Newspaper Page Text
aycross Evening Herald
volume XIX
To War Dapartment By
Souvenir Hunters—No
New Wireless Equipment
For Aeroplanes Late
Says The United States
.Supreme Court “Bul
wark of Privileges"
Washington, Dec. 22.—Sentimental
ists and souvenir hunters, as well as
town governments and patriotic or-
Izatlons, have been pouring re
quests into the navy department re-
itly for relics from the ill-fated bat-
eshlp.Maine. As the department has
authority for disposing of any pare
jt the vessel, all requests to date have
turned down.
,o attempt has yet been made to
In just what parts of the wreck
it be available to be given away,
tough it has been suggesed that
[Auch articles as the staff, gun mounts,
guns, whistles and even the bell,
would make Interesting adornments
I tor the headquarters of patriotic or
ganizations or the naval museums.
The department is awaiting upon
the action of congress before making
any plans for the # disposition of the
I will seil at auction to the highest
bidder, before the Court House door
at 10 o’clock, Saturday, December 23,
a nlimber of guns and pistols to pay
charges for repairs made at my shop.
Winchester,' pump gyns, breechload
rifles, etc. .
J. T. McGee.
Washington. Dec. 22.—Members of
the signal corps are awaiting with in
terest tests of the new wireless equip
ment for aeroplanes; which was ship
ped yesterday from the laboratory of
the signal corps here to Augusta, Qa.,
the winter headquarters of the aero
nautical army of the corps. It is be
lieved that the new apparatus, which
was worked out and perfected by the
signal corps officers in the laboratory
here, will make a great stride in the
wireless signalling from air craft.
With the perfection of the sending and
receiving apparatus the principal prob
lem now before the officers is the
As an experiment the “attennae"
will be placed first on the four posts
at the ends of the planes.
The apparatus itself is about as
compact as it Is possible, taking up
about as much space as an ordinary
suitcase and weighing only eighty
The power, is derived from a small
generator attached io the propellor
shaft of the aeroplane.
Ladies, Misses and Children’s all
pers at
20 41 The Standard Shqe Co.
Oklahoma City, Okla., Dec. 22.—
Making his address primarily an at
tack upon the Supreme Court of the
United States, which he declared has
become a bulwark of privilege,” Unit
ed States Senator Robert L. Owen at
today’s session of the 8tate Bar As
sociation replied to the arraignment of
the recall of the judiciary by Judge B.
C. Stuart. Owen’s reception was a
lukewarm one in character.
In his attack on the Supreme Court
Senator Owen was careful'to say that
he did not impugn the motives or hon
esty of any of its members, but- that
all were Influenced by their previous
training and associations.
"The people have arrived at a de
cision and a dispassionate judgment
to the manner in whi<(h men are
put on the Supreme Court bench of
the United States,” he said. "EVery
man who has gone on the bench since
the iranB-Mlssi8sippl rate case has
been in favor of writing into the laws
the word ‘unreasonable’ which Con
gress refused to put there.”
He said that in the case of contro
versies between individuals, thfe dburta
would have to be supreme arbiter, but
that in matters of public policy, the
final! decision should be with the peo
ple. {
*ancy Vests
^ ***** *„-•
New Lot of Mufflers and Reefers
New Lot of Bath Rohes
New Lot of Sweater Coats
New Lof of Soft Shirts
Everything you wear.. All New
- A program of exercise, arranged for
at the beginning of the conatrnctton
of the WaycrosB Street and Suburban
Railway on January 4, 1012, baa been
arranged. Tbe work begine at tbe
Intersection of Alpha and Nicbolls
streets, wbere the exercises will be
held, beglnlng promptly at. 10 o’clock
Following is the program In
First, on program—Music by The
Why-cross Band.
Becond on program—Prayer by
Rev. W. H. Scruggs.
Third on program—Speech by tbs
Hon. Mayor, John M. Cox.
Fourth on program—Selection by
The Waycross Band.'
Fifth on program—Response by Col.
W. W. Lambdln.
Sixth on program—Removal of Ural
shovel of dirt by the prciident, Hon.
G. W. Deen.
Seventh on program—A comtnlttee
of eight aoloctod from the board of
governors to place the first twenty-flvo
ties, will be as follows: C. M. Sweat,
O*o. W. Bane*, W. E. Birmans, a
Lott, JohnT. Myors, H. J. Benton, E
J. Berry, O.'PJ Folks.
Eighth on program—A committee of
tlx members of the City Council to
place the first two rails, aa follows:
C. E. Dunn, James Sinclair, C. A. Lo-
Count, John Moors, Fred Brewer, Cal
vin Parker.
jflnth on program—A committee of
four selected from the board of dlreo-
tora of the Street Railway Company,
to drive tho golden aplkea as follows;
L. J. Cooper, J. L.' Sweat, X L. Wal
ker, A. M. Knight, John S. Walker.
Tenth on program—Seleetlon by the
Waycross Band, and adjournment.
The above committees, and
public In general are cordially Invited
to be present. ..
Paying Semi-Annual Divi-
vend of Four Per Cent.
A Strong Institution
The city carriers window will be
Christmas Day-Monday-will bo ^ on Bunday IJC00mller u trom s
generally 1 observed in Wnycross, and ^ „ m Patr0n8 who , mve
business will be practically suspend- ma| , de „ vered ^ j h( j clty car .
