Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 29, 1911, Image 5
WAYCR08S EVENING HERALD Raw vusar Is going • up, so th« youngster's candy will bo more un- IVIleylicd than erer. ■ • 'Phone 2S8 for your froih,,meats, 1 ' •'’' oMire and western, prompt deliver-j Rer. Arthur Koore’writes that belles. W. J. Parker. 27 It ; rU-Rev.-Charlie Tillman, the acted! nger are haring a area meeting on fAlnW cat shoes. ' Y Adams. , New Line Crackers In Waycross Sunshine Biscuits English Style, Now in Stock PERSONAL ANI LOCAL LOST—Sunburst Pearl broach In hall or auditorium at Bunn-Bell Institute. Fjnder will receive reward by re- {tuhnng pin to Mr. Singleton at Sin- Sweat gleton Furniture Co. 29 It 8 WE AT—PARK : *\ Mr. and Mrs. Cary ; i -*v>tnce the engagemer. of their — daughter, Vera Estelle, to Mr. Joseph FOR RENT—New two-story house . ee Parker, wedding to take place on Heed street October 1st. Apply .November the first at First Methodist W. YV. Ansley, 42 Brunei street. 29 tf church, Waycross, Georgia. J - .... — — — — FOR RENT—Six-room house, rent REMEMBER WE ARE LEADERS IN UP-TO-DATE GROCERIES Eggs Chicken and Butter FRESH EACH WEEK FROM TEN NESSEE. Rev. Dr. John E. Barnard, pastor ten dollars per month in advance. Ap- of the Tabernacle Baptist church at 1 p'y W. C. Butler. 29 2t Valdosa, preached at the Central Bap- tlst Tabernacle in Waycross* last j WANTED—A machinist for saw night. Dr. Barnard was greeted by a' mill work. Regular Job to right man. largo crowd and preached a most In- [ Hickox Lumber Co., AVaycross, Ga'., R. terestlng sermon. I F. D. 5, or to Dr. R. H. Bush, Phone 631, Waycross, Ga. 29 tf ALBANY BRICK TO BE U8ED IN NEW POSTOFFICt AT JHE MAJESTIC. Film No. 1. "Mutt and Jeg, M la the ranking business. This is a feature Nestor picture, introducing the origi nal Mutt and Jeff, the ones that you read so much about in the com:c pi» pers. Filf No. 2. "The Smugglers,” a feature of Thanhouser Picture Com pany. Vaudeville feature will be "Hall Brothers,” the ' dy acrobats. rorld’s foremost come- "West Virginia’s supreme court has ruled that porker chips arc real mon ey, but It's dollars to doughnuts that not a single member of that august tribunal would accept them In pay ment of salarysays the Norfolk Vir ol gnlan-Pilot. And It is not altogether WE ALSO SELL EGGS BY THE CASE CHEAPER THAN THE OTHER FELLOW. Leading Grocers. Wilson Block. Pbone 128 ♦o*ooooo<>oo<x>o*o* SSmOke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, - and 'Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” ' Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Manufactured In WaycroM, Qa, 8y PITTMAN CIGAR CO Every lady In the city should visit Humphreys & Williamson’s millldery opening October 3 and 4. Don’t for- get the dates. 26 2t FOR RENT— Six room house, The department at Washington has j Brower street. Apply to J. T. Bea-| certain that he would take tho risk of ton, 7 Stephenson street. . 29 3tj slipping one Into tho contribution box decided to use the Flint river brick, made at Albany, In the construction of the new post office in Waycross, and one hundred thousand have be6n ordered shipped. The Albany brick are of fine quali ty and Mr. Martin says the work on the post office will ntfw proceed rap idly. ‘ on Sunday morning. Tho candidates go and come-»Twas | always thus. I Mr. D. S. Schureman, the architect, writes us from Rockford, Ill., that he and family will be in Waycross on or before October* 1st, with all their household goods, etc. Mr. Schure- man will open his office here at once. Go to W. J. Parker for your fre-sh! meats of all kinds. Prompt deliver j ies. 