Newspaper Page Text
Baby's Favorite
Fmni Sturgis ind Sid-
way collapsible Gt-Carta
are ill made fill alze
with the wide eeata aid
lent bodies. Sprint! and
feari fnliy fnannteed.
The Sidwiy cart ia the
only one on the market
that every part of It ia
fnaranteed against de
fecta for two years.
Summer Weeds at Low Prices
We are especially proud of our line of Summer
needs, that are absolute necessities that you
ought to be contemplating buying now, such as
Porch Rockers, Chairs, Hammocks, Swings, Ice
Cream Freezers, Refrigerators, Mosquito Nets,
Oil Stoves, Go-Carts, Rugs, etc. 10 have
Chairs and
We are offering real
bargains in our stock
of rockers and chairs,
bargains made possi
ble by our great buy
ing power. Supply
your wants while our
lines are complete.
See Them
Porch Shades
When baying a porch sh:de yon not
only want one for, bnt for ven
tilation as well. Then we would sug
gest that yon boy a Komi or a Shred-
wood. All sizes.
Alaska Freezers
The most wonderful of all freezers, it
brenks all records in speed, makes
perfect ice cream in three minutes.
L ‘ “ Requires less
work and uses
less salt than any
other freezer.
New improved converti
ble Couch Hammocks
with folding legs, couch
hammock and standing
cot combined, made of
good quality canvas,com
plete with back rest in
windshield and National
spring. Get our prices.
Florence Automatic Oil Stoves
The Florence Is wickless, valveless, and
burns a blue flame; you can do the same
cooking as you would on a coal range,
only much easier and quicker. The cut
Illustrates the lever which Is used In regu.
latlng the flame. Sizes, one, two, three
and four burners, In high or low bases.
DADrH Dlirc Onyour porch this sum-
rUKhll IvUuD mer you will need a nice
rug which wi//add to its appearance and cozi
ness. Let us suggest our heavy grass rugs, heav
ier and better than the ordinary kind, in plain
and co/ored borders. All sizes. 9x12 tize$6.7S
Mosquito $©ts
Until yon buy one of oi-r cin-e iresh
canopies and bra-ssteei ir. mis. you are
going to be bothered turn the pesky
mosquitoes The nets m l frup-s are
made right. The prices are rUht.
The famous Hohlfeld line
of hammocks. If you
have planned to buy a
high grade hammock this
season, one that is sub
stantially made, and of a
beautiful design, buy the
“Eclat” of the Hohlfeld
Get Our Prices
The Peerless and B.iMwui lines, ab
solutely high grade, all made with
hard wood
cases, lined
with the best
of materials.
“The Store of Great Values Where Your Credit is Good”
Waycross Facts!
Much lius been .sai-1 in thii paper concerning the various
phases of Young Men’a Christian Aaaociatiou work. Itcferouco lias
boon made to tho liolji that lias been given young men and boya in
various ways; but it is not likely that many of the people realize
the tremendous uuder-eurreut of character building ami character
strengthening that ia going on in a quiet way through tho work of
the association in our own city. Wo tako occasion to quota a few
out of tho many instances that will givo somewhat of an idea,
i hough a limited one, of the far-reaching character of its activities.
From a business lean of prouiincnco: “You cauuot imagine
how much I miss tho gymnasium and other advantages of tho
Young Men’s Christian Association. You will remember that I had
a room in your building for a month. Tho advantages taken of the
gymnaaium every morning did me much good. I am aurprised that
ao few men of Waycroia take advantage of it. I certainly hopo
that I may secure a room in your building on uiy return.”
From a young man: “If God and you will forgivo me, I will
never be guilty of taking monoy again as long as 1 live. I give iny
heart to God and will join tho Church tomorrow. Don’t
forget to pray for me and I will never disappoint you.”
From a young man of foreign nationality: "I eamo to you an
outcast and a wanderer on earth and atrangcr to God. You helped
me; therefore, with your help and tho help of God, I will become a
better mau. It must have been the hand of God that led me here.
