Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 20, 1911, Image 4
Gtand Fall and WinterDisplai Personal cewtng plenty of fine fresh Eggs and are ' selling them at ' Of Ladies Tailored Suits in all the Lead ing Colors.. Ladies’ Suits Ladies’ Tailored Su,its $15.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $20.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $25.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $30.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $50.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $60.00 We handle the best on the market i n Ready-to- Wear Suits. X MIm Carrie Perhafn Social Editor £ the latest up-to. date styles, both in Ready* to-wear and Tritnmii Dr.- Frank Folks returned yester day from Atlanta. and most Sheriff J. W., Roberson, of Black- shear, was in .the city this morning. Mr. L. if. Moore, of Montgomery,' Ala., Is a guest.of LaGrande Hotel. A Dozen Fresh lot of that Deakins Butter J am headquarters for Chickens, Eggs and Butter. Phone 62 Or 301 1 J. W. S'. Hardy Mr. A. C. GrlfBn was In the city to day from Hoboken. -Mias Susie Mae Watt has returned after a pleasant visit to TbomaavlHe. Tea and something to due op* dfclafsct sad kill panuku Our Millinery . AND SiriUtepartment Mr. E. R. Lockrldge, of Douglas, was among the visitors to Waycroas yesterday. . *, . .. % - will doth, week. , DEPENDABLE 8URE INPVPEN8IVE r TO USB Mr. Thomaa Horn. o( Ktngsland, Ga., waa a guost of-the Phoenix last night is on the second floor, and we keep expert trimmers to wait on you. Make us a visit before buying your Fall and Winter needs. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel, ot Blackshear, at|ended the lecture last night at Central School Auditorium. SUCCESSOR -TO HADDY BROS. Policeman E. Cottlogbam haa re turned (rom Hampton Springs, Fla., very much Improved In health. C. A. DOWNEY, M. D. V. Vetenarlan. lbany Avenue. Waycrosa, Ga. Pay and Night Phone 698. Mr. E. F.)Hilton, ot Lumber City, Ga., waa a guest of the Virile Hotel yesterday. Messrs. G. E. Shank and Ben Wyley, of Blackshear, are among the Way- cross visitors today. . . . Kontz Bannett took Senator James K. Vardanian, Col, John W. Bennett and Judge A, P. Perham in his au tomobile for a ride abOut the city thli morning. SOME OF IT AND YOU WILL BE PLEASED. SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY FROM So WROTH CLASSIFIED Unless you have a first class ar chitect, as It la cheaper to atudy the plan on paper than to waste the time ot your mechanics and lumber. Owing to catarrh and hay fevdr in ray family It became necessary tor me to more my ofilee from the north, and am now located at 427-123,La- Grande building. I have a large stock of plans for all kinds of buildings, either private or. public, fireproof, eeml-fire-proof and otherwise. CALL IN an] sea what wa have got; tt may aealat yon In making up your mind what you want; and then we can make It for you. Olfice Phone 177, Residence Phone 467 . P.O.Box 182. L. P. Smith, 'of Jhtiftonvffle, was a Waycross visitor ' Friday. Mr. Smith is looking for a location for a new State insurance company, and Warn favorably. Impressed with - yay- ' ... FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms gentlemen, with, bath, elec trio lights^ .and phone. Apply to F. A. Bates, 60 Elizabeth street 21 tf Mr. E. W. Knox was ln the city this morning from the swamps, where he Warners’ Rust Proof Corsets $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 Try one,you 1 will have no oth§r. J. U. Adams, . Phone 24 , Is an engineer for the Hebard Cy press Company, en route to Nleholla; where he was called on acoonbt'or the Illness ot hla wife. CONVICT HEARD FROM Mr. A. F. Carver, of Chicago, was In the city Thursday on Important baslneis. Mr. Carver la associated with e party ot capitalists who are Interested In a tract ot land compris ing 10,000 acres Just, west of'Waltor- town on the A. B. 8F £. railway; FOR RENT—Room at SI Parallel SL Sr phode 462. 18 lm He Thanks Prison Com mission For Sending Him To Milledgevllle • FOR RENT—Rooms tor light house;, keeping or tor young men. All con veniences. Couple without children' preferred. Ring 148. § 4 tt D. S. SCHUREMAN, Architect end Structural Engineer. Atlanta, Ga., OcL 18.