' ! rlera, can bo aorvoU by calling at the
f Notwithstanding the very disagree* | PoM offlco durlng th „ h A„> pamod .
ble weather during the paa£ tew days, J At ^ „„„ hou „ on ± n JL „ 10
General Delivery, Stamp and Register
itbe shopping districts have been crowd
ed and the merchants have enjoyed a
fairly good trade.
Tlie railroads havo ulso been doing
a flourishing business, nearly every
! train passing through Waycross being
crowded with people going to or from
tbeir homes to spend Christmns.
Following its usual custom, no paper
will be issued trom Tbe Herald* office
Monday. Tho next regular issue of
the paper will appear Tuesday after
Tho Herald wishes its many readers
a "Merry Christmas” and a.happy and
prosperous'New Year.
Atlanta, Qa., Dec. 22 Judge Arthu,
Pos’ell sprang a surprise on tbe oB-
clals at the state capltot today by
handing In bla resignation to Governor
Slaton to take effect on January 16.
It waa understood that ha was going
to resign, announcemeht to this effect
being made aome time ago, but It waa
not thought he would take action until
aome time In March.
His resignation left the matter of
tbe appointment of hie successor on
tbe Court of Appeals up to Governor
Slaton, who at once named J. R. Pottle
a well known attorney of Blakoly. Mr.
Pottle was notified of the appointment
by wire afid ft 4a understood will ao-
Judge Powell resigns In order to
resume the practice of law before bo
le too old. Ho Quite because he feels
he owes It to ble family to go into
aoafe work where he can earn more
money than the 14,000 a year paid ap
pellate court Judges.
vlndows will be open. Registered
until will bo received for dispatch end
On Mondny, (Christmas Day) the
City Carriers will make one full de
livery and collection of mall. Extra
carriers havo been employed and mail
will be dellevcrod lu all possible
haste. Also on Clirlslnma Day from
$ to 10 a. m., the geutrul dellvory,
stamp and register windows will bo
open for gcnoral business.
The rural carriers will make their
usual trips on Christmas Day.
21 2t Postmaster,
Buy the boy ep Irish Mall tor Xmas.
II If P. N. Harley Hdw. Co.
Ring up (II and gat a demonstra
tion. If the ear doaa not aeU Itself
Ra our fault
14 Ct eod.
. - - /
The First National Rank of our city
la mailing out today to Its ahhrehold-
era Its usual aeml- annual dividend of
4 per cent. This means 18,000 that
goes to Its stockholders aa a Christ
mas present, which fa very appropriate
and no doubt duly appreciated.
This foots up 124,000 In dividends
paid by this banlT within a period ot
twelve months, which speaks much
for tbe present management. Mr. L„
J. Cooper waa elected president Just •
little over a year ago, and Immediate,
tely put the bank on a dividend paying,
The resources of this bank at this
time are over a million dollars. The
depositors have shown a wonderful In
crease, footing up at this Hmo over
$500,000, which la almost doublo the
deposit! of tbe hank twelve months
The First National Hunk is a Htrong
substantial Institution of Waycross
nud South Georgia. Its capital la'
$200,000. Its nmuKumont- la conserva
tive and progressive, all of which Is
duly appreciated by the public as le
demonstrated In Its wonderful growth
for tho past twelve months.
Washington, Dec. 22.—"Power hat
not boon lodged with the Interstate
Commerce Commission to equalize
economic advantages, to place one
market In competition wlUT another,
or to treat all railroads as a part of
one great whole, to apportion to each
a certain territory or to require all to
meet upon a common basis at all
This Important principle, was laid
down by the commission today In de
ciding the caio of the Ashland (Ohio)
Fire Brick Company against tbe
Southern Railway and other roads.
The manufacturers of fire brick
along the Ohio river alleged that thalr
freight rathe to cities In the South
were unreasonable aa compared with
the rates to the same destinations
from St. Louis and other points ot
manufacture. They wore not sustain
From coruln Kentucky points tbs
commission found tbs rates to be un
reasonable, and • reduction of one
cent a hundred pounds wss ordered, i
Big reduction on doll carts, Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday, Walker-
Hood RiMJtars Compaapr • - 22 2t
Mrs. Suulo J. McGee, wife of Major
Frank H. McOee, died last night at 10,
o'clock at tho family residence on
Collego Hill. Mrs. McGee had bOon^Q
for sovoral months, amt her death,
while a grout shock to her family and
friends, wua not unexpected. The
deceasod was u native of Macon, find
was 52 years of uge. She la survived
by her' molhor, Mrs. Willem Puce,
husband and three daughters, Mrs,
McGregor Mayo, Mrs. Ueorgo Mayo,
^and Miss Busle McOee. The funeral
will occur at the residence tomorrow
afternoon at 2:llu and will be con
ducted by Rev. Osgood F. Cook. Tho
funeral arrangements are in charge of
Mr. H. Loiter Marvll. The following
gentlemen have been selected lo act
A^pan6e«<sjtv'«nd are requested to
mast, at Mr. Marvli’s undertaking
parlogTS Vt o'elpck:. R. V. Izlor,
[O. L. Redding. H. Hongevefd, J. B.
lom. Dr. O. P. Folks, J. W. Beilin-
The Interment will be at Oat
of yonr Xmas tree may apraad tho
ruin of your entire house. 01 course
you do not expect to bs so circlets,
but protect yourself against all possi
ble catastrophe*. W* advise that yota
taka out a policy.
but It (omotimea comas, and when -It
does It seems to come In bunches.
Protect yourself as Car as you can •
and than go serenely along your say
and do not cron any bridges till y^ta
coma *c them.
- Phene 250. LaQrande Building.