Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 08, 1911, Image 4
Grand Fatl and Winter Display Seal Ship! Oysters Personal J Mlee Carrie Perhim Social carter £ pet the habit, smoke. “O. o.-O. Cigar*. Clear Havana. 27 t Master William Sharpe la quite sttk at bis home on Ollmore street. Col. J. Hill Spence spent yesterday In ThomasrIUe on legal business. ■ Mr. A, M. Vick, of Savannah, was a guest of the Vlrdle. yesterday. Como to this store for shoes'. J. W. Adams. Mr. H. H. Burnet visited Brunswick yesterday. t C 0000.000000 o O WL HINSON & CO <> O UNDERTAKERS O O AND . , « O " EMBALMERS. .' O O Phone SI and 163. O O O O O O OOODDO 0 also hood bats In all colors Miss Prances McDonalds. oooooooooooo O WILSON o o BENNETT o o & LAMBDIN o O Attorneys A Counselor* At Law O OOOOOOOOOOOO OUR SHOW FOR TONIGHT IS NOT ONLY GREAT BUT IT IS RE. Special Bloomsdale Onion Sets Winter Lawn Crass Seeds and Pansy Seeds at THEISEALS PHARMACY OOOOOOOOOOOo O A FLEMING M D <> O Office over Gem Pharmacy O O .In Southern Building. O O OOOOOOOOOO o DROPSY. Office Third Floor Lott-Hltch Office hours: 6 to ll a. m. 4 to I Phone, office 223. Residence Waycros*. Georgia. J. E. KNIGHT, M, D. Office 226*323 Southern Building. , See Hours: 9 to 11 a. m; 2:30 tc 4 p. m.; 7 to 8 p. m. HERBERT S HOPKINS ATTORNEY AT ».AW. Booth 325, LaGrands Building, AFTER THE GOING L.I O Jem dmi dklufect parasites. KRESO DIP No. I GEM PH4RMACY T. S. Paine, THE LEOERLE LABORATORIES SUPERVISE SEAL-8HIPPE0 OYS TER BEOS. THE GREATEST AM ERICAN SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZA TION FOR FOOD PURITY PROMO TION. ITS AN EXCLUSIVE SEAL SHIPPED FEATURE. YOU KNOW YOU %AT OYSTERS OF CERTAIN PURITY WHEN YOU GET THE SEAL-SHIPPED. FOR SALE ONLY AT J. W. S. Hardy 8UCCE880R TO HAODY BROS. NEW BUCKWHEAT IN BARRELS* SELF RISING BUCKWHEAT IN PACKAG ES, NEW WARE COUNTY SYRUP,CORN MEAL FRE8H if j EVERY DAY, NEW CROP CALIFORNIA PRUNE8. OUR PRICE8 ARE AL WAYS FAIR AND OUR GOODS FIRST CLA88. NEXT TO WATER WORKS. PHONE NO. 3. Leave your order with Mia* Eddie Parnell for a stylish winter hot. Ev erything new ond up to date. 6 2t Fine line 1 of men’* women’s and children’s hosiery. 4 3t The Standard Shoe Co. Silk shirt waists in taffeta, messa- lines, and blacks, from $4.00 to $6.00. Humphreys & Williamson. Splendid line silk shirt waists, $4.00 $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00. Don’t fall to see them before buying. Humphreys & Williamson. ! FRESH FISH ( 8c FRESH 0Y8TER8 30c 1 1-2 BU. SWEET P0TAT0E8 . .$1.00 15lbs. BE8T 8UGAR $1.75 24 lb. BAG BEST FLOUR $1.75 j DAN T. COWART,—388. 8 3t s CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. Hie Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature of Efxarordinary Annuoncement Sleeping Car Service Between Way- cross and Atlanta, via: A. BM A. R. R. Effective wtih flret car leaving Way- cross 8:00 p. m„ Monday September 4th. Tho A. B. d A. hnve -secured to rthle service elegantly appointed electrle-llgjjted Bleeping cam, equip ped with all modern conveniences One Big Advantage You may secure your sleeping car diagrams are kept contlnuosuly open, i apace at the ticket offlee, Union 8ta- j tion, at any timo prior to your trip, ThcA. B. A A. Railroad represents the “Standard of Excellence In Service.” Schedule of Sleeping Car Line. Leave Waycros* 8:00 p.m. Arrive Atlanta, 6:40 a.m. * Leave A^anta 10:15 p.m. Arrive Waycros* 8:45 a.m TRAVEL "THE RIGHT WAY." W. H. Leahy, G. P. a.. Atlanta, Ga. A. D. Daniel. T. P. A., Atlanta. Ga. R. E. Camp, T. A., Waycross, Ga. WE DON'T GUARANTEE OUR 8HQW8 OFTEN, BUT WE KNOW WE HAVE A DANDY FOR TONIGHT AND WE WANT YOU TO COME OUT TO THE MAJESTIC. 