Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1914.
Legal Advertisements
{Continued From Page 3.)
for »1,000.00, $2,000.00 and $2,-
000.00 respectively, aggregating
$5,000.00, hearing date even with
tion of aaid lot. and parcel. iu »»;•! mortgage and ''earing-inter-
South Deenwood hereby except- e “ fr0 "' ,l *' e , * 8 , per C ?i '
ed; also excepting 5 acre, of lot! 8 ' 1 " 1 '!": ,“"'1 L I.™'
154 sold to Gorman, a. described on Jan. l»t, 1914, Jan.
_»r J 2‘ri«s
STiitZ" CIS 3rt!j» "5J3, <5s«
Steedley, a. de.cribed in relea.e to 1,10 Dml * n ? Improve
recorded book FF, page 266 Ware
county record., and 19 acre, in
block E of lot 154, under contract
to H. W. Power., and 20 3-4
acre, of lot 154 under contract to
J. C. Beaty, reference to Mid con
tract. being hereby made for full
descriptions; al.o excepting any
and all portion, of aaid North
I teen wood ami .South Itccnwood
Hnbdivi.ion, included in land lot
168 in .aid 8th di.triet; alio ex
cepting 100 acre, of Block. 102,
103 and 104 South Deenwood, ce
ment Company and endorsed over
by .aid payee to .aid Alex K.
Scorn, and II. D. Bunn, True-
tee,; .aid note, and mortgage
having been transferred and as
signed over to said trustee, a,
collateral security for the judg
ments rendered in and by aaid
decree of May 16, 1913, to stand
in the place and in lieu of certain
land, (which ha« been excepted
from the foregoing description of
land.) which was released by
.aid trustee, from said decree
le.aerl «n,l .old to Will. Valle* I <■* permitted by said decree),
Nurse rv"company as''desert *"» * h - •»
in the mortgage from Wills Val- ,h ' | tc f"» of -td decree sho.tld
ley Nursery. Company to De«
Realty nml Improvement Compa
ny, recorded in Mortgage Hook
14, pagr* 2 end 3 of Ware county
record*;—also excepting 2 acre*
in land lot 154 on northeast cor
ner of Ben Hill Avenue and Cleve
land street fronting north aide of
Hen Hill Avenue 410 feet and
eaat aide of Cleveland street 205
feet, aold to M. L. Moore and re
leased in March, 1914.
Alao will he gold at aaid
time And plae<* that certain mort
gage made by the Georgia Farm,
Fruit and Pecan Company to
Dcen Realty and Improvement
Company on May 5th, 1913, and
transferred by aaid mortgagee to
Alex K. Seasoma and If. D. Runn,
Truateea, on May 15th, 1915, aaid
mortgage and transfer being re
corded in book of mortgagea mini
her 13, pages 481 of Ware county
record*, together with the notea
aecured bv aaid mortgage, being
four certain promissory notes,
each for twelve thousand five
hundred dollars ($12,500,00), ag
gregating $50,000,00 with 8 per
cent interest from date thereof,
being of even date with said mort
gage and maturing 90 days, six
months, 9 month* and 12 months
respectively nfter the date there
of. all said notes being made by
said Georgia Farm, Fruit and Pe
can Company to the order of aaid
Dcen Realty and Improvement
Company and endorsed over by
said payee to said Alex K. Sea
son!* and H. I>. Hiiiiii, Truateea,
there having been made the fol
lowing payments on account of
aaid notes and mortgage, which
are entered on the first note fall
ing due as credits thereon, to-
wit: $10.00 on June 2nd, 1913,
$2,450.00 on Aug. 15. 1913; $2,
450.00 on Aug. 22, 1913; $1,.500.00
on Sept. 2, 1913; $4,900.00 on Oct.
