Newspaper Page Text
Accused Minister Will
Soon Recover From
Made By Governor John
M.‘ Slaton In The
Cordele Circuit
-Everythin; point-
lloeton, Dec. 21.
ed today to the rapid recovery ot Rev.
Clarence V. T. RIcheson, accused of
the murder of Avis Unnell, and who
mutilated himself In his cell at the
Suffolk county jail yesterday.
Possible blood poisoning Is the only
element that stands In the way of
Rlcheson’s recovery, and that, the
surgeons say, Is extremely unlikely.
Difference of opinion was expressed
In legal and medical circles today as
to whether the accused minister's
Special To The Her*:.'..
Chicago, III., Dee. $$.—Archbishop
Quigley presided^ at a requiem high
mass celebrated at Holy Name Cathe
dral this morning In memory of Fire
Marshsl James Horan and a number
of hti.PMft^ff'hp.inct death In the Chi-
Dig reduction on doll carts, Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday. Walker-
Hood Furniture. Company.. , 22 2r
As Superintendent—Trus
tees Held Their Annual
Meeting In January
AUanta, Ga., Dec. 21.—The Annual
meeting of the trustees of the 8ol
dlers' Home will be held here on the
third Wednesday In January, at which
time the annual election ot officers
will take place, annual reports will
be submitted and a new superinten
dent will be named. Since the death
- of Captain Barry, George 'Keith has
been acting superintendent. There
are twelve applicants now for the po-
' sltlon.
Bids will be opened shortly for the
j| erection of the new $5,000 addition to
; the hospital. The addition Is badly
needed, as so many of the old veter
ans are very feeble and need constant
care. The death rate among them Is
I growing heavier all the time., Five
passed away during November.
Tonight at 7:15 at Central Tabdf-
nacle an entertainment for the young
folks will be givelT and a good' TTTno
Is promised all thbo come. There will
Fined For Killing Summer
Ducks, Case Goes To
Court of Appeals
Savannah, Ga., Dec. 21.—Jud^e Da
vis Freeman, of the city court ot Sa-
vannah, is probably the first judge of
the state to decide the contested point
in the new game law relative to the
having in this state game that !• un-
der ban, although that game WM
killed in another state.
The court holds, in the case of the
state against R. Ward Allen, that) tba
law has been violated although, Mr.
Allen killed the summer dtick in South
1 Carolina, the act of having itylled
them in Georgia constituted a violation
of the general purview of the leglsla*
tors when the statute was framed. Mr.
Allen was fined $10.
Messrs Twiggs and Gazan, counsel
for Mr. Allen, will carry the case to
the state court of appeals to, have
final testing there. When the case
goes from Chatham it will be the .first
under the new statute to be appealed.
Savannah Man, Sentenced
To Hang, Goes To Peni
tentiary For Life
Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 21,-^OovtfBor
Slaton today approved tfye action of
the prison commission in commuting
the death senieut« of J. C. Hunter, the
Savannah murderer, to life Imprison
ment. Hunter's respite would have ex
pired tomorrow.
In making Ills decision, the gofttni-
or gave a long opinion, reviewing the
case somewhat at length. He spent
half of last night looking over the
records and reaching his conclusion.
I will self at auction to the highest
bidder, before the Court House door
at 10 o’clock, Saturday, December 23,
be a,big Xmas tree for the TTltle folks’j a number of guns and pistols to pay
and Santa Claus has promised to be charges for repairs made at my shop.
on hand and will spend an hour at the
Tabernacle. Santa Claus. says, he
wants to meot all the little folks who
can possibly be there tonight as he
has Just a little package for them.
Winchester, pump guns, breechload
ers, rifles, etc.
ltfCt J. T. McGee.'
Savannah, Ga., Dec. 22.—Prepara
tions are being made for the enter
tainment of Colonel Henry Watterson,
editor of the Louisville Courier Journ
al Tuesday evening. Col. Watterson
will speak at the Savannah Theatre
on the “Ratification of Pending Trea
ties for Unlimited Arbitration With
Great Britain and France." His ap
pearance la under the auspices of the
Savannah Chamber of Commerce. Ho
will be tendered an elaborate recep
tion upon* his arrival in Savannah.
Onyx Silk Hose, ”'—’1
20 4t The Stnndard Shoe Co.
Ladies, Misies an& {Children's slip
pers at
20 4t The Standard Shoe Co.
for bis trial. • f
Attorney William A. Morse, of
Rlcheson’s counsel, says He believes
that his client will be in no fit physi
cal condition to undergo the ordeal of
his appearance in court so soon.
Sheriff Fcnvey has guards at Rlche
son’s bedside every moment of the
day and night to prevent the prisoner
making any further effort to Injure
Attorney Morse visited his client at
the Jail Infirmary this ufternoon. He
eald hf found the clergyman resting
Atlanta Man Wrote Suicide
Note To Wife And Then
Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 2(.—Mr*. W. A
Graham, a young AUanta matron, bps
been twice frightened Into hyeterlcl
by her huitmnd during the past two
Yesterday eho got a note from Elm
Indicating that he wee going to' cStt-'
mtt eulclde. She woe 'proatrated by
the newa, which abe believed, and
communicated tt to hef friends, Th®
police went to a deal-'of trouble yes-
trdey looking for Graham's body. Tbe
wife bad almoit resigned herself to
condition will permit him to appear In j-fhe fact that the suicide wah certain,
court on January 15th, the date set I This morning her telephone bell
rang. She attewered IL The voice at
the other end ot the phone was that
of W. A. Graham, her husband. Aa
she clung to the wire, almost falnUng
from surprise, Graham Informed her
iknt he hadn't killed hlmeolf; that he
had no Intention of doing so; that he
had boon off on a Utile trip to Chat*
tanangn, and that he would he homo
The family of Mr. Graham are not-
Inclined to bliimg him; saying that ho
wrote the suicide noto while In an ab
normal frame of mind. His friende,
however, criticise him soverely, nnd
the ppllco department Is literally
[snorting Its Indignation.
