Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 20, 1911, Image 7
WAYCR08$'EVENINQ HERALD E. V. 'JONES PRODUCE'CO. . 'Ready, for business. ,TME- leading grocery store. New goods are coming every day. The housekeeper will enjoy an Inspec tion of our stock. No store In Way- C sh presents so many unusual fancy Ides. . ,, ' Every article must have, a 'dean and clear title to enter our' store. Where are you buying your good,? The guarantee we sire has no string tied to It No “IfV’ .or "and’s"; V simply means that It the goods t .7 |taot good •notify ns and we will ec:uj ” for them promptly and pleasantly. It r , also covers the matter of full welg ita 'and full count. When you fully real ize the pleasure and profits of doing business with each a trading place you will come US our store as a regu lar patron. * SPECIAL MENTION. i imported goods, such as'Holland'I Herring. '•High gradeiart square at exceptionally low pricer vllle Store Company, for beginning Wednesday, Oct, ;d rugs Hebard-; > week, L. J. COOPER, President J. w. belunoER, Cashier. ' To tho Merchants of Waycross- and vicinity:—Wfe ask, a share of your 1 business. We will have on hand at all tlmos everything In the fruit and produce lino and promice you fair dealings. We will be located in the old Waycross Cold Storage building, next to J. E. Vann & Co. We will •ell strictly wholesalo. Our phone Fresh' qjipply of horses and mules Just received. 31. Downer ti ll OFLEY'S HONfeY AND TAtf cold POUND Jj. Still retains Its ,bl£h place as ’ the best household remedy toryll coughs [ and colds, either for • children 0| 'grown persona Prevents serious rd 'suits from a cold. Take only the gen ulne Foley's Honey and' Tar cron., pound, and refuse sucstltutes. Gem Pharmacy;; T. S. Paine. Common Colds must be liken Qsr lously. *. '• It’s fee Easy to Save For-unless cured they sap the vl-' taltty and lower the -vital resistance to more serious. Inf Action. Protect your children and yourself by. tho prompt user of Folejf’s Honey and Tar Ccmround and note Us quick and de- coughs, colds, ’ To those wishing low prices and tasy terms, we can please, anythin! In furniture and furnishing goods .Special (jrden'wltl receive our care ful attention, / • Home Furniture Company, •, 26 tf , Plant md A’hany Avqnue MERELY A MATTER OF SPEND- ING LESS THAN YOU EARN. KEEP8 GROWING EASIER TOO! BECOMES 8URPRI8INGLY EASY AFTER YOU HAVE PRCTICED IT FOR A WHILE. PEOPLE FALL IN- TO THE HABIT OF 8PENOING MONEY THOUGHTLESSLY, AND IMAGINE THEY CANNOT SAVE. CULTIVATE THO UGTH FULNESS AND CAREFULNESS AND YOU ARE BOUND TO 8AV.B. THERE’S PROTECTION, ENCOURAQEMEN1 AND SATISFACTION IN A 8AV- ING6 ACCOUNT. , 4 PER CENT PAIO ON SAVINGS. Dill Pickles, Roqufort Cheese, Swiss Cheese, Edom Cheese, Limberger Cheese, Herring In bullion, etc.. • Remember, on Friday of each week we get our Tennessee butter, chickens and eggs. ^Complete line of grain, hay and feed. We are still selling cur fam ous C. ds.va croup, affections of the throat, cheat and lungs It 1* an'ever ready and valua ble remedy. Gem Pharmacy; T. S. Paine. COAL! COALI COALI .. WH£N YOU WANT GOOD COAL, ASK FOR RED A8H. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The co-partnership heretofore exist ing between 0. E. Scott and 8. T. Beaton, under the firm name of Scott & Beaton, has bees dissolved by mu tual consent, C. E. Scott retiring and S. T. Beaton assuming all liabilities end collecting all lebts of the firm. This Sept 28, 1911.. % C. E. Scott, S. T. Beaton. THE MONTE- VELLO IS THE COAL THAT MAK ES RED ASH. HAVE A CHEAPER GRADE OF COAL. HAVE THEM ON HAND AT ALL TIMES. AL80 DRY 8T0VE WOOD OF ALL KINDS. . TELEPHONE 70 FOR PRI CES. QUICK . 8ERVICE TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. G030 WOOD. AN8LEY COAL COMPANY, 10 tf. W.. W. AN8LEY, PROP, butter at 23 cents a pound. . We extend to the public n:i Invita tion to visit our sto SPECIAL DETECTIVE WORKI Ex-Deputy Sheriff John P. Cason will engage In special detest Tvs worb > Waycross and South'Georgia. If you need hla services telephone No t, court house. 