18. 1913; $50.13 on Feb, 16, 1914;
$172.50 on Feb. 28, 1914; $310.00
on March 20, 1914; $85,00 on
April 10, 1914; $18.5,00 on April
17. 1914; $100.00 on April 23,
1914, ami $100,00 on April 28,
1914; aggregating $12,312.63 of
payments, and there having been
released from said mortgage, as
provided by the conditions of
said mortgage in regard to re
leases. in consideration of said
payments, all of land Iota 300,
301. 302 and 345, ami 285 acres
of lot 24C, being nil of said lot
246 lying south and east of land
of A. \V. Gilchrist, and Tract 7
Block 3, and all Block 4. I .of 252
tract* 1. 2. 9. 10 and 12 block 1
lot 253, trad* 1, 2, 11, nml 12
block 3, lot 294, tract 9 block 2
lot 472. and tract 7 block 1. lot
495, and a tract of land mcasur
ins 59 feet by 210 feet, sold to
Mttxic (\ Wilson, in the south
part of tract 9, block 3, land lot
252. as per plat of Bccnlami
Farms, all in the 8th district of
Ware county, Georgia. Said
mortgage laving been transfer-
red together with the notes there
by secured to said Trustees, to
take the place and stand in lieu
of certain tand which was releas
ed by said Trustee* from said
Trust Mortgage of G. W. l)een
and the Been Realty and Im
provement Company, dated Xov.
5, 19(19; the said decree of Ms*
16. 1913, proviiHitg that the said
mortgage ami note* of said Geor
gia Farm, Fruit and Peein Coni
pany may he sold by the Commis
sioner in lieu of the land so re-
Vasett fro msaid trust mortgage.
upon said notes mid mortgage as
to and upon the land so released.
Also the following land in the
6th district of Coffee county,
Georgia, viz: 150 acres of lot
501, same being located in the
portion of
said lot, also the north half of lot
335, containing 245 acres more or
iess and the north half of lot
422, containing 245 acres, more or
less, and also lots 360. 361 and
376 each containing 190 acres,
more or less,
Also will he sold at the same
time and place the lots, tracts ami
parcels of land hereinafter de
scribed being part of the lands de
scribed in said trust mortgage
and decree and being hereinbe
fore excepted), subject to the
several contracts, agreements and
bonds for title given by Been
Realty and Improvement Compa
ny to the several purchasers of
the same respectively, ami along
with each of said lots, truets ami
parcels respectively will be sold
the note or notes of the purehnsor
of such tract or parcel represent
ing the balance of purchase
money of such tract or tracts,
said notes, together with all the
vendors interest in said contracts,
agreements and bonds for title
having been assigned by Been
Realty and Improvement Compa
ny and G. W. Been to A. K. Sea
sums and II. 1). Bunn, Trustees,
with the agreement that ill the
event that there should he an ad
vertiseinent ami sale under tho
decree foreclosing said mortgage
that such tract or tracts of land
shall hendvertised and sold sub
ject to the contract, agreement or
bond for title given by said Been
Realty and Improvement Compu
ay to the purchaser and that the
notes representing the
purchase money of such tract or
tracts shall he sold along with
and in connection with such tract
or tracts, said lots, tracts and
parcels of land, together with the
'mlancc of purchase moue\ not
therefor respectively, being as
follows, to-wit:
Lot 27 block 186 West Carswell
Park and note of Jas. II. Jones
late Bee. 27, 1912 due May 10,
1914 for fifty dollars with eight
per cent interest from date.
Lot 14 block 186 West Carswell
Park and not of L. B. Boggs
late Feb. 3, 1913 for $425.00 with
;ix per cent interest from date,
myable in monthly installments
of seventeen dollars each begin
ling April 3, 1913 on which note
here has been paid a total of
Lot* 12 ami 13 block 186 West
rswcll Park and eight notes ot
C. Crawley all dated March 12.
'913, each for one hundred dol
ls with eight per cent interest
oin date payable respectively
M. 1, 1913, Mandi 1, 1914. Aug
1. 1914. Mar . 1. 1915, Aug. 1.
’915. Mar. 1, 1916. Aug. 1. 1916.
snd March 1, 1917.
Lot 9 block 1 Idylwilde and
lote of Geo. A. Wiggins date Jan.
