Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 29, 1911, Image 7
( •{ ' WrfEten, Com) MR J DICK? TEMPLE; Words and Music by RICHARD TEMPLE. Last nijrlit I fell a • dream • ing, Said the moon, “ My dear lit • tie plan ct, REFRAIN. ,,^ M. KN/GHTi UNCES FOR ordI^arV. \ itancei force me to gst Into is" this early and announce olf as a candidate toy Ordinary next Democratic primary elec- / Min. Should any one else ocer for f this place I trust that he will be at [ Bne a man a. my good friend B. H. , Thomas, which would Insure a clean frace. If elected 1 will see that the ! office Is kept open all day. I solicit my share of-the votes. A. M. Knight FOR ORDINARY. Fo the Voters of Ware county: I hereby announce that I am a can- Udute for the office of Ordinary of .Ware county, subject to the Demo cratic primary to be held later, if elected I promise to give my entire time to the duties of the office and solicit the support of my friends. Respectfully, ' a 8. Henderson. FOR ORDINARY. V C.Irens of Ware Coupty: x-eretoti,. • I have stated that- 1 would Obt lit v vmdldath to succeed myself "eg fir".- if Ware County, but gluts r* ture consld. having elected . one term, which . •tier more ma- d the people at position for •tier fitted ms to fill that position-. r r succeeding term, I have decided t« yield to the solicitations of ,my many frlendy who hare Importuned mo to stand for re- election and hereby make this my announcement for Ordinary (of Ware County, subject to the Democratic primary to he called by the Democrat lo Executive Committee of Ware conn- *• K Yours respectfully, B. H. Thomas. FOR ORDINARY. This Is to notify mv friends thst I am in >V» for the office of Or- fitnary of v.'cre county, subject to the Democratic primary. It successful lj 8AVED MANY FROM DEATH, will not only keep the office open for W. L. Mock, of Mock, Ark., believes the convenience of the public, but he has saved many llres In bis 26 will stay In It myself. | years of experlencs In the drug busl- Yours truly, ' nest. "What I always like to do,” lie M. J. Carstvell. ’writes, "Is to recommend Dr. King’s — ■ - ] Neff Discovery for weak, sore lunge, FOR ORDINARY. (hard colds, hoarseness, obstinate f hereby announce that I will bo a]coughs, la grippe, cn»up, asthma or caudldate for tho office of Ordinary I other bronchlcal affection, (or I feel >f Ware county, subject to the Deni- sure that a number of my neighbors and dealing In locks, hinges, and other J Company shall' have the power to con- hardware of all kinds, including grates tract and to be contracted with; to xrattc primary to bo held later. If sleeted, I promise to give my atten tion to the office and keep It open. It will bo no side lino with me. This urly announcement Is made neces sary by the fact thst other candidates have already announced tor this of fice. Soliciting the support of my trlends, 1 am, yours to serve, O. P. FOLKS. BOWDEN IN SENATORIAL RACE. are alive and well today because they took my odvlco to use It I honestly believe Its tho best throat and lung medicine that’s mads.” Easy to provo he's right Get a trial bottle free, or regular 60 cent ur |1,00 bottle. Guar, antbed by All Druggists. GERRGIA—WARE COUNTY. To the Superior Court of said county: Tho petition of Geo. W. Deen, F. H. McGee, and D. S. Schureman all of sold county, shows as follows: L Petitioners desire that they, The Herald Is authorised and r« tueated to announce that Hod. J. E. T. ilowden will he. a mndldate for the thtlr •***+ ,ucceMer * and “i State senator from tho Waycross die ’riel in the primary 'to be called later «nd ihai a plain statement will sp »ir some time b ter -IS 61 Don't freeze. Ws have blankets ind comforts that will keep ybu •arm. Cash or easy payments. Homo Furniture Company, 17 tf Plant and Albany Avenue. WAYCROSS LODGE No. K& F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON IECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENING AT 7:30 P. M. All Masons Invited to Attend: /* J. M. BELL. W. M. 1 W. A CLARK, SEC, WILLIAM R. THOMAS, M. D. ♦ Offices 120 and 111 LaOrands ♦ Bjylldlpg. Honni » to 11; 2 to 4. signs,, bo Incorporated for the term of twenty years (VUb the usual privil ege of rtnewal) under tbs name of the "WAffCROSS SASH. DOOR ft MANU FACTURING COMPANY." 2. The object of said corporation le pecuniary gain to Its stockholders. 