6-1-tl and compare prices, and we will ba satisfied with the verdict We guarantee satlsi'sc tin and first class service and to please all who are affficted with the eating habit, THE WILSON GROCERY COMPANY W. M. Wilson, Mauager Phone No. 128. First National Bank OFWAYCROSS OUR CAPITAL IS $200,000 CABINET WORK. I am (till at the same old stand, 22 Brewer street, and preflared to do all klnda of cabinet work, upholstering, trunk repairing; etc. i Haring doqe your work for the past six yean I think I know how to gtve you the Ind of work yon want When you need any* repairing done, remember J. L WAITE, The old reliable Cabinet-Maker. 22 Brewer street, phone 294. 22 tf CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. WOODMEN Ob) THE WORLD. CAMP 10A Mvifs first end third Thursday *i each month. Masonic Hall. Richard L. Singleton, 0. C. D. p. Woolley, Clerk. Wi'son Biock. SmOke! “Oran Chico’s”, 'Yer Best Smokers”. Haywood, afternoon of November 7. Tsllmore, November 8. Btckley, November 9. Jamestown, morning of November lectlng state and county taxes: Manor, October 28. HUlwood, October 30. ' Fairfax^ October 81. Olenmore; November 1. Braganza, November 2. Waresboro, November 3. Beach, November 6. Bolen, morning of November 7. Big shipment electric fans reeelv Art squares and small rugs at low prices at Hefcardvllle Store CSmpany for one week, beginning Wednesday, October 28. , Byck Electric Supply £c. 20 Lott Streot. , • Hebardvllls, afternoon of NovembCt We are iieadquarters tor low prices and easy terms.' PLENTY 0 18 tf Homs Furniture Co. S. HARDY’S. TAX NOTICE—8ECOND ROUND t will bs at the following places oh (Jates named for the purpose of col- T. T. StrloMwid, 1 Trx Colleritor Ware County. «yHavo your ■ automobile and buggy top, work done at J. T. McGee’s by a first-class trimmer.. 21 Albany ave nue. , 12 30t We, will offer our entire line of strictly high grads Art Squares and small rugs at exceptionally low prices for one week, beginning Blomsdale Pearl, (tre best onion yet). Winter Lawn Graas seed, at 6cals Pharmacy. 18 tf Wednesday, October 25th, Tapestry Art Squares, 9x12 ...- ,11.00 Tapestry Art Squares, 8 1-2x10 1-2 ’$10.0u Tapestry Art Squares, seamless, 9x12 .'-.... .... ,12.00 Velvet Art Squares, 9x11 ; ,12.00 Royal Axmlnsters, 6x9 .... ' ,12.00 Royal Axmlnaters, 9x12 *18.00 Wiltons Axmlnsters, 9x12 _ ,16.78 Ingrain Art Squares, 9x12 23.60 to ,6.60 Over thirty patterns to select, from In Floral and Oriental designs. Small rugs same grade aa Art Squares from ,1.26 to ,3.60. NO NEED TO STOP WORK. ■When your doctor orders you to atop work. It staggers you, "I can’t” you say. Yon know you are weak, run-down and falling in health, day by day, hnt you must work as long as you can .stand. Whit you need is Electric Bitten to give ton, strength, and vigor to your system, to prevent breakdown and build you op. Don’t be weak, sickly or ailing when Elec tric Bitters wlH'benefit you from the first dose. Thousands bless them for their glorious health and strength Try them. Every bottle is guaran teed. Only SOc at All Drngg'sts- And your pocket books you’d bet'rr come to this store soon and look over the iiew styles in Hebardville Store Company. If you are (poking for a suit that combines Style, Comfort, Quality and Service, then yqu FOR RENT BY The Riverside Park Co are looking for The Steele Clothing Store. You’d Better Pick Out . : Your Fall Suit NOW. ONE BSTORY 8-ROOM HOUSE FOR ONE 6STORY 7-ROOM H0U8E FOR.... ONE 1-STORY 6-ROOM COTTAGE FOR A great many men are finding some very nice tilings here. Let us put one away for you,, The color, the weave and the style you want: is here. < INE BEAUTIFUL 2-8TORY HOME. i^E 6-ROOM COTTAGE ....... .,2,780.00, EA8Y TERMS ,1,0)10.00, EASY TERMS Suits From $15 to $30 J A FEW VACANT LOT8 RANGING IN PRICE FROM ,100.00 TO *400.00 ON TERMS SO EA8Y YOU WILL HAVE NO DIFFICULTY IN MEETING 8AME. WITHOUT PAYING TAXES OR INTEREST YOU WILL BECOME A FREE-HOLOER BEFORE YOU REALIZE IT. Steele Clothing 40 PLANT AVE PHONE 468. Waycross, Ga. LA. GRANDE BLDG.1TH. FLOOR.