The Waycross journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1895-1914, April 03, 1914, Image 1
IF YOU FAIL TO GET I THE PAPER TELEPHONE I THE WAYCROSS JOURNAL HELP US SYPHONING Aft NEWS ITEMS UK TO NUMBER UU VOLUME WVB. 1» The Journal is the Official Organ of Were County, City of Wa.vcr.w*. him) County Board of Edmcati on. I WAY0R088. OA.. FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1914. WEEKLY EDITION PRICE $1.60 PER YEAR. THE POT WET THE EAST WIT; HOLD UPS GET I NETT SUM PROMINENT NEW YORK CLUB RAIDED BY HOLD. UPS DURING POKER GAMES AND POTS ARE TAKEN. By Wire to The Journal. New York, April 2.—Five arm ed men entered the Merchants Club on west Seventeenth street early this morning and broke up several poker games. One pot taken by the hold-ups contained over $5,000. ■*" The players were so absorbed in the games in progress that the men who took charge of the pots entered the playing rooms and had the players covered before their presence was known. T REPORTS OF THU'S DEATH GIVEN DENIAL MBITS fill TO ROB UL By Wire to Tho Journal. Atlanta, Ga., April 2.—Thrco masked men attempted to hold up tho Seaboard’s Now York train No. 11 just before daylight near Comer today. Express Mes senger Fletcher in a gun fight was wounded. He shot a revolver from the hand of.a bandit. As tho train slowed down tho entire train crew joined in the fight and the robbers fled without securing any booty. It is believed one of tho ban dits was wounded, A large posse is hunting for the handits. CEMETERY PLANS ARE CONTINUED HON JAMES 1 SUMMER ALL Candidate for Superior Coutt Judge Way cross Circuit REBELS CONTINUE BATTLE BUT ARE MEETING STUB BORN RESISTANCE—SE OREOY BY REBELS. By Wire to The JonmaL Juarez, April 2—Latest reports from Torrcon say that fighting between the federala and rebels in Torreon continues, with neith er side showing any apparent gain over the other. General Villa's army is hausted and hungry. Tho fed eral, feeling that the capturo of Torreon means their excoution, are fighting desperately and giv ing the rebels stubborn resist ance at every move. Reports of the death of Villa are vigorously denied by the Con stitutionalists. Strict secrecy is being main tained over all sources of com munication with Torreon. SHIPS COLLIDE OFF NORFOLK. By Wire to Tho Journal. Norfolk, Va., April 2.—The steamer Robert Thompson and the schooner Augustus Snow col lided in a dense fog this morning. Tho Thompson wa< bound from New Orleans for Philadelphia. Tho schooner is badly damaged. Munriaiua IN BIG STOHM By Wire to Tho Journal. Montreal, Can, April 2.—It is feared today that at least 200 have perished in a terrific storm that is sweeping New Foundland. .A bulletin has just been received FOR LATER DATE. from St JoIms .^g. "Terri- hie disaster. 200 lost.’’ Later dispatches say: “Ono hundred and fifty men belonging to the sealer New Foundland adrift in blizzard on ice floes. It is feared all perished. Fifty dead and dy ing have been recovered.” It is believed tho sealing vessel is lost, with many small vessels swamped. Owing to the absence of Chair man H. Lester Marvil of the cem etery committee last night tho proposed plans for improving Oakland cemetery were not pass ed on by the Park and Tree Com mission. Chairman A. B. Estes said that he felt that it would be beat to take the matter up at a meeting to be held later. The commissioners present dis- -enssed a number of matters re garding the work now going on for park improvement and ex pect to hold an important meet ing shortly to launch a campaign in which all citizens will no doubt be glad to co-operate. HUE ZEKE IS HOLDER OE NEW YORK MARKETS. New York, April 2.