Words cannot oxplaiu my gratefulness but I will allow how thank
ful 1 am in the future.”
From another young man: “I came to you a stranger without
a friend iu this town and you took mo in, allowing me tho right aide
of liie. I thank you for this kind deed and will show there is some
manhood in me by doing the right thing, done with the fast
life and am going to start anew with God’s help.”
’ Prom a pastor: “It was a joy to my heart to hear Rrothcr
lift his heart to God in prayer at our prayer meeting. 1
say it for the encouragement of your association. With best wishes,
yours cordially.”
The Wayerosa Association has never been properly equipped to
do satisfactory work. It has been compelled, as one friend aptly
put it, to try “to fly with one wing.” The campaign now drawing
to a close is for the purpose of removing this stigma from the good
name of our fair city. The proposition is a plain matter of bus
iness. An industry valued at about $100,000.still lacks a small
amount of having subscriptions enough to save it from the block of
the auctioneer. It needs not only this amount to save it but an ad
ditional amount sufficiently large to properly equip it and afford
opportunity to do a work satisfactory to its officers ami to the
(Continued From Page 1.)
ty this morning was gotten under
control at liino forty-five. The
damage is estimated at $700,000,
Many historic landmarks and
ancicut buildings on the north
side were swept. A .solid half
mile square in the heart of the
city ia in ruins. The telegraph
offices are opening temporary of
fices in the Ponco Do Leon Hotel
and railway station.
A total of eight business blocks
besides the hotels named and tho
court house, were destroyed.
All kinds of live and
poultry at Tatum’s
Phono 210.
Rebecca Cunningham, colored,
whose home is at Manor, was to
day adjtudgcd a lunatic at
hearing before Judge Banner II.
Thomas, ordinary. She will be
sen tto the state asylum. She is
25 years old and for about
year has been considered crazy.
Lately her condition grew worse
and it was deemed advisable to
have her placed in the asylum.
GRUBB WILL HOLD are being investigated. Among
QOURT IN SAVANNAH. the important cases to be beard
lisvthe naval stores company case,
Savannah, Ga., April 2.—It was in which ease the naval stare’s
officially announced yesterday
that Federal Judge Grubb of Al
abama will conduct court here
commencing May 18 instead of
Judge Speer, whose official acta
combine ia charged with being a
Advertise in The Journal.
It became known yesterday
that K. It. Clark, for several
years in charge of the aalea de
partment for the Georgia Fruit
Farm and Peean Company, would
o nor about May 1 retire from the
company be has been connected
with since coming to Waycross
and engage in the mortgage bus
Mr. Clark expecta to handle
mortgages on farm and city prop
erty, and has arranged for hand
ling aneh .paper on fire and ten
year terms. Before coming to
Wayerosa ha had a lot of experi
ence in this business. His many
friends will be interested to learn
of his new plans.
A dozen benches of the perma
nent variety have been ordered
b ytlio Park and Tree Cominisaion
as a sample for. use in the city
parks. The benches are orna
mental and have iron frames,
making them substantial. Many
moro benches are needed in all
the parka and tho commission in
tends to aupply the needs of the
parks in tho bench lino as rapidly
as possible.
A Waycross Citizen Gives In-
formation of Priceless
When you suffer froiq back
ache, i
Headaches, diasineas, nervous
Have annoying urinary diaor-
Do you know what to dot
Some Waycross people do.
Bread the statement that fol
It’s from a Waycross citizen.
Testimony that can be investi
Mrs, W. M. Tanner, 3 Alpha
St, Wayerosa, Qa., saya: “Some
time ago I had an attack of kid
ney trouble. My back and kid
neys were in such bad shape that
I thought I would never get well
and it was indeed fortunate for
ine when I learned of Doan’s Kid
ney Pills. It took ths remedy on
ly a short time to relieve me. My
back was helped immediately and
soon the pains through my kid
neys left. I have taken other kid
ney medicines, but I do not know
of any that ean compare with
Doan's Kidney Pills.”
