Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 06, 1911, Image 6
RENT BY ONE 2-STORY 8-ROOM HOUSE FOR. ONE 2-STORY 7-ROOM HOUSE ^OR ONE. 1-STORY B-ROOM COTTAGE I $20.00 PER MON - $15.00 PER MONTH $8.00 PER MONTH ONE BEAUTIFUL 2-STORY HOME ,.. » $2,750.00, EASY TERMS ONE S-ROOM COTTAGE ..i I $1,000.00i EASY TERMS ALSO FOR SALE ■ A FEW VACANT LOTS RANGING IN PRICE FROM $100.00 TO $400.00 ON TERMS SO EASY YOU (WILL HAVE NO DIFFICULTY IN MEETING SAME. WITHOUT PAY ING TAXES OR INTEREST YOU WILL BECOME A FREE-HOLDER BEFORE YOU REALIZE IT. RIVERSIDE PARK CO. Sssm LA GRANDE BLDG. 4TH. FLOOR. t, Ga "Grandma” Sausage Wo hav* Intuited ntt mu- mill, and trill a of •GRANDMA" / SAUSAGE. We have-d n ur-to vUlc marvel v to head th# procession, Trjf u* aad be c-onvinced. Wo have Installed A MCftART ELECTRIC BONE GRINDER, and will make a apecUlty of furnl^ta? our cuttomera with thit valuahte *$.2 producer at a very email wit We urge you to try a small lot a«d tee the increase in your Then It will pay yen to Mttlift 1W a regular weekly' supply ao that ye* will not be disappointed. T. H. Blizzard 108 Plant A .rente. Phone 3*5. WAYCR08S LODGE No. *8*. F. A* A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATION* ON 1ECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY evening at ?:» P. *t. All Miioni Invites t* Attend. J. M. BELL, W. M. W. J. CLARK. SEC. HON, JOSEPH M. BROWN, CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR. JOSEPH HI. BROWN’S LAST WQfiO CITIZENS LEAGUE. Tomtom, In response to a call la psed and alined br many citizens, than aaaembled at the Court Houae |a the City of Waycroaa, on ths are- Bias of October 12th., a rcpreaentatlve Mr of man, gathered from all walk! Bad vocations of Ufa, compoaed of ministers of tba Ooapol, phyalclana, lawyera, bankera, merchants and aaambara of the organluUona of Boll- «r Makora, Maehlnlata, Ca Workera, Blacksmiths, Locomotive Enftneere, Conductore, Switchmen, Urakcmen, Moulders, Inapectora, Carpentara, Clarka, Travelera T. P. A’a., Farmers’ Union, U. C. T’a., and the other ele ments yolna to make up our coamo- poUlan population; the object and . purpoao of thla meeting being to con sider matter! political aKectlng Way. eroaa, and to decide on candidate! Od measures, to urge before the wotere at the approaching municipal primary, and Whereae, by a majority ballot of over ono hundred voter#, H. D. Rend oraa andoraed for Mayor, Dr. W. Masks waa andoraed for Alderman, •eoond Ward, W. K. Chandler for Alderman Fourth Ward, and C LaCount for Alderman, Sixth Ward,— theaa being the only Aldermen to be Sleeted at the onaulng election, and Whereaa, by the endoreement of dhaaa candidate# tor nomtnatton at (ha primary, aa men deemed worthy So bear the atandard ralaed by thla ■eating; U become# proper and right (hat the purpoaee for which thla •Mating stood, and for which tha or gan! ration than affected elands, should bo act forth Id a declaration of frindplaa. Therefore, be li resolved— L That tba CIUtom League, fonr ad at Mid meeting, atnnda t<- SQUARE! DEAL, for both rlcl poor, high and low,—No favorlt.am mnderttha law, but JUSTICE to all. That In order to meat out exact Jus (lea our City Governmint abould be administered honestly, economically sad equitably. The Tax rata should be M low aa poaalhle consistent with meeting the needa for rerenue, and sit Pfeperty abould be asaeeeed alike. We condemn all Incqualltlee In as- seeamente as rank favoritism, and Pledge onreelfet to en aeeeeement boned on value not on ownership. We believe that the street Tax should be nude not to exceed $2.00 per am num. Returns of ■ property by Tax payer# ehould be adjusted only after a full hearing and-an examination ot tha property. Resolved U. That thla organisation aland* for progress. We believe In n progressive age. and In a progressive city. No backward step- abould be taken. Not only ikon Id; our tax Ml he as low as possible irohatotcat i money w collected ehould be expend ed to the very beet poulbla advan tage, with neither WMte nor grafL The Sinking Fund provided to moot the outetandlng bonds should be kept Intact, and fo Invested ta to bring the beat return#, bo that the payment of bonda may ha made promptly and our credit preeerved. Next to the preaervatlon of our credit, as outlined above, comet the needa for atreeta, aldowalka and drainage, and thcae ahould be Improved Just ns feat aa practicable, but the work ehould be done by a competent Supervisor, un der bond for faithful, honeht work, ao that the money spent for these Improvements may be a permanent gain to the city. Weeding