Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1914.
For Residences, Shops, Factories,
Farm Houses and Bams
We hve nmber of seconds, which are
var aa: h cheaper than first qit tie, bt
make a water-tight and extreme attractiv e
roof. The shades of coor of these ties do not
run uniform, otherwise the are practic
the same as firsts. The variegated effect is
especia v admired ani sought after b certain
architects, and now is our opportunit t ose-
cure the best roof made at ver ow cost.
Ludowiri Celadon Co.
Highest Prices
F» aid for .
Drlitg Your Junk and Hides
South Georgia Hide & Junk Co.,
Motto: “A. Square Deal" WAYCROSB, QA.
Fifty Barrels Of
Phones 62 and 30
aarCourt Hou ce
The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic Is Equally
Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts on the Liver,
Drives Put Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up
die Whole System. For Grown People and Children.
$fc'»aow what you an taking when you take Grove’* Tasteless chill Took
0 the formula to printed on every label allowing that it contain* the well known
tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It to as strong aa the strongest bitter
tonic and to in Tasteless Form. It hak no equal for Malaria, Chills and Fever,
Weakness, general debility and loss of appetite. Gives life and vigor to Nursing
Mothers and Pale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness with ut purging.
Relieves nervous depression and low spirits. Arouses the liver to action and
purifies the blood. A Trne Took and Sore Appetizer. A Complete 8trengtbenet.
No family should be without it. Guaranteed by your Druggist • .Ve mean it. 50c.
Uegal Advertisements
thence north along the east aide
of Pendleton street 47 feet, and
with this front extending back
east same width 100 feet, same be
ing a part of the west half of lot
3 of block 30 of that part of said
city known as New Waycross.
Also a tract in said city begin
ning on the eaat side of Pendle
ton street at a point 177 feet
(Continued From Page Two.)
Excepting also from said lands
above described as being in or
near Waresboro the following
mentioned tracts and parcels of
land which have been sold by the
Deen Realty and Improvement
Company to various purchasers
under contract or bonds for title north from the northeast corner
which together with the purchase 0 f Isabella and Pendleton streets
money notes due thereunder have and running thence north along
Pendleton streets 72 feet, and
with this front extending back
east same width 100 feet.
Also a tract in said city front
ing 125 feet on the east aide of
Pendleton street and with this
front extending back east of same
widtr 100 feet, bounded north In
lands of Paine, cast by lands of It.
D. Rand, south by lands og N. It.
Garrett and west by Pendleton
Also a tract in said city des
cribed ns being the cast half of
lot 3 of block 30 of New Way-
cross, same fronting on
street 125 feet and with this
front extedning back svest of same
width towards Pendleton street
100 feet, being tile lot conveyed
to G. W. Deen by S. T. Wright by
deed recorded in deed book
page 21 of said county.
Also Block No. 18 in said city,
bounded north by right of way of
tiic old B. & W. railroad, now the
A. C. Ij. railroad, east by
stlieot, south by Carssvell street
and west by Pendleton street,
measuring 218 feet on said rail
road right of way, 336 feet on
Lott street, 200 feet on Carswell
street and 398 feet on Pendleton
street, being the same property
conveyed to G. W. Deen by Mrs.
Emma A. Folks April 27th, 1895,
and recorded in deed book "M”,
page 251 of said county; except
ing, howewr, a lot on the north
cast corner of Carswell and Pen'
dlcton streets conveyed by 0. W.
Been to W. T. Brinson by deed
dated dated Jan. 6, 1897, record
ed in deed book P, page 419 of
said county, said lot fronting on
Pendleton street 75 feet and ex
tending back eaat 190 feet along
north side of Carswell street, and
excepting also another lot front,
ing 50 feet on the cast side of
Pendleton street nnd running
hack cast along and abutting the
above described lot conveyed to
W. T. Brinson 190 feet, as des
cribed in release of A. K. Sessoms
and H. D. Bunn, Trustees, Record
ed Hook 00 page 95 Wnre county
records, sold to W. T. Brinson.
Also a tract in said city be
ginning at the southeast corner of
Nicholls nnd Brunswick streets,
running south along the east side
of Nicholls street 230 feet,
thence east 220 feet to west
been assigned by said Improve
ment Company to A. K. Sessoms
and H. D. Bunn, Trustees, which
said tracts and parcels may to
some extent be included within
the description hereinbefore giv-
en, said tracts and parcels being
ns follows, to-wit:
16 acres in the Eason tract at
Waresboro as sold under contract
to W. II. Painter apd Ernest Pain
Two tracts, one of 5.71 acres
and tlie other of 2.6 acres, in or
near Waresboro as sold under
contract to W. E. Macy.