8 3t BREWER A PHELAN. And now It transpires that Maine remains dry. Moderator so. GET YOUR MONEY BACK, If This Medicine Does Ncf Satisfacto rily Benefit You, Practicing physicians « making a specialty of stomgch troubles are really responsible for the formula from whlcl^ Itexnll Dyspepsia Tablets are mnde. We have simply profited j by the experience of experts. Our experience with Rtxall Dyspep- i sla Tablets leads us to bolteve them to bo an excellent : wiiiedy for the relief of acute indigestion and chron ic dyspepsia. Their Ingredients are soothing nud healing to the* hummed membranes of tho stomach. They are rich In pepsin, one of the greatest digestive aids known to medicine. The reliof they 'afford Is almost imme diate, Their use with perrsistency and regularity for a short time helps to bring about a cessation of the pains caused by stomach disorders. Hexall Dyspepsia Tablets aid to In sure healthy appetite, aid digestion, and promote nutrition. As evidence of our sincere faith in Roxall Dyspep sia Tablets, wo ask you to try them at our risk. |f they do not give ymi ontfre satisfaction we will return you the money you paid us for them, with out question orA formhUty ; They conte in throe sizes, prices 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00. Remember,- you can obtain them only at our store— The Hexall Store, Tin Seals Phar macy. Mr. H. J. Anthony was a visitor Jo Brunswick yesterday. If you want the best get Shaw Knit socks. For sale by J. W. Adams. Messrs. E. A. Butler, and J. Osborne, of Dexter, Mich., are in the city prospecting ’with a view - to lo cating In this section Mr. S. A. Ake and family, of Fort Wayne, Ind., arrlvM In Waycross this morning to locate here tferman- ently on a Deenwood farm. Mr. E. H. Clark, of the Georgifi Fruit and 'pecan Company left last night on a business trip to Chicago, Pittsburg and Philadelphia and other points. Owing to the lateness of train No. 185 this afternoon the matinee was called off. Curtain will go up tonight at 8 o’clock. Messrs. Cicero Wllkerson and Wil lie Wilson, of the Wilson Grocery Company, are both confined to their rooms by Illness. At a # meeting of the Roman's Aux iliary of Graco Church,, held on Mon day, the following officers were elec ted: President, Mrs.f James Polk Stow art; vice president, ’ Mre. Stoddard Johnston Stanton; secretary-treasurer Mrs. R. B. Van Wormcr. The Wo man’s Auxiliary is the missionary society of the Episcopal church. MR. AND MRS. W.. N. J0NE8 EN TERTAIN. The choir of First Baptist church was very delightfully entertained last night by Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Jones on Isabella street The choir, about thirty In number, first went to the church where they practiced some time, going from there to the Jones home. Mrs. Jones served a de lightful salad course. All together It a most delightful evening for every member of the choir..- Fine line work gloves at J. W. Adams. When you want neat, Stylish shoes at the right prices go to 4 3t ■ The Standard Shoe Co. Beautlfu) line ot coat. suits and Ion*, coats, •t Of Ladies Tailored Suits in all the Lead ing Colors. Ladies’ Suits Ladies’ Tailored Suits $15.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $20.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $25.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $30.