Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 06, 1911, Image 7
We invite the mothers to bring their children to our 1911 Holiday Toy Department. The sftock is wonderful in its com pleteness, a perfedt fairy land of Toys and Dolls and Vehicles. Toys new, Toys different, and also the well beloved familiar Toys that have pleased children from the beginning of Toytime. Unique importation of Dolls embrace “Character Dolls” with Beautifully modeled faces, bisque Dolls, celluloid and “Aurora ,, Dolls, the lightest Dolls in the world; and many other new crea tions. As for the accessories of Dolly’s toilet, nb debutaants could be better panoplied. And Rouses to live in and furniture to furnish with, in fadf, no ^iote in Waycrcss has. e\cr shown such a marvelous display as we now invite you t > attend. Avenue of Holiday a r S v l ■ NIGHT SERVICE-NEW TRAIN To Ashville and A Tfie land ol Ite Sky” , Country SOUTHERN RAILWAY LAND OF THE, SKY SPECIAL. Lt, Jackoonvlllo 8:05 pm Ar. Tyron 11:60 Lt. Jaoup 10:60 pm Ar. Solute 18:16 Ar. Columbia OiCO am Ar. Hendersonville 1:00 Ar. Aabevlllo... 1:10 pm Throngh Pullman, Drawingroom, Broiler-Buffet Sloeping Car anl eleo- trlc lighted coach, JackaonTrllle to Aoberllle. For full Information concerning rates, schedules, etc., call on or U- C. A. CA.R80N, JR., T. P. A, Macon, CO. SPECIAL DETECTIVE WORKI Ex-Depnty Sheriff John P. Canon will engage In .pedal dotocllro work b Waycross and Sontb Georgia. If yoa need hie services telephone No •*, wurt.honae. 6-8-tf Before You Reeen roe Limit of. physical endurance and while yom condition Is still curable, take Pole) Kidney Pills. Their quick action aal positive results will delight yon. Fa backache, nervouonen, rbeumatist and all kidney, bladder and urlnarj troubles. Gem Pharmacy; T. S Paine. GUARANTEED TO SATISFY CUSTOMERS FROM Tm ORIGINAL CABBAGE PLANT GROWERS. ' STARTS MUCH TROUBLE. If all people knew thot neglect of constipation hrould result In severe In digestion, yellow jaundice or virulent liver, trouble they would soon take Cr. King's New Ufa Pills, .and end It. Beat for bit- tIVAfmidt-TBilB'CB. ^^Established 1888. Paid In Capita! Staok $30,000.00 wrnmmsmsm oooooooooooo O J H BREWTON ° O DENTIST. O O «0-411 LaOrande Building O O Office Phono 121; Residence 243 O O Waycross, Georgia. O 000000<>00000 Ite the only safe way. Ilouzness, headache, dyspepsia, chdts and debility. 16c at All Druggist* ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD Wm. C Gernty Co. Box Mg Yonflea Island, S. C. per ooth A ui Why pay $J.(0 to have y« ur.tooth extracted when you can have it done for 50c and witho pain All other wor k done at very reasonnb - charges. Everything guaranteed Mb DANIEL The Dentist, Folks’ Block t V fC ' " My elegant homo on tho corner of Gilmore and Howe stroots, large and commodious dwelling with 12 rooms, all modern Improvements; servant house and large barn on lot; size of lot, 131 feet on Gilmore and running back on Howe street 200 feet All In good condition. Known an the CoL W. M. Toomer residence Also a grand lot on Brunei street, lying between the residence of T. W. Mor rison and the Central Baptist church. No better locality In the city of Way. ■crosy Size ef lot. on Brunei) ,’66 feet and 8 Inches, running back 160 feet Can you find equal, much lean superior property In the city. Apply to me by letter or otherwise, at No 1600 S. 10th, Ave., Birmingham, Ala R. M. Weacott. Union Pressing dub R. E. SWILLING, Manager and Owner THE ARTI8TIC CLEANSER AND DYER German Chemical Cleaning, French Dry Cleaning, Steam Cleaning Dyeing. Pressing, Repairing, Altering, Cleaning, Dyeing and Curling of Ostrich Feathers. 23 Tobeau Street, Hall, Block From New P. O. Bldg. Thone No. 507 SUITS flADE AT HOME. J T TURNER ARCHITECT. Office LaGrande Building. P. O. Box 1 Waycroaa, Georgia. BALKED AT COLD STEEL. “I wouldn't lot a doctor cut my foot rff," sftjld H. D. Ely, Bantam, Ohio, ‘although a horrible ulcer had been the pmgue of my life, tor'four years, ntsced I used Bneklcn’e Arnica Salve, and my foot won soon completely I cured.” Heals Burns, Bolls, Sores, Drulsea,’ Eczema, Pimples, Coma, 8urest Pile cure. 26 cents at Alt Drug gists. Waycross & Southern R. R. CO. Change of Schedule Effective Nov, 17, 1911. Notice: 4Tho arrivals and depar. lures are given as Information and are not guaranteed. Southbound Tralh No 1. Miles Station Hebnrdvllle Lv 8:00 n.m. 2, Wayz. Albany ave. Lv. ..0:05 r.m. 8 Lavlnla Lv .....9:30 a.m. 10 Fredel Ar 8:30 a.m. Northbound Train No. I. 10 Fredel Lv 1:00 pm. 8 Lavlnla Lv 1:05 p.m. 1 Ways. Albany nve. Lv..9:06 a.m. 0 Hebnrdvllle Ar 1:80 p.m. •Trains' Noa. 1 and 2 dally except Sunday. John M. Hopkins, General Superintendent ' CABINET WORK. I am still at the seme old stand, 28 Brewer street, and prepared to do nil kinds at cabinet work, upholstering, trunk repairing, etc. Having done your work for the put tlx years I think I know how _ to giro yon the Ind of work yon .want When yon need any repairing done, remember J. L WAITE, The old reliable Cat)lnet-Maker, 22 Brewer street, phone 2P4. 22 tf Brunswick &Fiorida Steamboat Company. (CUMBERLAND ROUTE), TOUCHING Brunswick.Jekyl,Cumberland. Fcrnnndinn, CLOSE CONNECTIONS WITH ALL TRAINS TO AND FROM 8RUN» WICK; ALSO S. A. U AT: FERNANDINA, PLA, e A fine view of the Club house at Jekyl; the Horn# of the Garaegtee and the finest Beaoh on the Atlantic Coul * . LEAVING: RETURNING: Leave Brunswick 8:30 a m. Lure Fcrnnndinn ...... 2:30p. » Arrive Cumberland 10:30 a. m. Arrive CumbeHnnd 5:30 p m, Arrive Fernandlns 1:30 p. m. Arrive Brunewlck 7:30 p m. FIRST CLASS PASSAOE TO FERNANDINA, FLA. ,...»1AS ROUND TRIF $2.60 i SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY, ROUND TRIP .... 75o Lv. Jacksonville 8:06 pm Lv. Junp 10:60 pm Ar. Columbia OiCO em Ar. Asheville... L.LyKigaiKf-t&A*- Li: 911