Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, April 15, 1911, Image 8
HVAYCR03S EVEN ING HERALD 'RECIPROCITY BILL IS BEFORE HOUSE OALZELL TO LEAD REPUBLICAN FIGHT ON IT Washington, I). < Canadian rooiprodt Was laid before tli tore adjournment : t«r general debate April 15,—The bill formally louse Just be- erday and af- hlrh probably porary lull during the lenten season, I matched, with all the managers op- rhe boxing game In the metropolis I toraistlc about their chances for the will get into full swing again next pennant. neek. The calendar for the week is j The season will continue unti Sep- one o ft he best filled of the entire j tember 16, the schedule providing for season. J 240 game*. More than two*.score bouts that ! rill bring together fighters of mor-3 j OLD CHURCH ENDS ITS CAREER or leas prominence are slated for i decision various clubs will continue for three days, It will be passed. That this action will be taken ro longer a matter of speculation The Democratic House In its r< duct «-f the resolution providing for the direct election of senators which passed yesterday and the bill provid ing for the publication of campaign contribution* which passed yesterday but indicated beyond ail doubt its Ability to put through its legislative programme. dal To The Herald, later New York. j New York. April 15,—The doors bl ’he most promising contest Is that;A) Saint’s Church, one of the oldest be staged by the Fairmont A. 0., I Protestant episcopal churches* in ?sday night, when Pacfcey McFar* j New York, where worshiped the des- Jand and Tommy Murphy come to- • cemlants of the old Knickerbockers eether for a ten-round go. The sev* j in years gone by, will close forever :ral‘postponements of this contest j tomorrow at the conclusion of the nave served to increase the interest Faster sermon of Its venerable rec- y. the 1 fight fans and ports u record-breaking ringside. club rd at GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 't G;30 AND 7:30 A. M. HOLY EUCHA RIST. Preludes, Interludes and Postludes feim "Caul's Holy City." Processional Hymn 117. "He Is Ills- 'em.’*—.1. Neander. Kyrle-H. Tours. Gloria Tlbl—h. Playel. Confiterl Tlbl—I,. Playel. Stirsum Cordo—After Merbecke. Snnetus—After Merbecke. Ilymn "37, ‘O Saving Victim,”— Mow. Gloria In Excelsis—II. ft. Ellwan- Rer. Keeossional Hymn 111, "Christ the l*.rd Is I(l8en"— E. F. lllmbault. 11 A. M. MORNING PRAlYER AND HOLY EUCHARIST. Organ Prelude, "Hall Festal Day" ••—Arthur Constance/ Processional Hymn 109, "Welcome llappy Morning"—A. 8. Sullivan. Eaateday Chant, "Christ Our Pass- over"—Savage-Fisher. Gloria I’atrl Savage-Fisher. Te Daunt C. E. Stephenson. Jubilate H. Aldrich. Introlt Hymn 1H», "Angela. Jtcll fl<bc*Rock Away."— C. F. Roper. Gloria Tib!—C. Gounod. Conftterl Tlbl C. Gounod. Hymn Before Sertniti lid, "Come, Y- Faithful." G. It. I.lssant. Offeratory, "Awake Thou That deepest, M —F. C. Maker. ♦ fiursmn Cord A—After Merheeke. fMmetus—J. Stainer. Angus Del—C. Gounod. GHrla In Excelsis Old Chant. Nunc MJmlf11*—C. Vincent. Recessional Hymn US. "At the I.nmb'a High Feast"—G. .1. KIvoy, Organ Postlude- Moscart. 7:30 I*. M. EVENING PRAYER. Organ Prelude, "Hail Festal Day" •-Arthur Constance. Prlcest itmal Hymn old, "Onward CbrUtiun Soldiers." A S. Sullivan. Gloria Pair! C, Vincent. Gloria In KxwlsU Ellwanger. Nunc Dimittis—Gregorian oTtie. . Hymn 123, "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today’— W, H. Monk. Offeni’ory, " Awake Thou That iBleepert "- F. C. Maker. Iteee Uonul Hymn IIS, "At the lAmb’s High Feast We Sing."—G. J. JCJrey, Organ Postlude-Handel. The personnel! y the choir is ns follows: Mrs. H. H. Burnett. Mrs. Walter Ypitnji, Misses Norma Palmer, Annie Leg Smith. Magdalena lzhir, Annn Morrl-on, Margaret Morrison. Kmllv Walker, Florence Andrew*. Iren, CmcWns, AUnpiriic Holier and I.nuiw Coe. Master’• ir I! llnrnot, Snd.. Franco* QramMlne. William! GralnbHna, !&i. WlUla li ‘ .kin,. ! .a w I cnee Hopklna, Janie* Carter, Donald Kill* and John Henry. And Meura I>i:it1n Holland, W. S. Henley. Wal- trr II. Young, and J. K. T. lloivden. Hr*. It. T. Hitch, OrganUt Mr*. H, H. Bornoll. Dlrcctrcs. Mra. Harry D. Rocd, Cholrmolhor. PRINCE LEOPOLD TO VISIT AMERICA SOON S|.«lai To Vancouver, it. t Aprl 15.