3. The particular business to bo carried on is that of buying, manufac turing, selling end desllng in sash, doors, , blinds, frames, mouldings, com nlces, columns, balustrades, boxes, crates, furniture of all kinds, desks, wardrobes, mantels, railroad box and flat cart, showcases, store fixtures, bank fixtures, coffins and all other kinds of articles made of rough, plan ed or finished. lumber of timber, whether same bo pine, cypress, oak, gnm, bay, chestnut, walnut or other variety of wood; engaging In a general | woodworking business, manufacturing land selling nil kinds of Interior end exterior finishes end furnishings of wood, tin. Iron, brass, or other ma- terixlr; painting, hard oiling, glaxlng and finishing any of Its products and erecting and placing name In build ings; manufacturing, buying, selling tics, and other hardware products, us well ae In all and every kind of mater, lal, Iron, steel, wood, brick,, cement, concrete, granite, stone and other ma- trials; doing a general foundry busl- ness, and working In Iron, steel, and In other metals antf materials; buying, holding, using, leasing, and keying ] patent rights, letters patent, processes, devices, Inventions, trade marks, for mulas and other rights and privileges; doing a general manufacturing busl- ness; operating planing mills, saw mills, turpentine stills and plants and conducting a cross tie and general nip vsl stores build"— "’”1 dis posing of all or rfny of Its finished pro ducts; conducting Its manufacturing plant or plants for making any of the aforesaid articles; and also buying, selling and dealing In real estate and In goods, wares and merchandise of 111 kinds, and doing a general business ns builders and contractors. Also purchasing the necessary raw materials needed In tin business; and also buying, manufacturing, repairing, assembling, and selling automobiles, and other vehicles, motors, engines, pumps and all other articles and things jpjj l borrow and lend money; to execute Itx promissory notes, bonds, or otbtr evidences of debt for any debt* or loans It may owe, and to secure same by mortgages, pledges, deeds of trust, security deeds, or other satisfactory scurlty; to receive In payment for Us stock, olther common or preferred, or for any bonds or other obllgalont may Issue, rights or franchises or oth er consideration satisfactory to Its stockholders or director!; to hold stock In other corporations; also to have any and all other rights, powers and privileges nscesstry for carry on the business of said Company . . above stated, and for accomplishing tho purposes of Its organization, and to have all o!1)sr rights, powers, priv lieges and Immunities common and Incident to corporations generally nil dor the law, WHEREFORE, petitioners pray to b» Incorporated In accordance with tho foregoing. (Signed) Wilson, Bnnett ft Lambdin, Attorneys for Petitioners Filed In office this December 22nd. of every kind and description whateo. ever, and'conductlng a general work shop. I. The principal place of bntnsss of uld Company shall be In Waycross In said County, but petitioners desire the privilege of carrying on their buelness end establishing branches and agen cies of same elsewhere In this State or any other/ state. 6 Tho capital stock of said Com pany shall be 160,000.00, hot petition ers desire tho power to Increase tho asms, as and whenever they sen fit vxceedlng $600,000.00 by a majority (Signed) E. J. Berry, Clerk. A true copy. (Signed) E. J, Berry, Clark. A FATHER'S VENGEANCE Would have fallen on any on# who at tacked tho ion of Peter Bondy, of South Rockwood, Mich,, but bo was powerlsts before attacks of Kidney trouble, "Doctors could not hsl; him" ho wrote, "so at last Wo gave him Electric Bitten end he Improve! rep- from time to time, to toy amount not idly and wonderfully from taking six bottles. Its the best Kidney medicine vole of the stock; end alia to Issue j) ever zay." Backache, Tired foolin', ■treferred stock to any nraonnt not j Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, warn wcoodlng 6600^00.00 In addition to lie j of kidney trouble that may end In -ommen oWck, and to giro oamo nuca[ dropsy, diabetes or Bright’s disease, righto and privileges an they may j Beware; Tike Electric Bittern and he conatder advisable. * I sate. Every botUe guaranteed. 60o 6. Petitioners desire that said I at AH Druggists, Very Serious lib very terrain matter medicine Mia twla you. buying I be careful to get tfcc gesuina— BUck-SigHT 1 liver Medicine . The reputation cfthii old, relia ble medicine, Ccr constipation, io- digcation and liver trouble, la firm* Ijr established. It docs not imitata ■ tj wwutuaw, a. t-jt-u nut inwat* I ■ other medicines. It Is tetter than 1 others, cr it v/ouM not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larges | Sale than all others combined. SOLD Of TOWN PS £1 Its I so I ’** I J N EXT time you walk by the store, ive wish you’d stop a minute and take a look at Big Ben. He’s the finest sleepme- ter made—the best looking —the best built—"the best running. You. needn’t take our word for it, we keep him in the'windows, you can see for yourself. $2.50 This Is the dock tWy «rs s4r*r- Little & 0d>m PHbNe 8. Published by MURRAY MUSIC CO„ New York. Copyright by Jos. W. Stern & Co. Used by permission. British Copyright Secured.