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $50.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $60.00 We handle the best on the market i n Ready-to- Wear Suits. In Millinery We have the latest and most up-to date styles, both in Ready- to-wear and Trimmed Hats. Onr Millinery AND Suit Department is on the second floor, and we keep expert trimmers to waif on you. Make us a visit before buying your Fall and Winter needs. Humphreys & Williamson The Standard Shoe Store NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. Jane Street IS NOW OPEN, AND WE EXTEND A CORDIAL INVI TATION TO EVERYBODY TO CALL IN AND INSPECT THE BEST ASSOR TED, AND LARGEST STOCK OP SHOES EVER 8H0WN IN WAYCROSS. WE CARRY STACY-ADAMS CO’S., FINE SHOES FOR MEN, AND E. P. REED CO’S., FINE 8HOES FOR WOMEN. CALL AND TAKE A LOOK AND BE CONVINCED THAT YOU CAN GET AS GOOD VALUES IN SHOES, AND AS NICE 8TYLES AS ARE SHOWN IN THE LARGER CITIE8, . AND THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. SOLICITING A SHARE OF YOUR PATRONAGE AND ASSURING YOU OF A SQUARE DEAL, WE ARE, The Standard Shoe Store NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. Jane Street CLASSIFIED BOARDERS WANTED—BOOd board can be secured ac 54 Reed street. 7 tf .FOR RENT—Rooms for light house keeping or for young men. All con veniences. Couple without children preferred. Ring 149. "4* WANTED—Position as stenograph er or cashier by competent young la dy. Address "H"., care Herald office. 19 tf. - - ; BOARDING—New furnished rooms; table first class. Apply CO Carswell avenue. S It OOOOOOOOOOo ° H LESTER MARVIL <> Formerly Lott, Fain & Co O FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND O O EMBALMERS. O O Telephone 600 Day or tight O Private Chapel end Morgue O OOOOOOOOOO O OOOOOOOOOO o 9 JOHN S WALKER ° O Attorney and Counselor At O O Law. O O Office up-stairs Southern O O Hotel. O O WAYCROSS. — GEORGIA. o o o o o o o o o o o ^-T- ——— FOR RENT—The Vlrdle stables, corner Tebeau and Ewing streets. Fine place for garage. Apply to Ji S. Williams, Waycross, Ga. 3 Of LOST—Ladies gold watch with tho Initials “I. S. from D. M." Reward it returned to this offlee. 4 tf O ' O > o o ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD FINED AND CLEAN. S 3t BREWER A PHELAN. oooooooooo o BYCK ELECTRIC ° SUPPLY CO o O All KlndB ot Electrical Work O and Suppllee. O ALL WORK GUARANTEED. O 30 Lott Btreet. Phone 299. O OOOOOOOOOOo WANTED—Three funlshed room, tor light housekeeping; must be on second, door. By couple with one child. Addre: -, p. 0. Bor 613, City. 5 5t OOOOOOOOOO 6 J B BAGLEY M D o PHYSICIAN A SURGEON O Office n Southern Building O OFFICE HOUR8. O A. M. 3-4 P. M. 708 P. M. O »OOOOOOOOOO• WANTED—3 or 6 more hoarder* •LatAi.w it Folk*. 7 St’ FCfi stNT—Comfortably furnished t “ u - -■O'-ui*, all convenience;, rates tfuaoauei Gentlemen preferred. '6T 1 t olae .treat. Phone 454. ^ 8t DR. J. T. DIXON, Phyelden and surgeon, attention to chronlo dUeaaea of women and children. OBSTETRICS, CANCER AND Bldg. 8 p.m. 393. See notice of furntihed room* for •< FOR RENT—Booms for light bbuie- keeping at 32 Jane atreeL Reasona ble rent. —8 st WANTED—Each and everyone to take adrantage of my epeclal offer for photos. Get. coupons from repreaen- fative. M. J. Dolan, Photographer. 8 3t Stop here for mena and boy-tfjptb- lag. " ijT, J. W. Adame * o OOOOOOOOOO o _ DEEN& BURNETT <> O ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE O O Room 308 La Grande Bldg. O ° Waycroia, Ga. O 0 OOOOOOOOOO o