Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 06, 1911, Image 5
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. S. 1911. THE DOCTOR'r ClUESTION. Much Sickrfepi Due to Bowel Dltor- »der». ' . ,j A doctor's first question when con-' suited by a patient is, “Are your bow- J els regular?’’ He knows that ninety- eight .per cent of^ illness is attended with inactive bowels and torpid liver, and that this condition must be re moved’gently and thoroughly before health can be restored. Rexall Orderlies are a Report of the Condition of THE* FIRST NATIONAL BANK at Waycrossf In the Stato of Georgia, at the close of business, September 1st., 1911. , : RESOURCES. Loans and discounts ...,. . .1508,124.65 U. 8. Bonds to secure circula* • tlon 50,000.00 Bonds, Securities, eto 10,000.00 Banking house. Furniture, and Fixtures.. ^00,250.72 Other Real Estate owned . . 14,200.0if Duo from National* Banks (not , reserve agents) 5,932.37 Due from State and Private Banks and Rankers, Trust Companies, and Savihg-3 n v Banks 2,196.5s Due from approved Reserve Agents 45,339.73 Checks and othfer Cash Items 72.00 ( Exchanges for Clearing House 433.72 ( Fractional Paper Currency. ( Nickels, and Cents 370.69 ( [.awful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: j Specie $21,222.30 j Legal-tender notes 1,500.00 | 22,722.30 ^ Redemption fund with U. S. , Treasurer (5 per cent of cir culation) 2,500.00 Due frof U. S. Treasurer .. 500.00 L. J. COOPER, President J. W. BELLINGER, Cashier. PRIVATE SCHOOL TT CHILDRE:’. LITTLE The Jadies of the Catholic church ill sell cream at the Wednesday ight concert, weather permitting. positive, pleasant and safe remedy for consti tution and bowel disorders in general. We are so certain of their great cura tive value that we promise to return the purchaser’s money in every case when v they fail to produce entire sat isfaction. Rexall Orderlies are eaten like can dy, they act quietly, und have a sooth ing, strengthening, healing influence on the entire Intestinal tract. They do not purge, gripe, cause nausea, flatulence, excessivi WE ARE NOW RECEIVING 50 CASES NO v 1 CANpLED TENNES SEE EGfitfEVERY WEEK. WE CAN SELL CHEAP IN CASE LOTS. Mr. J. S. Mizell, of Folkston, spent Mr. Mizell last night In Waycross. was 9lerk of the Superior Court of Charlton county for a number of years, and is one of the county’s most prominent citizens. DON’T BUY OLD COLD STORAGE EGGS WHEN YOU CAN GET FRESH TENNESEC EGGS. Banking Made Convenient The friends of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Scott will ' regret to learn that the latter is still quite sick at her home on Williams street. looseness, diarr hoea or other annoying effects. They are especially good for children, weak persons or old folks. Three sizes, 50c, 25c 10c. Sold only at our store —The Rexall Store. The Seals Phar macy. A3 For all at this Bank. Wo are conveniently located, offer every facility for promptness In banking, and wish to do business wth YOU. For security, note our resources of more than Three Quarters of a Million Dollars. 4 PER CENT PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. Leading Grocers. Wilson Block. Phone 12S Mr. H. D. Watts, of Jacksonville, succeeds Mr. S. I. Spiggle tary and treasurer of the Deen Realty and Improvement Company. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Watts are pleased to number them among the residents of Waycross. secre- PlCTURE FILM CAUSED THIS GRUESOME CRIME. ' Total $76 LIABILITIES. ... Capital stock paid in .... $29 Surplus fund 1 Undivided Profits, less Expen ses and Taxes paid 2 National^ Bank Notes outstand ing I Due to Other National Banks Due to State Private Banks and Bankers Dividends unpaid Individual deposits subject to check Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and 'Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Minufeetved In Waycroea, Ga., By PITTMAN CIGAK CP Another carload California fruit, ist ailived at Durst’s. New York, Sept. 5.—At a moving picture show last night Rnffaelo Rfc- hetti and his 18 year old daughter, Rosa, saw the story of a tragedy in which a father killed his daughter and then himself. “I’ll do that to you gome day," Rosa 3ays her father told First National Bank OF WAYCROSS WE PAY 4 PER CENT COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY, FOR MON EY LEFT IN OUR 8AVIN09 DEPARTMENT. Miss Willie Cornelle was pleasantly rhen about twen- surprised last night ty-flve of her young friends met at her home on Jane street to give her a surprise party. The home was thrown open to the young peope and OUR CAPITAL IS $200,000 193,763.18 Time certificates of deposit 2,249.87 Cashier’s checks outstanding G41.45 Notes and Bills rediscounted '73,000.00 Mr. and Mrs. W.’ D. Keen, of Dub lin, are in the city, guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Keen at their pretty new home. o ooooooooooo o J B BAGLEY M D « O PHYSICIAN A 8URQEON « O Office n Southern Building O O OFFICE HOURS. O O Ml A, M. 8-4 Pi M. 708 P. W. O, oOOOOOOOOOOo At The Parker Theatre Total $762,642.73 State of Georgia, County of Ware: I, J. W. Bellinger, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. W. Bellinger, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of September, 1911. C. V. Stanton, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: H. C. Seaman, J. S. Williams, P. N. Harley, directors. Mrs. E. L. Stevens, or Brunswick, is in the city the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Gramling. Mr. Walter J. Adams is packing up bis household effects today, and will leave tomorrow with his family for Nashville, Ga.. where they will make their homo in future. Mr. Adams and family have been residents of Way- cross for a number of yearn, and their many friends regret to see them leave !r. Adams is a splendid business man and will engage in the grocery bull- ness with his brother at Nashville. ASAYCR088 COUNCIL NO. M # 4t. O. U. A. M Meets every Monday eveulng In Red don's Hall, Lott-HItob building at B t. m. Visiting brothers eortltally invited to meet rltb us. Sherod Comas, L Carl Collins. tteo-8ecty Councilor. AT THE FRONT rTou have to bo cm youi- guard- If Pyou ar ecaught naming. It Invites dir aster.. WAYCR0S3 BUSINESS COLL*«» GRADUATES ARE NEVER -r8LEEPY HE AD 8. They are sought after by men of affairs. You.find them in leading positions of trust. Our DIPLOMA Is an open, se-iame to position and preferment. Ouj apeclalty'is to fit you for buslneai, to make the pay-roll larger; to In crease the salary of the “big man.” Enter At Any Time. Waycross Business College BFaycross, Ga. R. F. Zelglar, Pree. Capt. H. G. Miller Sas is returned from his vacation In Atlanta, accom*. panied by Lieut. Hauswirth who wont to the Wesley Memorial Hospital In Atlanta. He underwent a serious but successful operation for appendicitis. Ho Is on his way to Tampa, Fla., to take charge of the Army work there, he leaves tonight. Capt. Miller will conduct a meeting in the Parker class room Friday night at 7:30 p. m., the public is invited. God wants us to do something—let us get buty. Capt. H. G. Miller. WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. 27 KNIGHT* OF PYT-i.A*. Meat, Mo,da* *7,0111* at 8:00. Is 7 JlE® Castle Hal 1 Another carload Ct Just anlved at Durst’s. ?ltnt ave* Mombtn *r» requested '•r&i 10 *‘ Ud4 ' “ 4 T! * 1 " n 8 • ; Knights are’moat 18* (Hally Invited to meet with us. CHA8. E. OA*ON, C. C T. H. Milter. K ot K. & S. fc M. of 0\ Mr. Mizell, of Folkston, passed through the city today enroulo to Blackshear. Mr. Mizell says that the St. Marys River is higher than it has been since 1871. .Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wall have re turned after an extended trip to Chi cago, Detroit, Grand Rapids and sev eral other points of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Wall report a most delightful trip. WOODMEN OF, THE WORLD. CAMP 18X Mu:, flr»i, and third Thursday each month. Masonic Hall ' Richard L. Singleton, a a D. P. Woolley, Clerk. . Master Jimmie Strickland, eon ot Tax Collector J. T. Strickland, hns entered school at Bell Buckle, Tnnn. MAJOR McQEE FOR MAYOR The Herald |s authorized to annoon ct that Mr. F. H. McGee will be a candidate fl»r Major ot Waycroee. •object to the action of the Demo crallc primary. Official announcement ot hie plat (orm will be pnbltahed later. Announcement Extraordinary HYOMbl FOR CATARRH. World’s Greatest Remedy Free From Cocaine, Opium and AH Habit Forming Drugs. * Start right now, beforp the cold weatfier comes, to kill catarrh germs the best 8CENE FROM “THE-L08T TRAIL” AT PARKER THEATER, 8ATURDAY SEPT. 9th., BY THE MABEL PAIGE CO AND HER POPULAR PLAYERS PRICES 25c 50c AND 75c. SUNDAY EXCUR8ION8. Sleeping Car Service Between Way- cross and Atlanta, via: On account'of the excellent aceom odatlons and aervlce at various re sorts near Brunswick, we have decid ed to inaugurate new Sunday ear* ice, until further notice between Waycross and Brunswick. Special train will leave Waycrosi at 6:40 a* m.,' arriving Brunswick 8:45 a. ns.