Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 28, 1911, Image 8
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD . A bank pays you dividcrds on what you save, we pay you dividends on what you spend. For the past 15 months we have been returning to our custcmers who bought cn cur easy payment plan 10 per cent, of the amount they paid, in trade coupons, this has meant a saving of hundreds of dollars to the people of Waycross. This plan of dividing our profits has proven so popular that we are f oing to continue It, and we ave now arranged the follow ing plan of dividing our profits with those who buy for cash. We have contracted with one of the largest manufacturers of high grade dinner ware, for a large amount of the handsome ware shown in the illustration. With each cash purchase we give you a coupon showing the amount. Every $5 00 worth of these coupons entitles you to from one to seven pieces of this ware ABSOLUTELV FREE! For the benefit of our cus tomers who buy on ,'our easy payment plan, we pay ycu 10 per cent, of the (mount of your monthly payments, in TRADE coupons, (as good as cash at our st 3.3 > for making your pay ments at the store instead of|to a collector. OlIR NEW PROFIT SHARING PLAN THE STORE OF GREAT VALUES, WHERE YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD Walker-Hood Furniture Co. First - Class Goods, Lou) Prices and our liberal-policies, have made this the fastest growing store in South Georgia. 106 PLANT AVE. PHONE 499 This beautiful China Ware is on display at our store. We want you v to come and see it, The decorations are the newest out, very handsome and will never wear off; the patterns are all matched, are neat and attractive, it is Semi-Vitreous ware, the best quality made in America. We give it to you absolutely free. The reason is, we want your business, and we are willing to show our apprecia tion of your business by divid ing our profits with you. If you want SPOT CASH prices on your goods and it Is not convenient for you to pay SPOT CASH, you may pay us ONE THIRD of the amount cash, and the balance in three more payments, due in' 30, 60 and 99 days. No extra charges, its for your convenience. Cotton Hole, luc; I.%le, 25c; Silk 27 2t J. W. Adams. Un. Downor^DInimock, directress of the Chapter ol the Chldren a of the Confederacy requests that evory member of the chaptor meet her to morrow afternoon at four o’clock In the parlor of the Y. M. C. A. butid- 1ns. Mra. Htmnock would also like to hatre children who nro ellglblo to membcrahlp In the Chapter meet her. NOTICE OP DISSOLUTION. Tho co-partnerahlp heretofore exist- !ns between C. E. Scott and S. T. lleaton, under the Arm name of Scott A Beaton, haa been dlaaotved by mu tual conaent, C. E. Scott retlrlns and 8. T. Beaton asaumlng all liabilities and collecttns all lebts of the Arm. Thle Sept :S, 1911. C. E. Booth B. T. Beaton. j WOODMEN OF, TH.. WORLD. camp ie& Mule Arat ana third Thuraday n each month. Masonic Hall. Richard U Singleton. C. O n p u —"... ,n»rk THE SALVATION ARMY. ADAMS—DANIEL. Miss Florence Adama, the eldeat | daughter of Mr. and Mra. J. W. i Adama, and Mr. Rurca Hardee Daniel, j gf Hlackrhear, were quietly married ( laat night at the home of the bride j on Church ttreet. Tho ceremony took j Bpoclnl to the children: We have place ln ,he Presence of only the lm-i Juat received n largj amount of Sun- mediate family, Rev. Cook of the] day rchool reward cards and other First Methodist church officiating. For; supplies. Every child attending will ,h ® ceremony the brlle wore a lovely' receive n pretty card. The-e cards "cam aatin dress trimmed with pearls will he redeemed after a certain num- »”d chiffon, her going away dress her as been received for valuable WB1 » tailored cult of grey trimmed prizes. Come one and nil. Parker's * ,ll > purple velvet with bat and glov- to match. Mlsa Adama la one of i room la the place, next Sunday at 2:15 o'clock. Yours to serve, Capt. H. O. Hiller. Young Men’s Christian Asaoelatlrn. Friday 8 p. m H ladles and me# to. vltd. Tho Ant thins on tho progress will bn n special boxing-match ka tweon Messrs Warren Lott and Beet'S- ' tary Norvell. Then the great game To those wishing low price* sad of twii between the fast A. C. L. hoys and the Y. M. C. A. Ladlaa and men, everything free to all. easy terms, we oan pleeee, anything In furniture and furnUhlng foods. Special orders will receive our care ful attention. Homo Furniture Company, 2* *• Plant »nd A'hnnv \vcntie ; .Mr. Hugh Jenkins Is In the city from Atlanta on a visit to relatives ' and friends. Mr. Jenkins Is looking Ane, and Is receiving a most cordial welcome from his many friends. Col. Benjamin F. Allen, of Pearson,, is in the city today attending the- Plelmont Baptist Association. , 1 .Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stewart, Jr., and Mr. end Mrs. L. E. Stewart, Sr., and fam ily spent today on the banks of tho Satllla river at a picnic. Mr. S. F. Hlge, of Ltimh-r City, Ga., was among the vlsitoni to Waycrasg yesterday. our city's pretty and popular young women. Mr. Daniel Is cashier of the j Citizens Bank at Blackxhear. Mr., and Mrs. Daniel left Just after thuj - !v " - ■■ ■'TyTr *"• ; - ■ v..ww^BEIBJiUljPM , Congressman W. G. 'rantley Is ln ceremony for Tenne«eo where they T( ^ |8 |# THE FUn MAKBR AT THE MAJE8T , C FOR THE LAST THREE the city today greeting big many j u 0AY8 OF TH If-WEEK. friends. He is stopping at LaGnnde. will spend their honeymoon. 8T AN FORD 8TEWART. . j ^ „ „„ ^ ^ Line, and the bride le the attractive Mr. Leighton E. Stewart. Jr., and „ (Mr „„ MfA charI|e Mlfc Nor. Stanford were married last 8tanflrd Mr Md „„ night nt 8 o'clock nt the home ol the ^ ^ , nulnber „ Wend , wh0 ' , Mi* near Waycrees. The ceremony ^ , , on J „ d happy Hfe .| Juat reedred good line .hfrte, col- ».» performed in tho presence of a The> , mifte the|r 6ome tt 8J x ,.. lara and tire. few friends of Uie contracting parties 1 „.. bany avenue. ST St J. W. Adame. by Judge Harry M. Wilson. The Judge C. F. Bouton end Colonel Streevee, who have been truck farm ing at Aetoria, left lart night for Or lando, Fla, where they expect to make their future home. " The Areleee cloker has founds use In Mr. F. A. Thompson, of Screveg, | ng||| h SpP j. home—ns an Incubator, nr*. a VVnvrrn.s visitor vcsterlav. _ ..... ONION SETS. Sliver skin, Pearl and Yellow Onion sett. Boat quality, at Redding's. 25 ICC THOMAS E. WATSON OF . Thomson, Georgia. Will Speak In Waycross, Ga., Saturday, September 30, At 10:30 a. m. Do Not Fail To Hear Him. ■j mmm ■e