*8, 1911, for $435.00 with six per
cut interest from date payable in
Monthly installments of five dol
lars each and there haviug been
naitl a total of $252.00 on said
Lots 2 and 3 block 6. Idyl-
vilde and note of II. S. Redding
fate Feb. 24, 1912, for eight hun
dred dollars (no interest) paya
ble in monthly installments of
Moore, all dated May 30, 1912,
each for thirty five dollars ex
cept the note last falling due
which is for fifty dollars, total
$330.00 all with eight per cent in
terest from date, due respectively
on the thirtieth of each succes
Hive mouth beginning April 30th,
1914 and ending Bee. 30th, 1914.
Lot 14 block 41, Deenwood,
and note of R. N. Dairyraplc dat
ed Sept. 24, 1913 for $37.50 with
eight per cent interest from data,
payable in three eqqual install
menta in twelve, twenty four and
thirty six months after date re
Lots 10 and 10 1-2 block 18,
Deenwood, and note of J. 8. El
kins date Sept. 24, 1913 for $54.37
with eight per cent interest from
date payable in three equal in
•tallments in twelve, twenty-four
and thirty six months after date
Lot 4 1-2 block 42 Deenwood
and note of L. G. Smith, date
Sept. 24, 1913 for $15.00 with
eight per cent interest from date,
payable 12 months after date.
Lots 63 and 64 block 36 and lot
2 1-2 block 42 Deenwood, and
note of G. I*. Pollard elated Sept.
24, 1913 for $90.25 with eight per
cent interest from date, payable
in three equal installments in
twelve, twenty.four and thirty
six months after date respective-
Lot 16 block 41 Deenwood and
note of K. L. Anderson dated
Sept. 24. 1913. for $75.00
pete cent interest from date, pay.
able in three equal installment*
in twelve, twenty-four ami thirty
six months respectively after
Lots 19 ami 20 Block 41 Been
wood And note of A. E. Smith
late Sept. 24, 1913 for $172.21
with eight per cent interest from
date, payable in three equqal in
stallments in twelve, twenty four
and thirty six months respective
ly after date.
Lot 15 block 41 Deenwood.
and note of A. W. Townsend date
Sept. 24, 1913 for 67.50 with
eight per cent interest from date,
payable in three equal install
ments in twelve, twenty four am)
thirty six months respectively af
ter date.
Lot 2 Idock 42 Deenwood, and
iiote of ||. II. Hutchins (assumed
by K. F. Herring) date Sept 24,
1913 for $27.00 with eight per
cut interest from date, due in
tlm*e equal installments in twelve,
twenty four and thirty six months
respectively after date.
Lot 28 block 50 Deenwood and
( ' vn of C. B. Benfleld, both
dated Xov. 29. 1912 each for $10.-
0(1 eight per cent interest
from date, due respective)v Feb.
l«t. 1913 und March 1st, 1913.
Lot 9 block 17 Deenwood and
note of J. II. Liudsey date March
26, 1912, for $160.00 with eight
per cent interest from date said
note payable in monthly install
ments of $10 each;; nothing paid
in this note.
Lot 8 block 45 L2 Beemvood.
uid note of G. \V. Haddock,
Guardian, and G. W. Haddock,
•late Jan. 22. 1913, for $450.00
with eight per cent interest from
Into, payable in monthly
-tallments of $15.00 each,
which note has been paid a total
of $!H1.
the run of Kettle Creek, thence
southerly along the run of Ket
tle Creek to the north line of La
mar Avenue, thence cast on La
mar Avenue 620 feet to the point
of beginning, and note of Mrs. N.
R. Wilcox, date Sept. 8, 1913, for
est fro mdate, said note payable
in monthly installments of $10
each, expect the last payment
which is to be $5.00, there having
been paid on this note a total of
3 acre* in block 91 South Deen
wood lying in Land Lots 169 and
154 as described in contract made
to M. J. Weber, and note of M. J.
Weber dated Nov. 23 1910 for
$240.0$ with eight per cent inter-
est from date, said note payable
monthly installments of $. r
each, on which note has been paid
a total of $205.00.
