Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 11, 1911, Image 6
MONDAY, SEPT. It, 1911. ' PETITION FOR CHARTER. -GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. To the Superior Court- ot e*M eouutr: The petition ol W. N. OrmmUn*, L. 3. Gruml'ni end J. M. Orrell, ell of Were county, Oeorile, respectfully 1. Thut they deilre for themselv es their associates end successors to he Incorporated and made e body po litic under the name and atyle ol ••The W. N- Oratnllng Company" for the period of twenty yoara. 2. The principal office* of aald com pany ahall he In the- city of Way dott, Waro County, Georgia, but pe titioners de«lre the right to establish branch office* within thl* »tate or elsewhere, whonerer the holdor* of • majority of the stock may eo dc- term! no. 3. The object of Bald corporation It pecuniary gain to itself and It* sbsreholdor*. 4. The business to be carried ow t»y said corporation Is to buy, sell, store, handle, Import, export and transport groceries of every descrip tion, both heavy and fancy, and all fixtures, notions and other articles usually handled In grocery and gen eral merchandise stores, meat and all Other animal products such as hides, grease, tallow, flsh ant! other pro ducts of the sea and shore; cigars, and all other products made from tobacco; dairy products, butter, milk, fruit and vegetables of every nature and description; oil, confections and any and all articles of a llko nature commonly manufactured, bought or •old by packing or provision houses; bay, grain, bran, and any and all other products for cattle, horses, awlno or sheep; and to construct, lease, own, use ami maintain rooms, buildings and warehouses for cold storage; either of any"or all of the above named articles and products or of similar articles and products, for hire, and to transact any and all oth er bmdtieas which may he necessary or Incidental to the proper carrying on of any or nil of the aforesaid pur pose's of the corporation. 5. The capital stock of said cor fioratIon shall ho Twcntyflvo Thous and Dollars ($25,000.00), with privil ege of Increasing same to tho sum of .• Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,- OOO.fM <:r!ty Stockholders, said >tock to bo dlvhioJ Into shares of $ 100.no each. Over tei per con' of the amount of capital ti he employed lias actually been pnla In. HUlohers desire tho right !o •ue and he sued; to plead and bo Iru- pleaded; to have and use a common teal; to make all necessary by-laws and regulations, and to do all oiher things that may bo necessary for the successful carrying on of tho Mild business, Including tho right to buy. •hold am! sell real estato and porsor.nl property suitable to the purposes of the corporation, and to execute notes and bonds as evidence of Indebtod nos Incurred, or which may bo In cm red In the conduct of the affairs of the corporation, and to secure mips by mortgago, security deed, or other form or lien under existing laws the and 'hey desire for said corporation iver and authority to apply for v*»pt amendments to Its char ter tu either form or substance by a vote of majority of Its stock outstand ing at ?!:e time. They also ask au thority for said Incorporation to wind affairs, liquidate and dlscontln- business at any time it may do- :e to do so by n vote of two- thirds of tt» stork outstanding at the up it« ue Us term*.; time. 8 They desire for said Ineorpora tlon tho right of renewal when as provided by the laws of Georgia, and that It have all such other right's \ privileges, and Immunities Incident to like incorporations nsfihle under tho law* of Geor* powe •tyle : prlvllo WHEREFORE, petitioner* pray to be inAcrporated under the name and iretald with the powers, s and immunities herein set forth, ami as are now. or may here after he allowed a corporation of sim itar character ut> !*r the laws of Geor da. Jot \ Court of said county, certify that the foregoing Is ft trod and correct copy of the original-petition as same ap pears as filed In office by W. N. Gram- ling, et at, for said Incorporation as •The W. N. Gramling Company." Witness my official signature this 23rd day of August, 1911, E. J. Berry. Clerk, S. C. Waro County. PETITION FOR CHARTER. After Reading The Following You cannot in-justice to yourself and family fail to Investigate, Riverside Park ' GEORGIA—-WARE COUNTY. To the Superior Court of said county; The petition of W. D. Creel, F. J. McMahan, A. M. Brown and C. M. Potter, alf of Ware county, Georgia, respectfully shows; 1. That they desire for themselves, their associates and successors to be Incorporated and made a body politic under the name and stylo of "The C. M. Potter Company" for the period of twenty yearB. 2. Tho principal offices of said rorr.;-;;ny shall he In tho city of Way- cross, Waro county, Georgia, hut pe tltloncrs de*iro the right to establish ranch offices within this state or elsewhere, whenever the holders of a majority of tho stockholders may sc determine. 2. ' The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain to itself and its shareholders. 