Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 27, 1911, Image 8
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD THE STORE OF GREAT VALUES, WHERE YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD Walker-HoodFurniture Co. 106 PLANT AVE. PHONE 499 A bank pays you - dividci ds on what you save, we pay you dividends on what you spend. For the past 15 months we have been returning to our customers who bought cn our easy payment plan 10 per cent, of the amount they paid, in trade coupons, this has meant a saving of hundreds of dollars to the people of Waycross. This plan of dividing our. profits has proven so popular that we are going to continue It, end we have now arranged the follow ing plan of dividing our profits with those who buy for cash. We have contracted with one of the largest manufacturers of high grade dinner ware, for a large amount of the handseme ware shown in the illustration. With each cash purchase we give you a coupon showing the emount. Every S5.C0 worth of these coupons entitles you to ftcm one to seven pieces of this ware ABSOLUTE!i FREE! ;. ' For the benefit of our cus tomers who buy on our easy pajmcntplsn, we pay ycu 10 per cent, of the emount of your monthly payments, in TRADE coupons, (as good as cash at our sto.'3> for making your pay ments at the store instead of,to a collector. First - Class Goods, Low Frices and our liberal policies, have made this the fastest growing store in South Georgia. This beautiful China Ware is on display at our store. We want you to come and see it. The decorations are the newest out, very handsome and will never yrear off; the patterns are all matched, are neat and attractive, it is Semi-Vitreous ware, the best quality made in America. We give it -to you absolutely free. The reason is, we want your business, and we 1 are willing toshowour apprecia tion of your business by divid ing our profits with you. If you want SPOT CASH prices on your goods and. it Is not convenient for you to pay SPOT CASH, you may pay us ONE THIRD of the amount cash, and the balance in three more payments, due in 30, 60 and 99 days. No extra charges, its for your convenience. Ur. O. W. Ilrady returned this morning from Millodgevtlle. where he vent to carry a crazy negro woman to th. aeylnm.. The many frlenda of Mliaea Beulah and Clera Strickland will be pleMeti to learn that they are much better, after an lllncna of eeveral daya. I MORMON PICTURES CAUSE DISTURBANCE IN CHURCH.: WHY HESITATE? .DRIVER? IN GRAND PRIZE RACE. Cotton Hoae,' 10c; LTsle, 25c: Bilk EOc. 37 2t J. W. Adame. Mr. L. M. Breen came over tron. Douglas laat night and acrompanled Mrs. Breen and the children home. They had been apendlng a few daya bare with relative*. Jnt received good line ataple dry foods. 27 It J. W. Adame. Salt Lake City, Utah. Sept. 27.— The tempeet which rockod the Mor. mon church to Ite foundations was revealed here today when It came out that an attempt was made to tell pho tographs of the Interior of tht temple end one photograph In particular, made In the bed room of Joseph F. Smith, the prophet. This picture shows four bode ar ranged around the room, one of t.iem larger than the rest and covered with a velvet esnopy. Smith hat Sve wives and la the father of 45 chit- dren. The picture! were taken by a Qer man photographer who mado love to a German servant girl to gain en trance. The hackmen of the city will To thoee wishing low prican and j charge the following amounts, on ac > «nay terms, we can plaaae, anything count of the Piedmont Baptlet Aaso- to furniture and furnishing goods. | elation: To Bunn-Bdl and returi Special orders will receive opr care- twenty-lve cents (26 cents), just one fnl attention. . way, go| n , or coming Ifteen cent, (15 Home FurnUure Company, j cents.) •* •• >-• A’twnv venue ! C. H. Lowther, Chairman. An Offer That Involve* No Risk For Those Who Accept It. In