6 acres of block 98 South Been
wood in LaLnd Lot 169, being the
northeast quarter of said block
as described in contract made to
Mrs. Louise Hendricks, and note
of Mrs. Louise Hendricks for
$540 with eight per cent interest
from date, said note dated Feb.
10, 1913, payable in monthly in
stallments of $18.00 each, on
which note there has been paid a
total og $282.00.
Don’t buy Nofth Carolina ♦
in Book of Mortgage! No. 8 fo
lios 503 to 542inclusive in the of
fice of the Clerk of the Superior
Court of Baid county, in the 8th,
0th, 10th and 12th district! of
Ware, Clinch and Charlton coun-
8475,00 with eight per cent inter- Velvet ***•• *
Thomasville, Georgia, Divisions * Spring Oats for late plant- ♦
of the Atlantic Coast Line Rail- • ing, Hastings’ Prolific Corn •
road, and also all pine and cy- ♦ and other varieties, Seed ♦
prcaa timber auitable for law-mill * i rish Potatoes 0nion Seta, ♦
and cross-tie purposes on all oth- . . ... , . *
er land, mentioned and deacribed * a ” d an - v h,n * >' ou need 0 7
in said contract and agreement of, pl» n t. A cholera remedy
George W. Deen and Decn Realty.* that is guaranteed to prevent ♦
and Improvement Company with ♦ or cure cholera in hogs, if +
Mid Andarwm Limber Company ♦ „ sed jn tirae , tocU and po „l. +
of May 7th, 1913; but said con- * ,
tract and agreement will be sold I. ■ .
anhject to the payment, out of all * T'" 1 •>!««* » tock Rroceries ♦
amounts to be received under j* and feed in South Georgia. *
aaid contract, of all the debts |* Main store ♦
which said George W. Decn and;* 33 Pendleton Street. ♦
Deen Realty and Improvement «, BraIlch storc and warehouae ♦
Company are owing to Alex K. . n _ -
Sessoms and John G. .Sessoins, I * G Street.
Executors of the Estate of A Ses-; 2-20-wkly-tf. *
soins. under a certain contract or ♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ + ♦♦♦
agreement dated Feb. 17th, 1912,
1-2 acres in the northwest
corner of Block 99 South Deen
wood in Land Lot 169 as describ
ed in contract made to N. G.
Lang, and note of N. G. Lang for
$700 with eight per cent interest
from date, said note dated March
1, 1912, payable in monthly in
stallments of $20 each, on which
note has been paid a total of
5 acres, being part of Block
100 in South Deenwood in Land
Lots 169 and 154 as described in
contract made to J. C. Solomon,
and note of J. C. Solomon for
$460.00 with six per cent inter
est from date, naid note payable
in monthly installments of $10
each, on which note lias been paid
total of $190.50.
And reference is hereby made
to the several contracts, etc.,
made to the persons above named
»y the Been Realty and Improve
ment Company for a full descrip
tion of the tracts and parcels of
land above mentioned, respec
Dr. Pell's
23 Cents. 69 Cents. 61.00
"Tell By The Bell**
Lot 4 block 46 North Been-
rood nml note of B. Zlatkin and
Mrs. I*. Caslov. date June 23.
'913 for $425.00 with eight per
•cut interest from date. Naitl note
»aynble in monthly installment*
*f $10 each, except tile last pay
ment which ia to he $5. on which
has been paid a total of
Lots 3 and 30 block 16 North
enwood and note of J. H. John-
ton late Jan. 1. 1913 for $225.00
ith eight per cent interest from
late, said note payable in month
ly installments of $7.50 each, on
hid note has been paid a total
»f $5.00.
Also that certain mortgage, to- twenty five dollars per month and
t’ther with the note* secured \ there having becti paid on said
I erehy, made by the Wills Val- note a total of $425.00.
by Nursery Company to the Been
Realty and Improvement Compa
ny on the 17th day of May, 1913,
and Iranaferml by aaid Been
Realty and Improvement Compa
ny to said Alex K. Sesaonts and
II. B. Bunn, Truateea. on June
5th. 1913. said mortgage and
transfer being recorded in book
of mortgages No. 14. pages 2 and
Lot 6 Idoek 538 on Alban:
\venne. Waveroas. Ware county.
