Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 18, 1911, Image 4
1 - • m We are uqw re celving plenty of fine fresh Eggs and■ are selling them at 25 cts. Dozen [Personal (Mis* Carrl* Parham Social I Grand Fall and Winter Display MAY'S WE ARE NOW GIVING MEAL PROM NEW WARE COUNTY CORN. WE GRIND IT FRESH EVERY DAY. SOME OP IT AND YOU WILL ' BE PLEA8ED. SOLD IN ANY •QUANTITY FROM So WROTH AJP. PHONE NO. 3. Fresh lot of that Deakins Butter I am headquarters for Chickens, Eggs and Butter. Phone 62 Or 301 /. W. S. Hardy SUCCESSOR TO HADDY BROS. C. A. DOWNEY, M. D. V. Vetenarlan. 13 Albany Avenue. Waycroaa, Ga Day and Night Phone S38. TRY MOR RAND CO. EBRB AND CONTRACTORS. | Lott-Hitch Building. REINFORCED CSNCRE <r E. r ■■■ -i • Secure your Lyceum ticket* once. Don't miss the first number. | 16 3t. WAYCROSS LODGE No. 309. F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON IECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENING AT 7:30 P. M. All Masons Invited to Attend. J. M. BELL, W. M. ' W. t. CLARK, EEC, Hlf COMPROMISE THE MATTER STRIKE THREATENED! By Union Machinists In | The Machine Shops In Savannah Savannah, Ga., OcL 18.—'The union machinists oMarannah are to hold a meeting tonltlu to decde whether they shall gV on a Strike or not. Somg Jlme ago the machinists drew up a petition to the master machin lets, -who employ them, asking that they be given forty-three cents an hour, and that they be granted Ire* tee water during the lime they wore at work, and other comforts. The matter machinists have aw- wered this demand with a suggestion of forty cents an hour but they da not propose to grant all the requests •of the workmen. The tatter will hold a conference and decide what to do. The time for quitting comes on Thursday night according to the state Dent Issued by the worker* but It Is •xpecied tW tfctr* »Ul be a coaipro. 1 trite vs;? tort. . Warners’ Rust Proof Corsets $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 Try one,you will have no other. I/. H. Adams, Phone 24 Mr. J. W. Phillips, of Helens, Ga., was a guest at the Vlrdle yesterday. Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Scruggs re turned last night ijfter a short visit to Asheville, N. C. See notice ol men wanted by the Georgia Loan and Investment • Com pany In today’s Issue. Ml 1 . W. W. Sharpe lias, returned ti ter a pleasant fishing trip at Brun* wick. Mr. Jap H. Jones made a businesa trip to Blacksbear today. Mr. A. W. Mill*, of Valdosta, wras among the gueato at the Phoenix Ho tel yesterday. Of Ladies Tailored Suits in all the Lead ing Colors. Ladies’ Suits Ladies’ Tailored < $15.00 Ladies’ Tailored $20.00 Ladies’ Tailored $25.00 Suits Suits Suits Suits Mlsa Esther Dcen left last night for Macon to enter Wesleyan Female College. Mrs. D. A. McGee is still Improv ing, which Is very gratifying to the friendB of the family. Mr. George' W. Deen, Jr., left last night for Bell Buckle, Tenn., to re sume his studies at the Webb school. Dr. John W. Ward waB called to Blackshear this morning on t profes sional buslneaa. Mr. Henry A. McGee, of Thomas- vllle, Is In the city, having been call ed hero on account of the illness his mother. Dr. M. M. Johnson has bought the R. B. Brown home on Gilmore street and will move his family into It at an early date. Mr. J. C. Kirkland, a well known citizen of the county, has beenjqulte sick at hi* home near Waltei His friends wilt be pleased to fearn, however, that he Is now lmprovjng. Mr. Charles O. Harris, alter a short visit here at the home of hie father, Mr. R. D. Harris, Is spending a tew days with relatives In Brooks county. From there Mr. Harris will return to Central America, where he Is engag ed in the drug business. COWART’8 388. SWEAT RED POTATOES GOING LIKE HOT CAKE8. AT 76CENT PER BU8HEL. 17 2t B. B. MITCHELL, D. O. M. D. OSTEOPATH, and Phyelcfan and 8urgeon. Office 418-31 LaGrondo Building. Houn: 9 to It and 2 to 5 p. m Residence phone 402; Office Mr. Kellter, advance man tor "The Man on the Box”, Is In the city today. "The Man on the Box" will be seen at the Parker Theatre October 26th., and Is said to be one of the best plays on the road, , FIRE INSURANCE AND BONOS. Senator Varda man fresh from hi* great Victory la the Senatorial pri mary will be the attraction at the Central School Auditorium next Thursday evening. 