—Railroad stocks higher but industrials gen crally shade off today. Cotton two lower to one higher. Later moving slowly upwards. May .12.32; July 12.08. W. & W. BUYS LUMBER AT OLD CAR FACTORY-NOTHING MORE different points along the A deal has been closed by the Wsycross and Western for about a hundred dollars worth of lum ber in old sheds at the car fac- Ky tory plant on Albany avenue. The Timber will lie used by the W. & ''w. at dil * line. A scare-head story in a local paper today telling of the 1 pur chase of the car factc*y site by the road has occasioned consid erable amusement. It is very well known in Waycross how the car factory aite and property ia involved. No deal in which the purebaae price amounts up into the thouaanda has been pulied off . r-as a matter of fact—bnt on pa per a deal of some magnitude has "been handled. \ Incidentally, tbe Wayerosa and Western is rushing ita line Milltown, details of the plana the road ia making to complete the line at the earliest possible date having appeared some time ago exclusively in the Journal. DR. W. M. FOLKS NAMED SURGEON FOR THE W. & W. Announcement waa made yes terday of the appointment of Dr. W. M. Folks, well known physi cian of Wayerosa, as surgeon for the Waycross and Western. He fills the vacancy caused recently by the death of Dr. M. M. John- Tlie following resolution waa unanimously adopted liy the Democratic Executive Committee of Pierce County, that we endorse in the highest terms the candi dacy of Hon. J. I. Summerall, for Judge of the Superior Courts of thq Waycross Judicial Circuit, and recommend him to the voters of the Circuit us a man eminently fitted from the standpoint of character, ability, training and by all our people ns one of our experience to discharge the du- lending men. No man has any tics of tlie office. Tho rcoord better record, and very few law made by Judge Suinmcral! as a yors have been so successful. Nut public mail is a matter of pride only is he well equipped, us a law to all his friends. Starting in life ycr, hut he also possesses high ns a poor farmer’s hoy with no ability ns a business man and ad advantages, having to earn ministrator, mid we submit that means himself with which to get it tabes more than inero legal nn education, he has steadily ad-| lore to lit a man for the Judge vanced until he is now regarded .ship. , t; St. Augustine Swept by Fire BIG HOTELS ARE BURNED FANS GOING WITH TEAM Quite u hunch of local fans will accompany tho local team on the trip to Jacksonville Saturday. Vice Preaident Sinclair of the lo cal aasociation will include all who make the trip on the party ticket if dcaired, and today haa been told by many to count them The party ticket rate la cheaper than the atraight fare. Manager Clark will probably take twelve men for the game. The players who will go will in clude. Chapman, Covency, Miller, Warwick, Clark, Anderson, Doh erty, Campbell, Jones, Fenton, Wasacn and Davis, T( By Wire to The Journal. Dover, Eng., April 2.—The French steamer Maine and the Spanish steamer Jose De Aram liura collided during a thick fog today. The Maine waa so badly damaged that she went under. Tlie crew were rescued. The Spanish ship waa badly diaabied WOOD FIRE TODAY. By Wire to The Journal. St. Angustine, Fla., April 2.— The heart of St. Augustine waa swept by fire early this morning. The Florida, the Munson and two other hotels, with the court house and many liuninois build ings, were destroyed before the (lames were checked. For a time an,i ,nto P 0 "’ it looked like the entire city was' , doomed. Fearing looting, tlie city waa MBS ’ B00TI * ® put under military control at * ADEL TODAY, once. ^ The Western Union and Postal Early thin morning at Adel, offices were both put out of com-1 where she had been seriously ill mission by the fire While it will lie late today be fore the exact loss can lie deter mined it ia known that the dam age done will pass the half mil lion dollar mark. At 4:45 this morning the fire men were called out by a fire in the wood yard of Will Willis, be-* Under Control at 9:46 Today, tween Reynolds and Pendergraat | The fire that started in bnild- strects, near Samuel. The alarm lings on the bay front at two-thir- waa turned in from box 43. Dam-| i age done ia estimated at 75 cents. * (Continued on List, Page.) for a number of months Mrs. Booth, mother of .Mrs. J. F. Har bin, of Wayerosa, died. She was 72 years old and a woman great ly beloved by all who knew her. Mrs. Harbin waa with her moth er when she passed away. Mr. flarbin left Waycross this morn ing for Adel. The funeral will be held at Ar- gyle tomorrow afternoon. LANDS MONSTER EAST OF WAYCROSS YESTERDAY— ALSO TAKES FIRST MOTOR. CYCLE RIDE. Fishermen of this section have got to ho up and doing now if they expect to got ahead of tho record established yesterday liy Uncle 55cke Henderson, member of tlie local polico department, and known throughout this part of Georgia ns one of tho