Georgia, and note of J. S. Collins,
late May 11, 1910. for $625.00
with 8 per eent interest from
date. payable in monthly
installments of fifteen dol
lars each (except the last pay
ment of ten dollars) beginning
June 11,1910, on which note there
re* in Block “K" of the
SulMlivision of Land Lqt 154 in
he 8th district of Ware county,
eorgia. a* described in contract
«de to If. W. Powers, and note
f II. W. Powers date Feb. 10.
t9U for $650.00 with eight per
cut interest from date, said uote
•»s.vah1e in monthly installments
»f $10 each, on which note has
been paid a total of $180.00.
20 3-4 acres, more or lesa. in
the northwest corner of Laud Lot
154 in the 8th district of Ware
eonnty, Georgia, being in rectan-
*ular shape and fronting west on
Gorman street 1290 feet, aud
routing north on Cherokee Ave-
All the foregoing described
lauds in Carswell Park and Idyl
ilde Subdiivsions being located
in the city of Waycross, Wi
county, Georgia, and said land*
in Deenwood, North Beemvood
and South Beemvood Subtil v
ions being located in and ntlja
ent to the city of Waycross.
Ware county, Georgia, in Land
Lots 154, 155 and 169 of the 8th
diatrict of Ware county, Georgia
Any and all payments that
may be made by the makers or
obligors of said notes before the
day of sale, will be added to the
spective amount* stated above
ns having been paid on .said notes
and will constitute additional
credits on said uotes respectively
and said notes, ete will he sold ac
cording to the amounts that may
ho due upon the same at the time
of the sale herein advertised,
Corrected statement of total
amounts paid on said notes,
npectively, to he announced at
the time and place of sale.
Also will be sold at the said
time and place that certain oou
tract and agreement entered into
between the «aid George W. Deen
and the Been Realty and Yin
provemeiit Company, and Ander
son Lumber Company, dated the
7th day of May, 1913; and record
ed in the office of the Clerk of
h* Superior Court of Ware
ounl.v, Georgia, in Book MM fo-
ios.162 et sequitnr, together with
til t' e right-*, . interest, proper
ties. claims und demands of the
«aid George W. Been and the
Been Realty and Improvement
’ompanv therein ami thereunder.
rWeh agreement ami which
rights, interest, properties,
claims and demands there-
and thereunder were
assigned and transferred by
George W. Been and The Been
Realty and Improvement Compa
ny to Alex K. Sessoms and II. D.
Bunn, Trustees, by a certain in
denture dated the 7th day of May,
1913, and recorded in Book LL
folios 573 et tequitur of the re
cord* in the office of the Clerk of
the Superior Court of Ware coun
ty. Georgia; and also in addition
to said agreement and said rights,
interest, properties, claims and
demands therm and thereunder
relating to the lease or sale of the
Bailey Saw Mill and Timber, said
contract or agreement with said
Executors together with the sup
plement* thereto being recorded
in Book of Mortgages No. 11 fo
lio* 643 to 648 inclusive and Book
of Deeds LL folios 554 and 555 of
the records in the office of the
Clerk of the Superior Court of
Ware county, Georgia; and after
said Executors have been fully
paid all debts due them under
said agreement or contract then
all remaining amounts to he paid
said Decn and Deen Realty and
Improvement Company by the
Anderson Lumber Company un
der the contract above mentioned
shall be paid to and be the prop
erty of the purchaser at this sale;
and reference is hereby made to
the aforesaid contract and agree
ment of the said George W. Deen
and Decn Realty and Improve
ment Company with the Anderson
Lumber Company of May 7th,
1913, to the transfer and assign
ment of the said George W. Deen
and Deen Realty and Improve
ment Company to said Alex K.
Sessoms and II. 1). Bunn, Trus
tees, dated May 7, 1913, to the
said Mortgage of the said G. W.
