Newspaper Page Text
Will Will Have Revolu-
. tionist Only Slightly
Thorawell Andrews Lost
Under The - Direction of
The Atlanta Automobile
Mystery Surrounds The
Hausmann Taught Two
Presidents Rudiments
Military Drill
ar Sylvania, Ga., W
Fifty Passengers On
Control of His Ma
Death of Nineteen-Year-
Old Girl
New York, Dec. 18.—"Of courts,
ray brother could not put Gen. Royet
to death,” deolafbd Julio Madero, kina-
than of the President of Mexico, on
hit arrival here today.' “One of the
plankt on which Madero waa elected
wta the abollUon.ot the death penal:
ty,” said the executive’s brother, aM
he went on to declare he thousbt
Reyes would (at off with .all|ht fitnt-
lahment as penalty for attempting to
frame up another Mexican revolution.
Madero claimed freedom of the press
had gone tob far In Mexico. “In some
of the papers," be explalnod, “you
find the front page covered with scare
heads and Iho columns tilled with the
most scandalous articles. Then, away
back, hidden away In smaller type
there Is an expiatory paragraph read
ing something like this: ’Ac the mo
ment of going to press sre learn that
everything we have said on the front
page Is not true.’"
• Albany, Ga, Dec. *8.—Thomwell
Andrews, aviator. In landing from his
'Igbt at the aviation meet here this
afternoon about 3 o’clock lost con
trol of his machine, a Curtis biplane,
crashed Into the corner of the fancy
surrounding the baseball park and the
machine was totally demolished,
Andrews miraculously escaped seri
ous Injury.
Washington, D. C., Deo. 38.-—Capt.
Theodore Hausmann, who had the die-
tmcUon of teaching two presidents of
the United States the rudiments of
military drill. Is dead at his homo
here at- the ago of 84. A native of
France and for a time an offleer in
the French army, Hausmann came to
this country before the dvll war and
enlisted with the artillery, receiving
as recruits while In Cincinnati, O.
Rutherford B. Hayes and William Mo-
President Hayes, after the war, com
missioned him consul at several South
Amrlcan republic, but In bis declining
years he has served as a watchman
here In the State, War find Uavy build
Ing and the Bureau of Printing and
Lyons, Ga., Dec. 28.—Charged with
knowledge of the murder of 18 year
old Moggie Newsome at English Eddy,
In the Altamaha river In- this county,
last Monday night, five white men are
held In the Toombs county jail here.
Mystery surrounds the killing and
the motive for It ESth of the live
men states he Is innocent of shooting
the girl and states he. does not know
who killed her. /
Thy live men la jail are “Bud” Ea
son, John Toole and his son, JaM5*
Mason, Jr., and a man named Falter.
They were arrested shortly alter the
' An Inquest was held by the Toombs
i county coroner today at the scene of
will take charge of the building, to the girl's death, but the result of this
prepare booths and platforms, and to nas Qot yet been' learned. An effort
hang dbeontlons and to Install the using made to solve the* problem
Sylvania, Ga., Dec. 28.—The Sylva
nia and Girard train while on its re
turn trip from Rocky Ford this morn
lag was wrecked juat alter leaving
Zetgler station for Sylvania. The
train was heavily loaded and was Tun
ning rather fast at the time of the
wreck for the purpose of making over
fe a hill, when a trestle across a small
■ stream gave way as the passenger
I coaches were passing over it.
A Only the rear trucks of the coach
■ for negroes left the raill and no ono
■ was hurt, but the coach carrying the
H White passengers turned completely
Hover, causing considerable excitement
■ among the passengers, and seriously
I injuring several; among whom were
■ (he Rev. C. D. AdamB of Sylvania,
I Jothodlst minister, and Col. A. s.
w Anderson of Mlllen.. A young man
j named Gambler was badly hurl Ho
| wae to have been married this after-
I noon. /
Several ladles were on the train but
aside from the nervous shock none ;
was Injured. There were probably
gfty persons in the overturned coach.
L One if the passenger* wsb Mr. J.
I M. Monger, who travels for Kava i
I naugh & Co., of Savannah. Ho was :
■ badly shaken up, but not hurt, nnd i
■ reachod Sylvania in a box car, riding t
^gseven miles after the accident. e
Hla right arm waa hurt
and he wae seveiely braised about the
body. Little Lunar Mathis, 10 year
old eon of P. L. Mathis, waa standing
beside the fence at the point where
the crush occurred. He received a
severe scalp wound, but was not ser
iously injured.
Several thousand In the grandstand
and bleacher* witnessed the accident
and swarmed across the ball park to
the wrecked machine. The accident
brought to an end the exhibition al-
most at Ita beginning,
j tho unusual occurrence puts before
Thirty thousand square feet of floor (ho county, authorities,
space sre estimated to be avallablte i t |, stated that a pistol bullet of 88
for exhibit purposes. This It priced calibre caused the death of Mist New
at SO cants per square foot, the pro- 10me and that she died In the proa
ceods being used to cover the expense once of tho five men who arc under
of the allow, the exhibitors will re- arrest. She died baton she could
make a statement to anyone else.