Lot or Tract 2 in the Eason
Block or Tract at Waresboro as
sold under contract to John II.
Lot or Tract 3 in the Eason
Block or Tract at Waresboro os
sold under contract to John Car-
The said excepted tracts and
parcels of land are also hcrobby
excepted from Land Lot 128 in
the 8th district of Ware county,
Georgia, to the extent that the
same may be either partly or
wholly included in suid Land
Also will be sold at the same
time and place 50 acres, more or
less, of lot 122 in the 8th district
of said county, being all of said
lot ij.iug ou the cost side of Ket
tle Creek except 140 acres in the
northeast portion thereof and ex
cepting such portions of said tract
as have heretofore been sold by
G. W, Dec and the Deen Realty
and Improvement Company, and
reference being hereby made to
tiie deeds made by said Deon and
the said company in order to des
cribe the exact location of the 50
acres remaining unsold and em
braced in the mortgage afores-
said, excepting also such tracts
and parcels of said Lot 122 as
have been released by Sessoms
and Bunn, Trustees, from said
mortgage, which arc as follows:
3 acres sold to Mrs. Ama Hen
dricks by deed dated Jan. 1, 1910
recorded Bool: FF, page 179; 1
1-2 acres sold to Giles F. Lewis,
released recorded in book FF,
page 258 ; 2 1-3 acres sold to Mrs.
Emma L. Boyles; release re
corded in book FF, page 271; and
3 acres sold to II. A. Damon, re
leased recorded in hook I1H, page
135; also 29 acres as described in
release recorded in hook OO, page *'‘lc Ware street, thence north
170, sold to Mrs. K. A. Booth; and along Wnre street 220 feet to
reference is hereby made to said Brunswick street, thence west
books and pages of Ware county along south aide of Brunswick
records for complete description street 220 feet to beginning point
of said exceptions respectively, ) Also a tract in said city begin
Also will be sold at said time ning at a point on the east aide of
and place the following deserib-. Nicholls street 230 feet south of
ed lots, tracts and parcels of land the southeast comer of Nicholls
in the City of Waycross, and in'and Brunswick streets in suid
tlm 8th district of Ware county, city anil running thence south
Georgia, to-wit; , along the east aide of Nicholls
A tract in said city of Way- street 250 feet, thence east nnd
»r««s commencing at the corner of parallel to Carswell street 220
Pendleton sml Carswell streets feet to the west side of Ware
and running east 200 feet on Cnrs- street (formerly Canal street)
well street to Lott street, thence thence north along the west side
south along Lott street 250 feet of Ware street 250 feet, thence
to Lot No. 3 of block No. 30, west parallel to Carswell street
thence west along said lot 3 and 220 feet to the point of beginning,
Tehcau canal 200 feet to Pendle- excepting Iota 11, 12, 13, 14,27,28
ton street, thence north along and 29 in Block 186 West of
Pendleton street 250 feet to point Carswell Park Subdivision in said
of beginning, being lots numbers
1 sml 2 of block 30 as platted in
tlie map of said city in December
1880. by It. W. Reed, assistant
engineer; excepting, however,
from saiil tract, a lot on the
southeast corner of Carswell and
Pendleton streets, fronting west
75 feet on Pendleton street and
with this front extending back
east of same widtli 100 feet along
the south side of Carswell street,
said lot having been released from
said mortgage.
Also a tract in said city begin
ning on the east aide of Pendleton
street at a point 130 feet north of
the northeast corner of Pendleton
and Isabella streets and running
Also a tract in said city com
mencing at the comer of Nicholls
street and the Young Canal and
rnnuing west along said canal 810
feet to the B. 4k W. railroad (now
the A. C. L. railroad), thence
northerly along said railroad 500
feet to the Frank C. Owens land,
thence east along said land 870
feet to Nicholls street, thence
south along Nicholls street 493
feet to beginning point, same con
taining 9 1-2 acres, more or lea,
and known as Idylwitde, save
and excepting the lots Sold ont of
said tract before the making of
said mortgage; also the follow
ing city lots in block 206 in said
eity, laid off and platted by C. J.