—Accor ding to the latest advices received here. Prince Leopold of Bat fen bur??, who is making a tour of the world. Is tr. sail from Yokohama today and will arrive In Vancouver at the end of this month. He will travel across Canada and sail for home from Mon treal. Prineo Leopold is the son of the late Prince Henry of Battenburg who nu.rrled the Princess Beatrice, dau ghter of the late Queen Victoria. His only sister is the Princess Ena, the Queen of Spain. * With ifchoner OPENING DAY IN THE SOUTHERN LEAGUE leclnl To The Herald. Aflanfa, (JaApril 15. The South ern league starts its championship season today with Mobile at New Orleans, Montgomery at Birmingham, Nashville at Memphis and Chatta* n >oga at Atlanta. The clubs this year appear evenly lev. Dr. William N. Dunneil. he death "of its oldest par- and the removal of the younger element farther uptown. All Saints’ like many other churches In lower Manhattan, has seen Us con gregations dwindle to the vanishing point wfthin the pa3t few years. Hakes Home Baking Easy feAKIfflti Absolutely Pure The only baking powder mode from Royal Grape Dream of Tartar NO ALUM.N0 LIME PHOSPHATE Large Solid Oak Rocker Exactly Like Cut. ^THIS ROLKER IS GUARANTEED TO BE ENTIRELY MADE OF OAK IT IS EXTRA LARGE, AND VERY STRONGLY MADE, THE ARMS BE- ING BOLTED TO THE SEAT, AND' A HEAVY STRETCHER CONNECTS THE ARMPOSTS UNDER THE SEAT. DON’T PAY J3.50 FOR TH'S ROCKER. We sell it for 50c per week. 1.98 Step Ladder 48 Cents Four Feet High. r— SAGE AND SULPHUR Made Her Look Twenty Years Younger Read Mrs, Herrick’s Sworn Statement State or .New Yo*r. j ej; Rochmtm, X. y A. Ilcrrick, b. >■«; When I waa a «irJ l ■y. long, ilark brown hair t my frien.U Ini which whk but the led the When ... S r *Ci.l 1 I|“”| ’"f to try a bottle; and ction when I found tack to its natural *c Sage and Sulphur ..ml It is and iny hair is in splendid condition. d Sub «<i<S You Can Look Years Younger B” Using It is an Elegant. Refreshing Dressing It Makes the Hair Soft and Glossy It Quickly Removes Dandruff It Stops Hair Falling and Makes the Hair Grow It Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color PRICE 60C. AND *1.00 A BOTTLE AT ALL DRUGGISTS I II y.ur drnuol.l don not keep tL kwI n Ike price la ilup. mad W9 will send yon n large bottle, express prepaid. WYETH S CHEMICAL COMPANY. 74 CORTLANDT ST., NEW YORK, N. Y. pnrr A We Cake of Wyeth'# Sage and Sulphur Toilet Seep Free to anyone r Kr I" who will send us thia advertisement with 10c in stamps to cover cost I IIIbIb ol wrapping and mailing the aoap. CHEROKEE PHARMACY*. ENAMEL WARE SALE We have just received a large shipment f*YA*T IVf Aero \XfnrA of the handsome and durable Winy livbUU VV di v There is a large assortment in this lot, many of 'the pieces retail at 60 and 75 [cents. S.3L.. 10c Each. Monday, April 17th at 3 p. m. None charged. None delivered. No telephone orders taken. PRINCESS CREX Grass Carpet \ TMDt MARK WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF THESE FAMOUS RUGS IN ALL SIZES AND PATTERNS, AT PRICES T HAT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. DRESSERS—WE HAVE JUST RE- CEIVED A BEAUTIFUL LINE. They are all great values. THE ONE SHOWN HERE IS MADE OF SOLID OAK, FINI8HED GOLDEN IN AMERICAN QUARTERED OAK, HAS 18x30 FRENCH PLATE MIR ROR. ,WE SELL IT FOR $12.00 1*3 CASH, BALANCE, 30, 60 AND 90 DAYS. Saves Ice Bills DON’T BLAME THE ICE MAN IF YOUR ICE BILLS ARE TOO HEAVY. BUY A GOOD REFRIGERATOR, THEY COST NO MORE. GET THE COLD CLEAN KIND THAT GIVES THE BEST SERVICE WITH THE LEAST ICE. Get the Gurney Saves Doctor’s Bills WHAT DO YOU FIND WHEN YOU OPEN YOUR REFRIGERATOR? SWEET CLEAN, WHOLESOME FOOD, OR PARTLY SPOIL. ED FOOD. MOISTURE; AND UNPLEASANT ODORS? IF YOU FIND THE LATTER YOU HAV- ENT GOT The Gurney CREAT INTEREST IN THE McFARLANO-MURPHY BOUT - Special 7u TkA Herald. New York. April I!.—Alter * tern- Good Meat is Not Hard For You to Get. No matter how much trouble it is tor us to get it, you have only to come here, or phone us for Fresh Meats of all kinds. A fresh supply just received. New Citv Market, A. J.BURKF ALTER; Prop. 19 Albany Ave. Phone 427. 50c per week Exactly like Cut. One of Our GREAT VALUES Exactly like cut. Finished in 4 coats best white enamel $8.00 50c per week The Store ofGreat Values, Where Yonr Credit is Good AVE. TELEPHONE 499. ’ m