Neighbor* who were going In the dl
rectlon of the girl’s homo}to accom
;iany her to a puffy In the neighbor
hood camo up to the five men and the
girl, who lying on luo ground either
ju:t dying or just having died when
They arrived.
. e story that has reached here
from English Eddy, Is to (he effect
that the live men were attending the
party and there was no one tbero to
play tile piano for the guests. If then
was suggested that Mirs Newsome,
who could play, by sent tor. The live
men arc alleged to have gdne to the
Y. M. C. A.
Good services at the A. C. L. shops
today. Jim English was the speaker.
He spoke very encouragingly of the
great opportunities that all boys and
men had In Ware rose. After the ser
vice there was an old time hand shak
ing. Special aervlce for Sunday for
men will be conducted by Mr. Butler.
Mr. Butler will give the association a
double barrel service. He will slug a
special selection and also give a
strong talk to men only.
Savannah, Oa., Dee. 89.—The reor
ganisation of Savannah’s Are depart
ment- Is going forward with rapid
strides and soon there will not be a
Two addl-
t coive part or all of their money back
t from the revenues of the exhlblllon;
and any surplus over thvlr payments
, for space’ will be turned Into the
. treasury of the association, In which
t arc associated all of the leading auto-
, mobile jmd accessory dealers .of. At
lanta. The‘about Is to'He v a TwlpflW
! live affair, not Is tho hands of specula
tors and no Individual can derive any
private gain from It-.
Most of the show space has already
been sold, and the sale of the real Is
assured. Not less than fifty exhibi
tors are anticipated; and at least
eighty makes of cars. In tho latest
1912 models, will be abown. In addi
tion to nil of the standard accessories.
It la expected that the exhibit! aggre
gate a total valuo of ono mllllln dol
lars. Many of the exhibits from the
Chicago national show, which closes
lone week before the Atlanta show
opens,-will be brought here, apaco
having boen reserved for them.
The date* of tho show occur In a
season whon the agricultural Indus
tries of the south are temporarily Idle
and in the hiatus between tbs holidays
end tho beginning of spring trade,
Many visitors sre expected. Special
rates have been asked of all the
southeastern railroads.
“bqoff In the department,
tlonal automobile Are engines ware
S lyeil from the Amerlcan-LuFranco
Engine Company, of Elmira, Now;
York, yesterday.
They will be given a thorough teet
by Chief Thoms* tiallantync before
being placed in commission;
With several of these machines.
New Lot of Gloves
New Lot'of Neckwear
New Lot of Fancy Vests
New Lot of Mufflers' and Reefers
NewLot of Bath Robes '
New Lot of Sweater Coats
New Lot of Soft Shirts
Mrs. R. L. Robbins, sentenced at the
recent term of Were Superior Court
to serve twenty yean for killing Bell*
Smith last Julj, was carried to tho
State farm at Mllledgovlll* last night
to btgln her sentence.
L. C. Brown, who was given a year
for embexsllng funds belonging to tho
local Painters- Union, was also car
ried to the slat* farm last night.
Savannah, Os., Deo. 19.—Through
the passage of * marked rare coin the
first due to the Identity of the yeggs
who entered the (tore of William
Sawyer, at Thunderbolt, near her*
bras obtained, followed by the arrest
of Nero Wright,' a negro, 22 yean of
age. Wright Is being . held at the
county Jell for the grand Jury.
The coin was the property bf Frank
Rosaltnol, n resident of Thunderbolt.
It had been loft In the safe for securi
ty. when the safe was taken out of
the store the coin wont trills It. The
coin was marked with a ’IK". After
the robbery the dealers were’notified
to b* on the alert for the coin. It,
was spent In another store shortly
after, tbs robbery by Wright'snd bis
arrest followed.
' Now It Is up to Wright to explain
how he camo in possession *of the
coin; hot he has refused to dlsttod*
anything In connsctloa with tho rob
bery at this Urn*:
The Retail Clerk’s Local Union, No.
1240, hold nn Interesting meeting last
1 night and elected ofllcer* for tho on-
suing term. There was s large atten
dance, nnd after the business session
refreshments were served. Following
are tb* offleora elected:
L. Carl Collins, President.
D. J. Waldron, First Vico President.
L. L. Cason, Second Vic* President.
Walter E. Leo, Secretary and Treas
James R. Sauls, Recording Secrets-
[All New
of jsper Xmas tree may spread the •
rain <R your entire house. Of course
yon do not expect to be so carols**,
hot protect yourself against all posSL.
hie catastrophes. Wo advise that yoar
take out a policy.
hat it sometimes come*, and when It'
does It seems to come In bunches.
Protect yourself as far as you-cal
and then go serenely along your *ay>
and do not crow any bridges tllLyptu
ram* *o them. ,
H. D- McDonald, Quid*.
C. A. Mott, Sentinel.
D. J. Waldron, Cicero Wilkinson.
L. L. Cason, Trustees.
Itatsjn cakes, msrbt* cakes, and
citron cakes going at cost tt J.'W. S.
Hardy’s, phono (2. i» 2t
in* 268. LaOryid* Building.