$ returning leave Brunswick 8:10 y. m., arriving Waycrosa 10:10 p, m. Yhlg new train will afford connections at Waycross In both direction enabling Sunday excursionlstf to leave their homes early in the morning, ipand a full day at seaside resorts and re turn to their hornet the same night. Very low rates have been authorized and we believe the people will appre ciate the opportunity given to enjoy the pleasures of the seashore. Excursion rata from Waycross t* Brunswick and return will be $1.00, and get rid of catarrh, time. Breathe HYOMEI (pronounce it High*b-me), G. R. Brinson Co., guaran tees It. It is* made of Australian eu calyptus, thymol and other antisep* ’tics, and besides destroying the germ* it soothes and heals the sore, raw membrane and prevents mucus from forming In the air pasasge3. Breathe it a few times a day. It*3 an easy pleasdnt treatment and re sults are quick add certain. HY05IEI Is guaranteed for Catarrh, asthma and catarrhal deafness, or money back. A complete outfit, in cluding hard rubber inhaler, costs S1.00. Extra bottles If afterward needed cost but 50 cents. 6, 16, 27 PHOTO-ENQRAVER8 TO ference, which met today for a four days’ session. Several Canadian cit ies also are represented at the con ference. The discussions will! cover the entire field of taxation and meth ods. A number of governors, sena tors and other public men of promi nence are on the programme for ad dresses. MEET IN DETROIT. Effective with first car leaving Way- cross 8:00 p. m., Monday September ■Ith. The A. B. & A. have secured fo rthis service elegantly appointed electric-lighted sleeping cars, equip ped with all modern conveniences One Big Advantage You may secure your sleeping car space at the ticket office, Union Sta tion, at any time prior, to your trip, diagrams are kept continuosuly open. TheA. B. A A. Railroad represents the “Standard of Excellence in 8ervice.” Schedule of Sleeping Car Line. Bears Waycross 8:00..p.m, Arrlre Atlanta, 8:40 Am. Lear, Atlanta 10:18 p.m. Arrive Waycron 8:45 aid TRAVEL “THE RIGHT WAY- W. H. Leahy, G. P. A., Atlanta, OA C D Daniel, T. P. A„ Atlanta. Oa. U. E. Camp, T. A., Waycroee, Oa Detroit, Mich., Sept. 5.—The annual convention of the Enternatlonal Pho to-Engravers’ Union began In' title clt ytoday with delegatee ■ It 13 a very s:rious matter to ask fl lor. one medicine and have the I wrong one given you. For tbi3 B reason we urge yen in buying to I be careful to get the gedutoo— BUcT- D SkHT Lira* Medicine ■ Tie reputation cf this cld, rella- preaont Item 83 local branches in the United States and Canada. President Met* (hew Woll of Chicago, Is presiding or »r the sessions, which will last until Saturday)! The creaton of an old- age pension fund and the extension of the department of technical educa tion maintained by the union are a- niong tlte moat Important matters to receive the attention of the conreh- For Intercollegiate Oolf Title. Special To The Herald. New York, Sept. 5.—The annual championship tournament of the In- I tercollegiete Golf Asso’clatlon was be- |gun today on the courts of the Bal- itusrol Golf Club’, to continue until . the end of the week. Harvard, Yale, , Princeton, Dartmouth, Penneylvanla, | Williams and Columbia are represent ed fa’the tournament. The team tl- Rlchmond, Va, Sept 5.— Expert# tie ls~ now held by Yale and R. E. from many states nr* In Richmond Hunter ot that university 1* Individ- for th* International Taxation Con- ual champion. bis mcdiciaA for constipation, to. digestion and liver trouble, is 6mv- ; } uhEshed, It docs not imitate -other r-.e-brines. It (a better than others, cr It would not be the lk- ,vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than ell others combined. • SOLD IN TOWN Fj International Tax Conference. ♦ WILLIAM R. THOMAS, M. D. ♦ ♦ Offices 329 and 331 LaGsaade ♦ ♦ Building. ♦ ♦ Honrs: 9 to 11; 3 to 4. ♦ MONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan to colored people with good security.. T. T. Burch. Specialist ( H BMg. Waycross, Oa Bl* shipment electric tans recelv- , Byck Electric Supply Cc. 20 Lott Street #•