Thomas. C. K„ vh: Lots 7, 8, 9,
10, 11,12, fronting the north aide
of Mary street, and lots 13,; 14,
15. 16, 17, 18 and 19 fronting the
south side of Isabella street, and
lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12. and 13 fronting tlie north side
of Isabella street as per deed with
pint attached from the Bank of
Waycross to Geo. W. Deen, dated
March 7th, 1906, and recorded in
deed book "Y” page 429 of said
county, said lots now comprising
a part of Idylwildc; excepting,
however, from the tracts describ
ed in this paragraph all the lota
aold before the making of said
mortgage as above excepted, and
also excepting all lots released
fro maaid trust mortgage aincc
the date thereof, and also except
ing certain lots in Idylwildc sold
iimler contract or agreement for
title and purchase money notes
for which have been assigned to
A. K. Sessoms Ss II. D. Bunn,
Trustees, after deducting all such
exceptions, the lots in said Idyl
wilde subdivision non- remain
ing subject to said trust mort
gage nnd decree and which will
ie sold at this sale, are Lot 15 in
block 2, all or block 3 (excepting
and reserving the buildings and
equipment of the Federal govern
ment's cane experimental plant),
lots 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8 and 9 in block
4 nnd lots 16. 17 18 and 19 in
block 6 in said Idylwilile subdi
Also a tract in said city, being
lot 6 in block 208 of that portion
of said city known as Folks sub.
division in the western part’ of
said eity, being 100 feet by 115
feet; also lots 1, 2, 7. nnd 8
block 208 nnd lots 1 2 nnd 3 in
block 212 of said Folks sub-divis
ion, in the western part of said
city; also a tract in said
known ns lot 4 in block 212 of
said Folks subdivision; nisi
tract in said city described ns be
ing lots 2. 3 nnd 4 in block 214 in
said Folks subdivision, each of
said lots fronting on north side of
Pine street 100 feet nnd with this
front running hack north of same
width 115 feet to an alley; nlso n
tract in said eity described as lot
7 in block 214 in said Folks sub
division in the western part of
said city; also lots numbers 2, 3
mid 4 in block 2IS and iots 5 ami
6 ill block 214 in said Folks snb-
division ns surveyed by J. A.
Austin, C. E..; also an undivided
half interest in a certain tract of
land in *aid city, being n portion
of land lot 167 of the 8th dis-
rict of said county, same being
known ns Central Park Subdi
vision, commencing at thenorth
east corner of Crawford and
Carswell street, and running 1,-
200 feet north to the property of
the A. C. L. Railroad Company;
thence southeasterly 442 feet to
an angle, thence northerly 200
feet to a corner, thence easterly
75 feet to n street running along
the west side or the right of wny
of the Albany branch of the A.
C. L. Railroad, tliciico southeast
erly along the west side of said
street, which runs along the west
side of said right of way, u dis
tance of 2,150 feet to Mary street
lane, thence west along the north
side of Mary street lane 400 feet
to Clinton street, thence north
nlong the east side of said Clinton
street 725 feet to thenorth Bide of
Carswell street, thence west along
nortli side of Carswell streot 700
feet to beginning point; except
ing. however, fro mthetracta of
land described in this paragraph
all the following mentioned lots
in what is known as South Cen
tral Park Subdivision (which is
south of Carswell afreet) and
Central Park Subdivision, north
of Cnrswell street, both of which
subdivisions are re-subdivisions
of the tracts described in this par
agraph, according to maps of said
subdivisions which are of record
'u the Clerk's office of the Supo-
inr Court of said county, to-wit:
Lots 5. 9. 10, 13. 14 anil 15 in
iloi'k 212 of said South Central
Park Subdivision, sml lots 1. 2.
3, 6, 7, 17, 18 and lots numbered
from 20 to 33, both inclusive, of
block 1, lots numbered 1 to 15,
both inclusive nnd lots 21 22, 23,
snd lots numbered from 26 to 33,
both inclusive, in block 2. Lots 1
to 13 both inclusive and lots 16
to 29 both inclusive in block 3,
and lot 1 in block 4 of said Cen
tral Park Subdivision, north of
Carswell street, said lots having
been released from said trust
mortgage or having been alienat
ed prior thereto or having been
aold tinder contract and purchase
money notes assigned to A. K.
Sessoms and II. P. Bunn, Trus
tees; after deducting said excep
tions there remain the following
mentioned lots in said subdivis
ions which are subject to said
trust mortgage and decree and
will besold nt this sale, to-wlt:
The entire interest of the Deen
Realty anil Improvement Compa
ny, I icing an one-half interest as
to eertaiu lots and the entire in
terest aa to others (said Improve
ment Company only owning an
one-half interest in lots 1, 2,
7. and 8 in block 208. and lota I,
2 and 3 in b'oek 212. of sail 1
Folks nubdivision. aa above ile*-
eribed) in lota 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
'll, 12, 13, 14 nml 15 in block 268,
nnd lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8
block 212, uiui lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9 ami 10 in block 214, and
lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10
of block 218 in said South Ceu
tral Park Subdivision, and an un-
divided one-half interest in lots
4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
19, 34 and 35 in block 1, lots 16,
17, 18 19, 20, 24 and 25 in block
2, lota 14 and 15 in block 3, and
lota numbered from 2 to 25 in
clusive in block 4, and all of the
12 lots in block 5, in said Central
Park Subdivision
Also lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 and 9 of
block 461 1-2 and lots 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 of block
461 of the Booker Washington
Heights subdivision in said city,
ns per plat recorded in hook Y,
page 795, in the office of tlie
Clerk of the Superior Court of
said county; also those certain
tracts of, land in said city des
cribed ns being all of block 503
nnd lot 6 block 5(li in Bewick sub
division, ns per pint in the office
of the Clerk of the Superior
Court of said county.