original fishermen. On a trip to the Salilln “just to try his luck” Uncle Zckc yes terday caught a trout that weigh ed nine nnd a quarter pounds. This is the largest trout caught in years in tlie Satilln near Way- cross, and is larger than the mon ster caught at tho Rocks a few years ago. With Mr. Ilondcrson on the trip was Percy Walker, of tho (ire department. Incidentally, tho day went down on record as being the one on which tho vet eran fisherman nnd policeman took his first motor-cyclo ride. Mr. Walker rode Mr. nenderson out to tho river on his motor-cyclo nnd it is reported that Mr. Hen derson, while carriotl at milo a minute speed, more or less, want ed to move faster. Besides the big trout a number of smaller trout were caught, with other fish that made up a splendid string. THE LOCATION OF I REGIONAL IS Robson will SEEK PRESIDENCY. By Wire to Tho Journal. Birmingham, April 2.—In statement published ]i 0 ro today Congressman Hobson's campaign manager announces that Ilobaon wiii bo a candidate for President in 19115 if the presidential pri mary bill becomes a law. Ho will run as a progressive Democrat. 810 MI nmol nv Early today at Manor the bam of tho O. L. McQuaig Turpentine Company was destroyed by tiro, the origin of which is not known. Eight mulea, one horse and a quantity of feed were burned in the fire, The loss is estimated at between $3,000 and $3,500. ATLANTA, RICHMOND AND DALLAS DRAW REGIONAL BANKS—NEW ORLEANS IS DOUBTFUL LOCATION. By Wire to The Journal. Washington, April 2.—This af ternoon or tomorrow tho prelim inary organization committee fontted under the new currency laFt will announce decisions as to location of eleven of the tlvolve regional reserve hanks. The following cities have been selected: Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Kansas City, Boston, Now York, Philadelphia, Rich mond, Atlanta, Dallas and San Francisco. Tho fato in Now Or leans is ill doubt. If a bank is not located in Now Orleans a branch of tho St. Louis institution will bo established there. The fact is sot forth that tho South, instead of being a large borrower, is really a largo cred itor, as tho Soutli obtains only about $60,000,000 annually from Now York nnd Chicago, while transmitting about $200,000,000 annually to thoso centers. FIVE PLAYERS H E Tho pink slip was again in evi dence in baseball circles in Way- cross today and when Afanagcr Clark had finished the distribu- tion no less than five plnycrs had been turned loose. It is true that some of the men cut off are good plnycrs hut it just happened that men considered butter for tho team had been secured and there was nothing iufl but tu release tho extra men. Schroder, Leaman, McGann, Trecce and Iliglcfort are the men released today and Campbell, an inflcldcr, is the new man on the job, Tbo cause of Higiefort’s re lease was given in the Journal yesterday. I There is talk today of playing a benefit game next week, prob ably on Monday, for the disabled pitcher. The work of moving tho left field fence back twenty feet started this morning. \ Weather—Fair and warmer. Y. M. C. A. BUILDING IN BALANCE; THE CAMPAIGN ENDS TOMORROW The workers in the eampsignto for the Young Men’s Christian Association turned in $2,370 subscriptions today at tbe dinner reports. This leaves $4,218 yet to be secured to save the building from being sold under foreclos ure. Tho final meeting of the campaign is to be held tomorrow at 12:30 o’clock when tho ladies will furnish a luncheon to all workers and friends of the cam paign. Waycross is somewhat stirred bnt not sufficiently stirred on this question, for if all our people really appreciated what the loes of this institution would mean in the way of deatroying the hither-, splendid reputation which Wayerosa haa borne ai a city "where things that stand for tho best side of life are well thought of and adequately supported” the subscriptions would come in unsolicited. Not only so bnt there would be enough addition al subscribed to provide for im provements that are necensry in esse the Association ia to do sat isfactory work. Let every well-wisher of Way- cross come to this meeting of workers tomorrow after having subscribed this afternoon and join in the rejoicing over tho res cuing of this pet institution of ours from the peril which is im minent.