Free Flower Seed
tastings' Catalogue
Tells You About It
If you are encased la fanning, or
If you plant only vegetable* or flow
ers, you cannot afford to be without
the bir catalogue published fresh and
new every year by the great South
ern aeed house. H. O. Hastings ft Com
pany of Atlanta, Oa., and sent abso
lutely free, postag* psM. to si! who
■ The Antistatic powder shaken
Intojhe shoes—The Standard Ken-
r ne led for • quarter cea-
90.000 testimonials. Sold
everywhere. 2Sc- Sample FRKX.
/iddress. Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy. N.Y.
riMMuwhepdUwEEe la FEET.
acre farm supplied with aeed for
year 1913, a few hnga and cow-
write for It, mtntionlnc the name of j and necessary farming impie-
th, i* n .!7 ,p,p .' r ' . „ , ments and mule. A. M. Knight.
In this catalogue wo toll you of a •
splendid offer of free flower seed to
all our customer., five magnlUcent
Tarlotle. that mean beauty about your
borne and u pleasure to wire, and
daughter, that nothing olio can giro.
This catalogue tell, you, too, about
our big cash prize offer to the Cora
Club boy. ot your state. It tells all
about our fine yielding varieties of
corn and cotton—the kind we grow
on our own 8,200 acre farm. It telle
about the best seeds of all kinds for
planting In the South, It should bo
In every Southern home. Write to*
day and let us eend It to you.
Atlanta, Ga.—Advt.
Here is a woman who speaks
from personal knowledge and
long experience, viz., Mrs. P. H.
*".'1 .7,—f 8 **/ai"1 Brogan, of Wilson, Pa., who says,
experience that
Chamberlain’a Cough Remedy is
far superior to any other. For
croup there is nothing that ex
cels it.” For sale by all dealers.
When yon have a bad cold you
want the best medicine obtain-
ble so as to cure it with as little
'.elay ao possible. Here ia a drug
gist’s opinion; “I have sold
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for
fifteen years,” says Enos Lollar
of Saratoga, Ind., “and consider
it the best on the market.” For
•ale by all dealers
provement Company to said Alex ,, T , - _
K. Sessoms and II. D. Bunn, 1 Know from
Trustees, dated Nov. 5, 1909 and
to the aforesaid contract aud
agreement of the said O. W. Decn
ami Deen Realty and Improve
ment Company with the said Alex
K. Sessoins and John G. Sessoms,
Exceutors ns aforesaid, dated
Feb. 27. 1912 aud the supplements
thereto, and to the respective re
cords of the same, for full partic
ulars and for full description of
the timber, rights, interest, prop-
Tties. elaims, demands and
hoses in action to tie sold
FOR SALE—Three hundred
bushels upland cotton planting
iced. Cook’s Improved, best on
earth. 81.00 per bushel.
J. Walter James.
R. F. D. No. 2, Pearson, Ga.
-ds not|At ,C|g3nojoq) spied psio.ii
qonm Sa\ na)jo sts.vpi.iud
-noqt f9.\o;|Oj os|B inantinji stqj,
•inomtnn s.uteiJoqtunqa 8nt.C|d
•8 it
■jo oqi Sntaessstn .fq popjouoq
|BtiJUd Rliosaoj
leap ||B .vq Q|B8 JOJ -anted opum
mie 700 feet, and note of J. C. and in connection therewith, will
"eaty dale Sept. 6, 1911 for 8491..
25 with eight per eent intereat
from date. Mid uote payable in
inatallmenta ot 815 per month ex
cept the last payment which ia to
be 811.25, on which note there
haa been paid a total of 8354.00
a i.i—v ->o _*i. vs—.
be sold, subject to the contract
and agreement aforesaid between
the Mid George W. Deen and
Deen Realty and Improvement
Company and the Anderaon Lum
ber Company of May 7. 1913. all
n» th- nine and rvprmn timber on
lingular the rights, members and
appurtanaiiees belonging oi
ic appertaining to the
above described tracts, lots or
parcels of land and every part
thereof. Such lands and proper
ty to be sold in such lots and par
cels as said Cominisisoner may
see fit in his discretion, grouping
tlie various tots into aueli large
tracts nr selling them separately
or dividing them as lie may deem
best. All sales will he made here-
imler subject to the confirmation
by the Judge of the Superior
Court of Ware County, Georgia,
in term or vacation, and when
nnfirmed, the undersigned Com.
missioner wilt make deeds and
title to the lands so sold to the
respective purchasers thereof, as
provided ill said decree. If the
<n!o is not completed on the first
Tuesday in June, 1914. the sale
will he continued fro mday to day
until said lamia are fully sold,
sales, however, being always
within the legal hours of sale.