4. Tffe business to be carried on by said corporation is to buy, sell. Import, export and manufacture all barber's supplies of every description, Including barber's chairs, razors, brushes and all fixtures for the bar her business, and to equip, own and maintain factories for the manufac ture and *alo of same; to buy, sell, Import, export and mnnufncfure face lotions, soaps and chemical prepara tions for the hair and scalp, hair ton ics, and any and nil toilet articles and preparations usually incident to har bors' business; to equip, maintain and operate a general chemical bus iness for tho manufacture and analy- zatlon, compounding and distribution of chemical articles nnd preparations, and patent articles of nil kinds, nud to equip, maintnin and operate labo ratories, factories nnd stores for tho manufacture nnd sale of such art Id?- os; to buy. sell and own such patent? and copyrights such as are used In connection Vith such business, and to tranra-t all other business which may he necessary or Incidental to tho proper carrying on of any and all of the aforesaid purpose* of the said corporation. f». The capital stock of said cor poration shall he Five Thousand Dol lar* ($5,000.00), with privilege of in creasing vnme to the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollar* ($50,000.00) by a majority vote of the stochfcfcldcrs, 'old stock to be divided Into shares of $50.00 each. Ten per cent, of the amount of capital to bo employed has actually been paid in. 6. Petitioners desire the right to sue nnd|bo sued, to plead and ho im pleaded, to have nnd use a common seal; to make all necessary by-laws and regulations, nnd to do nil other things that may be necessary for the successful carrying on of the snid bus iness, including the right to buy, hold nnd *eli real estate and personal prop erty suitable to the purposes of the corporation, and to execute notes and bonds ns evidence of Indebtedness Incurred, or which may be Incurred in the conduct of the affairs of the cori'oratlon, and to secure the same by mortgage, security deed, or other form*or Hen under existing laws. They desire for said corporation •he iKjwer and authority to apply for »nd accept amendments to Its charter in cither form or substance by a vote if majority of Its stock outstanding at the time. They also ask authori ty for said Incorporation to wind up t* affairs, liquidate and discontinue '* business ct any time it may de- ■V'.ulne to do to by a vote ot two- -i-rd% of its steel: outstanding at tho Here are prices that' speak so eloquently that when they address the homeseeker, all other orators retire confounded. Riverside Park Is the Future High Class Resident Suburb In Waycross. Lots in this beautiful park can be bought NOW as cheap as $100.00 per lot on terms of 75c down and $3.00 per month. Without taxes or interest and perfect titles. Buy Now Before the Prices Are Advanced., P 4es e Riverside Park Co. ®®®®®®S®®®@S®®®f®:®®®®®®®®S®®®® style aforesaid with the powers, privileges and immunities herein set forth, and as are now* or majr here after ho allowed a corporation of sim ilar character under the laws of Geor gia. John 3. Walker, Petitioners Attorney. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. f, E. .1. Berry, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, certify that the foregoing 1b a (rue and correct copy jf the original petition ns same ap pears ns filed In office by C. M. Potter I et nl., for incorporation ns “The C. \ M. potter Comrnny.” PRES. TAFT AND GOV. SMITH. After signing and vesting the many bills passed by Congress and the Witness my official signature thl* I Oeor * la Legislature, mny try to think j 23rd day of August, 1911. E. J. Berry, Clerk, s. C. Ware County. Advertise in TI1E HERALD. PETITION FOR INCORPORATION. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. To the Superior Court of said county: Tho petition of G. R. Brinson, W. S. Harris, Joshua Harris, C. A. Bon- j works, licit, W. T. Brinson nnd C. E. Dunn, I of Ware County, Georgia, respectful iy shows. me plan to bring about a reduc tlon In the prices of groceries and foodstuffs generally, but there’s one thing certain, and that is, the people in Waycross and surrounding country are not waiting for any such move on the part of those gentlemen, but they are saving now by going direct to where they can cut down expenses at once and that’s to May’s Mill and Supply Store, next to city water The Need of Pure Drugs SPECIAl. DETECTIVE WORKI Ex-Deputy Sheriff Joan P. Cason 1. Thut the, desire for them.elv-1 (|| „ ngage , B „ pecUI dftec|lT , wort e*. their B *,oelate, nnd successors.! WaycroI , nnd South CeorBla . to be incorporated and made a body, politic under the name and style of ”0. R. BRINSON COMPANY," for **r. Pf'irt’O*'* \«C*-T»*v r«r\-v I, E. J. Beery, Clark <4 tat sspnrtu v They desire for tho said incor^ nation the right of renewal when i‘ ns provided by the laws of Gcor- < and that it have all such other l-ower*. privileges and Immun r a* are Incident to like Incorpora • permissible under the law? Ear.rour, p.ut'.oM» mr to! '•* lacooootmtM oaisr the sn the period of twenty (20) years. 