'Phone 2SS. 27 4t: FRESH LOT OF THE FAMOUS DEAKIN3 BUTTER JUST ARRIVED AT J. W. W. HARDY’S. 28 2t Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hagerty have moved her© from Savannah, ana are occupying a house on Jane street The Herald welcomes them to Way- cross. FIRE IN8URANCE AND BONDS. Phono 135 EiL 1884 PARK MOR RAND CO. *«GINEER8 AND CONTRACTORS. Lott-Hitch Building. REINFORCED CONCRETE. There are twice as many electric lights as gas Jets In Germany, yet gas caused nearly three times as many fires as electricity last year. Phone No. 24 for Towels. 27 2t J. W. Adams. O. J. ALLEN WITH THE HERALD. Mr. O. J. Allen Is circulation mana ger for the Herald and is authorized to collect and receipt for all dally and weekly subscriptions for this paper. He is also authorized to collect other bills due us to solicit and contract for.advertisements, etc. Mr. Allen knows our old friends and we desire to commend him to all who he has not yet met. Ho will be around to see you right a*way. GOMISKEY FIELD DAY. Special To The Herald. Chicago, III., Sept. 29.—Minor lea gue stars from far and near are trlp- ing Into town to contest In the Com- Iskey field day events scheduled to take place tomorrow night at the American league park. The tournament will be the first big affair If its kind Chicago has witney*- el In years and the fans are expected to turn out in force to see the big and little players compete In ball-throw*- Ing and base-running stunts. The Chicago and New York Nation al league teams and the Chicago Am ericans probably will be represented in the competitions, though the ma jority of the competitors wlU repre sent the minor leagues, principally those cf the middle Weft Judge T. A. Parker will convene the fall term of Coffee superior court at Douglas next Monday morning. There are a number of Important cases to come up for trial at this term of court. Waycross & Southern R. R. CO. Schedules of Trains Effective January 2, 1911. The following changes in schedule will become effective at 12:01 a. m.. Monday September 25th, 1911. Notice: The arrivals and depar- Ladles long coats In serge, pony tyres are given ns Information and skin and mixed goods, at 28 2t Miss Frances McDonald’s. Spencer Temples, of Waycross, spont Sunday In Homervllle with his family at the Ecord House. Mr. Temples as born aiid reared In Clinch coun ty and has many friends in this sec tion.—Clinch County News. Mr. P. R. Rushing, representing the Hephzlbah Orphanage at Macon, is In Waycross today In the interest of that institution. Tomorrow Is “Work Day” for the Orphans of Georgia and Mr. Rushing hopes the people ot Waycross and vicinity will remember the seventy little tots that his orphan age Is at present caring for. Any con- J - - r , trlbutloni sent to Miss Bsttle Tyler. | The announcement ot Mr. B. II. manager Hephzlbab Orphanage, Ma-, Thomaa for re-election to the office of con, Ga., will be greatly appreciated. ] ordinary of Ware county appears In MISS FRANCES McDONALD IN' VITES THE LADIES OF WAYCROSS TO ATTEND HER FALL MILLIN7RY OPENING TUESDAY OCTOBER 3. The Institution is undenominational and is in great need of assistance. Mr. Rushing will be In the city until 7 o’clock tonight, and will appreci ate any contributions handed him. He Is stopping at the Beaton House near depot. our coumns today. Mr. Thomas had decided not to stand for re-election but has been persuaded by his friends to again make tho race. Banner Thomas was raised in Ware county and is w«tl and favorably known by all our citizens. He has made a most efficient officer and will Tom Watson here tomorrow, don 11 have a stron2 following for re-elec- fail to come out and hen him. Itlon. are not guaranteed. Suthbound Train No. 1. 