AIno a tract in said eity begin
ning nt a point where the south
line of Alhnny avenue intersects
tlie land line between lots 167 and
168 of the 8th district of said
county, and running thence south
along said 'and line 209 1-2 feet
to north lido of right of way of
the A. i'. L. Railroad, thence east
erly nliiug said right of way 117
feet to In ml of said A. 0. L. Rail
road, thence northerly nlong the
west line or said, land 195 feet to
south side of Albany avenue,
thence westerly nlong south side
it Albany avenue 193 1-2 feet to
’■egimling point, containing 3-4 of
an acre, more or less.
Also a tenet in said city begin
ning 471 1-2 feet easterly from
'be intersection of the south side
of Albany Avenue with the
aforesaid land line between laud
lots 167 and 168 of the 8th dis
trict of said county, being the
northeast corner of tlie land be
longing to the A. C. L. Railroad
Company and running thence
southerly nlong the east side of
said A. C. L. Railroad Company’!
land 188 1-2 feet, more or less, to
north side of the right of way of
said railroad company, thence
easterly along the north side of
said right of wny 500 feet to a 10
foot nllcy, thence northcly along
the west sidcof said alloy 176 feet
to the south aide of Albany ave
nue, thence westerly along Al
bany Avenue 500 feet to begin
ning point, containing 2 acres,
more or less; excepting however,
from snid 2 acres, a lot measuring
.35 by 100 feet in the northwest
corner of said 2 acres, ns convey
ed by O. W. Deen to Mrs. A. M.
I’resion by deed dated June 11,
1908, nnd recorded in hook of
deeds DD, page 545, of Ware
County records, and excepting
also n lot measuring 206 by 100
feet, lying between said lot of
Mrs. A. M. Preston nml N street
as conveyed by Deen Realty nnd
Improvement Compony to R. H
Preston by deed dated Jan. 16,
1011, recorded In deed hook FF,
pngo 322 of Ware County records,
reference being hereby hail to
said deeds of record for full des
cription of said exceptions.
Also n tract in said city com-
meueiug at the northeast corner
of Alhnny Avenue nnd “N” street
(now “L” street) ami running
easterly 75 feet on Albany Avo.,
ami with this front extending hack
north of .same width along tho
eust sideof N street (now “L”
street) 150 feet, same being a
part of block 532, as shown on the
map of said eity.
Also a tract in said city begin
ning on the east side of L street
150 feet northerly from the north
east corner of I, street nnd A!-
(any avenue, thence easterly par
allel to Albany avenuo 130 feet
thsfisc northerly
along the west aide of said alley
10 feet, thence westerly parallel
to Albany aveimo 130 feet to tho
eust side of L street, thence
southerly along the east side of
L street 30 fpet to the point of be
ginning, being in block 532- of
said city.
Also an undivided one half in
terest (J, M. Bell owner of the
other half interest) In a traet In
said city beginning at the south
west corner of Chandler and Ends
streets and thence running went
All Chandler street 142 1.2 feet to
an alley, thence south along said
nlley 120 feet to land of Lula
Johnson, thence east along said
land 142 1-2 feet to Eads street,
thence north along Eads street
to beginning point; excepting,
however, a lot on the aonthwest
corner of Chandler and Eads
street, fronting 47 1-2 feet on
Chandler street with a depth of
120 feet along Eada street, con
veyed by illeen Realty and Im
provement Company to Mattie P.
meneiug at the northwest comer
of Albany nveiiue and Mulberry
Lane, and running thence west
along Albany avenue 480 feet to
B street, thence north along B
street, 275 feet to the F. M.
Young land, thence cast 480 feet
to Mulberry Lane, thence south
along said lane 275 feet to point
of beginning, except the lot aold
to Mr. Scckinger, theothcr half
interest in said land being owned
by T. J. McClelland, and lot sold
Mr. Scckinger being lot 1 in
block 2 of Deen and McClellan’s
subdivision of block 292 of said
city; excepting also n lot measur
ing 13 feet by 200 feet between
B atreet on the west nnd Knox
street on tile east and between
lands of F. M, Young on the
north nnd the balance of said
Deen & McClellan's subdivision
on the south, as conveyed by G.
