerks against. people who would call for mall which was not tnportant. In there a man In Way- cross who ca nhoncstly say that It Is any* r* 'bn clerks business whether my mall Is important or not? there Is, he must he a green speci men. How do wo know wl mall will lie? (’art one tell In nti vonee whether It Is Important? The government has no tight to charge an extra tax on mall matter which hr.a paid the regular postage. The p* ft office Is established for the con venience of all; not of the majority r.i matter who they are or what they represent. To deprive us of our rights In the matter won’t at all assist in any moral uplifting. Fourteen clerks may get a few more hours to them selves on Sunday’s but 1 mlssdoubt If the execrations of the defrauded ones won’t more than balance that ac count. This question ought not to be settled hastily or by virtue of uulpit utterances. In fact It wftnt be right ly settled at all unless the rights of everybody stand or fall equally. And lu the Intter ease, It surely won’t be rightly settled. Herewith is presen ted a splendid opportunity for out fertmaster to prove himself a man ci Judgment and refute to deprive of their undoubted rights the great body vf householders In Wayerosa. who do t n; rent boxes. !» Is useless to try to tejrct'a moral or rellgioua Issue Into t *is quest‘©b. Despite all the ora- THE RECLINING IW SERVICE ON THE “FLORIDA AND WEST INDIAN LIMITED” ON A. C. L. The Atlantic Coast liM has Just pul In service ned reclining chair cars in the "Florida and ’West Indian Limited” trains Nos. 82 and 85*. be tween Jacksonville, Fla., and Wash ington, D. C. These cars are equip ped with all metal trucks, steel wheels and heavy steel underframes hi ted with friction draft gear and heavy huffing device o prevent shock. The air brakes arc the latest improv ed apparatus of the Westlnghouse Air Drake Company, known as High Speed Brake. The cars are 60 feet in length " handsome ex tcrior*appearance; the gothic win dows being arranged to give the af fect of a Pullman parlor car. The Interior finish Is mahogany with a delicate line Iniag and taiUeful mar quetry over the piers between the windows. In addition to the double floor there Is a deafening floor pro vided to reduce the noise while the car is in motion. The floor covering is of Wilton Brussells. The seats arc the latest design of reclining chairs, upholstered in green frieze plush. The window sash are double to avoid draughts and to exclude dust and. smoke. The cars are provided with ample racks for hand baggage. The lighting Is especially brilliant, being the latest form of Plntsch man tle lamp with corona shades which pioduces the softest diffusion thereof. There are two women’s retiring compartments, one a toilet room equip pet? with two large mirrors, a dress er, and white procelain washstand with running water; the other la pro vided with sanitary convenience flush cd with water, the same as Pullman i * In the other end of the car Is large smoking compartment, In one corner of which is a white porcelain werhtand with running water. There is also u men’s saloon with a sanitary convenience ns described above. Special attention has been given to ventilation by means of roof ventil ators which automatically change the rlr 111 the car nnd keeps It fresh nnd pleasant. The heating is what is known as the Vapor System which Is so arranged as to prevent the over heating of the car and affords a mild (pleasant temperature. Special care l as been 'exercised In the design of the springs nnd the cars ride as soft ly ns n Pullman car Mr. Barnhill, our local animal train er has added to his collection of ani mals, a very fine pair of black otters, and they are on exhibition at his Zoo cn Plant avenue. These are becom ing exceedingly r/ire animals ana probably not one person In ten has ever seen one alive before. Frank, the tame coon, Is a little Jealous of these new* additions to the Zoo fam ily and does not hesitate to show his dislike to them. Mr. Barnhill has a pair of fine owls the way and hopes to seucre a typical American eagle. The Hebard people have become Interested In his an dare trying to get him a bear from the Okefenokee Swamp. The authorities have offered blm the loan of a blind tiger, but fiarn- J.111*8 opinion Is that there are no blind tigers now, they have all got their eyes wide open, and therefore would not be eligible for his cage. THREE FREIGHT CARS A defective switch and a very soft track bed threw three heavyloaded cars off the track In freight yard of the'A. C. L. railroad, near Tebeau street crossing this morning. The rack was badly torn up and the front car broken a good deal. It was one of the unavoidable accidents, and for tunately no one was hurt. Large Solid Oak Rocker Exactly Like Cut. THIS ROCKER IS GUARANTEED TO BE ENTIRELY MADE OF OAK IT IS EXTRA LARGE, AND VERY STRONGLY MADE, THE ARMS BE- ING BOLTED TO THE SEAT, AND A HEAVY STRETCHER CONNECTS THE ARMPOSTS UNDER THE SEAT. DON’T PAY $3.50 FOR TH«S ROCKER. *'X 1.98 We sell it for 50c per week. r &>■ Step Ladder 48 Cents K Four. Feet' High. ENAMEL WARE SALE Grey Nesco Ware We have just received a large shipment of the handsome and durable UNCLE SAM ASKED . NOT TO INTERFERE There is a large assortment in this lot, many of the pieces retail at 60 and 75 cents, sell them at IOC ElcICh. Washington, April 10.