—Chairmen R. E. Davison of the State Prison Com mission today received e postal card from ••Old Bill" I WAYCROSS LODGE No. 106. „ '' F. & A. M. REGULAR - COMMUNICATIONS ON IECONO AND FOURTH TU|MOAY , EVENING AT 7:80 P. M. ' All Masons InvRed to Attend. i. M. BELL. W. M. W.J. CLARK, EEC. The Vardanian lecture was heard by a large audience at Central .School last'night The lecture tut night waa tbe first number ot the years Ly ceum course. The J next huhiSer will he tbe Edwin R. Weeks Company, which wtU be here tpt November trd. LOST—A small black folding parse containing 8180.00 In N. T. Exchange, Bank of E. B. MITCHELL, D. O. M. D. OSTEOPATH, and Physician end'Surgeon. • Office 418-81 LaGrande Building. Honrs: 8 to 18 and 2 to .5 p. m Residence phono 4(2; Office —■— Minor, the expreu . robber, who recently escaped from th, state farm at Milledgevllle. The poetal, which waa mailed dome- where on the Georgia railroad, be tween Augusta aud Atlanta, said: "My Dear Sir—I want to thank you for having me. transferred to Min ed gevllle. My dear atr, don't aver trust a prisoner, no matter how tick ho Is, or makas out ha la.' Tours, a Minor." CapL Davison wu at tht stats farm tha day baton Minor mads hla ea- caps and waa talking % wlth him. Mi nor on a lhat occulon told him how sick he waa and'that ha didn't feel efiual to tha task ot picking cotton or doing the other Job. that had been as signed to him, but that he Intended to make e model prleonefand had so Intention ot trying to escape. But "Old BUI" right then had all . hie plena madb for hla getaway, The Southern Expreu Company haa sent out 4.000 circulars and u many pos tal cards containing picture, ot Minor, both full dee and profile, and also giving hla Bcrtlllon measurements. Line, are out tor him everywhere end he la getting more publicity than any prisoner Georgia hu had In many n year. Will tench yoar lndlvMeal ansa H rot have any form of kidney md bladder trouble or urinary irregnlariUea. Try them. Oem Pharmaar: T. s. Paine. laaned by the Exchange' Waycross, payable (o il L Turner. Coe-iraf bill, 4 2 dollar kills, two dippings Savannah News. Liberal reward return to Mrs. C. L. Young- phone 418. WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. |7 KNIGHTS OP PYTrtiAE. ‘ **«•»' ev-o-T Hoads, 878001* at 8:00 la I <E3 Castle Hat Meat »v» Members are requested to'atundr sad rialtlng Knights are moat •me dially invfted to meet with ns. J. L. CRAWLEY, C. O. T. EL Hiller. K-eflLAS.AM.ofF. /blood, Waycross,- Ga., If St’ Prof. Pound announced lut night that on October 27th. , Mlu Wood, of the High School, would give n re dial, the proceeds to be used for the benefit of the. Ugh school library. Mlu Woods hu bun heard hare bo- fora end -greatly delighted her au dience. The recital will be given at Central School Auditorium. FIRE INSURANCE'AND BONDS. J LOST—On streets, between ' 18 Brunei street end Central school, gold broach. Finder please return to Uln Lucilo Rlppard. It tf WANTED—By competent book keeper n light eet ot books, can do vote from three to five hours per PARK MOR RAND CO. "WQINEERS AND CONTRACTORS Lott-Hltch Building. v RE-INFORCED CSNCRE’E. W. E. Somers, ot Richmond, Va., waa In Waycrou Gils week on the lookout for n (0 acre farm which he Intends to raise fancy stock an^ chickens on. He stated to a repre sentative ot one ot the local real es tate companies that hr had partly ne gotiated for the Bennett farm near Waresboro. ' 6 or < doses "666" will core any. case ot Chilli and Fever. Price, IS . 7 OR SALE—1 horsi buggy and h\r- nun. t heltera, 1 cane mill and holl ar. Mrs, Youngblood, R. No. L Box 4. 18 tt Young Man's Christian Association. Dr. Rlppard's experience, 8uuday, I p. m. Men only. Something good Every man ought to hear Dr. Rlppard, rom a doctors view ot thlhga. Wanted At Once. ■ FOR RENT—10-room house,. St Jane street Apply J. W. Moore, 61 Tehran street 18 tt Three first class representatives to represent THE GEORGIA LOAN « INVESTMENT COMPANY, tn Way- cross. and South Georgia, they must be Bober, honest, and truthful, and must come well recommended, com mission proposition, good money to the right men, none hat the above need apply. . Call on or write. WANTED—Furnished rooms or part ot honse for light housekeeping.. An drus "M.", Herald office. 19 tt Summer Colds bad ns they are, have about the same chance with WANTED—Position as stenograph er cr cashier by competent young la dy. Address “H", care Herald office. 19 tt . ’ Seals’ Cold Tablefs W. RL RUTLEDGE. DISTRICT MANAGER. «. Rooms No. 9 and 10, Exchange Bans of Waycross, (formerly 1 the Jefferson Hotel) Waycroea, Ga. The members of the Home Mission ary Society of Flrit Methodist church arc rsqtezted to cert tils afternoon at 4 n’c'ack nj th* bore cf Mrs ] Whitley Langston for the purpose ot I electing delegate* to convention. that a snowball dees la sunshine. Try them on guarantee. Turkey la charged ae a cause for war. with cruelty, murder and having property that other nations wanL VO* BKX4U-1TORK