David Bruce-Brown and Nazarro j the Flat Company ha* tbe winners of > two Of the three Grand Prize racee. j We are ao positive our remedy will j Nazarro I* the only driver who ever completely relieve constipation, no J won three International road races In! matter how chronic it may be, that, a single year, piloting three dfferent! ,, we offer to furnlah It free of all cost types of Flat care to victory In the! 0n ' e o ng s o ow ng e avenues along LaRoche Avc. to Dele avenue and through Dale avenue to Waters road. In two weeks the Wa ters road will have been finished by- gangs working from both ends of the road, and Whitfield, Ferguson and Norwood avenues will then be work- avenue near the German Club, along LaRoche avenue to Dale avenue and on Dale avenue to the turn Into Wa ters road near the grand stand. Among the last requests for train- Ing quarters to he reserved le that of I „ _ , „ ' paving, and oil haa been laid from If It fall*. . German Emperor a Cup, the French , „ , I I , , the street car line crossing LaRoche Constipation It cauaed by weakness. Grand Prize and the Italian Targo . ^ l i ot the enrves and muscles of the; Florto In 1907. To expect a cure you must therefore! 1 he Benz Company hat not yet tone up and strengthen those organs | completed Its team, but Managing and restore them to healthier actlvl-, Director Jesse Froehllch announces ty. * ! that Victor Homery and Bob Burman . „ _ . | will be two of the drivers. The third j We want you to try Retell Order- ; ^ ^ Ju]ph DePaIma _ E(Jdle H earne the company manufacturing the Cole °“ our *»"*"“*• Tb ‘ r or william Knlpper. Hearne h the Automobile, which has a splendid roc- oaten like candy, end are particularly, ^ n|11 , onalre drlver wh0 wa8 ord In ra«j* during the laat several 1# Ly Ideal for children. They act directly I |q ^ itock ^ racM preeed . years. The company has written a,- g Lavlnla Lt on the nerve, and muscles of the bow. ^ ^ aecolf|r „„„„ Pr(ze and for lettsr to Secretary Arthur W. Solo- els. They have a neutial action on inther perI ormance. since. Knlpper ™>n of tbe Savannah Automobile the other organ, or glands. They do j^ ^ T|edemaI) |n , Uq . C luh requesting him to secure ,n»r- not purge or causer any Inconvenience ^ ^ yeir noPaln . a ha , con , pe ,cd ter. for racing car. snd crews. . , In Lclli Grand Prize races, leading I Nothing Is stated about the number com. chronic or habitual constipation „ ce when car broke ; of enlrle . or the race. to be entereu, and th. myriad, of associate or do- ^ ^ but the „, UMt , h . quarter. b 0 pendent chronic ailment*. Try Rax-. all Orderlle* at our risk. Bhroe *!*•■ The work of the course is proceed- I commodious, and it is believed that a team of three can will be entered, es. 10c, 25c and 50c. Sold only at lng In In a splendid manner. The Xbe cla „ 0{ , be Cole car wouM place our store—The Resall Store. The raving has been completed* from the Waycross & Southern R. r. co. Schedules of Trains Effective January 2. Hit. The following changes In schedule will become effective at 12:01 a. m„ Monday September 25th, 1911. Notice: Tbe arrivals and depar tures are given as Information and are not guaranteed. - Suthbound Train No. 1. 6 Hehnrdville, Ly. , , ,10:00 MB. Miles Station 0 Hebatdtllle Lv. 10:00 a.m. .2 Ways. Albany ave. Lv. 10:05 a-O. 8 Lavlnla Lv. ....' 10:20 am. 10 Fredel Ar. 10:30 ia Northbound Train No. 2. 2:45 pm, 2:60 p.tn. 2 Wayx. (Albany ave.) Lv. 3:10 pm 0 Hehardvllle Ar. ...... 3:15 pm ■Trains Nos. 1 and 2 dally except Sunday. John M. Hopkins, General Superintendent Seal* Pharmacy. A4 curve joining Norwood and I.aRocho It in the Tledeman Cup race. ONION SETS. Silver akin, Pearl and Yellow Onion •eta. Best quality, at Redding's. 25 15t THOMAS E. WATSON OF Thomson, Georgia. Will Speak In Waycross, Ga., Saturday, September 30, At 10:30 a. m. Do Not Fail To Hear Him. mm Friends Pill A!