—A petition signed by 488 citizens ol El Paso, urging that the United States mot in terfere in the Insurrecton in Mexico was presented to the Senate by Sen ator Culbrson today. The signers express the opinion that the struggle la one for existence 0:1 the part of the Insurrectos. Monday, April 17th at 3 p. m. None charged. None delivered. No telephone orders taken. A man seems to build, a big fortune just to spoil the morals of those who inherit. ANNIVERSARY OF J. O. U. A. M. E FUR. CO. TO j One of the most delightful social | events in fraternal Ism was the‘*hi-; success of th^ anniversary exercises j i of Waycrons < moil No. 21 J. O. U. 'A M. The Hall was packed to i •lowing. Hardy BroR., have Just completed a depl, and sold to the Home Furni ture Co., a line lot on Gordon street, next to Hardy Bros., new store. Th^ Home Furniture Co., will at once proceed to build a commodious one- story brick store, for uso In their large furniture business. ‘ Tho contract has been let to Mr. Virgil Parker nnd will be started at once.. Hardy Bros., have yet one tore valuable lot to sell next dooi\ and that will make that block look business like and up-to-date. The •tore at present occupied by the Home Furniture Co., In Lo4t-Hltcl» building, hat been rented by H. C. Seaman Clothing Co., and they will move there some time this fall. tory, from pulpit or elsewhere, think ing men of today, have generally de cided to trust to their own judgment and conscience In such matters*. It is a "Ijibor” Issue, the answer is that there are other rfghlu to be conser ved as well aa theirs. In a wifrd, n most earnestly to be desired, that the Influential men of this city, and alas! 1 am not one of them, will squelch this proposition In a most otTeetvc manner. I am, Mr. Editor, Youra very trluy, A Dally Patron of the P. O. The local talent assisting was at its best. Mrs. Hampton’s selections on the piano, was beautifully rendered. I.Htle Misses Tolu nud Kathleen Jon es’ humorous recitations was enjoyed Little Miss Nnnnotte Alfrietid's song was greatly enjoyeej. Th’e objects of tho Junior Order cud a short history of the Council was given by Mr. Sherod Collins. Tho rune of the Daughters of America was given by Mrs. Jennie Goodwin, Councelor of the D. of A*, The tong b> Misses Lucllo Rippard und Ruth Brown, was greatly enjoyed. A mus ical rent was the number rendered 1/ Misses Kate Lyons nnd Willie Phillips. Those present were taught a new way to count by Miss Ruth Hardy In her recitation of the old ddrkey who counted eggs. Her recitation k*pt the audience laughing alt the time. Rev. A. M. Bennett gave a very fine and appropriate short address. Dt. J. C. Ripparu gave a few words. Rev. R. A. Brown was called on for au address and in his usual happy way gave a delightful, talk. The Y. M. C* A. quartette come In later and tendered a number of songs. Refreshments In abundance was next served by the Daughters of Am erica. Delicious fruit punch and cak- s of all kinds betnq passed around. All present voted the affair a grand success, and It It hoped It will be re peated often. PRINCESS DRESSERS—'WE HAVE JUST RE- CEIVEO A BEAUTIFUL LINE. THEY ARE ALL GREAT VALUES. THE ONE SHOWN HERE IS MADE OF SOLID OAK, FINISHED GOLDEN In AMERICAN QUARTERED OAK, HAS 18x30 FRENCH FLATE MIR ROR. WE SELL IT FOR WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF THESE FAMOU8 RUGS IN ALL SIZES AND PATTERN3. AT PRICES -HAT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. $12.00 1-3 CASH, BALANCE, 30, 60 AND 90 DAY8. Saves Ice Bills DON'T BLAME THE ICE MAN IF YOUR ICE BILLS ARE TOO HEAVY. BUY A GOOD REFRIGERATOR, THEY COST NO MORE._ GET THE COLD CLEAN* KIND THAT GIVES THE BEST SERVICE WITH THE LEAST ICE.' Get the Gurney Saves Djshr’s B&s WHAT DO YOU FIND WHEN YOU OPEN YOUR REFRIGERATOR? SWEET CI.EAN, WHOLESOME FOOD, OR'PARTLY 8POIL ED FOOD, MOISTURE AND UNPLEASANT ODORS? IF YOU FIND THE LATTER YOU HAV- ENT GOT The Gurney DON’T PAY $6.00 For This Bed We Sell It For' $4.50 50c per week Exactly like Cut One of Our GREAT VALUES Exactly like cut. Finished in 4 coats best white enamel $8.00 50c per week The Store of Great Values, Where Your Credit is Good 106 PE ANT AVE. TELEPHONE 499.