16 3t Dr. and Mra. R. P. Shaffer, of York, Pa., arrived la Waycross yesterday, having made the entire trip In amau- yomohljc. They were on the rodd three weeks and report a very Inter eating trip. Dr. Shaffer Is here, pros pecting with a view A locating In this section. Dr. and Mr*. Shaffer are stopping at LaGrande. Negro Woman killed by the train.. A negro women was hit and killed by a train near Sappville Saturday night There were no eye-witnesses to th* killing, and Clroner Jackson Grimes held an inquest over the body. The verdict of the coroner's Jury was to the effect that- the women came to her death by being struck by a train. Summer Colds bad as they are, hare about the same • chance with Seals’ Cold Tablets HamiSrsys A Williamson , ore I showing com* beautiful long coats, I that a snowball doss In sunshine. Try thorn on gusrsntsf. THEISEALSiPHARM ACY <-dll UkElta wrong C^OOO^OQDOQOOOOQQOOQOf Ladies’ Tailored $30.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $50.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $60.00 We handle the best oh the market in Ready-to- Wear Suits. In Millinery We have the latest and most up-t6 date styles, both in Ready- to-wear and Trimmed Hats. Onr Millinery AND Suit Department is on the second floor, and we keep expert trimmers to wait on you. Make us a visit before buying your Fall and Winter needs. s Humphreys & Williamson CLASSIFIED Apply to H. J, sweat 19 tt FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms gentlemen, with bath, electric llgnts and phono. Apply to F. A. Bates, 60 Elizabeth street 21 tf BOARDER8 WANTED—aood board can he secured ac 64 Reed street 7 tf FOR RENT—Room at 61 Parallel SL or phone 462. 13 lm • FOR RENT—Rooms for light house-! keeping or for young men. All con-j venlcncoe. Couple without children' preferred. Ring 149. Never Build a Bouse Unless you have a first class ar chitect, as it is cheaper to study the plan on paper than to waste the time of your mechanics and lumber. Owing to catarrh and hay fever in ray family it, became necessary for me to move my office from the north, and am now located at 427-429 La- Grande building. I have a large Stock of plans for all kinds of buildings, either private or public, fireproof, seml-flre-proof and otherwise. CALL IN anl see what we have got; It may assist you in making up your mind what you want; and then we can make It for you. Office Phone 177, Residence Phone 467 P. O. Box 1S2. D. S. SCHUREMAN, Architect and Structural Engineer. Lost—A small black folding purse containing $160.00 In N. Y. Exchange, Issued by the Exchange Bank of Woycrots, payable to R. L. Turner. One |20 bill, 4 1 dollar bills, two dippings Savannah News. Liberal reward return to Mrs. C. L. Young blood, Waycros*, Ga., phono 419. If 3t -— T LOST—On streets, between 16 Brunei street and Central school, gold hrpach. Finder please return to Miss Luclle Rlppard. U <2 WANTED—By competent book keeper a light set of books, can de vote ffom three to five hours pet day. Address P. O. Box 136. 16 61 I OR SALE—1 horse buggy and fair ness, 2 heifers, 1 cane mill and boll- Mrs. Youngblood, R. No, 1. Box 16 6t C. L’S GOOD ROADS-TRAIN The Atlantic Coast' Line will ban. die the National Good Road* Train aver its entire system.'turtlnf from Richmond. Virginia. Noveoiber 23rd. Thla train will consist of. two coaches, one of which will contain models, operated by electricity, of road working machinery of various characters, and forms of various kinds of good roads.. These will be display ed Is an attracltve way, and open to the pnblte. The. other dSach will be euuippad for lectures tfhd atereoptlon views. A private car will acoempany the train for the accomodation of the lecturers. The Government Road Engineers, and a representative) of the American Association of Hlghwsy Improvement, will accompany the train, as well, also, a representative of the Atlantic Coast Line. The train.will make from one to two stops la each county In the States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Alabama, through which the Atlantic Coast Line runs. Free domonstra-i tions and steropttcon lectures will he given at each atop. The object of this train, Is to stim ulate highway improvements, and give practical inatructons la the building and maintenance of Improv ed roads, with a view of reducing the cost of farpiers in the moving of their crops to the railways. The public are Invited to co-oper ate In every way, and to attend these conferences. Notice of the Itinerary of this train will be published In this paper later. Another shipment tof Fabian Suita and cloaks at the Bon Ton. 17 It For your winter coat suits see . Humphreys & Williamson. Wanted At Once. Three first class representatives to represent THE GEORGIA LOAN « INVESTMENT COMPANY, In Way; cross, and South Georgia, they must be sober, honesL and truthful, and must come well recommended, com mission proposition, good money to the right men, none but the above need apply. Call on or write, W. R. RUTLEDGE. DISTRICT MANAGER. ' Rooms No. 9 and 19, Exchange Bann of 'Waycros*. (formerly the Jefferson Hotel) Waycros*. Ga.