Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 08, 1911, Image 6
Churchwell’s SAL E Continues until Sat urday night,NoV. 11 Gel Ready for It 'We are going to make these ■the blggedt bargain days of all. Continues Four Days JLook for the Big Page Ad. JO yds good Hf| JipronGingham ill For Only UU oOnly 10 yds to a customer Be here Rain or Shine f Don’t Path Off JBe Here Every Day Churcbwell Brothers’ S A L E ! Continues Until Saturday Night, Nov. 11 We have been asked by many of our bedt customers to continue our Sale until Saturday night, rs they were unable to-take advantage of the sale at the beginning, so we have decided to Sontieiue Four Days! Big* i,r i i1 Z >i:iT Bargains are now here for you. Look for our page Ad. and Circular New Coat Suits, New Coats, Dresses, Dress Goods, Arriving every day, Freight and Express Cliurcliwell Brothers “The Store that Sells It for Less” Churchwell’s SALE • • ’f Continues until Sat urday night,Nov. It COME! Thursday, [Friday and Saturday, 3 days, we will sell 10 yds best Calico for 29c Only 10 yds. to a customer 9:30 to 10 a, m. Remember we guar antee satisfaction or your money bach. ChurchwelVs Phone 58 CITIZENS LEAGUE. Whereat, In response to a call Is- ■nod and tinned by many cltlzooa, than ataembled at tho Court Ilouto In the City o( Waycroua, on tho eve ning of October 12th.. 4 representative tody of men, gathered from all walks and vocations of life, .composed of anlnlatera of tho Qospel, physicians, lawyers, bankers, merchants and members of tho organization! of Boil er Makers, Machinists, Ca Workers, Blacksmiths, Locomntlvo Knglnoors, (Conductors, Switchmen, Brakomen, Moulders, Inspectors, Carpenters, Clerks, Travelers T, P. A s., Farmers' Union, U. C. T's, and the other ele ments going to make up our cosmo politan population; the object and purpose of this meeting being to con- aldey matters political affecting War- met, and to decide on candidates and measures, to urge before the .voters at the approaching municipal primary, and Whereas, by a majority ballot of over one hundred voters, H. D. Reed was endorsed for Mayor, Dr. W, “ Masks was endorsed for Alderman, Second Ward, W. B. Chandler for Alderman Fourth Ward, and C. A. leCount (or Alderman, Slsth Ward,— these being the only Aldermen to be elected at the ensuing election, and Whereas, by the endorsement of these candidates for nomination at the primary, aa men deemed worthy to hear the standard raised by this meeting; It becomes proper and right that the purposes for which this : stood, and for which the or- there effected stands, 1 he set forth la a declaration of Principles. Therefore, be It resolved— L That the Citizens League, form ed at said meeting, atands for a SQUARE DEAL, for both rich and poor, high and low,—No favortUam under the law, but JUSTICE to -all. Hut In order to mast out exact Jus tice onr City Oovernmhnt should be administered honestly, economically and equitably. Tlie'Tex rate shonld he as low as possible consistent with meeting the needs for revenue, and *11 property should he assessed alike. We condemn all Inequalities In as- easements as rank favoritism, and pledge ourselfee to an assessment haaed on value not cm ownership, We believe that the Street Tax shonld he made not to exceed 32.00 per an- none. Returns of property by Tax payers shonld he adjusted only after * run hearing and an examination ot the property, , Resolved It. That this organization stands for trognet. We believe In a prugi strive aga sad la a progressive city. No backward step' should be tab a. Not orl.v tiou'Jtug .. money so collected should bo expend ed to tho very beet possible advan tage, with neither waste nor graft. The Sinking Fund provided to meat tho outstanding bonds should bo kept Intact, and so Invested as to bring the best returns, so that the paytnen 1 of bonds