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Foster-Milbum Co.
Buffalo, New York, soje agents
for the United States. '
Remember the name—Doan’s
—and tako no other. .
A decision was announced yes
terday by United States Referee
in Bankruptcy McCraokin of Val
dosta, placing the' Gray Lumber
Company, a largo corporation, in
bankruptcy. The lioarings re
cently in this case have been con
ducted in Waycroes. The bus
iness of the concern will be sold
for tho benefit of oreditore. It is
reported that the assets will
bring about $80,000.
Cuba’s beat customer for ci
gar* is Groat Britain, which take*
60,000.000. «rery year.
Fresh Bed Snapper Steak ♦
♦ Apalachicola Oysters 40o qt. ♦
Fresh Dressed Poultry *
Pure Pork Sausage *
♦ Homemade Hog Laz'd 16o lb. ♦
♦ Country Baoon ♦
♦ Spring Lamb and Hutton *
♦ Fresh Raw or Cooked Shrimp *
Brains, Spare-Ribs, *
Smoked Sausage ♦
♦ Anything else in tho Fresh *
Meat line. We guarantee *
anything wa sell. ♦
♦ CLARK & JONES, Props.*
♦ Phone 696. ♦
Cray is Coining and Expects o
To Arrive Here Next Monday
The Quaker Health Teacher Will Spend a Limited Time Hero Not
to Promise But to Prove Something.
T. Frank Mikell, age 24, died
at hia home at Screven this morn
ing from pneumonia. He had been
ill only a short time and hia death
came at a great shock to his rela
tives and friends. He was
brother-in-law of A. J. Jordan,
James L Jordan and Edward
Jordan, all of this city. His
wife before marriage was a Miss
Maude Jordan. Beside* hia wife,
the deceased is survived by two
Funeral services will be held at
Screven tomorrow. Fnnersl ar
rangement* are in charge of War
ren L. Hinton of this city.
Some very agreeable, pleasant
and important news is imparted
to our readers. Gray, the Quaker
Health Teacher, is coming, the
mau who proves what he says.
Gray, the man who makes hun
dreds of friends daily, owing to
his sincerity and honesty. Gray,
whom you have heard and read
so much about, but who has never
before visited Waycross. He is
expected here Monday and Tues
day promptly at 9 o’clock on that
morning will open the sale of the
wonderful Quaker herb remedies
at tho Cherokee Pharmacy. Now,
what will he do—and prove!
’First of all, should this be seen by
any person unfortunate enough to
be afflicted with a tape worm,
Gray will give a bottle of the
Quaker extract absolutely free,
which will expel the worm com
plete, with head, in a few hours
without dieting, starving or dan-
iger of any ill-effects. This prop
osition is for three days only.
under the eyes, irregular appetite,
no ambition and many cases of
bed wetting is caused from worms
of some kind, stomach, pin, hook,
tape or parasites of some kind.
Now the Quaker extract will ex
pel any of these monsters or your
money will be cheerfully refund
ed. Next, if yon suffer with rheu
matism, catarrh in any form, kid
ney, liver, bladder, stomach or
blood trouble, indigestion, consti
pation, call on Gray at tho Chero-
keep Pharmacy and he will ex
plain how and why the Quaker
herb remedies are in a class by
themselves as a cure for diseases
they are claimed to cure. Remem
ber, it costs absolutely nothing to
talk to Gray, the Quaker health
teacher, and should you decide to
try the Quaker remedies, the price
of the same will be refunded if
they fail to benefit. This is how
Gray proves what he says. Don’t
forget. Any person afflicted with
a tape worm will be given a free
bottle, which will remove it. The
Next, if your children are pale, more people call, the better Gray
puny, restless at night, screaming' will be pleased. Call early and
ont in sleep, foul breath especial- avoid the rush. Gray can be seen
ly in the morning, dark circle* from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.—Advt.
D. & O. LOTT CO.
We Have "Lote” To Talk About