New Lot ot Gloves
New Lot ot Neckwear
New Lot ot Fancy Vests
New Lot ot Muttlers and Reeters
New Lot of Bath Robes
New Lot of Sweater Coats
New Lot of Soft Shirts
Everything you wear. All New
J Tonight at the Majestic Theatre the
I sensational Night Rider pictures Will
«be shown. This picture consists of
two complete reels, taken in Tennes
see, picturing the celebrated case of.
the capture and execution of Captain
ill P. 0.
The city carriers 'w.’ndow will be
open on Sunday December 24 from 8
to 1!) o'clock, a. m. Patrons who have
nankin ut Reel Foot Lake, by lhej tbo|r raa „ dol|vered hy |ho c|ly c , ir .
Night Rider, of Tennessee. Thl. pic- | rlerf _ can be , erVK) by cn|| | ng at tbe
ure is true to life and is considered ‘
one of tho most wonderful as well as
most sensational pictures ever pro
duced. These reels have been secured
Post Office during the hours named.
At the same hours on Sunday the
General Delivery, Stamp and Register
windows will be open. Registered
at considerable expen,e, and will be b „ rec0|ved dltlmtch and
given together with the regular vau- delivered
devllle attraction, which will consiat of On Monday, (Chri.tma. Day) the
a refined ringing and dancing act that CUy Carrle „_ wlu m , k , one fulI de .
the management will guarantee to be , lvery aQd collect10n of roa „. E>tra
carrier* have been employed and mall
will be delivered In all possible
haste. Alao on Chriatmaa Day .from
8 to 10 a. ra., the general deUvery,
•lamp and roglater window* will be
open for general builnaaa.
The rural carriers will make their
usual trips on Christmas Day.
21 2t Poatmastar,
Atlanta, On, Doc. 21.—Governor
John Slaton solved the problem of
the judgeship in the Cordele circuit by
giving both applicants a Job—which la
by way of showing that Georgla'e act
ing Governor Is somewhat of a, dlplo.
mat as well as a wlso man in pWKIng
Solicitor Walter F. George was ap
pointed Judge to succeod Judge U. V.-
Whipple, resigned. Mr. George was
In town and as sooni as ha received
word of his apuolntment he reitsned
aa solicitor, and Governor Slaton at,-
once named Judge Max E. Land, ot
Cordele, aa the non; solicitor .
Both men wer* applicants for the
judgeship, and Oovtrnor Slaton was
no little worried about the appoint
ment, Inasmuch aa both then had pow.
orful baoklng and the strongest kind'
of Indorsements.
But he solved his problem most sat
isfactorily nil around. Both, are good
men and will make excellent officials,,;
The appointments are effective Jan
uary I, and both men will have to gd
before the people In the next general
There wore half a dosed or more
applicants for the position of solicitor 1
In tbe event Ihe vancancy occurred.
At 12 o'clock yosterduy the hun
dreds ot boys and! girls attending tho
Waycross public schools were -'turned
loose" for the holidays. The schools
will open again on Thursday. January
for tho spring term,
Miss Resale Wright's school for
little children also closed yetserday
until after the holidays. - Tbs school
will reopen on Tuesday, January 2. ,
especially good and will not offend the
most scrupulous.
The management Eave decided not
to raise the price for this extra at
traction, and are especially anxloue
for all of their patrone to lake advan
tage of thls opportunlty to see t fifty
cent show tor fifteen cents. They-tb-
solutcly guarantee satisfaction to ev
eryone attending.
MR. J. N.
Mr. J. N. Hughe* Is moving bla fam
ily to Savannah, wbtre they will re
side in future Mr. Hughes has‘been
manager here for the Metropolitan
Ufa Insurance Company, ofNew York,
and he will still be associated with
that company In .Bavannab. Tbelr
many friends here regret to see them
leave Waycross. Mr. W. E. Morton,
of Griffin, Qa., comae to Waycroaa aa
manager of tbe Metropolitan's busi
ness bare. Tbs Hamid extend* to
blm n most, hearty welcome.
Some of our sporting friends, among
them a prize lighter, promised ue
meet of birds for Christmas. Robert
White Is yet cheerfully whistling from
bis bowtr as the autumn leaves are
felling. He le still vary much alive
and tha vision of "quail on toast”
which wt bare so fondly cherished Is
fast passing away. We shell bury
thl* vision in our grave yard of “lost
hopes" and Its epitaph shall be "Thlf
grave has been caused by that moHTI-
mental liar who promaled us Bob’!
Buy the boy an Irish Mall for Xmas,
22 2t P. N, Harley Hdw. Co.
cago Stockyard* Are a year ago today.
Last week a 'fund oft $211,000 raised
by popalar subscriptions was distrib
uted among tbe twenty-one widows of
the Hr* victim*. i '
of your Xmas treo may spread the
ruin of your entire bouse. Of course
you do not expect to bo so careless,
but protect yourself against all possi
ble catastrophes. Wo advise that you
take out n policy. '
but tt somellmee comes, and when It
does It seems to come in bunches.
Protect yourself ae far as you can
and then go serenely along your »ar
and do not cron any bridges till yon
came to them.
Phone Mt. La Grande Building.