W. Deen and T. J. McClellan t»
F. M. Young by deed dated Oct.
26, 1907, nml recorded in book
AA. page 384, Wnre county re
cords; excepting also lota 2, 8, 4.
8, 9, nnd 10 of block 1 and lota 3,
4, 6 and 7 in block 2 of said Deea
& McClellan’s subdivision of the
tract of land above described,
said lots having been released
from said trust mortgage.
Also all of land lots 154, 158
and 169 in tlie 8th district of
Ware county, Georgia, and alse
nil that tract of Innd in the 8th
district of said county of Ware
which lias been platted and sur
veyed by snid Deen and which is
known ns Dcenwood, same con
sisting of land lots 154, 155, 169
nnd 170 (said lot 170 having here
tofore been separately described)
of anid district (lot 168, however,
not being included) except such
portions thereof ns wnre sold and
conveyed out of snid property
prior to Nov. 5th, 1909, reference
being hereby mndc to the deeds
made by G. W. Deen nnd Deen
Realty and Improvement Compa
ny or either of them to the vari
ous purchasers, nnd to the records
of said deeds in Ware county re
cords. for a description of same;
nnd, also except such portions
thereof ns have been released
from snid trust mortgage’ since
the date thereof, and also except
certain other lots which have
been aold under e.ontract for title
and purchase money notes for
which have been assigned to A.
K. Sessoms & II. D. Bunn, Truir-
tees, said released portions and
lots sold under contract being ai
follows, to-wit: Lots 7 and 8,
block 6; lots 1 and 2, block T;
cast half of lot 2, block 8; al! of
block 13 1-2; west half block 14;
lots 3 and 30, block 16; lot 16.
block 16 1-2; lots 9, 13, 14 and 20
block 17; lots 10 and 10 1-2 block
18; lot 5. Iflock 22, lots 2, 3, and
4. block 25 (original subdivision):
lot 13, block 27; tho western 552
feet, 5 1-4 acres, of block 31; 5
acres of block 32 under contract
to N. U . Wilcox; lots 7 and 8,
block 34; lots 63 and 64, block
36; lots 39 nnd 40, block 37; lots
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19 nnd 20, block
41 • lots 1, 1 1-2, 2, 2 1-2, 4 1-2, 9,
10, 11, nnd 12, block 42; lots 5
and 7, black 45; lata 5 and 8,
block 45 1-2; lot 4, block 46; lota
28, 29, 30,37, 38 and 43, block 50;
all in North Deenwood Subdivis
ion and the following lots and
parcels in South Deenwood sub-
division in Laud Lota 154 and
1 acre block 91, sold to Blan
ton. recorded book FF, page 413.
2 acres block 91, sold to Light-
sey, recorded book HH, 141.
1 1-2 acre block 91, sold to
Lightscy, recorded mortgage
book 11, page 206.
1 acre block 91, aold to Light
scy. recorded mortgage book No
4, page 122.
1 acre block 91, sold to Weber
recorded book FF, page 305.
. 1 acre block 91 sold to Herrin
recorded hook LL, page 275.
5 acres iiiock Si, sold under
contract to M. J. Weber,
1 acre block 92, aold to W, 4k.
W. R. B., recorded book LL, page
4 acres block 92, sold to J. G.
Sessoms, recorded hook LL, page
NE1-4—8 1-4 acres block 96,
recorded liook JJ, page 261.
SKI-4—6 acres, block 97, re
corded mortgage book No, 11,
page 502.
SKI-4—6 acres, block 98, re
corded hook JJ, page 408.
NEI-4—6 acres, block 98, sold
under contract to Mrs. Louise
8 acres block 100, sold to Kin-
sic, recorded book JJ, page 135,
5 acres block 100, sold under
contract to J. C. Solomon.
All the block 101, 6 acre*, re
leased April 25, 1914, sold to D.
If. Bennett.
Lots 1 and 2, block 116, record
ed book FF, page 259.
and reference is hereby made to
the respective releases and the
Freeman by deed dated Mareh 14, rteoids thereof in Ware county
1912. recorded in book HII page rt eor ds, as ahown above, and to
410 of Ware eounty reeoid., and contracts held by theparties
eat in a tract in said city com- s bove named for a full descrip-
rrirantd from saiil mortjffture. . . _
Also an undivided half inter- (Con ,i nued on P „ e c>)