The Waycross journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1895-1914, March 06, 1914, Image 8
WAYCROSS JOURNAL. WF ‘ g 7 ’ THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1914 yr. * >' Living Room Furniture. GREAT VARIETY BUILT FOR SERVICE For genuine attractiveness, and ability to endure hard service, there is nothing that equals Fumed Oak—the beautiful nut brown color—the straight sturdy lines—the brown genuine Spanish leather upholstery—the ab solute comfort of it- -all tend to make it what you want. Look it over, prices are right BISSELS Carpet Sweepers SPECIAL SiT, MUCH 7 AND WHILE THEY LAST The Famous xxxx Sanitary Mdjp A $2.50 value for 98c Complete For Dnstless Dusting A great labor saver, an absolute necessity in every home. For furniture, floors, iineoleum, an- ticeptic and a germicide, exam ine them at once. Hone charged. No phone orders taken. Nop with screw handle and lirge $1 size can of Polish, all for 98 Cents See our window display. One of the greatest Bargains we have ever offered. Save your Rugs, make hard work easy, last a lifetime, we have the complete line 83.SO to 87.SO Ten Days Free Trial Whitney Carriages and Carts The Best LET US SHOW YOU WHY 30 patterns of Rattan Carriages from 914.00 to 940.00 SPECIAL! This one motion collap sible Go-Cart, exactly as shown here, covered with best English Leatherette, large rubber tired wheels at $5.25 Ideal Safety Cribs Best for the baby because of its many exclusive futures which insure abso lute safety and comfort. By special arrangement we are giving free with each crib a handsome book, entitled, “Baby’a Biography.” They coat no more than the ordinary kind -see them j£ee oir camplete assortment tf floor coverings. New pitterns in Grass snd Snnfsst mattings, hall and itair car pets, lineolenms, Lyndo Snnfast rugs, axminister, velvet snd brussels rugs, bought for less, to sell for less. Beautiful Wilton and Oriental patterns Axminister rugs, 9x12 size, slightly mismatched $25 values for $18. A Word or Two About Brass Beds The kind we sell are acid proof. Not only when you buy them, but far t lifetime. Bed shown here 60 in. M$h foot 40 in., continnous posts extra large, 26 1 in. fillers. 1-3 aash, lal- ance 30, 60,90 daya. $48.00 ADDED: January 3rd, another large store in Tampa, Fla., which gives ns one of the largest chain of stores in the South. It means buying in larger quanti ties and SAVINGS for oor Customers. Walker-Hood Furniture Co. Taa have a besiti- filline af Dining rie* tan fanltart, m nid aie af aar eutcaers a few days aga, and it it a fact. There is aie thing that we are especially proad of, and that if oar buatifsl as lertmeat of dining roam furnishings. All woods sad finishes, sil sizes, mstched suits or odd pieces, snd *11 At Money Saving Prices S3 and lOO F*iece Dinner Sets Of the finest domestic ware, in beautiful genuine Haviland decorations. 50 patterns, See our beautiful special 53 piece Gold band set at $6. 50c week Famous Ostermoor Mattresses At Special Prices Take advantage now of the opportunity to get these won derful mattresses at a sub stantial price reduction. Foil size $15 kind at . $12.45 Full size $18.50 kind at . . $13.55 Full size $22.50 kind at . . $16.85 Sunday Central A committee of twel' work on ptnnR fur the School addition to the Raptiat Tahcmncle and hope noon havo the financial end of the propoaition in aha|>o for the actual atarting of operations. The addition which linn heen •greed upon will make the lull- craaolo one of the Urgent church- M in thia aoction of Georgia, and will roliero tho present crowded condition in the church. At the name time its tho Sunday achooi addition ia liiiilt the orig inal platu whereby the roof can be tued for aervieea in atiitntier weather will lie Completed. Waycroas, yeaterday afternoon today are reported ns doing very well. Of the two the injuries re ceived by Timmerman are consul- i tlie more serious, although Settles received some ugly brumes ami gashes in the accident. The men were brought to Way- ross on a local freight, ami giv- ti prompt niedieai attention. A loose holt is believed to linve caus- I tlie ear to jump the track. nu is PICK UP COUNTY FEED BILL. WEST'S CREDENTIALS PRESENTED BY SMITH THE MOTOR OAR VICTIMS HOLDINO THEIR OWN TODAY. J. It. Timmerman and W. V Settle., who were painfully injur ed in a motor ear derailment near Hoboken, sixteen mill's from mm Washington, I). C., March 5.— Senator Hoke Smith yesterday prenenteil to tlie Souate the cre dent iaU of Col. W. S. West, re- ntly appointed to the Senate by Gov. Slaton. They were referred immediately to the Committee on Privileges and Kleetions. A fa vorable report ia expected by the time Senator Went arrives Fri day. senator Smith came to the t-apitol yeaterday for the drat time in aeveral daya, having been •ontined to hia bed for aeveral lays with grip. He staved only wo or three hours and spent praetieaily that time on the floor of the Seuate. MIMIC COtSI HUE ... , RAILROAD COMPANY Via Dixie Flyer Route Has been designated as the official route to Atlanta, (ia.. May 10-13, 1914, account the meeting of Imperial Council Noble* of the Mystic Shrine. Arrangement* have been made to operate «ev- era! sleepers from Wayeroas to Atlanta anil return, aceount of tho above occasion. These ears will be parked in convenient place in center of city eliminating the use of trolleys. For partic ular* and roaervationa ...... . See W. D. MORTON, Ambassador, or H. S. BAGGS, Ticket Agent Manager Clark has had a migh ty busy day today, and