edge# of atreeu and throwing land In the mid die Is a WMto of time and energy, from which no benefit I* derived. We stand for hard aurfaced street# end for the laying of good oldswalka for tha people who walk thereon. Reaolved, Ilf. That thla organiza tion atandi for a "aquare deal" and (pr PROGRESS, but It advocates giv ing overy proper help and encourage meat to our achoola, college! and oth er eduoatlonal Inatltutloni. The needs for a ppblle library le apparent, and ateps abould be taken to secure one without delay. All our ellemosynary institutions ahould be fostered end aided, end especially do we commend the Klngi' Daughters Hospital for its noblo work. dorsed, and who stand pledged hearty accord with the platform here enunciated. 21 tf THE CITIZENS LEAGUE. PARK MOR RAND CO t '“GINEERS AND CONTRACTORS * Lott-HItcb Bunding. . RE-INFORCED CONCRETE. Reaolved, IV. That this orgmnlsa- tlon stands committed to giving all due encouragement to new enterpris es, manufactories, publte service cor porations and those thing* which ,\>r the upbuilding of n city, yet - to use city property should .-anted without adequate compen sation, In money or aervlce, to the city or Its people. We.believe the time hM come for the city to own it* City Hell, end favor the erection or purchaad of auch building as win be adequate to the needs of the city for the.next decade at ‘leeeL believing the tamo to be conducive to economy In public aervlce, and tor the better management of city affair*. A can- tral City market ahould be provided for as early ae practicable; alto the garbage of the city ihould be removed frequently, and cremated or other wise disposed of so M not ,0 menses the public health. A MAIL CARRIER'S LOAD. Seems heavier when be hM a weak back and kidney trouble. Fred Due* ren, Mall Carrier at Atchlaon, Km. •aye: "I have been bothered with kidney and bladder troubla and had severe pain acroaa my back. When- evjr I carried n load, my kidney iron, ble Increased. Some time ago, I start* ed taking Foley Kidney Pills and since taking them I have gotten entirely rid of all my kidney trouble and dm sound pew as ever." Gem Pharmacy, T. s. Paine. This declaration of principles to put forth for the purpose of defining the position of those responsible for the Cltlteni League movement, And w* heartily Invite ell who desire good government for Way cross, who* be lieve In thee* principles, who' desire equal rights to all, special prlvllgaa •**' nose, to Join with ua.tn carrying walk by the store, we wish you’d stop a minute and take a look at Big Ben. He’s the finest deepme- ter made—the best looking —the best built—the bat running. You needn t take our word for it, we keep him in the window; you can see for yourself. $2.50 . ThbbttedKfcAnmjinh Littie&Odjm PHONE B. A FATHER'S VENGEANCE Would have fallen on any one who at tacked the non of Peter Bpndy, of South Rockwood, Mich., but he was powerless before attache ,ot Kidney trouble. ‘‘Doctors could not' help him" he wrote, "to at last vre gave him Electric BUtere and he Improve! rap Idly and wonderfully from taking six bottles. Its tho heat Kidney medicine I ever ny," Backache, Tired feelln*, Nervousness, Lou of Appetite, warn ot kidney trouble that may end In dropsy, diabetes or Bright's disease Bewnre; Take Electric Bitters end be la banner to victory by nominating , (he City's legitimate need*, but 1*$^. the primary the oaadlda'w en- E ” rT botU * (“cranloed. A CL08E INSPECTION to what always happens when yon are met face to face BY A LAUNDRY CRANK. He may be a friend, hut he instate on ■crnHutolng your linen. Be on the safe end sure aide and have oa do LAUNORY WOR KTHAT 18 IRRE8ISTIBLE. It’s u cheap aa "slop" work and eokt s “heap* better. . Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY PHONi! ». TO THE PEOPLE BEFORE ElECTIOR - COUGHING AT NIGHT. Meana loss of sleep which to bad for everyone. Foley's Honey and Tar Compounl (tops the cough at once, re lieves the tickling and drynesa In ;he throat and beala the Inflamed mem branes. Prevents a cold developing In- to bronchitis or pneumonia. Keep al- ways In the houae. Refuse substUut- Gem Pharmacy, T, 8. Paine. E. Parker, 2021 No. 10th St, FL Smith, Ark., eayslthst ho had token wtony kinds ot kidney medicine, but he did not get better until he took Foley Kidney Pills. No matter how long you have had kidney trouble, you will And quick and permanent benefit by tb* use of 'Foley Kidney Pflto. Start taking them now. Gem Pharma cy, T. S. Paine. A HOUSEHOLD MEDICINE. Tbat stops coughs quickly and cure* colds to Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound. Mrs. Anna Potoer. 