Immediately any of said proper
ty is knocked off to the highest
bidder at any of Mid sales, such
bidder shall at once deposit with
the undersigned commissioner in
cash or in certified cheek 10 per
Cent of theamount of his hid. as
an evidence of good faith, and if
he does not make Mid deposit at
once, the property so hid off by
him will be inime iiatelv resold ^.v
For dusting hens and in neats
use Conkey’s Lice Powder. 10c,
25c, and 50c. For mites in poul-f
try houses get Conkey’* Lice!
Liquid, 81.00 gallon. For little
chicks get Conkey’s Head Lice
Ointment, 10c and 25c. Result
guaranteed. J. W. S. Hardy. Get
Conkey’s Poultry P.ook free.
The Hebard Cypress Company
ffers lor Mle at the mills, Heb-
ardville, for a limited time only
Rh4ob 16” Clipper
Shinjlei at $1.25 per N
3x16 Stir A SUr
Student $1.50 per R
Wood’s Productive
Seed Corns.
We offer all the best prize-win
ning and profit-making varieties:
Cagey’s Pure-bred,
Bug’s Seven-eared,
ColHer’s Excelsior,
Boone County,
Gold Standard, etc.
Description* and information in
Wood’s Ensilage Corns
•re the lmrfcest yielding (odder varieties
in cultivation. Wood* Catalog tells ell
•bout them* and all other
Farm and Carden Seeds.
Catalog mailed free. Write for it.
Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va.
I commissioner on the same
date if possible, or as aoon there-
sfter aa possible, at the risk of
such bidder. Should sneh Mle lie
■onfinned and such debtor not
comply with his bid, the amount
so deposited shall lie forfeited
and the underiigned commission
er shall resell the property at the
further risk of the bidder M
above provided; bnt should Mid
hid not he confirmed, then Mid
deposit it to be returned to the
bidder. Said property to be cold
to satisfy th* decree aforeMid
and the judgments therein ren
dered in favor ot the said plain-
-avtgoraUng to the Pale sad Sickly
fWlOKW-W-cl sntni ememhi tonic
■ •xlcMklns. w
VH» I# ll8f tlM !■ VlUI(|tM-
Th« Powhatan, of count.
One could make no mistake in
irlectin* thia hotel of par ex
It U modern, up-to-date and
I murlotia. tempting to its por-
t .t* ruestt who crave the quiet,
ttitful atmoiphere of a •»
the fame time i
aj-poUtn^rte of
«l omted hiteL
tAS£ciorBfe , s»‘aa&-
Write for booklet with map.
Southern Railway
“Premier Carrier of the Sooth”
If yon intend to make a trip to any point in any direction call
3 of Ware county record*, and ha* been paid a total of 8585.00.
Mid notee secured thereby being | West half of block 14, North
three certain promitsory notes. Deenwood snd 9 notes ot M. L. thence running west 555 feet to dated Not. 5, 1909 and recorded
5 acres of block 32 North Deen- »H of the lands described in the I tiffs and against the said George . 1
wood, beginning at a point on the Trust Mortgage of O. W. Deen W. Deen and the Deen Realty) 00 SOUTHERN RAILWAY Agent or Writ*
and Deen Realty and Improve- and Improvement Company. ' I
ment Company to Alex_K- Ses- This 4th day of Jit* 1914. J j J. S. BLOODWORTH, T. P. A,
north side of Lamar Avenne 970
feet west of Cleveland Street,
thence running north 360 feet's®ms and H. D. Bonn, Trustees,
Herbert W. Wilson,
I Commissioner.
Macon, Georgia.