despite the steady work done has a great deal on hand to look after before he will feel like taking down his “thia is my busy day” sign. For some time this morning he conferred with Vice President Sinclair am! Directors W. E. Sir- man* and' M. b. Dunn. lie is get ting everything in shape to send out transportation to the players, and this may bo done the end of this week or early next week. The plans now are for the play ers to be on hand not later than March 15, excepting the pitchers who wil be asked to come in a lit tle ahead of time and get ready for real business. Everybody who talks with Manager Clark is con 'd that he has a splendid lot of players in line for Way cross and while he is not saying any thing much his self-satisfied smile is surely one of encouragement. Manager Clark's first welcome yesterday came from a represen tative of the Journal and he has been 'busy ever since shaking hands and telling the boys how glad he is to be back in Waycross. To the County Commissioners, Ware County, Geiitlemeu : 1 respectfully sub mit the following report of of feeding the couvicts and mules and eost of camp muiutuinancc for Feb., 1914: No. days, convicts 1,729 No. days, guards 168 TJotal 1,897 ^olalcpst of food $359.54 Cost per man per day .1895 cts. No. days, mules ...... 878 Total cost of feed $373.75 Cost per mulo per day .4206 cts. Camp maintainance, thia in cludes cost of guards, watchmen, quartermaster, kerosene oil and drugs, cost per day per man $.4032. Having no record of these costs last year I am unable to give you last year’s figures for comparison. Respectfully, E. II. MYERS, Clerk Co. Commissioners. 3-5-11. cili continue to use my endorsement of Doan’s Kidney Pills, for they have heen very beneficial in our family. I have given them a fair trial when having kidney com plaint and all its pains and disor der, and I consider them the ibest kidney medicine to be had. I got Doan’s Kidney Pills at Seals’ Pharmacy and they brought me relief after various other medi cine*; had failed to help me. The pains in my back were driven away and my kidneys were restor ed to their proper working or der.” terday, this fact had not been generally known. There had been reports some mouths ago that the consellor of the State Depart ment did not find his labors en tirely congenial and was about to resign, but these reports were promptly denied.. It was explain ed then, and again officially ex plained yesterday, that ^fr. Moore had come into the administration with a definite understanding that his tenure was provisional for a year; that he could return to his duties as head of the de- For sale by all dealers. PricA 50 cents. Fostcr-Milbum Co., P artment of international law at Columbia University. This fact Ruffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s— and take no other. WAYCROSS WITNESSES. FOR SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE WAYCROSS CIRCUIT I announce myself as a candi date for Judge of the Superior Court of the Wayeroas Circuit, subject to the primary to be held in August. Your thoughtful con. sideration ia moat respectfully so licited. J. L SUMMERALL. FOR RENT—Modern 6 room house, 43 Brunswick Ave. after March 9. See M. L. Moore. 3-5..-1U. BOARDERS Hicks St. WANTED —21 3 *5*5t*. The Name of Waycross Persons Familiar to AIL Who are the witnesses They are Wayeroas people. Resident* of Waycross who have had kidney backache, kidney ilia, bladder ilia; who hare used Doan’s Kidney Pilla Those wit nesses endorse Doan'a. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. I hereby announce myself a eandidate for the office of coun to surveyor subject to the Demo, eratie primary to be held later. If elected I promise that my of- lioiul act* will be governed by well recognized principles that arc applicable. W. A. TIIOMAS 3 5 tf. JOHN B. MOORE GIVES UP JOB WITH GOVERNMENT One Wave rom resident who speaks is J. P. Luther, proprietor of meat market, 47 Francis St. Saya Mr. Luther: “You may ARROW Moteft COLLAR. o.«f, f-i-i. a e-. i Washington, D. C., March 5.— John Bassett Moore, counsellor of the State Department and the recognized authority on interna tional questions, concluded his service with the government ; terday when President Wilson ac cepted the resignation Mr. Moore had submitted a month ago. Com ing when international affain oc cupy the forefront of official and public attention, the departure of Mr. Moore from a position second only to that of Mr. Bryan, attract ed widespread attention and com ment. ' h'SN Although the resignation had been in the President’s hands since Feb. 2, to take effect yes- waa strongly emphasized in the official correspondence made pub lic yesterday. Running into debt is plain sailing, but running out is where you strike the obstacles. The watch has a charm too for the pickpocket. If it’* GOOD toE*at WE’VE GOT IT! AUTOMATIC MARKET Lyric Theatre TODAY! TODAY! FULL SELECTION TO PLEASE *T.T. ‘The Clerk" A Majestic Drama by an all Star Cut. There are no Stan Uka the Majestic Start. “Pat Lareat of Flying A” This is one of the Greatest Western Pictures M4ds “Can of Baked Beans” This Thanhouier Comedy is Par-excellent. “The Starter” A Beautiful Lubin Comedy-Drama. DAILY MATINEE 2:45, NIGHT 7 P. M. ADMISSION: 5 AND 10 CENTS. Come out and hear our New Orchestra and get. acquainted with the music that is nssd in New York Theaters. We get tha music daily. They will play anything yon want Send requests to tha leader. COMING FRIDAY, OUR MUTUAL GIRL. Coming Saturday, Something Special Watch Oor Ad