2526 Jef ferson St., So. Omaha, Neb., uys; "I can recommend Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound as n sure cure for coughs and colds. It hu cured my daughter af o had cold and my neigh- bor, Mrs. Benson, cured herself end her whole family with Foley's Honey end Tar Compound. Everyone In oar neighborhood speaks'highly of Jb" Gem Pharmacy, T. 8. Paine. TO THE PEOPLE OF GEORGIA: The campaign Jdet closing baa been characterized by come astonish ing development*. In It, for the first time In many yean, we have seen the Inherent right of freo speech curbed. We have seen attorneys—even offi cer* of the Georgia Bar Association—afraid to express their views on vital Issues because they differ wl!h a candldate-for-govornor Judge, whp has ths judicial power to ritold the decision ot a high court against them It they cross his political path. We have seencltents with cases of excessive Implr- tance which are jeopardised if they advocate any candidate opposing that Judge. „ We have seen two candidates for governor attempting to drag Into the- campaign for their personal advancement a question which can be settled - only by the legislature acting in obedience to the mandate ot the people at tho ballot box. And defending their attempt at usurpation of functions re served by the people for themselves or fixed for others, we have Been these two candidates and their advocates declorlng that the white votera should not be allowed to cast their ballots upon the Issue they would raise save as u might be embodied In their joint candidacy or personally. SAY PEOPLE CANNOT GOVERN THEMSELVE8. They declare, In effect, that the sprerlgn power must subordinate Itself to their Interests; that the sorerlgn must be ruled by Its creatures, and In labored and at times frenzied rhetoric boldly proclaim that corruption will taint the decision ol the people If they be allowed to arrive at ono. In other words, they strenuously contend that the people of Georgia are incapacitat ed to govern themselves and express their determination to be guardians for them. My candidacy is a call to the sovertgn people to a(sert trelr power and to prove to their officeholders that they are but creatures of tho public will, that they are executives, not rulers. There to but one rulership, that to in tho people. VOTERS WHO CANNOT VOTE. - There to another unprecedented condition Impending, vlx: the practical certainty that many ballot boxes In '-o country preolncts will not be open ed In the primary for the voters. The isne state executive committee which failed to permit the white voters of Georgia to Bottle tho prohibition question baa laid down on fto duties and failed to provide ways whereby the popular will can be fully voiced. There has never before boon auch a failure. The ballot box should not bo closed against a single voter. The same exeeutlpe committee has failed to provide a way whereby tho- people can select their delegates to tho national democratic convention. Can.It be because the evecutlve committee Intends usurping that right of the people? ( 1 Yet, hi aplte of sophistical lieues, In spite of fmpedments thrown In tho way of tho electorate, thanks to the determination of the' people to take charge of their affaln, my nomination to assured. It only remains of those of you who demand that this government shall be conducted upon’ tho Ideals of Sincerity, of peace, impartial protection and constructive energy, to go to the polling places on Decern ir 7 and deposit your rote# in tho ballot box. I earnestly urge you to lay aalde other duties for a time and do thla. If you do, our victory to certain. » Your fellow citizen, JOSEPH M. BROWN. Marietta, Ga., December 2, TOIL FALL CAJ9BAGE PLANTE Our foil cabbage plant#, Wakefield aad Flat Dutch, are now ready for shipment, and wo want your orders. Prices f. o. b.. Meggett: ,000 to 2,000 at 91.50 per I,00o 1,000 to 8,000 at .... $1.25 per 1,000 10,000 and over at .... ,$1.00 per 1,000 We advise that yon place your or ders promptly as the supply la vary 1 limited this fall. Satlafoctlon guar- ‘ natead. S. U. Gibson Cd, - ' Meggett, & a Atlantic Coast Line THROUGH SLEEPERS TO ATLANTA AND POINTS WEST. LEAVE WAYCROS3S 10:20 P. M, ARRIVE ATLANTA 7:07 A. M. LEAVE ATLANTA 8:50 P. M. OR 10:20 P. M, ARRIVE WAYCR08S 5:35 A. M. OR 6:25 A.JYI. WAYCROSS IS ASSIGNED AMPLE SPACE IN OUR ELECTRIC LIGHTED PULLMANS. SAVE TIME BY TRAVELING OVER THE . Atlantic Coast Line E. M. NORTH, A, 0. P. A, R. E. CAMP, TICKET^tGT. SAVANNAH, GA. WAYCR0S3, GA.