may ho mado promptly and our credit preserved. Next lo tho preservation of our credit, as outlined above, comes the needs for streets, sidewalks and dralnago, and theso should bo Improved Just as fast as practicable, hut tho work should ho done by a competent Supervisor, un der bond for faithful, honeht work, to that the money spent for theso Improvements may be a permanent qaln to tho city. Wooding edges of itroecs and throwing sand In the mid dle Is a waste of time and energy, from which no benefit it derived. We stand for hard surfaced streets and for the laying of good sidewalks for the people who walk thereon. Resolved, III. That thla organiza tion atands for a "square deal" and for PROGRESS, hut It advocates giv ing every proper help and encourage ment to onr school!, colleges and oth er educational Institutions. The needa for a ppbllc library la apparent, and steps should be taken to secure one without delay. All our ellemosynary Institutions should be fostered and aided, and especially do we commend the Kings' Daughters Hospital for Its noble work. Resolved, IV. That thla organiza tion atands committed to giving all due encouragement to new enterprls- •». manufactories, publle service cor porations and those things which make for the upbuilding of a city, yet no right to use city property should be granted without adequate eompen- •ation. Jn money or service, to the city or its people. We believe the time has eome for the city to own Its City Hall, and favor the erection or purchase of such building at win be adequate to the needs of the city for the next decade at least, believing the same to be conducive to economy In public service, and for the better management ot city affaire. A cen tral City market should be provided tor as early as practicable; also the garbage of the City should be removed frequently, and cremated or other wise disposed of so as not to menace the public health. This declaration of principles Is put forth for the purpoee ot defining the position ot those responsible for the Citizens League movement, bad we heartily Invite all who desire good government for Waycroea. who be lieve In these principles, who desire equal rights to all. special privllgee "tc,, to Join with us in carrying dorsed, and who stand pledged to hearty accord with tho platform hero enunciated. 21 tf THE CITIZENS LEAGUE. NO NEED TO STOP WORK. When your doctor orders yon stop work. It staggors you, "I c;, you ray, Von know you are weak, run-down and falling m hralth, day by day, hut you must work £ a long as you can stand. What you need Is Electric Bitters to give ton, strength, and vigor to your system, to prevent breakdown and build you up. Don’t be weak, sickly or ailing when Elec tric Bitters will benefit you from the first dose. Thousands blotc them for their glorious health and strength Try them. Every bottle la guaran teed. Only 50c at All Druggists. Common Colds mutt be taken Ser loualy. For unless enred they sap the vi tality and lower the vital retlstanos to more -serious Infection, Protect yonr children and yonraelf by tho prompt use of Foley's Honey and Tar Gcmroond and note Its quick and d» chare results. For coughs, colds croup, whooping cough, bronchitis and affections ot the throat, chest and Innas It la an over ready and valna* remedy. Qem Pharmacy; T. Fataa A CLOSE INSPECTION Is wba' always happens when yon vre met race to face BY A LAUNDRY CRANK. Re may be a friend, but he Insists on -cruttulzlng your linen. Be on the safe and sure side and have us do' LAUNDRY WOR KTHAT 18 IRRESISTIBLE. 't’a as cheap as "slop" work and <w>ka a "heap* better. Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE*. PARK MOR RAND CO. -WGINEEffS AND CONTRACTORS. Lotf-HItch Building. RE-IN FORCED CONGREVE. FOLEY'S KIDNEY REMEBV la a great madidsa of proven value far both sente end. chronic kidney and bladder allmenta. It la eeped ally r* cotnroooded to elderly people for If wonderful tonic and noonatnctlvo qualities, and the permanent relief and comfort It give* that Oam Phar macy; T. & Paine. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Will reach your individual case If yon have any form of kidney and - bladder trouble or urinary Irregularities. Try them. Oam Pharmaay; T. F. Paint. Big supply ot card ooard, all col on, Just received at Herald. SEE THE DESCRIPTION OF OUR SHOW FOR TONIGHT IN ANOTHER COLUMN, COME OUT AND IF YOU ARE NOT PLEASED LET US KNOW. WE ABSOLUTELY BELIEVE THAT THIS IS ONE OP THE VERY BEST ACTS EVER PRESENTED AT THE MAJESTIC. « St BREWER A PHELAN. •a aa taw aa poarible consisted with fU* banner to videby Waycross & Southern R. r. co. Sehedulta of Train* Ecectlvs Septem ber % 1*11. Notice: The arrivals and depar tures are given aa Information and are sot guaranteed. Suthbound Train No. 1. Mile* Station 0 Hebardvllle Lv. 10:00 am S Wayx. Albany ate. Lv. 10:05 am. S Lavlnla Lv 10:S0 SPECIAL NOTICtl For the convenience of railroad peo ple and other* I have decided to open my book* on Thursday evening No vember 9th„ at Citizen* Bank from 0:30 to S:S0. Come and pay your •tat* and connty taxes and don't for get to reglater. J. T. Strickland, Tax Collector Warc Connty. 10 Fred el Ar. 10:30 am Northbound Train No. t. 10 Fredel Lv. 3:43 pm 3 Lavlnla Lv. ........ .. 3:S0 p-f. 3 Wayx. (Albany ave.l Lv. 3:10 pm 0 Hebardvllle Ar. ...... 3:13 pm •Train* No*. 1 and t dally except Sunday. * John kt. Hopkins, HMEmati »••{*, ** %• OMorfl FALL CABBAGE PLANTE Onr fall cabbage plants, Wakefield and Flat Dutch, are now ready tor shipment, and we 'want yonr orders. Prices f. o. b.. Meggett: 1,000 to 3,000 at 3150 per ] 4,000 to 8,000 at .... 31.35 par 1,000 10,000 and ortr at .... 31.00 per 1,000 W* advise that you plaoa your or dera promptly as the supply Is vary limited thla fall. Satlafactlon guar tatsed. E M. Gibson Co, Meggetb a a RING 174 FOR WOOD. a tt ADVERTISE IN THE' WAYCROSS HERALD $4. 15 TO Savannah, Ga.> and Return Atlantic Coast Line lutomobile Races Nov. 27-30 NOVEMBER 27th: W. K. Vanderbilt, Jr, Cup Race. Tiedeman Trophy Race and The Savannah Challenge Trophy. NOVEMBER 29th: Georgia-Auburn Football Game. NOVEMBER 30th: Grand Prize Auto mobile Race. $20,000 In Prizes '* ' Tickets on Sal*: November 20th, 27th, 28th, 29th and for trains scheduled to reach Savannah before noon of November 30, 1911. Final Llflt: To reach original starting point return ing not late* than midnight ot December 4, 1911. For further Information In regard to rate*, sched ules, Pullman ot? reservations, private oar parties, etc., ■ee yonr nearest Ticket Aggnt, or communicate with E. M. North, A. a P. A. B. T. Morgan, T. P. A. Savannah, Ga. Savannah, Ga. L. P. Green, T. P. AA. Thomaavllle, Oa. Young’s Real Estate Investments STREET PARK. TWO YEARS TO*jPAY FOR THEM. PRICES EXTREMELY REASONABLE. CARSWELL STREET: ONE LARGE LOT, SOUTH ERN EXPOSURE, TERMS OR CASH. THIS OPPORTU NITY WONT OO BEOOINO, SEE ME AT ONCE. MCDONALD 8TREET: 2 BEAUTIFUL LOTS OPPO SITE MR. B. M. NORVELL’S BUNGALOW. TERMS OR .CASH. i, COLLEGE HILL: ONE TEN ACRE TRACT, BE- VOND LARGE OAKS, INSIDE CITY LIMITS, IDEAL PLACE FOR SUBURBAN HOME WHERE PLENTY ROOM MAY BE HAD FOR ORCHARDS, VINEYARD, AND GARDENS. : -,- r; r-m ••■J •r COLLEOE HILL: SEVERAL LOTS NEAR COL LEGE AT BARGAIN PRICES. TERMS OR CASH. JANE ELIZABETH, AND MARY STREET EXTEN SION: TI8 HERE YOU CAN PURCHASE A LAROE LOT NEAR INTO THE BUSINESS SECTION, NEAR THE A. C. L. SHOPS, AND IN A 8ECTI0N OF THE CITY THAT IB ABSOLUTELY FREE OP COLORED RESIDENTS. TERMS 315 DOWN AND $5 PER MONTH AND UPWARDS BUYS A LOT 70x100 FEET. “B" STREET: ONE CHOICE LOT, NEAR ALBANY AVE. TERMS OR CASH. Walter M. Yotfng, Re.it E rats Bar.-jalas. >•» * *»6 PHONE 270 ^