2. That tho principal office of said company shall bo in the City of Way* cro»s, Ware County, Georgia, but pe titioner* desire the right to establish branch offices within this Stnte or elsewhere, wherever nnd whenever the holders of a majority of the stock may so determine. you need his services telephone No t, court house. 5-2-tl We hnndle the famous Mascot cook stove, every one a winner. Cash or easy terms. Home Furniture Company, 2G tf Plant and Albany Avenue. FARM FOR SALE. One of the bext farms In Ware unity, containing 140 acres, for 3. Tho object of said corporation t ■ , ... . . .. , 4 .... ? sale. It is close to the city and will- is pecuniary gain to itself and '* shareholders. THEREFORE WHEfc YOU HAVE A. PRESCRIPTION 8END IT T O UP* OR CALL ANO WE WILL 8END AFTER IT. THE VERY PURE$r AND FRE8HEST OF EVERYTHING IN DRUGS, A COMPLETE LINE OP TOILET ARTICLE8 ANO RUBBER GOODS. PHONE 68 J- C. PAYNE, Druggist The Store With the Open Front. mtrmrtoT Saint, Rest farm, | Special 1 ow prices"and easy terras but Is almost as good. Apply quick to A. P. PERHAM, 8JL, at Herald office. KILL8 FLEAo. CURES MANGE. BICAI8E*8 MANGE CURE on bed room suites, iron beds, odd' pieces, etc. We will please or re fund your money. Home Furniture Company, 26 tf Plant and Albany Avenue. i be sold with or without the growing sale by Seal* Pharmacy. 4. "The business to be carried on by said corporation is to deal In drugs, medicine*, toilet articles, sta tionary, newspapers, magazines, books, pictures, picture frames and material*, roda water and other drinks, cold or otherwise, and any and all other kinds of merchandise, by wholesale or retail; to compound medicines; to fill prescriptions; to t or C doses "6GC” will cure any BICAISES T-HROAT Wa5H. WILL case of Chill* and Faver.; Price, 25 cure Black Tongue In Dog or any j cents. 7-20-tf ulcerated condition of the throat. For .. -• - actually paid In. 6. Petitioners desire to have the right to have subscription to said cap ital stock paid In money or property to be taken at a fair valuation. gatlons due said corporation; to re ceive by purchase, assignment or oth erwise real estate and personal prop erty In payment of debts due said 'corporations; to hold tame and to 7. Petitioners desire the right to sue and be Sued, to plead and he Im pleaded, to have and use a common seal, to make all necessary by-laws manufacture syrups and medicines: I and regulations, and to do all other and to do any and all things for the things That may b® necessary for the Ircnl and proper conduct of the afore! successful cann ing on of said bus!- aid businesses. J*. The capital stock of said cor ooration shall he Ten Thousand Dol lars f(lO.nOO.OP) with the privilege o* 'ncrearing same to the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollar*. $50,000,001 by a vote of the stockholders owning a njority of the stock then outstanding under the laws of the State of Geor*' gia. WHEREFORE, petitioners pray to- be incorporated under the name and’ style aforesaid with the powers, prlr-* Heges and Immunities herein set* forth, and as are now, or hereafter toe- allowed a corporation of similar char- rent lease or sell or otherwise dis pose of same. 8. They desire fer said corporation the power and authority to apply for j acter under the laws of Georgia, and accepf amendments to Its char- Myers and Edwards, ter of cither form or substance by a j Attorneys for Petitioners, rote of a majority o? Its stock out- j GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY, standing at the time. They also risk j I, E. J. Berry, Clerk of the Super- for said corporation the right to wind 1 ior Court of said county, do hereby up its affairs, liquidate an£ dlsrontin ue its business at any time It tna’- determine to do so by a vote of two thirds ot Its stock outstanding at the time. x 3. They desire for said" corporation certify that the foregoing is a true ncse. Including the right to buy, tool! and sell, real estate and persona! property suitable to the purposes cf rh® corporation, nnd to execute note’ and bonds as eridence of indebted- neas incurred, cr which may be In curred. in the conduct of the affair of the corporation and to secure th * in favor of said Increere. ssid stncfr came by mortgage, security deed c-1 the right of renewa^whes and ns pro to be divided Into shares of the per nfher form of !l*n under extstfr • J vided by laws of Georgia, and that it .* r>mm ••-nA-M rv»H tr « e«r*, taws; to recolre mortgage# or otto-—-to*** other rights, powers, privU- Tec per cent of the ctaoott of oea- os ml wl p»- '•«• tod imsanities as are incident’ Clerk Superior Com* Wire County, taka employed toy then has bare anal prkptity aa etenrity for OSS' to Rkt aorperatfore or pemJetible Georgia. ^ ^ ^ and correct copy of the application for charter of “G. R. Brinson Com pany” as same appears on file in tine office. Witness my official signature and the sea! of said Court this 18 day or August 1311. E. J. Berry, M Hi