0 Hebardvllle, 'Lv. . ..10:00 a.m. Miles Station 0 Hebardvllle Lv 10:00 a.m. 2 Wayx. Albany ave. Lv. 10:05 a.m. 8 Lnvinia Lv 10:20 a.m. 10 Fredel Ar. 10:30 a.m. Northbound Train No. 2. 10 Fredel I^v 2:45 p.m. 8 Lavinia Lv 2:50 p.m. 2 Wayx. (Albany ave.) Lv. 3:10 p.m. 0 Hebardvllle Ar 3:15 p.m. •Trains Nos. 1 and 2 dally except Sunday. John M. Hopkins, General Superintendent Reponsibility TO THE PUBLIC: -'tWpfSg- RESPONSIBLE BANKING IS THE POLICY. UNDER WHICH THIS INSTITUTION HAS BEEN MANAGED' SINCE THE FIRST DAY THE DOORS WERE OPENED. THAT THIS POLICY IS APPRECIATED IS INDICATED BY THE CONSTANT AND GRATIFYING GROWTH IN BU8I- IT IS THE DESIRE OF THE OFFICERS OF THI8 BANb TO CONTINUE ADDING NEW ACCOUNTS OF THOSE IND YIDUALS DESIRING THE MOST EFFICIENT SERVICE RESPONSIBLE BANKING. ON OUR RECORD OF RESPONSIBILITY YOUR PATH RGE 18 INVITED. First National OF WAYCROSS OUR CAPITAL IS 8200,000 CASTOR IA Tor Infant! and Children. Ills Kind You Han Always Bought Bears the Signature of Jint received good Un« good!. 27 2t J. ONION I Sliver akin, Pearl i acta. Beat quality, at ) 25 15<, t ■ -N The Herald has been Informed that Mr. W. M. Wilson will be in the race fur Ordinary of Ware county at the next election. Mrs. E. Fitzgerald is spending this week In Douglas with her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Chancey. Miss Celeste Parrish will be in th« ePy tomorrow and every member of the ‘‘Georgians’’ and members of the different missionary societies of the city ore especially urged to meet Miss Parrish at 4:30 In the Y. M. C. parlor. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Scruggs are again occupying their pretty home on Elizabeth street and have as their guest, Miss Agnes Brewer, of Savan- Miss Agnes Brewer and Min Alex Carswell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hopkins at Hebardvllle yes terday and last night. The announcement today of the en gagement of Miss Vera Sweat and Mr. Lee Pnrker, the wedding to take place at an early date, will be receiv ed with great interest by friends In and oat of the city. Miss Sweat aid Mr. Parker are both popular here. Mrs. Bosworth and Miss Maud Beck have returned after an extend ed northern and western trip. Mrs. Bosworth and Miss Beck have had a most delightful trip. Mr. V. L, Stanton, Miss Kate, Clarke, Frances and Valentine Stan- will arrive tommorrow from Deni- orest, Ga., where they have spent some weeks. Mrs. Stantop and Miss Mary will stop In Atlanta some days before returning. Senator George W- Deen returned fhn morning from a business trip to Chicago. He was accompanfed by Mr. Ephraim H. Clark, of Chicago, who will be associated with the Deen Realty St Improvement Company. The Herald welcomes Mr. Clark to Way- cross. Mrs. Martin and son,, wife and son of Contractor Martin who is building the post office here, will arrive In a few days from New York City. Bon Ton fall and winter millinery opening October 3 and 4. R. G. Dickerson went up to Way- cross Monday afternoon to see Mr. Fred Lewis, In charge of the Atlanta Constitution’s scone car, who is mak ing out the “round tffe state tour.” Mr. Dickerson is working hard for tho tour to come thrpugh Homervllle and we believe he will be successful. —Clinch County News. * Your orders for fresh meats will re- .ini-Rev. Chr.rli< cetve jJ(P'^f.eat!aoL 'Phone Z>8. | finger are ha^ 4tiJv'Lhamu The Sake of Y01 Appearance And your pocket book, y< better come to this store s and look over the new styh Clothing, Shoi and Hats ■gam. If you are looking for that combines Style, Coi Quality and Service, thei are looking for The Steele Store. You’d Better Pick Your Fall Suit NO' 1 A great many men are finding same things here. Let us put one away The color, the weave and the style y< is here. Suits From $15 to The ^Steele Clothing plan: For